Chapter 18
Hongjoong's POV
I knocked on the door to Youngjay's office, hearing a loud come in. I opened the door and walked inside, frowning slightly when I realised it wasn't what I thought it was. I thought he called a meeting for some of the leaders of the Sectors but it's clear he didn't as there were no other leaders in the room. Youngjay was there, so was Joonwon, Jihoon and another guard I've seen around, but there were two other people I've never seen before.
"Hongjoong, thank you for coming. Take a seat," Youngjay said, pointing towards an empty chair. I shifted nervously but did as asked, walking over and sitting down.
"Um, what's this about Hyung," I asked him.
"We will get to that in a second, but first I would like you to meet Taehyuk and Minjun. They are apart of our outreach program. They help work with keeping the people here in contact with friends and family whenever they can. Keeping tabs on certain people," he explained. Ok, but why would they be here?
"Oh, um hi. Nice to meet you," I said, standing to quickly bow politely to them.
"It's nice to finally meet you," they said in reply, bowing back. Nice to finally meet me? Ok, something weird is going on right now.
"So, you called this meeting very suddenly. What's going on," I asked.
"We need to inform you of something that happened a few days ago. We only recently got word of it," he said. That doesn't exactly sound very good. Why am I thinking I'm not going to enjoy this?
"Ok. What happened," I asked.
"It's about your parents," he told me. Mum and Dad?
"My parents? What about them? What happened," I asked quickly. I begun to feel dread pool at the bottom of my stomach, my hands beginning to shake slightly. He looked over at Minjun who scooted forwards and leaned a little closer to me.
"Two days ago, there was an accident," he said. No.
"Someone lost control of their car and they crashed head on into your parents vehicle," he said. I clenched my hands tightly into fists, trying to control my emotions.
"Are they going to be ok," I asked tightly, trying to keep my voice from wavering.
"I won't lie to you, the outcome isn't looking good. The doctors are saying they may not make it through the night," Minjun said. They, what? They're going to die? They'll be gone and I won't even be able to see them again.
"Hongjoong, Hongjoong, you need to calm down. I looked up, not even realising I had looked down in the first place. Once I was looking up, I realised my hands had opened and the things on the wall were rattling, so I quickly clenched them back closed.
"Sorry," I said quietly.
"It's ok Hongjoong. You're allowed to grieve," Joonwon said.
"So, they're going to die," I asked.
"Unfortunately, they most likely will pass away," Taehyuk said. I nodded in reply, not trusting my voice just yet.
"We can't get you out there for at least another four days Hongjoong, bu-."
"It's fine, I won't be going out," I said, shaking my head. There's no point. The only reason I ever left this institution was to catch up with my parents, and now they're going to be gone. If I can't even make it before they die, there's no point going anyway. None of their family or friends like me anyway, I don't need to go through that.
"Are you sure," Jihoon asked me.
"Yeah. Can I go now," I asked, tapping my foot impatiently.
"I don't thi-."
"Of course. Call me if you need anything," Youngjay said, cutting Minjun off. I stood up immediately and strode from the room, closing the door quickly. My eyes welled up with tears and my hands begun to shake so I quickly walked down the halls, pulling the hood of my jumper over my head. The realisation of what happened dawned on me completely and my eyes welled up with tears. I fought them back desperately as I hurried down the halls. I got to the entrance and Yujin looked up at me.
"Hongjoong, heading out are you," she asked sweetly. I just ignored her and hurried outside, speeding towards a tree. I collapsed at the foot of it and clutched to the bark, finally letting out my tears. There was the sound of the door opening and a few seconds later, gentle arms were wrapped around me. I clutched to the arms, crying sadly.
"I've got you Hongjoong," Yujin said. I clung to my Noona tightly, trying to get as much comfort as I could. She didn't say anything else, just hugged me under the tree until a few minutes later, I finally managed to pull myself together. I didn't want to keep her there long so I did it as quickly as I could.
"I'm sorry," I said, pulling away and wiping my eyes quickly.
"It's ok Hongjoong, there's nothing wrong with crying," she said. I just nodded in reply, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.
"May I ask what has made you so upset," she asked me.
"My parents were in an accident. I just need some to process it," I said.
"Oh darling, I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers will be with them," she said. There's really no point, but it's a nice sentiment.
"Thank you," I said quietly.
"Would you like me to keep you company," she asked.
"No thank you. I think I would rather just have some time to myself," I said, shaking my head.
