Chapter 17
Yeosang's POV
"Yeosang. Are you ready to go," Hongjoong asked me as he walked into my room. He paused when he must've realised I wasn't even dressed yet and he sighed.
"Sangie, why aren't you ready yet," he asked softly.
"Do I have to do it," I asked quietly. I don't really want to practice now, I don't want to hurt him. He walked over and sat down on the bed next to me, opening his arms and allowing me to cuddle up against him.
"You don't have to, but I think it would be better if you do. You can't keep putting this off Sangie. Eventually you're going to have to start working on it," he told me softly.
"I just don't want to hurt anyone," I said sadly.
"I know you don't Yeosang, we all do. But in order for you to learn, you need to be willing to practice," he said. I gripped his shirt tightly and buried my face in his shoulder.
"I am willing to help you Yeosang. I want to help you. It's not even going to hurt that badly," he said.
"You don't know that Hyung. You've never been hurt by me," I said quietly.
"Please stop stressing Yeosang-ah. A little bit of pain won't kill me," he said.
"But hurting people makes me a bad person doesn't it? Why would I do that willingly," I asked.
"You aren't a bad person, you've just been given an ability that puts you at a disadvantage," he said softly.
"But I've hurt people," I whispered, clenching me eyes closed.
"Not by choice," he replied, running his fingers through my hair.
"But isn't this basically just hurting you by choice," I asked.
"No, this is helping you. Hurting me by choice, is you using your abilities to get an advantage over me. Or by being angry and hurting me to get back at me," he explained.
"Ok," I said quietly.
"Do you want to get ready now," he asked me. I nodded and left his hold, standing up.
"You get dressed and come outside. We'll meet you out in the loungeroom," he told me. I nodded again and he walked out, leaving me alone to get ready. I got changed quickly before walking out of my room and into the loungeroom where Hongjoong, Mingi, Wooyoung and Seonghwa were talking.
"I'm ready," I said quietly, making them all turn towards me.
"Great. Do you want anyone else to be going with the 3 of you," Seonghwa asked as he walked over and ruffled my hair. I mean, having Hongjoong and Mingi there will help, but I need someone who will know when to step in, and know how to help me.
"Do you think Yunho could come," I asked quietly. The other's seemed surprised by my words but Seonghwa nodded.
"I'm sure he'd love to. I'll go and get him," Seonghwa said before walking off. He came back a few minutes later with Yunho in tow, the younger shrugging on a leather jacket.
"Alright, let's get going," he said with a grin as he walked over.
"Want me to carry you," he asked me. Weirdly out of the blue.
"Doesn't answer the question." Fine, and stop reading my mind.
"Isn't that the reason you want me to come along today." He bent down in front of me and let me climb onto his back before standing up. I mean, that's true.
"Perfect. Come on now, let's go," Hongjoong said. The four of us left the Sector, walking down the halls to get to the room we were in a couple of days ago. Yunho placed me down and we all went inside, seeing the table and few chairs again. To be honest, I don't really like this room, it makes me really uncomfortable. It's not very inviting and it's not like having something more comfortable is going to be dangerous.
"Hyung," Yunho said suddenly, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Yeah," Hongjoong asked, turning back towards him.
"Can we go to the room we used to hang out in while the Sector was having constructions," Yunho asked.
"Um, I guess. Why," Hongjoong asked.
"Because this room makes Yeosang uncomfortable and we need him to feel comfortable to be able to do this well," Yunho said. See, this is why I wanted to bring him along. Yunho chuckled and grabbed my hand, pulling me from the room.
"Definitely then. Let's go," Hongjoong said instantly. We left the cold room and walked down some more half for a few minutes before we stopped at another room. Mingi opened the door and we walked inside. Ah, much more inviting. This room was just like a regular room. There was a desk and chairs, only they were wooden not steel this time. There was also a bookshelf against the wall.
"This a bit better Sang," Hongjoong asked. I smiled shyly and nodded in reply.
