Chapter 13
Yeosang's POV
I was sitting by my desk on my computer when I heard the yelling. I mean, they weren't exactly keeping their voices down and the walls are actually quite thin. It didn't take a genius to figure out what they were talking about and I instantly felt bad.
"And yet you made him cry." Yeah, definitely talking about what happened earlier. But it wasn't exactly Wooyoung's fault, he was trying to be nice.
"I didn't mean to." Exactly, he didn't mean to, and I'm certainly not holding a grudge.
"I've told you, I was just trying to help make him fe-."
"Well you should stop trying to help people. All you do is just mess everything up way more." What the hell crawled up Jongho's ass? That was totally uncalled for.
"It didn't help at all Wooyoung. You're just so damn lucky this didn't set him back even further for you stupidity." I'm fine though? They know I'm fine, so what's the issue. I got up and opened my door, sticking my head out as I was tempted to go over there.
"Just stay here Sang, let Hyungs deal with it." I jumped slightly at the sound of Yunho's voice, turning my head to see him standing by my door.
"They're yelling at him for no reason. He doesn't need to be yelled at," I said.
"Jongho's just got a bad temper, Hwa and Joong don't really know what to do and they don't want to escalate things," he replied quietly.
"Which they just did," he muttered before hurrying off.
"Let go of me. HYUNG LEAVE ME ALONE." Holy shit, yeah talk about escalating things. I heard the sound of a door swing open and then sobs and my heart broke. Wooyoung came running out of the room but Yunho immediately wrapped him in a tight hug. They were quiet for a few seconds before Yunho picked Wooyoung up and the younger wrapped around him like a cuddly Koala. Yunho walked back past me carrying a crying Wooyoung. Wooyoung and I locked eyes and he immediately looked down. I didn't mean to be the reason he got so sad, I don't like seeing people cry.
"He'll be ok, don't worry about him Yeosang." I jumped in surprise, not expecting Yunho to talk to me like that but I just nodded. Thanks. The door opened once again and I turned to see Jongho walking out with Mingi following him and they disappeared in another room. Seonghwa and Hongjoong both walked out after a few seconds later, looking distraught. They both paused when they turned and saw me, walking over.
"Sorry about that. We've been trying to work on Jongho's temper but we haven't made much progress," Hongjoong said with a sigh.
"He made Wooyoung cry though. Surely you could've stopped him. I already said it was fine," I said frowning. I don't know why, but I felt protective of Wooyoung and the fact that Jongho (even though I like him as well) made him cry, didn't sit well with me.
"It's hard sometimes Yeosang, we'll deal with it in a bit. You just go in your room alright, we just need to go check on Sannie," Seonghwa said with a sigh. I frowned again but nodded and went back into my room, flopping onto my bed. This was a great day and now everyone is crying. I wish I wouldn't cause so many problems. I jumped slightly and swung my head to the doorway when my door suddenly opened, but no one was there. Huh, weird. I got up and walked over to the door, closing it quickly. I walked back to my bed and sat down, jumping up with a yelp when I landed on a lump. I turned around, looking over at my bed but not seeing anything wrong. What the actual hell? Am I going crazy? I scratched my head in confusion, jumping again when my door was swung open. This time though, there was actually someone there.
"You haven't seen Sannie by any chance have you," Hongjoong asked me.
"No, I was with you guys just before and I've been in my room," I said. San's gone missing?
"Right. Well, just stay in here for now ok," he said before turning around and closing the door quickly. Ok, that was weird but it's not like I was going to leave anyway. I sighed and walked back to my bed, sitting down but there was something there. I rushed to the other side of my room, my heart pounding. I am not going crazy. I am not going crazy. My bed is empty, but I could've sworn there was something on there. I heard a sniffle and froze. What the hell. I furrowed my eyebrows and slowly moved forward, kneeling down in front of my bed. Maybe I am going crazy?
"Shit, ow. Crap." I winced as I moved back and smacked my head on the desk behind me. There was more sniffles and some sobs, and I was confused because there was no one there.
That's when it clicked. I've never been told San's ability. It's just never come up. But his power must be invisibility. It makes so many other things make sense. The door opening was him going inside, the thing I've been sitting on, is him.
"Sannie," I said softly.
"Hyungie," he sobbed back. I could vaguely guess where he was on the bed, but it was hard given I couldn't see him. I can't help because I don't know how to deal with this, but the other's do, plus they're looking for him.
"I'll be back, I'll go get Hongjoong Hyung-."
"NO. No Hyungie please, d-don't," he whimpered. I quickly stopped from where I was standing up and frowned. Why doesn't he want me to get Hongjoong? Maybe there's someone else he wants.
