Chapter 16
Wooyoung's POV
"Wooyoung, let go of me."
"You're comfy though," I whined, wrapping myself tighter around the younger.
"I'm trying to play video games," Jongho said. Does he think I care? He's on the couch, he's comfortable and we have spare time. Does he seriously think I'm going to just let this opportunity slip by? I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Hyung," he groaned.
"Please Jjongie, for Hyungie. Ju-."
"If you will shut up and stop acting cute, you can stay," he butt in. I grinned and snuggled closer to him, ignoring his scoff. He may act like this is the worst thing that can happen, but that doesn't change the fact that he moved his head to gently rest on top of mine as he continued to play his video game.
"I love you," I said gently.
"You ok," he questioned, glancing at me briefly.
"I'm fine, just wanted to tell you I love you," I said with a shrug. Jongho isn't always one to engage in affection and affectionate words, so I wasn't really expecting anything said back in return.
"I love you too Hyung," he whispered softly, turning his head slightly to place a kiss to my hair. I melted instantly, snuggling against his side and grinning dopily, making him chuckle. Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it.
"You know, everyone always says San is the clingy one, but you're just as bad, if not worse," Jongho said.
"You're just cuddly," I said with a shrug, looking back to the game he was playing. It was some sort of car game I think, not one I've played before.
"What're you playing," I asked him.
"GTA," he said. Ah, that game. I don't remember us ever having it before though.
"When did you get it," I asked.
"Hongjoong Hyung bought it for me last week. I've been meaning to try it out for a while, but I haven't had the chance to," he replied, clicking furiously on his controller.
"That's nice of him," I said quietly. Jongho hummed in reply.
"You two are up early." I glanced up, smiling at San as he walked into the room.
"And we're having a cuddle session. Don't mind if I join," he said, bouncing over, sitting on the other side of Jongho and quickly cuddling up to him.
"Seriously," Jongho groaned.
"What made you decide you wanted to bother me today," he asked us.
"You're our cuddly little teddy bear," I said, linking my fingers with San's.
"Let me lift my arms up and you can hug my chest, so I can still play," he told us. We both let go and he lifted his arms up so we could quickly hug him again. I nuzzled my head back into his neck and let my eyes slip closed, content to just rest there until the other's woke up.
We were all quiet for a while, San and I just hugging Jongho and relaxing as we listened to the clicking sound from his controller. It was soothing, and familiar, something we haven't had in a while. It's nothing against Yeosang, I care about him a lot and he's a great friend, but since he came, things have been a little stressful. I'm not saying it's a bad thing either, I'm glad to have him here now, with us. But quiet is good every once in a while. It was about an hour before anyone else came out.
"Well this is quite the sight. You having fun there Jjong," Mingi asked with a chuckle. Well, I'm assuming it's Mingi from the voice, but I remained with my eyes closed.
"They're just sort of drifting in and out to be honest. Sannie is asleep right now, but Wooyoung is half awake," Jongho replied, the clicking not stopping.
"It's cute seeing you all soft and cuddly," Mingi said.
"I'm not cuddly, I'm simply letting the two cuddly people indulge," Jongho said.
"Still cute," Mingi replied. I finally peeled my eyes opened and lifted my head slightly to see Mingi standing beside the TV and smiling.
"Morning Youngie," he said.
"Morning Gigi," I said with a grin.
"You look awfully comfortable there," Mingi said. I tightened my legs around Jongho's waist and my grip on San's hand.
"What's the time," Jongho asked.
"About 12," he replied, making Jongho's head snap up.
"It's almost midday," he asked quickly.
"Yeah, why," Mingi asked.
"Seonghwa and Hongjoong haven't come out of their room yet," Jongho said. Wait, they haven't? They're both usually up really early and out and about doing stuff. The rest of us sometimes sleep in, or just stay in our room. For them to not have come out by now though, is quite odd. I unwrapped myself from Jongho immediately and stood up.