"Alright, let's move these chairs to form a little square. Yeosang and I will sit across from each other, Mingi and Yunho, you do the same," Hongjoong instructed. We all did as asked, sitting down in place where we were supposed to be.
"Mingi, I want you to be ready to mute both Sangie and I alright," he said. Mute Hongjoong? Why?
"Why you," I asked in confusion.
"Because if something happens and I accidentally lose control, there's a lot of books and stuff that will go flying and I don't want to hurt anyone," he said. Right, makes sense I guess.
"So, how're we going to do this captain," Mingi asked.
"Well to start off with, Sangie why don't you take off your gloves," he asked me. I froze and curled up slightly on my seat. The minute my gloves come off, everyone is danger.
"It's ok. We know the risks and we're all ok with it. The worst you can do today is just give us a bit of a shock alright." I glanced at Yunho who smiled warmly at me and nodded.
"There's no rush Sang, just take your time and make sure you feel comfortable before you do anything," Hongjoong said softly. I nodded and looked down at my hands, seeing the gloves I was wearing. They were the ones Wooyoung bought me a couple of weeks ago. Black with embroidery, very pretty. I slowly moved one hand to grab the tip of the other glove before pulling it off. My breath caught in my throat as it came off and I quickly tried to put it back on. Before I could though, a hand quickly slipped into mine, rubbing the back of my hand gently. I looked up quickly to see Mingi smiling at me gently.
"It's ok, you're going to alright. Yunho and Hongjoong aren't going to go near you unless you give them permission. It's ok for you to take them off," he told me softly. I took a deep breath to calm down before nodding. He let go of my hand and leaned back again. I grabbed my other glove and pulled it off as well.
"Can you place them on the floor please sweetheart," Hongjoong said gently. Put the gloves gifted by Wooyoung on the dirty floor? Who does he think I am? Some heathen. Yunho burst out laughing and the other two looked at him in confusion.
"Just give them to Mingi Yeosang-ah," he chuckled. I grinned and nodded, holding the gloves out to Mingi who grabbed them in confusion.
"The floor is dirty and Wooyoung gave him the gloves," Yunho explains.
"Ah, right," Hongjoong said as he nodded.
"Are you ready for the next step Yeosang," he asked me.
"Does it involve touching you," I asked worriedly. They haven't given me anything to help try to control my ability, so touching him now will definitely hurt.
"No, not yet. I'm going to teach you a little technique I was taught when I was first learning to control my telekinesis," Hongjoong explained. Ok, if it helped him then it should help me hopefully.
"So, what is it," I asked him, eager to have something to learn and possibly help me.
"I want to close your eyes and think of a memory. Something that is happy and makes you feel joy," he said. Something happy and makes me feel joy? I closed my eyes and thought back to a sweet moment I remember.
"Are you feeling better," I whispered softly, hugging San closer to me on the bed. He'd had a nightmare and came to me during the night so I could console him.
"Yeah, I'm alright," he replied, sighing and hugging me tighter.
"Do you want to talk about it a little bit more," I asked. He told me the basic details, that he was grabbed by a hooded figure and beaten. It didn't sound nice at all.
"No thank you. I just wanna stay here and cuddle with you," he said.
"Ok, you can stay with me. If you get scared or upset, just wake me up alright," I said softly, brushing his hair back. We both relaxed and cuddled up closer to each other.
"Yeosang, I need to tell you something," he whispered suddenly.
"Yeah, what's up," I asked him, continuing to brush his hair back gently.
"I love you," he whispered. I tensed at his words, my hand freezing in his hand and my eyes going wide.
"You, what," I asked in confusion. M-Maybe I'm just hearing things. I mean, it's been years and years since I heard those words, so I'm probably just conjuring them in my head around someone I'm comfortable with.
"I love you. I know you've only been here for like three weeks, but you're such a kind and pure person, and you've helped me a lot. I wanted to let you know," he whispered. My heart started to pound and my eyes welled up with tears at his words.
"You l-love me," I choked out as the tears begun to fall.
