Chapter 15
Yeosang's POV
"Hyung, I don't know. I really don't want to do this," I said nervously. It's been two weeks since we finally realised what my powers were, and it's been a great two weeks. I've spent that time getting more comfortable around all of the guys, and relaxing. Hongjoong and Youngjay apparently decided that being there for a month, and having 2 weeks of everything going well, meant it was time to start working on controlling my power. Which leads me to now. Hongjoong, Mingi and I were in a special room that's used to practice power control. It only had a steel table and a few chairs for us to sit on. Mingi was there for in case things got out of control and Hongjoong volunteered to help me. Only thing is, I'm too scared to do anything, even take off my gloves.
"It's ok Sangie, everything will be ok. I agreed to do this, and Mingi is here just in case something happens," Hongjoong said. I shook my head quickly, trying not to panic.
"Hey, come here," Hongjoong said gently. I got off my seat and quickly hurried over to Hongjoong's waiting arms. He held me tightly and rubbed my back, kissing the side of my head gently. I melted into his arms and took a deep breath, breathing in his calming scent.
"Listen to me alright. You don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. I would never make you do that. If you want to go back, then we can go back, but I believe in you ok. I trust you to practice on me. In doing that, I know there will be multiple times that I will get hurt but it's only temporary and I'm fine with it," he said quietly.
"I don't want to. Hyung, I really don't want to," I said, shaking my head again. I was beginning to panic more. The thought of hurting any of them, even a little, not sitting right with me.
"Hyung, I can't, I ca-."
"Shh, shh. That's alright. We're not going to. It's ok," Hongjoong said softly, rocking me from side to side gently.
"I don't want to," I sobbed, choking on my breath as I continued to panic.
"Gi, go get Sannie or Youngie, whoever you find first," Hongjoong said. There was some shuffling and then the sound of the door opening and closing.
"Yeosang, I need you to try and breathe for me for a bit alright," Hongjoong said. I sobbed and shook my head, holding him tightly.
"Please baby, just try and breathe with me," he said gently.
"I d-don't wanna h-hurt anyone," I cried.
"I know darling. I know you don't want to," he whispered.
"Shh, I've got you," he said. I tried to take a deep breath but I choked slightly and ended up letting out another sob. There was a bang and I turned my head to see Wooyoung hurrying over. Wooyoung and I have managed to get a lot closer over the past 2 weeks surprisingly. I always thought he would be the one I didn't get along as well with because our personalities are almost opposites but apparently opposites really do attract. I moved away from Hongjoong and was immediately pulled into Wooyoung's arms.
"Hey Sangie. What's wrong love," he asked softly.
"I don't wanna h-hurt anyone," I sobbed.
"Oh, we know baby. You're not going to hurt anyone," he whispered, rubbing the back of my head softly.
"Hyung, I was gonna hurt Hyung," I said, shaking my head.
"That would just be like a pinch Yeo, nothing too bad," he said gently.
"I don't wanna do it," I said quickly.
"You don't have too Sangie. We can just go back and relax alright," he told me.
"Are you ok with that," he asked. I sniffled but nodded.
"Good. Come on, let's go," Wooyoung said softly, helping me up. I glanced over at Hongjoong who gave me a small smile and nodded.
"Back home we go," Wooyoung said gently, holding my hand as he pulled us along.
"You guys are back earlier," Jongho said as we walked inside. Right, everyone was expecting me to be there for hours and do amazing, but I was too much of a wimp and I couldn't make any progress at all. I bet they were all able to get far into their progress quite quickly. I let go of Wooyoung's hand and dropped my head, hurrying to my room and closing my door before flopping onto my bed. They're just gonna think I'm pathetic. I curled up and pulled my blanket over me, crying quietly. I've made progress in terms of being close to people and not scared to hug and stuff, but I haven't made any actual progress with my abilities. There was a knock on my door, but I didn't reply, choosing to ignore it. There was another knock, but I remained silent. There was some noise and movement outside the door before it went quiet again.
"Yeosang, can you please open this door? Or just say you don't want us in here and I'll leave you alone. I just want to know that you're ok," Hongjoong called out. All I have to do is call out and say I'm fine, but I want to be left alone. It's so easy, so why do I find myself being quiet and not saying anything. Maybe part of me actually wanted to have someone here, to look after me and tell me it's ok. Sure enough, a few seconds later the door opened and closed. I didn't move, just remained laying on my bed, facing the opposite way. The were quiet footsteps before I felt the bed dip and arms wrapped around my waist, squeezing gently.