"Ok, well I'm just over there if you need me," she said. She squeezed my shoulder one last time before standing up and going back inside. I sighed and pulled myself to my feet, about to go inside as well, but then I noticed some movement in the art shed. Have some of the boys gone into there to work on things? I walked over to the side of the shed, peeking inside to see what was happened. San, Yeosang and Jongho were all in there, painting and drawing and looking like they were having fun. Jongho was concentrating immensely, Yeosang was kind of just playing with the brush and San was just smiling and laughing. It was nice, comforting in a way. But then I got a cold feeling, like ice water was suddenly poured on me and the comfort shattered. My parents are leaving me, what would happen if the boys did the same. If I couldn't protect them, keep them safe, and that cost them their lives. My heart clenched and I quickly stepped away from the shed, pushing my hand against my chest to try and alleviate the pain. It hurts so much, why does it hurt so much? I don't want to deal with this, I don't want this pain. I just wanna go numb, I don't want to feel this. I don't need to feel this way, I just want it to go away. Maybe a walk will help me. I walked down one of the paths, heading into the town.
As I was walking, a large rock caught my eye and I quickly moved my hand, locking in on the rock and flicking my wrist forward, and making it scuttle across the ground. I continued to do this as I walked, pushing the rock forward and letting off a very slight bit of steam. After a while, I looked up and paused. I had somehow managed to end up in front of one of our only two bars in the village. The legal age of drinking is 18 years old, however Youngjay decided that here in his facility we need to be at least 20 years old to drink from the bars. I'm only 19 though, which means I shouldn't. But. I heard drinking can make your worries go away. I want them gone, I want to feel numb. Plus, word has it that sometimes the bartenders don't care about the age, as long as you can pay. I dropped the rock, walking over and into the bar. There was a little bell that chimed as I walked in and the bartender looked up. There was no one else around, which means it may be easier for me to get something. I walked over and sat down on one of the stools.
"You sure you're 20," the guys asked me, looking me up and down.
"I have money, I want to drink, does it really matter," I asked with a frown.
"What do you want," he asked with a shrug.
"Just give me whatever, something that can help me feel numb," I said with a sigh.
"That I can do for you sir. Coming right up," he said with a grin. He begun mixing some things together and I just sat there waiting, picking at the mat on the bench. After a few minutes, there was a sunset coloured drink placed in front of me. I didn't hesitate, just immediately started to chug it down.
"Wow, you wanna maybe slow down," he said.
"If I pay extra, will you shut up and let me do this," I asked with a frown. He shrugged and held up his hands as he stepped back. I continued to chug the drink down until I finished it completely. I was beginning to feel a light buzz, but it wasn't enough.
"Can I have another drink please," I asked the man.
"You sure you can pay," he asked. I grumbled and pulled out my card, slamming it on the counter. We all get a certain allowance each month, depending on what we do and how old we are. I've saved up a lot of money over the years because I generally just use it on the boys. The man grinned and grabbed the card, placing it next to the machine.
"Would you like the same, or something different this time," he asked me.
"I don't care, just as long as it has alcohol," I said with a shrug. He nodded and begun to prepare another drink.
"So, what're you trying to forget," he asked.
"Aren't I paying you not to talk to me," I asked with a frown. He went silent again as he continued to make the drink. Once it was finished, he handed me a lime green drink and I immediately begun to drink it. It tasted sweet which helped me drink it easier and I finished it in another few minutes. I was beginning to feel the affects a bit more now, my head starting to feel fuzzy.
"You done, or you want another," the guy asked. I'm getting there, but not quite yet.
"Another please," I said. The drink he gave me this time came in a bottle. I didn't even bother reading the label before I started to chug it down. My brain got even fuzzier, and I finally started to feel lighter, forgetting what I was trying to do in the first place.
"Do you want another one." I blinked slowly and looked up to the man in front of me, confused as to what he meant.
"I'll take that as a yes," he said with a grin. I just sat for a little bit, looking in fascination at the empty bottle on the top of the bar before a drink was placed in front of me.
"Drink up," the man said. I shrugged and grabbed the drink, drinking it quickly. There was a small chime which I would've paid attention to, but I was too busy drinking whatever this was.
"I'll be with you in a minute sir." I finished the drink and placed it down, giggling as I felt totally free.
"I'm going to get you another one."
"Oh no you aren't. Hey, kid, you alright." I was drawn from my giggling when someone grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face them. They studied me for a few seconds, poking and prodding (which was very ticklish by the way) before turning to the other man.
"He's heavily intoxicated. How old is he," tickling man asked.
"Said he was 20," other dude replied.
"Did you ask for ID? He certainly doesn't look 20," tickle said.
"No, he said he was 20."