"Yeah, I do. You're my brother now Sangie, and I don't care if you can't say it back just yet but I love you. And I, I wanted to let you know," he said gently. I tightened my hold around him and ducked my head into his hair, sobbing. I wasn't sad, not at all.
For the first time in 7 years, someone told me they loved me. After years of being told I was an unlovable monster, someone actually loves me.
I reopened my eyes when I heard a sniffle and I looked to see that Yunho was crying. He stood up and stepped over to me, kneeling down in front of me.
"Keep your arms out please darling," he whispered. I quickly moved them away as he leaned forwards and hugged me tightly.
"I love you too darling, very much. I won't say it out loud because I want the others to tell you in their own time and let you continually feel that joy that you deserve ok." I squeezed my eyes closed and buried my head into his neck as I begun to cry quietly. My heart felt warm and I was filled with happiness. He held me for a few more seconds before letting go and sitting back down. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and calmed down a bit more.
"I thought I said happy memory. Why are you both crying," Hongjoong asked with a small chuckle, but it was strained and I could tell he was nervous.
"It's a happy memory," I said, giving him a watery smile. He didn't question me about the memory, just gave me a gentle smile and nodded.
"Are you ready to continue," he asked me.
"Yeah," I said with a nod.
"Alright, I want you to focus your mind on that memory, lock on to it," he said. I wasn't really sure what he meant but I focused on the memory like he said.
"Are you focusing on it," he asked me. I nodded in reply.
"Good. Now I want you to move that focus to your hands and try and feel a pull. Like you're pulling your abilities back," he explained. I tried to do what he was telling me to do, but I couldn't feel any of it, not the pull.
"Do you want to try touching me now," Hongjoong asked and I shook my head immediately.
"I can't. I don't think it worked," I said.
"That's ok, we can still try," he said.
"But I might hurt you," I said worriedly.
"It's alright Sang, I know," he said. He slowly held out his hand but I quickly tugged mine back. God what is wrong with me? I should just try it out, otherwise they'll be disappointed in me. But I don't want to. I lifted my head up to say something but noticed Hongjoong and Yunho looking at each other.
"Alright, we're done for today," Hongjoong said suddenly. We are? But don't I have to touch him first?
"Mingi, give him back his gloves," Hongjoong said, as he pulled his hands back from where they were extended. Mingi gave me his gloves and I put them on quickly.
"Come here baby," Hongjoong said, opening his arms the minute my gloves were on. I got up quickly and climbed into his lap, hugging him tightly, much like I did after the first session.
"You did so well today Yeosangie, so good. You made Hyung very proud," he said gently. All the tension left my body and I snuggled down in his hold, relieved that he wasn't going to be disappointed in me.
"It doesn't matter that I didn't touch you," I asked quietly.
"Of course not. You made great improvements today. You took off your gloves and tried the technique I asked you to. You even let Yunho hug you without your gloves on," he said.
"And that's enough," I asked worriedly.
"More than enough. You did good," he said, rocking me gently. I smiled into his shoulder, happy to know I was doing well.
"Let's head back to the Sector," he said, tapping my thigh to coax me off his lap. I stood up and moved back so he could stand as well. Mingi slipped his hand into mine and I smiled, holding it tightly. We put the chairs back and left the room, walking down the halls and back to our Sector. When we walked inside, we could immediately hear the sound of sniffling. Hongjoong's eyes widened and we all hurried to the loungeroom. I was confused at what I saw. Wooyoung was cuddled up tightly to Jongho crying, and San was doing the same with Seonghwa. Jongho looked unaffected but Seonghwa was crying quietly as he held San. What happened?
"Uh, Jjong, what's going on," Hongjoong asked slowly. Jongho looked up at us and chuckled.
"We just finished watching 'Red Dog'," Jongho said. I burst out laughing, realising they were crying that much about a movie.
"Don't laugh, it's so sad. The doggie died on the mans grave," Wooyoung sobbed.
"I was worried someone was hurt, then I remembered we have a bunch of cry-babies," Hongjoong said with a chuckle. Wooyoung whined and buried his head in Jongho's shoulder as he continued to cry. Jongho looked amused as he held the older boy, rubbing his back.