"You wanna talk about it, or do you just want cuddle for a bit," Hongjoong asked softly. I didn't reply, just turned around and snuggled into his chest, fisting his shirt in my hands.
"Cuddle it is then," he said softly, leaving one hand around my waist, but moving the other to wrap around my shoulders. I let out a breath and moved forwards, resting my head on his chest.
"You're doing well Yeosang, really well. Don't let the fact that you're scared bring you down. It's a long process, and it'll probably be even longer for you, but that doesn't mean you aren't doing well. It's natural to get upset the first few times, you're still doing great," he whispered to me. I sniffled and nodded into his chest.
"I just, don't want to blow this chance you guys have given me," I said quietly.
"You can't Yeosang. There's literally nothing you could do to get rid of us. Unless you go crazy and decided to murder us all, but I doubt that will happen," he said, making me chuckle slightly.
"Definitely not," I said with a small nod.
"Then you're going to be just fine," he said softly. I let out a deep breath and relaxed against him. As long as he and the other's aren't mad or upset, then it's fine.
We stayed like that for a while, probably close to an hour, not sleeping, just relaxing. It was nice and I felt comfortable, so when Mingi walked in saying lunch was ready, I may have whined and clung onto Hongjoong.
"Come on, we both need to eat," Hongjoong said. I sighed but sat up and moved away from him so he could get up as well. We both walked out to the dining room where the other's were sitting and getting ready to eat. I walked over and sat down beside San, patting his shoulder softly as I sat down.
"What are we having," I asked them.
"Wooyoung made us all some scrambled eggs, they're amazing," he said. He leaned over and grabbed the bowl, piling some eggs, bacon and a few pieces of toast onto my plate.
"Eat up," he said with a grin.
"Also he wasn't joking, Youngie's cooking is amazing," Mingi added. I nodded and took a bite, practically sighing at the taste. Oh, I am so going to make him cook this again.
"This tastes so good," I said, looking towards Wooyoung who was grinning.
"Thanks," he nodded.
"So, how are you feeling," Seonghwa asked me. I paused and looked up, seeing everyone glancing at me while also trying to seem uninterested. I chuckled at their reactions, appreciating them trying to keep me comfortable.
"I'm ok. I'm sorry about earlier, I was just upset," I said.
"Do you want to talk about what upset you? You don't have to at all, it's just if you want to," Seonghwa asked gently. I glanced over at Hongjoong who was watching me closely.
"I freaked out when we were going to start practicing, and then I thought you guys would be annoyed that I wasn't making progress," I admitted.
"Oh baby, don't worry about that ok. We don't care at all," Yunho said, coming around to give me a hug.
"I know that, I just panicked," I replied, hugging him back before he pulled away.
"You can take as much time as you need Yeosang, none of us will care at all," Seonghwa said.
"Thanks Hyung," I said, smiling slightly.
"Keep eating, gotta be strong and healthy," Wooyoung said happily. I nodded and continued to eat, listening along as everyone was chatting and eating. Halfway through lunch, Hongjoong's phone started to ring. He grabbed it and answered, standing up and moving off to the side.
"Hello," he said.
"What happened," he asked frowning. Is something wrong? His eyebrows furrowed as he listened to what someone was saying.
"I'm on my way. Do you want me to bring Jongho? He can help as well," Hongjoong asked, worry in his voice. He shook his head at whatever the person said, glancing at Seonghwa.
"No, not Seonghwa. He's not having a great day, he won't be able to help much and I don't want to overexert him. You have medics that can probably help just as much. Jongho and I will be right over," he said.
"Hyung, what's wrong," Jongho asked as Hongjoong hung up.
"Sunwoo accidentally sent a shockwave into the wall of their Sector and part of the roof collapsed. They think Kevin and Jacob are stuck so they need our help to get them out," Hongjoong rushed out.
"Crap. Let's go," Jongho said, jumping up.
"Boys, don't give grief to Hwa while I'm gone," Hongjoong said as he ran out with Jongho.
"Who is Sunwoo," I asked the other's who were looking worried.
