Chapter 22
Yeosang's POV
"See, this looks pretty nice doesn't it," Hongjoong asked as we walked into a room. He was right, it looked pretty nice and relaxing. There were two couches and a couple large beanbags. It reminded me of the reading area I had at school, before everything happened.
"I love it Hyung," I said with a small smile.
"Do you want to sit on the beanbags or the couch," Hongjoong asked.
"I wanna sit on the beanbags," I replied, walking over and grabbing one. Hongjoong grabbed another and we put them down so they were next to each other and we sat to face one another.
"So, what do we do now," I asked nervously.
"Now we start practicing," Hongjoong replied. I clenched my hands closed, flexing them slightly as I thought. I know I agreed to do this but now that I'm here, the reality of what could happen is hitting me. My breathing picked up slightly and hand shook a little.
"Hey, it's ok Sangie, you're ok," Hongjoong said quickly, slipping his hands into my gloved ones.
"Just take a deep breath for me," Hongjoong whispered gently. I quickly drew in a deep breath, before letting it out slowly.
"That's good, breath in and out, just like that," Hongjoong said softly. I slowly calmed down, squeezing Hongjoong's hand tightly in mine.
"I don't wanna hurt you," I whispered worriedly.
"I know, but it's going to be ok. You aren't going to kill me and you aren't going to injury me badly. I know you won't be able to stop yourself from accidentally hurting me, you won't have control straight away but the aim is to help you gain control," Hongjoong said. I sighed but nodded, knowing what he said was true.
"I don't want to hurt you but I'm sorry that I can't help it," I said quietly.
"That's ok, I know what I'm getting in to," Hongjoong said, smiling softly.
"Once you can control this, it opens up the doors for you to do so much. You will get so much more freedom and we can take you out to more places, like the movies, shopping, anything you want," Hongjoong whispered. That all sounded so cool, it's something I know I want.
"I can do this," I whispered.
"I know. I know you can do this Yeosang-ah," Hongjoong said firmly. I took a deep breath before letting go of his hands, lifting mine up and slowly pulling off my gloves. After they were off, I reflexively tugged my hands to my chest, away from Hongjoong.
"It's ok, we're fine," Hongjoong said firmly. I drew in a shaky breath before nodding, shaking my body to try and relax a bit more. Hongjoong smiled softly and held his hands out in front of him, not reaching forwards or trying to touch mine, just leaving them there and waiting.
"Just whenever you have the confidence, reach forwards and grab my hands," Hongjoong said softly. I bit my lower lip, nodding and taking a deep breath. I slowly reached out my hands pausing once again when my hands were centimetres away from touching his.
"Remember, take a deep breath and try to focus properly, like you're drawing your power back in, pulling it away so I won't get hurt. It won't work properly right away but that's ok," Hongjoong said softly. I closed my eyes, letting my shoulders relax slightly. I pictured myself in my mind, picturing power flowing through me but drawing it back. With that in my mind I placed my hands in Hongjoong's. It was quiet for a second before Hongjoong let out a scream and his hands clenched in mine. My eyes snapped open and I whimpered, yanking my hands from his grip quickly. Hongjoong fell to the side, bracing his fall and panting.
"I-I'm s-."
"It's fine Sangie, promise it it's fine," Hongjoong said quickly, glancing up and giving me a small smile despite still panting.
"I d-didn't me-."
"Shh, we said this was going to happen ok. We knew something like this would happen, it's ok," Hongjoong said softly, pushing himself back up into a sitting position.
"Are you ok," I asked quietly. I could never forgive myself if I actually permanently harmed him.
"Yeah, I'm good. It packs a bit of a kick to it but I'm going to be just fine," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"W-We don't have to do it again," I said quickly. If it hurt him too much, I don't want to force him to continue.
"It's fine Sang, it was actually kind of exhilarating. I'll be fine, none of it is permanent because the minute it starts hurting, you stop it. We've got this," Hongjoong said firmly, nodding in encouragement.
"Ok," I said quietly. I slowly held up my hands again, noticing they were shaking quite badly.
"It's ok sweetheart, you've got this. You won't get it without practice and once you have enough practice, you will be able to touch people without worry," Hongjoong said softly. That thought was encouraging. Being able to touch someone with my hand without hurting anyone is something I've wanted to do for years.