"And you're just going to keep handing him drinks when he's already drunk, what is wrong with you. I'll be reporting you," tickle said. He leaned over the bar and grabbed something before pulling me up and dragging me towards the entrance to the bar and outside. I stumbled along with him, the fresh air hitting me and clearing my head a little. A little, not a lot.
"What's your name," tickle asked.
"Joongie," I replied happily.
"Hi Joongie, but I mean your full name. My name is Lee Minhyuk," he said. Oh, that name.
"Um, Kim Hongjoong," I replied.
"Nice to meet you Hongjoong-ssi. Now what's the name of the Sector you stay in," he asked me.
"The Sector I stay in is my Sector," I said.
"What are the letters," he asked. The letters? Oh, the letters.
"ATZ," I said. I don't know why, but for some reason I felt myself giggling at nothing, it just felt nice.
"Ok, I know where that is, come on. We need to hurry because I'm late to a meeting but I'll just quickly drop you home and go. The boys can go without beer," Minhyuk said, wrapping an arm around my waist. I giggled again and clung to him, enjoying the comfort. I'll be getting less of this now. Nope, happy, happy or numb, no room for sad.
"You ok," Minhyuk asked, breaking the silence.
"Peachy," I muttered before shaking my head and smiling happily again. Much better.
"This is nice," I said with a happy sigh.
"What, me taking you home," he asked.
"No silly, not being able to feel the pain and sadness. It's nice. I don't have to think about my parents dying, I can just have fun," I giggled. Minhyuk's steps faltered before he quickly continued walking quickly.
"Drinking isn't a good way to get rid of feelings Hongjoong-ssi. It delays them before making them crash down on you even harder," Minhyuk said. That doesn't sound nice. He got it wrong.
"Joongie, not Hongjoong-ssi," I corrected with a pout.
"Ok Joongie," he said quietly. We walked inside the building and I recognized Yunjin Noona looking over at us.
"Oh Hongjoong-ah," she breathed out.
"Minhyuk, what did he do," she asked.
"He's a bit drunk. I'm taking him home," Minhyuk replied.
"I'll inform Youngjay. Thank you for taking care of the boy," she replied.
"Of course, I wouldn't want him getting hurt in any way," Minhuk replied. He continued to guide me down halls until we stopped outside a familiar door.
"Here you go, I need to run but stay safe. Here's your card," he said, placing something in my pocket before running down the halls. He's a weird one. Oh well. I grabbed the door handle and opened it, tripping and stumbling inside with a giggle.
"Hyung. Hyung wha-." GET OUT OF MY HEAD!
Seonghwa's POV
"Mingi! That is not how you use a knife," Wooyoung yelled. Wooyoung is usually pretty fun and easy-going, but when he's cooking, you do not want to get on his bad side.
"I'm cutting a carrot. How else am I supposed to cut it," Mingi grumbled. Yunho chuckled and I glanced up at him and smiled, tapping my head lightly. Wooyoung is going to end up strangling him.
"I wouldn't put it past him. Get's way too uptight about his cooking." You can say that again.
"It wouldn't surprise me i-. Hyung, get the door, it's Hongjoong." I was shocked at the drastic change in demeanour, but then I heard the front door open and a few bangs.
"Hyung something happened, he's not in a good state." Crap.
"Youngie, Gigi, go with Yunho to your rooms. Stay there until I say you can come back out," I said. They both paused from where they were cooking, looking at me in confusion. There was another loud noise, a crash and a giggle and I got more worried.
"Room. Now. Please," I said firmly, interrupting Wooyoung. Whatever state Hongjoong is in right now, I have a feeling I don't want the boys to be seeing it. They both immediately got up and the three of them left down the halls. I quickly turned around and rushed to the entryway, confused as to what I saw. Hongjoong was a few steps in the doorway, a few things knocked off a shelf, and he was giggling into the wall.
"Joong," I said softly. He turned around and looked towards me, grinning happily. He moved away from the wall and walked, more like stumbled over to me. Oh god, he's drunk.
"Hwa Hwa," he said, lunging and flopping onto me.
"Hongjoong, are you drunk," I asked sternly.
"N-Nope," he hiccupped before giggling again. I pulled away so he was in front of me, holding him as he swayed slightly. We aren't supposed to drink, let alone get drunk. He's only 19, which is legal age in a lot of countries but the rules here are you have to be at least 20 to drink. Whoever served him without checking his age is going to be in so much trouble.
"How many drinks did you have," I asked him.
"Hmm, about 4," he said happily. 4!? I would get angry at him, but I know better than that. If he went and got drunk, that means that something happened, that something made him vulnerable enough to try and get rid of his sorrows.