"Are they really crying this much over a movie," I asked Mingi quietly.
"Youngie and Sannie are our literal babies, they will cry over movies all the time," he replied.
"And Seonghwa Hyung," I asked.
"If it's a really sad one, he'll cry a little as well. Jongho never cries though," he replied.
"Never," I questioned.
"In the two years I've been here, I've never seen him cry. Or Hongjoong for that matter," he said. That doesn't really surprise me to be honest.
"Well, you guys would be happy to know that Yeosang made some great improvement today," Hongjoong said. I blushed in embarrassment as everyone immediately turned to me, even Wooyoung who was still crying. Seonghwa and San had pretty much stopped crying and just had a few tear tracks on their faces.
"How did he do," Jongho asked.
"He took his gloves off and he practiced a technique I told him about," Hongjoong said. Before I could even blink, I had an armful of Wooyoung with his arms around my neck and legs around my waist. He continued to cry, but he clung to me tightly.
"I'm so p-proud of you Sangie," he said, hiccupping slightly.
"Thanks," I said, holding him up so he wouldn't fall and hurt himself. I looked over at the other's who were watching me and clearly trying not to laugh.
"You do s-so good," he said with a sniffle. I smiled and rubbed his back gently, trying to make him calm down a bit.
"Y-Yeo Yeo's growing up," he said.
"Young-ah, I'm older than you," I pointed out. He mumbled incoherently and squeezed me tighter.
"It's really not that big of a deal," I said quietly.
"Yeah it is. You're doing so good," he whimpered.
"Um, should I do something," I asked the other's.
"It's fine, he's just a cry-baby," Hongjoong said. Seonghwa walked over and pulled Wooyoung out of my arms. Wooyoung immediately clutched to him and Seonghwa laughed.
"Come on, you cuddly crier," he said as he walked away.
"Is it just me, or was that actually kind of cute," I asked.
"No, it was definitely cute. You may think I'm the softie, but put on a sad video and he is in tears for like an hour," San said with a giggle.
"By the way, I'm proud of you. You're making improvement, it's great," he added, grinning at me. I blushed and smiled happily at the compliment.
"Alright, you guys go off and have fun. I have to go to a meeting with Youngjay. It was out of the blue but I have to go so I'll be back in a few hours," Hongjoong said.
"Alright, bye Hyung," Yunho said. Hongjoong nodded and went to his room, obviously going to get ready.
"What're we going to be doing," I asked the other's.
"Have you ever tried painting before," Jongho asked me.
"Painting," I questioned.
"Yeah, we sometimes go and have some fun and paint together," San explained.
"Oh. I painted a little when I was a kid, but I haven't in a while. I'd love to though," I said.
"Great, are you two coming," San asked, turning to Mingi and Yunho.
"Not this time sorry," Yunho replied.
"Ok. We'll see you guys later then," San replied. He walked over and grabbed my hand, pulling me out the door with Jongho.
"Where are we going," I asked him.
"The art room is outside so we gotta sign out," San said.
"Hi Yujin Noona," he said as we got to the entrance of the facility.
"Hello Sannie. Hi Jongho, Yeosang," she said, nodding to us. San walked over and started signing a piece of paper.
"So, where are you boys off to today," she asked.
"We're going to be painting," San replied.
"That sounds lovely. I hope you boys enjoy it," she said.
"Thank you Yujin Noona," Jongho said, bowing slightly. We left the facility and I smiled happily at being outside once again. I've found that I enjoy the outside world, it's always so peaceful and refreshing. The building we were going to wasn't that far, it was actually almost right next to the Sector. It looked older than the rest of the facility, looking a little out of place.
"I know it looks old, but it's the kind of vibe we like. It makes the room more homey and inspirational," San said.
"San, it's just a little hut," Jongho said.