"He's from the TBZ Sector, same with Kevin and Jacob. They're really nice guys, I just hope they're ok," Mingi said quietly.
"Yeah, it's never good when there's problems in Sectors," Wooyoung said with a sigh.
"Maybe I should go. They could be hurt and I ca-."
"My rooms been kind of messy lately Hyung, why don't you come and help me clean it up," Wooyoung said softly, interrupting Seonghwa who looked very anxious.
"It's dirty," he asked.
"Yeah, come on," Wooyoung said gently, grabbing Seonghwa's hand and pulling him up and leading him to his room. I was confused by what happened and turned to the other's, seeing them watching where the other two left worriedly.
"Um, what was that about," I asked quietly.
"Well, you know that Seonghwa's ability is healing," San said. I nodded in reply.
"And Hongjoong may have mentioned it, I'm not sure. But whenever someone is hurt, Hwa get's this need to help. And if he can't help, he sometimes panics. When this happens, we like to distract him, keep him working. Seonghwa is a compulsive cleaner at times, so that's the best way to keep him distracted," he explained. Ah, right. That makes sense. I feel bad for him, how he can't use his powers very well anymore because of what happened with his parents.
"Should we help, or is it best that we leave them alone," I asked worriedly.
"I think it's best to leave him with Wooyoung. Wooyoung's room is always messy, so he'll have a lot to fix up," Mingi said.
"Ok. So what are we going to be doing," I asked.
"Well Yunho and I were planning on heading out to the basketball court. Do you two wanna come," Mingi asked.
"Sure. Let me just pack up these dishes," San said.
"I'll help," Yunho said, getting up as well.
"You ever played basketball before," Mingi asked me.
"Once I think, when I was younger. Before everything happened," I replied.
"Well you'll have fun today," he said, smiling gently.
"I'm excited," I said happily. I've never done sports with friends before, I can't wait to be able to.
"We're done, let's get going," San said as he and Yunho walked in. I stood up and San bounded over, slipping his hand into mine. We left the Sector and walked down the halls, ending up at the entrance to the facility.
"Hello boys. Where to today," the lady there asked.
"We're heading out to the basketball courts. I'll sign us out," Yunho said.
"Are we supposed to sign out whenever we leave," I asked San.
"Yeah, it's so they know we've left and where we were going if something happens or if we go missing," he replied quietly. We climbed out a window though...
"So we broke more than one rule," I whispered, making him giggle.
"Definitely," he nodded. Sneaky.
"Have fun boys, and remember not to get hurt," the lady said.
"Thanks Yujin Noona," San said, waving goodbye.
"Bye Sannie," she said.
"So how far away is the basketball court," I asked them.
"Not too far, just a little further than the ice-cream place," San replied. I can't wait.
"How are you so good at this game," I asked, panting as I tried to catch my breath.
"Yunho used to play a lot of basketball before he came here, it's basically cheating," Mingi said.
"It is not cheating. Cheating is if Wooyoung was here and using his super speed," Yunho said.
"How do we know you aren't using you ability to figure out what we're going to do," San asked.
"I am not, I wouldn't do that," Yunho said quickly.
"We're just teasing. We know you wouldn't cheat. You're like Seonghwa, you too much of a gentleman to cheat," Mingi chuckled. Yunho rolled his eyes and whacked the back of Mingi's head, making him yelp.
"Let's keep playing," I said, grabbing the basketball and trying to bounce down the court. Unfortunately I wasn't very good at basketball, so it didn't look very great. The other's burst out laughing but I grabbed the ball and ran forwards, throwing it towards the basket. It went in and everyone went from giggling to cheering.
"Well done Sangie," San cheered, running over and hugging me. I grinned as the other two ran over and hugged me tightly as well.
"Good job," Yunho said happily.
"Come on, let's keep going," Mingi said, running to grab the ball. San let me go and ran after him but Yunho stayed hugging me.
"Are you enjoying this," he asked me.
"Yeah. This great," I said with a nod.
"I'm glad. It's nice to see you enjoying things," he said. I've been enjoying a lot lately, since I met the boys.
"Come on," I said, giving him a small smile and pulling him along to where San and Mingi were mucking around together. I never thought I'd be playing this game, let alone alongside people I consider my friends.