"Come on, let's go into the loungeroom," I said. I grabbed his hands and steadied him as I guided him into the loungeroom.
"Hyungie is sooo hot," he said.
"You're hot? Do you want to take off your jacket," I asked. It's best to try and keep him comfortable. I guided him over to the couch and sat him down, but as he sat down, he grabbed the front of my shirt and yanked hard. I yelped and fell forwards onto his lap, sitting up slightly so I didn't crush him, but he didn't let go of my shirt, holding me closer.
"No, Hwa Hyungie is hot, sexy," he whispered, leaning forwards. I quickly placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed him back.
"Hyungie, want a kiss," he whined.
"Joong, you're drunk," I said, shaking my head.
"So, I still want a kiss," he said, trying to lean forwards. I quickly put my hand over his mouth and pushed him back before removing myself from his lap. He frowned and crossed his arms.
"You're an ass, I hate you," he said angrily. I raised an eyebrows at his words, pausing as his eyes went wide. It was quiet for a few seconds before his face scrunched up and he begun to sob. Ok, so Hongjoong has quick mood swings when he's drunk. Duly noted.
"M'sorry. I d-don't hate you. I l-love you Hwa Hwa," he whimpered as tears fell down his face. I quickly moved forwards and pulled him into my arms, hugging him tightly. He grasped his arms around me tightly and buried his face into my neck, sobbing into it. Yunho, if you're listening please come here now. Leave Mingi and Wooyoung in the room though please. I continued to hold the small shaking body in my arms, hearing footsteps a bit later. I glanced to the side as Yunho kneeled down beside us, sighing slightly.
"What's he thinking about," I asked him.
"He doesn't want me looking," Yunho replied.
"Told me straight away," he added. Well, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way. We have rules with every ability. With Yunho's, he's not allowed to listen in on thoughts if we say no, unless he needs to for someone's safety.
"I don't understand why he would go out and drink," he said quietly.
"Something happened, that much we know," I said with a sigh. Hongjoong's arms around me tightened and I quickly sat on the floor, pulling him into my lap and rubbing his back softly.
"Why's he crying," Yunho asked.
"He said he hated me, then burst into tears and said he loved me," I said with a shrug, making him chuckle.
"So he's a mood-swinging drunk," he said with a small nod.
"Hyungie," Hongjoong whispered.
"Yeah bub, what's up," I asked softly. Yunho's eyes went wide, probably wondering how Hongjoong hasn't killed me for calling him that. Hongjoong isn't usually the biggest fan of pet names, but I figured he would be fine with it given he's not exactly the most coherent.
"I love you," he said quickly.
"I love you too," I nodded.
"B-But you wouldn't k-kiss me," he whimpered. Yunho raised his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes, patting Hongjoong's back.
"Because you're drunk Hongjoong. I'm not going to kiss you when you're drunk. There's this thing called consent, which you can't give like this," I told him. Hongjoong huffed and pouted, before moving from my arms and plopping against Yunho. Yunho quickly wrapped an arm around his waist to stop him from falling backwards.
"Yunnie," he said, giggling brightly.
"Yes Hyung," Yunho said slowly.
"Kiss," he said, puckering his lips. Yunho's eyes widened and his cheeks went red so I quickly stepped in.
"Nope, come here you crazy smurf," I said, grabbing him and tugging him away from Yunho. I gave Hongjoong the nickname a few years back, when he used to have blue hair.
"Why can't you just let me be loved," he asked quietly, making both of us freeze. Let him be loved?
"What do you mean Hongjoong-ah," I asked quietly.
"I just wanna be loved," he said sadly. Does he think we don't love him? How could he think that?
"Joongie, we love you, so, so much. All of us love you," I said, bundling him up into my arms, or at least trying to. He shoved me away and shuffled back so his back was against the couch and he tucked his knees to his chest. Ok, something seriously isn't right.
"He looks scared, and upset. We need to take this slow, pretend we're dealing with Sannie." Good idea.
"Hongjoong, why do you think we don't love you," I asked gently.
"I didn't say that," he said, shaking his head.
"But you said you wanted to be loved. We do love you," I said softly.
"I know. B-But I. I just wanna be loved," he said, his eyes welling up with tears.
"I don't understand what you're trying to say Hongjoong-ah. Can you try to explain more," I asked gently.
"8 people in this world love me. A fourth of that is probably going to be gone soon," he said, tears beginning to fall quietly down his face. I furrowed my eyebrows, beginning to get more concerned.
"2 people? Why won't they love you anymore," I asked. Hongjoong looked up and I met his eyes, my heart shattering at what I saw. His eyes were glassy and red, pain and sadness in his them.