"Let's go again," I whispered, slipping my eyes closed once again. I tried harder this time, picturing the same thing but in more details. I breathed in and out deeply, trying to regulate my breathing to be more focused. I slowly reached out and placed my hands in Hongjoong's, squeezing softly. Hongjoong was quiet for a few seconds before he cried out, whimpering and I instantly let go of him, my heart pounding as my eyes snapped open once again. Hongjoong's eyes were closed tightly and his face was scrunched up as he breathed heavily. I frowned worriedly, just waiting for Hongjoong to calm down and open his eyes once again. Hongjoong let out a deep breath before his eyes slipped open and he smiled softly at me.
"I'm ok Sangie, I'm alright," he said softly.
"You sure," I asked quietly.
"Positive," Hongjoong said with a nod.
"Should we stop here," I asked nervously.
"No, I'm good. There was pain but it felt slightly dulled compared to the last attempt. You're improving, we need to continue," Hongjoong said.
"I don't want to keep hurting you," I said sadly.
"I'm ok, I promise Yeosang," he replied firmly. I sighed before mustering up my courage once again and nodding. I need to do better, I need to stop hurting him because he won't stop until I do that and that means I will continue hurting him which I don't want to do at all.
"We can go again then," I said quietly.
"Good, now let's both take a deep breath and relax ok. I trust you Yeosang, I know you can do this," Hongjoong said firmly.
"Ok," I whispered. I closed my eyes and picture it again, only this time I pictured Hongjoong reaching out for me and I pictured a blue light running back up my arm away from Hongjoong, away from hurting him. I let out a breath and reached forwards, grabbing his hand in mine and holding it. Hongjoong's breathing hitched and he whimpered. I quickly went to pull my hand away but his squeezed mine and wouldn't let go. I opened my eyes in worry but he was already watching me, his eyebrows furrowed but he didn't pull back from the pain.
"Hyung," I said desperately, trying to tug my hand away. He let go of my hands instantly and his face evened out.
"What were you doing? You were in pain," I said with a whimper.
"I was, but it was bearable," Hongjoong said, a soft smile lighting up his face. My heart filled with hope and I sat up straighter.
"It was better? It didn't hurt as much," I asked quickly.
"It didn't hurt nearly as much as the first two times. It felt dull, muted in a way," Hongjoong said. It's working. I'm getting better. I can do this, I know I can do this. I just need to practice some more and I can do this. I'm a getting closer to achieving some semblance of control. I want to be able to grab their hands without gloves on, to properly feel their skin without hearing them screaming or seeing them in pain.
"I can do this. Hyung I can do this," I said enthusiastically.
"I know you can, that's what I've been saying all along," he said with a grin. I smiled nervously but nodded and clenched my hands a few times, wringing them out.
"Can we go again? Is that ok," I asked him.
"Of course. Think about whatever you were thinking about earlier because it clearly worked, think harder. You need to find something like an anchor, something to focus on to make you strong and in more control," Hongjoong explained. An anchor, find an anchor. I closed my eyes slowly, letting out a small breath and relaxing. I picture something different this time, something that would make me happier and more relaxed. I was at a bark sitting on a table with San sitting across from me. San's hand was extended to me and waiting, waiting for me to make the first move. I reached out my ungloved hand to him, willing the power away from it, willing it not to hurt when our hands touched. I've already hurt San before, I don't want to do it again. San's the first person who has really stood me, the person who found ways to be close to me without overstepping boundaries. He's the person who helped me figure out my powers, who was always patient with me. He said he loved me, he was the first person in 7 years to tell me that. Our hands touched and his smile widened, our fingers linking together.
"Y-Yeosang." My eyes snapped open and I looked to Hongjoong in fear, waiting to see his pain filled expression but all I saw a grin on his face and tears in his eyes.
"Look down Sang, look down," he whispered. I was confused but I looked down to see my hands holding Hongjoong's, encompassing his tiny palms.
"I-I'm. I'm t-touching-." I broke off and my eyes widened in shock.
"You're touching me Yeosang-ah. Y-You, you're controlling it," Hongjoong whispered, a tear slipping down his face.
"Why are you crying," I asked him. Shouldn't I be the one crying right now?