"I'll go check on them. Be back in a bit," I said before walking down the hall. I went to Seonghwa's room first, knocking gently before opening the door. It was completely empty though, the bed having not been slept in, or maybe just fixed when he woke up. Either way, he isn't here, so he'll be with Hongjoong most likely. I left the room and closed the door, going over to Hongjoong's door. I knocked softly, hearing a quiet come in, in return. I opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door behind me and turning to the bed. I paused, raising an eyebrow when I saw Hongjoong sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard without a shirt. Seonghwa was cuddled up against him, asleep with his head rested on his chest.
"Sorry, am I interrupting something," I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.
"Seriously Wooyoung? Aren't you too old for this now," Hongjoong asked.
"Nope, never. I've always liked the idea of the parents together," I said, making him roll his eyes.
"Trust me, we know. 5 years and you're still going on about it, and it's still never happening," he said.
"It's fun to tease," I shrugged.
"He's weak right now, he needs as much sleep as he can get," he said with a sigh.
"What? What's wrong? What happened," I asked worriedly as I walked over.
"I got sick last night, after you guys moved me to my room. The exhaustion got worse and I had a fever, so he tricked me into allowing him to heal me. His powers still aren't right, so it's drained him a lot and he's even more tired than I was," he told me. I climbed onto the bed and rested on my knees, lifting my hand to gently run through Seonghwa's light brown hair.
"We thought it was weird that you two weren't up yet," I said with a sigh.
"Sorry, I should've come out and let you guys know, but I didn't want to wake him up," he said.
"It's fine Hyung. I'll let the others know you two will be out of commission for a bit," I said.
"Thanks Youngie," he said with a small smile.
"Quick kiss, then go have fun," he said, turning his head to the side slightly. I leant forward quickly and placed a gentle kiss to his cheek before pulling back. I waved goodbye and left the room, going back out to the loungeroom where everyone else now was, with San still asleep against Jongho.
"What're they doing," Mingi asked me.
"Uh, sleeping, or well Seonghwa Hyung is. Hongjoong is keeping him company and making sure he's sleeping well. Apparently Hwa used his powers on Joong Hyung last night and he needs more time to rest," I explained.
"Oh, makes sense," Yunho said with a nod.
"Um, so how come that means more rest? Does it have to do with what his parents had him doing," Yeosang asked. Right, Sangie hasn't experienced this before.
"Yeah. It's messed up his abilities kind of. Whenever he uses them, depending on how much he does, it just drains him. He'll be ok after he sleeps it off. Hongjoong just likes to stay with him and make sure there isn't any side effects," Mingi explained.
"So, he'll be ok," Yeosang asked worriedly.
"Yeah, he'll be fine," I said, walking over and kneeling in front of Jongho and San. I reached up gently and shook San's shoulder.
"Sannie, time to wake up," I said softly. He yawned slightly and opened his eyes, looking down at me.
"Morning darling," I said softly. He unwrapped his arms from Jongho and yawned, stretching slightly.
"What did I miss," he asked, glancing between all of us.
"Seonghwa Hyung healed Hongjoong Hyung last night, so he's resting and Joong Hyung is looking after him," Jongho said, filling him in.
"Cool, no parents. So what're we going to do," San asked with a grin. Ooo, I like this.
"Guys, no," Yunho said, shaking his head.
"But it's going to be fun," Mingi said with a grin.
"I'm out, you guys go create mischief," Jongho said.
"Come on. You're never any fun," I said with a pout.
"And that's why I'm the favourite child. I don't drive Hyungs crazy and break the rules when they're not supervising us," he said with a shrug.
"We don't break the rules exactly, just have a bit more fun than usual," Mingi said with a grin.
"You in Sangie," I asked.
"Um, I guess. I don't really know what it is for though," he said.
"Yeah, what're we going to do," San asked. I have an idea.
"I know where Hongjoong Hyung keeps his secret stash of lollies. Let's go pile up in one of the rooms, watch a movie and relax," I said.
"I'm down," San nodded.
"I'm in as well," Mingi said quickly.