Hongjoong's POV
"We've found them, they're over here. Hongjoong we need you to move these," Youngjay yelled out. I dropped the rubble I had been holding and let out a breath before hurrying over to where the other's were. My bones were aching but I hurried over, knowing people's live might be at stake.
"Where," I asked, panting slightly.
"Those two right there," Youngjay said, pointing out two large pieces of rubble propped up together. I took a deep breath before lifting my arms and focusing on the first piece. I lifted it up slowly, feeling the ache in my bones increase but I didn't stop. I moved it to the side and dropped it before focusing on the next piece. One more and I'm done. I got a good lock on it, using all my strength to lift it up. It was slow, but I was managing. About halfway through, something started to drip on my lip, making me feel weird, but I managed to get it out of the way and drop it down safely.
"We've got them, they're here," someone yelled out. I let out a breath of relief before stumbling back slightly. I was stopped as I made contact with a chest and arms wrapped around my waist.
"I've got you Hyung, you did good, really good," Jongho whispered.
"They ok," I asked quietly.
"Yeah, they're a little injured but they're conscious and ok. Crap you've got a nose bleed," Jongho said, turning me around. I stumbled slightly again and dropped my head on his shoulder. A few seconds later there was something held up to my nose, staying there gently.
"It's ok, I've got you," Jongho said.
"I'm ok, just really tired. It's what happens if you don't use your powers much for a while, and then suddenly use it a lot," I said, not wanting him to worry.
"I know, but you still need to rest," he said.
"Rest sounds good," I said with a small nod.
"Can I carry you," he asked me. Ok, now that is just humiliating.
"Not a chance," I said shaking my head.
"Come on Hyung, don't let your pride get to you. You did it when I was younger.
"I did it when you were 14 and 15 when you were sick and I was looking after you," I said quietly.
"Plus you're 2 years younger than me," I added.
"Doesn't mean anything. Stop being stubborn and let me carry you," he said. Not a chance.
"Nope, I'm fine," I said.
"Fine, I'll go call Seongh-."
"Pick me up and shut up," I grumbled. If there's one thing you don't want, it's a worried Seonghwa fussing about you. Plus he'll want to heal me, but this is something that will go away with some rest. He chuckled and bent down, allowing me to wrap my arms around his neck before he slipped his arms under my thighs and lifted me up. The tissue he was holding under my nose fell but I didn't really care, I just rested my head on his shoulder.
"Is he ok," I heard Youngjay ask.
"Yeah, Hongjoong's fine. He's just tired right now, so I'm taking him back to the Sector," Jongho replied. I didn't move, just lifted my hand to give him a thumbs up.
"Thank you for your help today guys. You get a lot of rest Hongjoong," Youngjay said. I nodded into Jongho's shoulder, dropping my hand back down.
"He will. By Youngjay Hyung," Jongho said before I felt him begin to move. I clung closely to him, allowing him to carry me along. Around 5 to 10 minutes later, there was the sound of a door opening and I turned my head slightly, opening my eyes to see that we were in the Sector again.
"Put me down, before Hwa comes out and stresses," I told Jongho. He bent down a little before gently placing me down, waiting for me to get my feet set before letting go.
"You ok to stand," he asked me worriedly. It's sweet how caring the maknae is, despite always trying to act like he's so tough and uncaring.
"Yeah, I'm fi-."
"Why is there blood on you."
"Hwa, it's fine. It's just a nosebleed," I said, turning to him.
"Let's get you washed up then," he said, hurrying over and grabbing my hand before pulling me over towards the bathroom.
"There's a lot of blood," Seonghwa said worriedly.
"I really am ok Hwa. I wasn't hurt," I said quickly, trying to reassure him. It's hard to get him to calm down once he thinks one of us is hurt. He was quiet, not replying as he sat my on the toilet. He walked to the sink and wet a facecloth before returning to me and beginning to wipe the blood from my face. I lifted my hands and quickly grabbed his wrists, stopping him from continuing. He sighed before lowering his hands and looking at me.
"Stop stressing Seonghwa. I told you I'm fine," I said.
"I know you say that. But the day I take you up on your word about not being hurt, will be the day I've finally lost my mind," he said quietly. I mean he's probably right. I'd think he's gone crazy if he doesn't worry about everything.
"You overexerted yourself, I can feel it," he said quietly. Ah shit, I forgot he could tell that kind of stuff. I tried to move my hand from his, but he just held them tighter.