"Who do you want me to get San," I asked him.
"Wan you Hyungie," he said quietly.
"I need to go get someone that can help you San, I can't do that," I said.
"Sc-Scared," he whispered. Ok, I guess I'm helping him now. I can't see him though, so this is a bit weird.
"What're you scared of Sannie," I asked moving forward so I was knelt beside the bed, my chin resting on top of it. I'm hoping I'm facing him but I really have no idea.
"Y-Yelling," he whispered.
"The yelling scared you," I questioned. I waited for him to reply but he didn't and I frowned worriedly.
"Sannie," I said softly.
"Y-Yeah," he whispered.
"Are you scared of the yelling," I asked gently.
"Th-They're too loud and a-angry," he said. I didn't even think about the fact that the yelling would scare San so much.
"Are you sure you don't want me to at least tell them you're here," I asked him.
"N-No, don't tell," he whimpered.
"Ok. Ok, I won't tell. But Sannie, I can't see you. How am I supposed to help if I can't see you baby," I pointed out. There was some shuffling and I noticed the bedsheets move but given I couldn't see him, I don't really know what he doing. My brain short-circuited as I was suddenly thrown back and there was something warm on top of me. NO!
"San, get off," I said quickly but he didn't move.
"San, it's hurting you," I said quickly, my eyes welling up with tears.
"S'not hurting me Hyungie," he whispered into my ear. Wait, what?
"San, you're touching me. It's hurting you right," I asked quickly. My heart was pounding in my chest and I was trying hard not to panic but I was also confused.
"Warm Hyungie," he said quietly. My eyes went wide as I watched him slowly become visible again.
"San, Sannie look at me please," I said quickly. He doesn't seem to be hurting right now, but how? People get hurt when they touch me, he should be hurting. He lifted his head up and I looked into his tear-filled eyes.
"Is it really not hurting," I asked quietly.
"Course not. Hyungie would never hurt me," he said, smiling through his tears. Ok. Ok, this is weird. This shouldn't be happening. Maybe I fell and hit my head and now I'm dreaming. Yeah, that sounds right. It's a nice dream though, so I'm just gonna go with the flow.
"Alright, come here you big baby," I said, slipping my arms under his thighs and lifting him up. I'm dreaming this so I may as well indulge for a bit while I can. I carried him over to my bed and sat down, hugging him tightly. I've always wanted to hug San, see what it's like, maybe that's why this is happening. He snuggled closer and tucked his head into my shoulder, his cold nose brushing against my neck. I rested my head against his, letting out a breath. I like this.
"Hyungs safe," he whispered.
"Yeah Sannie, Hyungs are safe," I nodded.
"No. Sangie Hyung's safe," he said. Oh.
"Of course. I'm always safe," I said quietly. His hand fisted in my shirt and I quickly lifted up my gloved hand, running my fingers through his hair like I wanted to do earlier in the day when I was actually awake. I think his hair would be quite soft but I'm not going to risk taking my gloves off. There were some loud noises from outside my room and San whimpered, holding me tightly. There was some rummaging and then my door opened once again, Wooyoung walking inside and his eyes going wide. This is a dream, right?
"Shit," he exclaimed. Ok, so yes this is different but jeez. I went to open my mouth to explain but San's hand lifted up to cover my mouth.
"Hyung, Yeosang's gone as well," Wooyoung yelled, running out of the room. Wait, what!? I looked down at San to see him smiling up at me. I can see him, why can't Wooyoung? And why can he suddenly not see me?
"We're invisible," San whispered.
"What," I asked in confusion.
"If I touch someone and will them to be invisible, we both will be," he explained.
"I'm dreaming right? This isn't real," I said slowly.
"I mean, no. You aren't," he said, raising his eyebrow.
"This is real," I asked. It can't be. He's touching me and isn't hurt.
"Yeah. Do you want to get some ice-cream," he asked me.
"From the freezer," I asked in confusion.
"No from outside. It's been a while since you've been out right," he asked. It has, it really has. But Hongjoong said I wasn't allowed out.
"Hongjoong Hyung said I wasn't allowed out until I had control or whatever," I pointed out.
"Who cares. They need to deal with Jongho and Wooyoung and I need a pick me up, so come on," he said.
"Won't they be mad," I asked.
"I don't care. I'm sick of them letting Jongho get away with upsetting Wooyoung and I'm sick of him not being able to control his anger. Maybe if we go for a bit and give them a little scare, they'll realise it needs to change," he said.
"It's like 8 at night and I've been here for only just over 2 weeks. Isn't it too early for a rebellion," I asked.
"Please Yeosang. I just, I want to get some ice-cream and I don't want to be around them right now," he said quietly.