"Don't be mean," San said with a pout. Jongho rolled his eyes but we walked inside. It was quite nice inside. There were stands with sheets of papers on them and some furniture on around the room. There was a couch on one wall and a few desks with nice chairs. There was a bookshelf and a shelf full of paints and pencils as well.
"This is open to everyone at the facility," I asked.
"Yeah, but not many people use it. There are other art places around that look a bit better, rather than coming here," San explained. Sucks for them.
"So, what do we do first," I asked. Jongho walked over to me and paused, looking me up and down.
"Can I draw you please," he asked me. Ok, not what I was expecting.
"You want to, draw me," I asked in confusion.
"Yeah. You're pretty, and I think it would be nice to try and draw you," he said with a smile.
"Jongho's good at drawing as well," San said.
"Um, ok. Do I need to do anything," I asked him.
"No, you can still paint. I'll just be in front of you so I can draw you," he said.
"Ok," I said with a nod. San sat down in front of one of the stands with papers and I went to the one next to him, while Jongho sat on the desk in front of me.
"Any idea what you want to draw," San asked me.
"Not really," I replied with a shrug.
"Alright. Well I'll just pick out some paints and then we can go from there," he said as he walked over to the shelf. He grabbed a few boxes of stuff before walking back and placing them on a small table between the two of us.
"Just try and get some inspiration, and then draw whatever," San said. That works, I guess. I paused and looked around the room, trying to get an idea of what I could paint. My eyes were drawn to the window outside and they landed on a tree. It was a beautiful tree, big, blooming and healthy. I grabbed the paint brush and dunked it in the water before letting it drip a bit and dunking it in the paint, like San did earlier. I've never really painted much in my life, but it felt like muscle memory as I begun to paint the tree as best as I could, looking up every once in a while to check the tree again.
"San, can I ask you a question," I asked after a while.
"Sure. What's up," he asked, pausing his painting to look at me.
"You don't have to answer, but how did you find out about your abilities," I asked quietly. I noticed Jongho stop drawing and glance over at San who continued to paint.
"I was hiding. I was with my friends and we were playing hide and seek. One of them opened the door to where I was hiding but they didn't see me. I was confused at first and waved my hand but they didn't see it. I only realised fully when I looked into a mirror and couldn't see myself," he told me.
"How old were you," I asked.
"I was 8 years old," he replied.
"That's pretty young," I said, my eyebrows furrowing.
"Yeah, most over the other's were around 10, except some were a bit older. It was convenient for me though. Whenever my dad came looking for me to give me a beating, I could just go invisible. He still found me sometimes, and it took me a little while to be able to master changing back and forth, but it helped at least. Gave me enough strength to stick it through until I found out about the facility," San said. I froze at his words, turning to look at him quickly, but he was still painting. He seemed to be acting like he was fine, but I could see that he seemed a bit tense.
I glanced at Jongho to see if he knew what to do, but he was already standing up and walked over to San. He gently grabbed San's wrists, making the older pause what he was doing. Jongho grabbed the paint brush from his hand and placed it down gently onto the table. He turned San to look at him and hugged him tightly. San relaxed against the younger and closed his eyes as he squeezed his arms around Jongho tightly.
"I'm ok Jjong. Thank you though," San said with a small smile.
"Are you sure," Jongho asked softly.
"Yeah, I promise," he replied.
"I love you Hyung," Jongho whispered. It's cute how much they all care about each other and are quick to look after everyone.
"I love you too Jongho," San whispered, kissing the top of his head gently. They pulled away and Jongho went back to his table, while San turned to me.
"I'm sorry," I said quietly, not meaning to upset him.
"It's ok, you didn't do anything wrong. I'm alright, really," he said, placing his hand on my shoulder gently.
"Ok," I said quietly.
"I love you," he whispered, smiling softly. My heart fluttered and my face heated up slightly.
"I love you too," I said shyly. He giggled and gave me a big hug before pulling back and glancing at my painting.
"Oh, that's a nice tree," he said.
"Thanks, I'm not really the best at painting," I admitted.