"Let me help," he said quietly.
"Please don't Seonghwa. I know how much you want to help, but some rest is all I need," I said gently.
"But I can help," he said, his eyes getting watery.
"I know you can, but you don't need to. I don't want you to use your ability unless it's absolutely necessary," I told him.
"But you're hurt Hongjoong. I-I can help you. I don't want you to be hurt," he said sadly.
"Hwa, I promise you I'm fine. If I really need it, I would let you help me," I told him. He sniffled and I saw a tear fall down, breaking my heart.
"Seonghwa, don't cry about this. I know how much you want to help all the time, but I want you looked after. If you help me, then it will just be trading my exertion for yours," I said.
"But that's better than you being tired and weak. You're the leader, you're more impo-."
"Don't you ever dare say I am more important than you Park Seonghwa," I cut him off sternly, making him freeze.
"You are amazing Seonghwa, and the kids love you. All I am is tired, I do not want you risking yourself because of me. You are just as important as anyone in the entire Sector," I said.
"I just want to help," he whispered. I lunged forwards and hugged him tightly.
"You are helping Hwa. You don't have to heal us to be helping," I said quietly. He hugged me back tightly, burying his face into my neck and taking in a shuddering breath.
"You've still got blood on your mouth, let me clean it," he said with a small sniffle as we pulled away. I paused, letting him grab the facecloth and wipe my face gently.
"All gone," he said once he was done.
"See, helping," I said with a small smile. He chuckled wetly, leaning forwards and placing a small peck on my lips.
"I hate you," he whispered, pouting as he leaned back.
"Very believable. Come on, the kids are probably wondering where we are," I said. He stood up and I went to but I found I didn't have the strength and I fell back down. I glanced up at Seonghwa who was watching me worriedly, but he just sighed and helped me up. He kept his arm around my waist and guided me out of the room, making sure I didn't fall. Jongho was playing the PlayStation by himself and everyone else was nowhere to be seen.
"Where are the other's," I asked him, receiving a shrug in reply.
"San, Yunho, Mingi and Yeosang went to play basketball and Wooyoung is asleep," Seonghwa said.
"It's like 4 in the afternoon," I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"It's Wooyoung," he shrugged.
"I'm gonna go check up on him, you join Jjongie," I said. He frowned slightly but didn't protest, gently letting me go and walking over to the couch with Jongho. I walked to Wooyoung's room, opening the door and slipping inside. Wooyoung was indeed asleep, sprawled out across his bed in a way that didn't seem very comfortable. I sighed and walked over to him, shaking his shoulder gently. He whined slightly and rolled over before his eyes slipped open.
"Hyungie," he said groggily.
"Hey baby. You don't look very comfortable, why don't you lay the other way," I said gently. He yawned but moved over so that his head was resting on his pillow.
"Why are you so tired," I asked him softly.
"Just am," he said quietly.
"Alright, get some sleep," I said, leaning down and kissing his forehead softly. When I leant back up, I got slightly dizzy and my vision blurred a little, making me stumble back but a hand grabbed my wrist tightly and pulled me forwards. I fell onto the bed and Wooyoung was quick to pull me closer and up against his chest.
"Hyung, you ok," he asked worriedly.
"Yeah, sorry. I just got a bit dizzy," I said.
"Nuh uh. You got really dizzy. Why don't you come and lie down with me? Get some rest," he asked me. That does sound nice, and I need some sleep. I nodded and laid down, shuffling closer to him.
"You definitely are exhausted if you're willing sleeping with me without complaint," he chuckled as he laid down.
"You doing ok though," he asked worriedly.
"It just took a slight toll on me, using it so much all at once," I said.
"Here, cuddle up with me however you want and I'll make sure you get some good sleep," he told me. It warmed my heart at how he instantly hurried to accommodate me and make sure I was comfortable.
"Thanks Young-ah," I said quietly. He just nodded and opened his arms, allowing me to shuffle forwards and rest my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me gently.
"Get some sleep Hongjoong-ah," he whispered. I nodded, humming slightly in reply as my eyes slipped closed. I felt gentle fingers glide through my hair, lulling me into a gentle sleep.
Is it just me, or is everything so hot right now? I'm boiling, sweating actually. I groaned and rolled over, feeling my shirt sticking to my skin.