"What about you two party poopers," I asked. Jongho sighed and shut off the TV.
"Sounds like fun," he said with a nod.
"Fine," Yunho said, giving in as well.
"Sannie, go to the study. There's a ceramic statue of a dog, inside is a bunch of little lollies. Just bring the whole thing," I said. He nodded and hurried off to go do what I asked.
"Whose room," I asked.
"Yeosang's. He has the best TV out of all of us. But bring Mingi's beanbags," Jongho said. Sounds like a good plan. We all got up, Jongho and Mingi walking to Mingi's room to get the beanbags, while the rest of us went to Yeosang's room.
"So how're we all going to fit on the bed," Yeosang asked.
"We won't. There's two big beanbags. Jongho can take one because I'm pretty sure he's done with hugs today. Yunho and Mingi can take another and they can cuddle together. The rest of us can cuddle on the bed together," I said. Soon enough, San, Mingi and Jongho walked in with their respective treasures.
"Movie time," San said happily, flopping onto the bed.
"Gigi, Yunnie, you guys good sharing a beanbag," I asked.
"Yeah, that's fine," Mingi said, Yunho nodding as well. San quickly tipped the dog statue upside down, discarding all of the lollies onto the bed. There were a heap of mentos, sherbets, fantales, amongst other lollies.
"Everyone just grab a handful and sit back and relax," Yunho said. We all did as asked and got comfortable in our seats. I sat in between San and Yeosang, feeling them both cuddle up to me. Ok, this is the life. I wrapped an arm around either of their shoulders and held them closer to me, allowing them to rest their head on my shoulders.
"What movie are we watching? Whose turn to pick is it," San asked.
"Pretty sure it's Yeosang's turn," Yunho said.
"It's my turn," Yeosang questioned in confusion.
"Yep. We switch who picks the movie all the time," I nodded.
"Um, I'm not really sure. I don't know many movies," Yeosang said.
"You can scroll through Hyung, just pick whatever catches your eye," Jongho said, handing him the remote. He had already turned on the TV and pulled up Netflix, leaving Yeosang to just scroll through. He did for a little bit, before pausing on 'Pirates of the Caribbean'.
"Good choice," I said with a grin.
"Is it ok to watch this? Or have you all already watched it," he asked.
"It's perfect to watch," Mingi said. Yeosang pressed play and we all paid attention to the TV. Yeosang moved slightly, his leg, moving to slip between mine as he half laid on top of me. I glanced down at him, raising an eyebrow as I realised he wasn't really watching the TV. He was laying on his stomach on top of me, his head rested on my shoulder, which means he couldn't really see the TV unless he turned his head a little.
"Do you not want to watch," I asked quietly.
"I'm just a little tired," he replied gently.
"Did you not sleep well last night," I asked, brushing his hair back worriedly.
"I had a nightmare and I couldn't go back to sleep afterwards," he said. I frowned worriedly and nuzzled my nose gently into his hair.
"Do you wanna talk about it," I asked quietly.
"No, I'm ok. I'm just gonna rest a bit more," he said, his eyes slipping closed. I leaned forwards and placed a gentle kiss to Yeosang's birthmark. His eyes remained closed, but he smiled softly and snuggled closer against my neck. I placed my hand in his hair and ran my fingers through it gently, slowly lulling him to sleep on my shoulder. Once he was asleep, I lifted my head and began watching the movie again.
Around 2 hours later, the movie was finally finished and I was laying there with Yeosang asleep on top of me and San sleeping next to me. I looked down at the beanbags and saw both Yunho and Mingi asleep, curled up against each other. Jongho was still awake but he was on his phone. Apparently no one but me last through the film. Isn't eating lollies supposed to make you hyper, not sleepy.
"I don't think you'll be moving anytime soon," Jongho said quietly. I glanced over at him to see him grinning at me from where he was laying on his beanbag.
"I mean, they're both pretty heavy sleepers when they're comfortable," I replied.