"I think it looks lovely," he said. I smiled happily, and thanked him quietly as he walked back to his painting. I was intrigued as to what he was painting, so I tried to look but he quickly cut me off.
"Uh, uh. Not yet. I'll let you see once it's done," he said, scolding me. I huffed but stepped back, allowing him to be secretive about what he was painting.
We continued in silence once again, just enjoying the peacefulness of being together and having fun. The time slowly drifted to a few hours of painting and drawing before Jongho let out a sigh and put down his pencil.
"I'm done," he said with a smile.
"Ooo, can I see," I asked, excited to see how well he drew me. He nodded and held out the notebook for me. I grabbed it and looked at the drawing, my breath catching as I saw it. It was truly beautiful. I don't know how he managed to draw it in only a few hours. It was black and white, but it capture every curve in my face and the strands of my hair.
"You can keep it if you like it. If not, you can just throw it out," he said with a shrug. I quickly lunged at him and wrapped my arms tightly around him.
"I'm gonna take that as you do like it," he said slowly.
"I love it," I corrected him, making him chuckle. I squeezed one last time before pulling away.
"Are you finished yet San," I asked him.
"Just finishing up," he said, doing a few more strokes before putting his paintbrush down.
"I've been working on this for quite a while before today, but I'm finally done," he said happily.
"What did you paint," Jongho asked as we walked over us. Both of us froze when we saw the painting and my breath was completely taken away, even more so than with Jongho's.
"It's Wooyoungie, as a magical prince," he explained. That's one word for it. He had painted Wooyoung perfectly. He gave Wooyoung, light purply, lavender hair. There were little purplish branches on his cheek near his eye, a glowing moon in the middle. He had a white undershirt with ruffles and a blue robe on top. The last detail I immediately noticed was the glowing blue necklace. It was truly beautiful.
"San, that's stunning. I didn't realise you were so good," I said in shock. He blushed slightly and giggled cutely.
"Yeah, Sannie Hyung has always been good at painting," Jongho said.
"I love it. Did Wooyoung ask for this," I asked him.
"No. I just felt like making it for him. Do you think he'll like it," San asked.
"He's going to love it Sannie Hyung," Jongho said reassuringly. San smiled happily, showing his little dimples that were adorable.
"What did you make Yeosang Hyung," Jongho asked me.
"Um, I just drew a tree from outside," I said with a shrug.
"I think it looks great," Jongho said with a smile. I mean it's nothing great, but at least they think it's ok. Although they probably wouldn't tell me if it wasn't anyway.
"Thanks," I replied.
"I think that's enough work for now then. Why don't we head back to the Sector," he said. We all quickly packed up everything we used, hanging the paintings out to dry and putting Jongho's notebook back where he grabbed it. Before he put it away though, he carefully pulled out the drawing and gave it to me. Once we finished, we left the room and went back to the facility.
"We're back Yujin Noona," San said.
"Alright, I'll log you boys back in," she said with a noise. We walked down the halls until we finally got back to our Sector and walked inside. The minute we got inside, Seonghwa rushed over to us and tugged us away from the loungeroom and into the halls.
"Hyung, what's wrong," Jongho asked in confusion.
"I want you boys to stay in your rooms ok, until someone tells you, you can come out. If it takes too long, I will bring dinner to you. Wooyoung is in your room San, and so is Mingi, so you can all hang out there if you would like," Seonghwa said.
"Hyung, what happened," San asked worriedly.
"It's nothing bad. Hongjoong's just not reallyin a state to talk to you guys, and I don't want you seeing him like that.Yunho and I will look after him, but you guys should stay away alright,"Seonghwa said. It was then that I noticed the strain in his shoulder, the washis jaw was tightened slightly and his eyes showed worry. What could'vehappened to Hongjoong?
Here is Chapter 17 everyone, what do you think? I hope you enjoyed it!
How do you think Yeosang is going with his process of learning to be confident and control his ability?
Did you guys expect San to be the first person to tell Yeosang he loves him? Or did you think it would be someone else. If so, then who?
And lucky last, what do you think happened with Hongjoong?
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