"-Oo-ah. Ar- o- k-." Is someone talking, it sounds like someone is talking. I slowly peeled my eyes open, groaning at how much trouble I seemed to be having. When they were finally open, I saw Seonghwa standing over me, San beside him and they both seemed worried. Why would they be worried? I felt something cold pressed against my forehead and I leaned into it, chasing the soothing feeling it gave me. Everything felt like it was on fire, apart from my forehead where the coolness was. I was no longer in Wooyoung's room either, I was back in mine.
"Joong." I turned my head slightly, looking back up at Seonghwa who had knelt closer to me.
"Can you hear me," he asked.
"It's so hot," I mumbled, wincing at the uncomfortable feeling of my clothes.
"I know, you've got a high fever," he said. Oh, now it makes sense. But my shirt is clinging to my skin still and my body is practically on fire.
"It's too hot," I whined, tugging at the shirt.
"Do you want some help, I can make it feel better," he said. It's too hot, I just want it to cool down. I nodded my head quickly, reaching out to him. He immediately pulled me up and into his arms before pulling off my shirt. I let out a slight breath of relief, glad to have the uncomfortable material off my skin. Despite that, it was still really hot.
"Too hot Hwa," I slurred, whimpering and trying to get closer to his skin.
"Shh, it'll be fine in a minute," he said softly. I nodded, trusting he would be able to figure out a way to get my fever down. He's the mother of the group, he always helps when we're sick.
"Grab my hand Joongie," he whispered. I quickly slipped my hand into his, squeezing it tightly and letting out a breath as the heat slowly decreased. Just touching him was enough to begin to feel better. I relaxed as I slowly cooled down and my brain cleared a little. That's when I realised what he did and I groaned.
"I told you not to do that Hwa," I whispered, trying to let go of his hand, but he just held it tighter.
"Just a little more," he whispered. I yanked my hand from his grip quickly, leaning back slightly to look up at him. He looked tired but he was smiling happily.
"You're an idiot," I said.
"And you had a fever," he said with a small shrug.
"I'm gonna leave you two to do your weird thing you guys do," San said and I turned to see him closing the door as he left.
"How're you feeling," I asked Seonghwa, worried he did too much. He's sneaky, he knew I wouldn't register what he meant when he said he could help because I wasn't thinking straight due to the fever.
"Tired, but fine. Happy," he said, giving me a small smile.
"Did I tell you you're an idiot," I asked.
"Shut up. You were the idiot that thought all you needed was sleep to be better, then got a bad fever while you were sleeping," he pointed out.
"I would've been fine," I said with a shrug.
"No, you wouldn't have. You would've gotten worse, then tried to act like you were fine, then most likely passed out or almost collapsed," he said. I hate that he knows me so well, it's rude.
"Well I'm fine now," I said.
"That's because I helped you," he pointed out.
"You tricked me. That's ju-."
"Just shut up. We can argue as much as we want, but realistically we should be getting some rest because now we're both going to be tired," he said.
"Well that's your fault," I told him. He just had to be stubborn and use his powers.
"You forced my hand," he said.
"Whatever, let's just lay down," I said with a sigh. He squeezed my waist softly and kissed my neck before gently pulling us down, keeping his arms around my waist. I cuddled close to him, nuzzling my head into his neck.
"Your fault," I whispered quietly. He tickled my stomach in retaliation, making me giggle and squirm slightly.
"Get some more sleep you idiot," he said.
"You're the idiot," I whispered.
"And you're the adorable sleepy best friend of mine who needs to rest. Now be quiet and go to sleep Kim Hongjoong," he whispered as sternly as he could.
"Thank you," I said quietly. Him using his ability has helped me feel a lot better. Even though I don't want him doing it, I am thankful he decided to.
"No problem, now sleep," he said gently. I nodded and snuggled even closer to him, practically melting into his side. We both relaxed against each other and I let sleep claim me once again.
Here is Chapter 15 everyone, I hope you enjoy :)
Poor Yeosang still panics at the thought of hurting someone, even just a little. Do you think he will be able to overcome it and start practicing?
What do you think about Seonghwa sneakily manipulating Hongjoong into letting him help him? We'll be getting to see a bit more of the dynamic and friendship of the two eldest in the coming chapters.
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