"I kind of need to go to the toilet," I added. He chuckled and stood up, walking over. He came to the edge of the bed and leant over, holding out his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly and he slowly stood up, gently lifting me up from the bed without waking the other two up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and clung to him as he held me in his arms. Yeosang and San both rolled over into each other, not waking up as they instead cuddled up to each other.
"All clear," Jongho said softly as he stepped back and put me down.
"Thanks Jjong," I said with a grin. He nodded and went back to his beanbag, sitting down. I left the room and went out to toilet, going quickly and then washing my hands afterwards. As I was walking back, I took a slightly detour and opened the door to Hongjoong's room to check on them. I paused quickly when I saw them though. They were both awake, but they were still cuddled up together. Seonghwa's head was resting on Hongjoong's shoulder and the other was looking down at him gently, their faces close as they talked to each other quietly and Hongjoong shrugged. Seonghwa nuzzled his nose against Hongjoong's and giggled softly. I closed the door immediately, not wanting to intrude. It's true, I've always liked thinking of the idea of those two together, and I often tease them about it. But they really do have the most precious friendship. When things get hard, they lean on each other and continue to look after us. Hongjoong confides in Seonghwa and Seonghwa helps him through it. And it works the other way as well. I went back into Yeosang's room and Jongho looked up at me.
"How were they," he asked me.
"How did you know I was going to check on them," I asked.
"It's you Wooyoung," he said with a raised eyebrow. I mean, good point.
"They're fine. They were awake and cuddling," I replied.
"Ah, they were doing Hyung stuff," he nodded.
"You make it sound so scandalous," I said with a frown.
"You know what I mean," he said. I hummed and let out a sigh.
"What're you going to do now considering everyone else is occupied," he asked me.
"You aren't," I pointed out.
"I let you cuddle me this morning. This is my alone time now," he replied. Great, everyone's busy, why can't I just cuddle with someone.
"You can go back and cuddle with those two," he said, jerking his head in the direction of the bed. I could, but then again, I could just cuddle with Jongho. He says I can't, but everyone knows he just gives in easily. I walked over and sat down next to him before laying down on my back and placing my head in his lap. He let out a sigh but his hand almost immediately found its way into my hair and begun to massage my scalp softly. He continued to play on his phone, but he didn't kick me off his lap. I smiled softly and decided to use this time to just relax.
Seonghwa's POV
I woke up to the feeling of something warm and comforting underneath, along with the steady thrum of a heartbeat beneath my ear. I peeled my eyes opened and moved my head up, seeing the peaceful and sleeping face of Hongjoong above me. He was sitting up and leaning against the headboard while I was cuddled up and resting on his chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed gently, letting out a small sigh. This is comfortable, I always love times like this. I turned my head up more, kissing his neck softly a few times and he begun to stir. I smiled softly as his eyes slipped opened and he blinked, looking around. His eyes dropped down to me and a wide grin took over his face.
"Hey Hwa," he said softly, brushing my hair back.
"Hey Joong-ah," I whispered gently.
"How're you feeling," he asked me, tugging me up closer to him. Huh? I'm not the one who almost collapsed yesterday.
"I should be asking you that," I said, raising an eyebrow.
"You woke up earlier this morning and were completely out of it. You tried to get up, but you were too exhausted," he explained to me. Ah, I guess that makes sense. Sometimes when I use my powers, it makes me too tired to do much for a while.
"So you decided you wanted the extra sleep," I teased.
"No, I just wanted to keep you comfortable so you could sleep," he replied.
"And yet you were asleep," I pointed out, making him blush slightly.
"I may have fallen asleep," he said, pouting sulkily. I lifted my head up closer to his, our noses almost touching.
"May have? You definitely did," I stated.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," he said, rolling his eyes.
"Where'd your shirt go," I asked him, patting his chest gently.
"You like skin to skin contact, so I took it off," he said with a small shrug. I giggled and nuzzled my nose against his. He chuckled and pulled me over so I was laying on top of him, and I propped myself up to look down at him.