"Because I'm proud of you, I'm so proud," Hongjoong whispered with a wet chuckle. My heart swelled at his words and my face scrunched up, tears beginning to fall down my face as sobs slipped out. He's said he's proud of me before but it still hits me every time. I've never had anyone else say they are proud of me, never had my parents say that to me so it fills my heart whenever I hear it. Hongjoong lunged forwards tightly and I hugged him back just as tight, sobbing into his shoulder. I slipped my hand under his shirt and placed my palms against his back, not hearing any cry of pain for once when I touch someone properly.
"I'm so proud of you Yeosang," Hongjoong said softly. I continued to cry, clinging to him tightly and I could feel something wet on my shoulder, signifying he was still crying as well. We were just two guys sitting in a room, hugging each other and crying.
"Ah, ah, Sang anchor," Hongjoong said suddenly, jolting slightly in my grip. I quickly pictured San and keeping him safe and after a couple of seconds, Hongjoong relaxed once more.
"Oh Yeosang, that was perfect," Hongjoong said happily. I blushed and hid my head further into my neck.
"Yeosang that is so incredible. I have never seen someone able to learn control in only a month," Hongjoong said, lifting his hand and running it through my hair.
"So it doesn't hurt," I asked quietly.
"No not right now, it definitely doesn't hurt. You are controlling it so well right now," Hongjoong said. My tears started up again and I tightened my grip around him. Hongjoong just held me and let me cry it out as much as I wanted. I've been waiting 7 years to be able to this, to touch someone properly without having them screaming in unbearable pain, it's almost hard to believe I'm doing it.
"Hyung," I whispered with a sniffle.
"Yes Sangie," he replied.
"I'm not dreaming, am I," I asked quietly. Hongjoong chuckled lightly and squeezed my waist gently.
"No, you aren't," he replied gently. I sniffled and quickly pulled away from the hug, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.
"C-Can I touch your face," I asked quietly.
"Sure, go ahead," Hongjoong said with a nod, smiling softly in encouragement. I quickly made sure to have a proper picture in my mind, feeling power surge back up my arms. I then took a deep breath and extended my hands. Hongjoong didn't flinch back, he remained waiting patiently for me to make the first proper move. My hands shook slightly and my breathing hitched, worry flowing through me once again. I know I was just touching him without him being hurt at all but I still don't want to accidentally slip up and cause him more pain.
"You've got this Yeosang, I trust you," Hongjoong said.
"I don't really trust myself," I said honestly.
"Then take your time. Remember we go at your pace so whatever you want to do we will do," Hongjoong said. I gave him a small smile of appreciation and nodded. I took a deep breath and willed my hands too stop shaking before slowly extending my hand more. My fingertips brushed his cheek and I jolted back quickly.
"S-Sorry," I said nervously.
"That's ok," Hongjoong said softly. I nibbled my lip nervously before reaching out again. This time when my hand touched his face, I only paused before continued. I moved my hand so that my palm covered his cheek.
"It's so soft," I whispered. Hongjoong smiled softly and raised his hand, placing it over the top of mine. He squeezed it softly before pulling it down slightly and placing a soft kiss to the back of my hand. He then grabbed my other hand and link our fingers on both together, squeezing gently.
"Well done Yeosang," he said. I blushed but smiled and shuffled closer, hugging him once again. He hugged back and ran his up slowly up and down my spine, making me shiver and relax in his arms.
"Hyung, can you show me your powers again," I asked. I haven't seen his powers a lot, but they're cool and he has control over them.
"You want to see my powers," he asked in confusion with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah, they're cool," I said, making him chuckle.
"Ok. Come sit in my lap," he said. I quickly crawled over so I was seated in his lap, my back to his chest and he wrapped an arm around my waist.
"What do you want me to move," Hongjoong asked me. I looked around the room, trying to find something fun to move. There wasn't a whole lot, mainly just the couches and beanbags and one shelf with a couple of books.
"Can you move a book," I asked him.
"Yes, I can move a book," he said with a nod. He lifted his free hand that wasn't wrapped around my waist, holding it out in the direction of the bookshelf. A few seconds later, he pulled it back slightly and a book rose from the shelf. I smiled happily and sat up straighter, watching him fly the book around the room. I clapped happily with a grin. I heard him laugh lightly and his grip around my waist tightened, his head resting on my shoulder. He placed the book down on the floor before lifting his hand up again and a few seconds later the window opened.