"B-Because they can't," he whispered. They can't? Oh my god. No, no, no. His parents. The meeting.
"Joong. Hongjoong, what happened. What did Youngjay say in the meeting," I asked quickly. Hongjoong's face crumpled and he lowered his head into his hands, sobbing into them. This is bad, this is really not good. I went to say something but the front door suddenly opened. Shit, they can't come in here.
"Don't touch him, but make sure he doesn't hurt himself," I said as I jumped up and rushed to the entryway. Jongho, San and Yeosang walked inside, all smiling and looking happy. I quickly grabbed them and moved them away from the loungeroom and into the halls.
"Hyung, what's wrong," Jongho asked, obviously confused.
"I want you boys to stay in your rooms ok, until someone tells you, you can come out. If it takes too long, I will bring dinner to you. Wooyoung is in your room San, and so is Mingi, so you can all hang out there if you would like," I said quickly. I clenched my hand and jaw anxiously, wanting to get back to Hongjoong as soon as possible.
"Hyung, what happened," San asked.
"It's nothing bad. Hongjoong's just not really in a state to talk to you guys, and I don't want you seeing him like that. Yunho and I will look after him, but you guys should stay away alright," I said. The nothing bad part might not be completely true, but I needed them away.
"Ok, come get us if you need anything," Jongho said, grabbing the other two's arms and pulling them away. I quickly hurried back to the loungeroom where Hongjoong was still sobbing him and Yunho was watching him sadly.
"Joongie, I'm back," I said softly. His hand shot out and I grabbed his it tightly, pulling him over and back into my arms. He sobbed sadly and curled himself up in a ball in my lap.
"Y-Youngjay H-Hyung. He t-told me wh-what happened," he sobbed. I clenched my eyes closed and tucked my head into his hair, holding tightly.
"C-Car ac-accident. Low chan-chance of l-living," he cried. Yunho's breath hitched and my stomach dropped, holding him even tighter as if I was trying to keep him together. Out of the eight of us, only 3 actually have good relationships with their parents. Hongjoong is one of them.
"I'm so sorry Joong," I said sadly. I can't tell him everything will be ok, I don't know that and he'd prefer for me not to. He cried out again, sobbing harshly.
"Seonghwa," Yunho said quietly. I lifted my head and looked up at him.
"What's up," I asked him.
"The boys can hear him crying. They're getting really anxious and worried for him. They want to come," he told me.
"I don't want them seeing like this, because he won't," I said shaking my head.
"Seonghwa. Yeosang wants to come as well. They want to show they love him and they're here for him," he said quietly. I paused, thinking about what he said. Hongjoong needs love and affection right now, that may help. And especially having Yeosang there.
"Tell them to get here now," I said. He nodded in reply. A few seconds later I heard running footsteps and the other five boys appeared. Wooyoung immediately ran over and wrapped his arms around us, kissing Hongjoong softly wherever he could reach. Perfect, that is exactly what he needs. I beckoned San over, the other one who is naturally affectionate and I transferred Hongjoong to their laps so they could dote on him.
"Hyung what happened," Jongho asked. I beckoned them over and talked quietly to them
"His parents were in an accident and they might not make it. I want you all to be mindful of what you do and say alright. He's drunk as well, but I don't want you judg-."
"His parents may die. No one is going to judge him for a damn thing," Mingi said firmly. This is why I love these boys so much. I turned around and saw San and Wooyoung looking over sadly, meaning they heard what I said and were informed.
"He needs a lot of love right now, so we're going to be there for him ok," I said gently. They all nodded and hurried over to the three on the floor, joining in on the hug, making one big group hug as Hongjoong continued to cry harshly.
"We're here for you Hyung. For whatever you need, we'll be here," Jongho said gently.
"D-Don't leave m-me," he begged.
"We aren't going anywhere Hyung. You're stuck with us for life," Wooyoung whispered. A couple of the other's had started to cry, having to listening to Hongjoong sob. And by a couple, I mean everyone except for Jongho and Yeosang, but they both seemed to be struggling to keep it together.
"Don't go, p-please," he cried.
"We here Joong, we're here," I said, trying to blink away the tears falling down my face, but it was useless.
"It hurts," he whimpered.
"We'll share the pain with you Hyung, you aren't alone," Yeosang said quietly. Hongjoong sobbed again and grabbed Yeosang's hand, while moving to hug me tightly.
"I just wanted it to stop," he said sadly.
"I know you did baby, I know you did."
Here is Chapter 18 everyone, I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading
Poor Hongjoong, he doesn't seem to have the best luck when it comes to people close to him
What do you think might end up coming from this incident?
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