"Thank you," I whispered.
"Of course. You helped me, and I'll always help you if I can," he said, leaning up and kissing my cheek gently. I cuddled back down on top of him, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting my head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. He nuzzled his head into my neck and let out a small breath.
"What's the time," I asked him.
"Just after 2," he replied. 2? As in 2pm? Crap.
"What're the boys doing? Please tell me they aren't making a mess and burning the entire Sector down," I said worriedly. I can just picture the mess they're most likely making right now. I went to get up, but Hongjoong tightened his grip around me.
"Stop stressing Hwa, it'll all be fine," he said.
"What if they're making a mess," I whined, squirming slightly.
"Stop moving, everything is fine. I haven't heard any arguing, or any noise for that matter so they're probably just watching something or playing video games," he said. Quiet while playing video games?
"Joong-ah," I said gently.
"Yeah," he hummed in reply.
"If they were playing video games, we'd be hearing Wooyoungie cackling every 10 seconds," I pointed out.
"That is true," he said with a chuckle.
"We should really get up," I said quietly after a few moments of silence.
"Yeah we should," he replied, nuzzling his head further into my neck. My eyes slipped closed and relaxed against him.
"This isn't getting up," I whispered.
"I know," he replied.
"We should get up," I pointed out.
"I know," he said, nodding into my neck
"We aren't going to get up, are we," I asked softly.
"The kids are fine, and we deserve some resting time," he said, playing with the hair on my nape. That does sound nice.
"Fine. But can you at least move the blanket up," I asked, realising it was at the foot of the bed and I was cold. I felt him lift his hand up slightly and a few seconds later, the blanket came fluttering down on top of me.
"It's probably not very good to continue sleeping at 2 in the afternoon, but you need the extra sleep," he said quietly, tucking the blanket closer around me.
"And we're both comfortable and stubborn people who want some extra sleep," I said.
"That too," he chuckled.
"Are you sure the others are ok? And they aren't making a massive mess everywhere," I asked him.
"Yeah, positive. And if they make a mess, I will make sure they all help you clean it up," he said. Why does that make me shiver and feel weird.
"Absolutely not. They can't clean to save their lives, and I'm not going to be put through the horror of watching them mess everything up more," I said, shaking my head and quivering slightly. The picture is terrifying. He giggled and I smiled, the rare noise like music to my ears.
"Fine. If they make a mess, I'll let you clean it up and then I'll buy you more cleaning supplies. How's that," he asked me.
"Much better," I said, nodding in reply.
"I will never get your obsession with cleaning," he said.
"And I will never get your obsession with, well, stuff," I said. There isn't really anything he's obsessed with at the moment. Actually, he's practically an insomniac sometimes.
"And with not sleeping," I added.
"Oh, you're playing that card now are you," he said, moving his hand to dig into my side.
"Joongie, Joongie stop," I giggled, sitting up and trying to get out of his hold. He grinned and continued tickling me, making me collapse again and start laughing.
"Hongjoong-ah," I whined, making him finally stop.
"Sorry, you made it too easy," he said.
"Whatever. We're supposed to be getting more rest," I said, moving to lay next to him and cuddle into his side.
"I know. You just close your eyes and I'll help you sleep," he said, his voice going quieter.
"Make sure we're awake by 5 though," I said softly, letting my eyes slip closed once again.
"Alright. Now sleep Seonghwa-ya," he said, placing a gentle kiss to the crown of my head. I cuddled up closely to him, nuzzling my face in his neck like he was before and I felt myself slowly drifting back off to sleep, lulled by his warmth and safety.
Here is Chapter 16, I hope you like it!
I know I don't usually update so quickly, but it's Yeosang's birthday today, so I thought why not post another chapter :)
This chapter was mainly just fluff and the boys spending time together, letting things calm down a bit
What do you guys think about Jongho? He says no, but then gives in right away whenever his Hyungs cuddle with him
Also more Seongjoong content, as I mentioned would be getting. They just have a great friendship and always help each other
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