"What're you doing," I asked him quickly.
"Shh," he whispered and I immediately went quiet. It was quiet for a minute, his hand moving slightly before a flower floated through the window and into his hand. I gasped in surprise, not expecting him to bring something in.
"Do you know what flower this is," he asked me. I've definitely seen it before, in books and since I came here to the institution.
"It's a rose isn't it," I asked him.
"Yes it is. Very good," he said with a nod, patting my head. I tensed slightly at his original action before slowly relaxing as he continued. It felt nice and relaxing.
"Come on, let's get up," Hongjoong said. I quickly got off his lap and stood up, helping him up as well. Hongjoong then turned to me and lifted up the flower, gently slipping it behind my ear with a small smile.
"Beautiful," Hongjoong said happily. I smiled shyly and he held his hand out to me.
"Let's go back to the Sector, go see the others. They're going to be so happy when they see you, see what you've achieved," Hongjoong said. I nodded excitedly, slipping my hand into his quickly before realising and tensing in fear, however Hongjoong didn't flinch.
"Come on," Hongjoong said, urging me out of the room. We walked down the halls, our hands linked together until we got to the door to the Sector.
"Hongjoong Hyung wait," I said quickly, making him freeze outside the door.
"What's wrong, are you ok," he asked me in concern.
"What if I suddenly can't do it? What if I go to show them and I suddenly can't do it and I hurt them," I asked him anxiously.
"You can do this Yeosang, you're strong. If something happens you can just pull back and refocus on your anchor ok," Hongjoong said. I was still nervous but I nodded and stepped closer to the door.
"I wanna show Sannie first," I whispered.
"Ok, you can show San first," Hongjoong said with a nod. He let go of my hand and opened the door, walking inside.
"We're back," Hongjoong called out. A few seconds later, Seonghwa walked out from the hallway.
"Hey guys, welcome back. Hongjoong, San's in his room with Wooyoung at the moment. He didn't have an episode but he's having some relaxing time," Seonghwa said. Oh, guess I can't show him then.
"Can you bring him out here please, we need him," Hongjoong said.
"Ok," Seonghwa said, clearly confused as to why but he walked out of the room and down the halls.
"I don't want to cut into his relaxing time," I said nervously.
"He will be far more excited to be able to properly touch your hands than to just relax for a little while," Hongjoong said. I sure hope so. I slipped my hands behind my back and linked a few fingers together.
"Hi Hyungies." We both looked over at the entranceway to see Seonghwa walking out with a giggling and smiling San holding his hand. Hongjoong immediately walked over and held out his hands, San giggling and grabbing them instantly.
"I know you feel really warm and safe right now but Yeosang-ah has a surprise for you and we need you more aware," Hongjoong said.
"Yeosangie Hyung has a surprise," San gasped with wide eyes.
"He does. Do you want to see it," Hongjoong asked. San nodded immediately and quickly placed his forehead against Hongjoong's. I watched in intrigue, wanting to see how Hongjoong helps San. Hongjoong held his hand firmly, rubbing circles into the back of it. He was whispering softly to him but I couldn't make out what it was he was saying. After about a minute San straightened out and he looked over to me, his eyes more focused.
"Cute rose, looks nice on you," he said with a small smile.
"Thanks," I said, my cheeks tinting pink at the compliment.
"You have a surprise," he asked me.
"I do," I said with a nod.
"Ok, what is it," San asked, stepping past Hongjoong who moved over to Seonghwa.
"Do you trust me," I asked anxiously.
"Of course," he nodded, not hesitating for a second. That caught me by surprise. Sure, I know we're close and that he's like family to me now but I didn't expect that level of trust.
"Can you close your eyes and hold out your hands please," I asked him. He nodded and his eyes slipped closed his hands reaching out instantly. I glanced nervously at Hongjoong and he nodded firmly. I took a deep breath before pulling my arms out from behind my back. Seonghwa's eyes went wide and he looked to Hongjoong but stayed quiet. I closed my eyes and breathed out before opening them again and looking back at San. I don't need to picture him to anchor myself because he's right in front of me. I slowly reached out, focusing on the feeling of drawing back my ability. I paused as my hands hovered over San's, hesitating slightly. I can do this. I won't hurt him. I mustered up my courage and before I could back out, I placed my hands in San's. His hands immediately clutched mine, holding them tightly, his thumbs rubbing over the back of my them. I glanced at his face nervously to see that San's eyes were still closed but there was a wide smile on his face.
"You can open your eyes now," I whispered. His eyes slipped open and he looked down at our hands.
"Surprise," I whispered nervously, not knowing what his reaction was going to be. He quickly yanked my hands, pulling my into his arms and hugging me tightly.
"I love you so much Yeosang, I'm so proud of you," San said happily. My eyes welled up and I hugged him quickly, my hands going to slip under his shirt but I stopped myself.
"You can touch me, it's ok Sang. You've got control and I trust you," San whispered. I quickly slipped my hands under his shirt, wrapping them around his waist. He had a small waist and his skin was smooth, warm.
"You're so smart Sangie. So smart and so good," San said, rocking me gently from side to side slightly.
"Hongjoong Hyung said to find and anchor and to focus on it to try and gain control," I told him.
"That's good advice," San said with a nod.
"I found one," I whispered.
"I can tell, you're controlling it very well," San said.
"Do you want to know what it is," I asked him.
"I am intrigued but if you don't want to tell me, then you don't have to," San said softly.
"It's you, you're my anchor," I whispered. San tensed in my arms before he pulled back.
"Me? Why me," he asked quickly.
"Because you're the person who has helped me the most. You understood me and you showed me love that I haven't been shown in years," I said honestly.
"Oh Sangie," he gasped, pulling me close once again.
"Hey, what's going on?" San pulled back and I glanced up to see the others walking into the room.
"Sangie has something to show everyone," San said, his hand slipping into mine behind his back.
"Ooo, I love surprises," Yunho said happily. I smiled nervously before pulling out our hands so the others could all see.
"Oh my god. Oh my god! Yeosang that's amazing," Wooyoung yelled, rushing forwards and hugging me tightly. I grinned happily and hugged him back for the first time without my gloves and fear of hurting him.
"Yeosang that's so great," Yunho said.
"You're controlling it," Jongho said, smiling happily. The others all rushed forwards as well and they wrapped their arms around me, making a big group hug.
"We can do so much now. Hongjoong Hyung you have to tell Youngjay Hyung that he has control. I don't think there's ever been someone who has learnt it this quickly," Mingi said quickly.
"Trust me, I will. I just thought you guys would be happy to see how well he is doing," Hongjoong said.
"God, this is awesome," Jongho said, squeezing in so he was the main person hugging me. I moved and hugged him tightly. He's the one I have had the least physical contact with but his hug was firm and warm and it made me happy.
"We're so proud of you Yeosang Hyung," he said. I giggled happily and squeezed him in my arms.
"I'm so glad they found you and brought you to us," Seonghwa said as he joined the hug.
"You're gonna be stuck with us forever now," Yunho said with a nod. My eyes teared up and I smiled, looking around at the 7 boys surrounding me with happiness in their eyes.
"I'm glad they brought me here as well. You guys are amazing, I don't know what would've happened if I didn't meet you all. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, all of you," I said tearfully.
"You're family Yeosang, we're never letting you go," San whispered into my ear.
7 years ago I got what I thought was a curse and hurt my only. I was shunned, hidden, disgraced. My own parents despised my existence and wished I was never born. Just over 1 month ago that curse made me kill two idiots who didn't listen to the warnings. That event brought me to where I am now, with 7 people I now call family. They helped me, they taught me how to love and be loved and they taught me that it wasn't a curse that I was given, just a slightly inconvenient ability that is harmless if I can control it, which I guess I can now. This isn't a curse, it's a gift because it lead me here, to my family.
It has literally been so long since I have updated this story but it has been bugging me because I left it unfinished and so many of you wanted to finish it so I decided to do that and try to make a proper ending.
Thank you to everyone who has stuck with this story through the many hiatus's and breaks and I hope you are happy with the way it ended though I apologise if it was not what you wanted
Let me know what you thought of this story, what things you liked throughout it and if you had a favourite part or two
Once again, thank you for reading '8 Makes 1 Family'
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