"I don't want to make anyone angry," I said. I want to help him but I also don't want to get kicked out. These boys are the best things that have happened to me in a long time.
"If they get angry, I'll take the fall," he promised. I could see in his eyes that he desperately wanted to go, plus I haven't been outside in ages.
"Ok, let's go," I said with a nod. He grinned and got up, making sure to hold onto my wrist.
"We need to go quickly alright. We-." San suddenly paused, his face going pale and eyes wide. What's wrong.
"I will leave my door open. Slip out my window." Yunho. I forgot he'd be able to hear thoughts. But why isn't he stopping us?
"Because this is progress and I agree with San. Jongho needs to be taught a lesson, I'm sick of consoling Wooyoung when he's upset. It's too many tears and he doesn't deserve it." Oh.
"If the other's ask me about you guys, I'll say I don't know anything." San smiled and nodded to me, pulling me up and out of the bed. The door was still left open from when Wooyoung walked inside so we slipped out easily.
"How could Yeosang have left? We were here the whole time," Seonghwa said as he was pacing down the halls. He almost knocked into us, but San pulled back at the last minute.
"We'll find both of them Hwa, don't stress," Hongjoong said.
"Hongjoong they aren't here. They're our kids, Sannie is our fake maknae and we don't know where he is. Yeosang doesn't know his way around and he's not here," Seonghwa yelled. San pushed closer to me and I understood that the yelling was upsetting him so I kissed the top of his head gently before pulling him down the hall. We slipped into Yunho's room and hurried to the window.
"Are you sure you wanna go when they seem so worried," I asked him.
"Yunho will keep them from panicking so much. Plus, they can't exactly keep us here against our will. We're just getting some ice-cream Yeosang. And we should probably talk about this new development," he said. New development? I raised my eyebrows in confusion but he just looked pointedly down at our conjoined hands. Oh, right. I don't think that's fully sunk in yet. Once it does, I'll probably get emotional again. He let go of my hand and opened the window before squeezing through and I quickly followed. He grabbed my hand once again in his. It wasn't fully dark yet but the sun was beginning to go down, making the sky have a nice, warm glow. I paused and looked around in awe, finally able to look around outside without fear for the first time in years. It smelled fresh and flowery, probably because of the roses surrounding the building.
"Nice, right," San said quietly.
"It's beautiful," I whispered, grinning happily.
"Come on, the ice-cream parlour isn't far from here," he said, tugging me along gently.
"Will people be scared of me," I asked worriedly. I haven't been out in civilisation in so long and I don't want to cause any problems.
"Everyone here has abilities, or they're employed and know all about it," San said. Huh?
"What do you mean," I asked in confusion.
"The institution is isolated from any cities or towns. They made their own mini town in a way. The shopping centres and stores that we go to, were all made for us so we would get the opportunity to go out without the fear of something happening," he explained to me.
"That sounds nice," I said quietly.
"It is. They really try to make us looked after and feel included," he said. I nodded and squeezed his hand gently. He glanced up at me before moving his hand slightly to link our fingers together.
"Come on, let's get some ice-cream," he said softly. We were walking for a few minutes, going past quite a few stores surprisingly, until we finally stopped outside one.
"Min's Ice-cream Parlour," I read out.
"Yeah. Mr Min is awesome," San said, giving me a reassuring smile. We walked inside hand in hand and an old man looked up from the register. He looked to be about early to mid-sixty's.
"Sannie," he said, smiling warmly.
"Hi Mr Min," San said happily. The man turned and looked to me, looked down at our hands and then back to San.
"Finally got a boyfriend have you Sannie? He's quite good looking, you've done well," he said. I blushed in embarrassment and went to move my hand but San held it tighter.
"He is very handsome but no, he's not my boyfriend. This is Kang Yeosang, the boy I was telling you about that came to our sector about 2 weeks ago," San said.
"Oh yeah. Well Kang Yeosang, it's a pleasure to meet you, Sannie and Youngie have told me a lot about you. I'm Min Dongju, but everyone just calls me Mr Min," he said.
"It's nice to meet you too," I said quietly.
"You ok," San whispered softly, leaning into me slightly. I flashed him a quick smile and nodded to reassure him it was fine.
"Say, Sannie. Yeosang here has only been at the institute for 2 weeks, I'm surprised they already allowed him out here," Mr Min said. San chuckled uncertainly and Mr Min raised an eyebrow.
"He was allowed out, right," he asked slowly.
"Jongho was yelling at Wooyoung and made him upset again. I got scared and I went to Yeosang, he was looking after me. I just wanted to get out for a bit so I concealed him and we came here," San said.
"Does Hongjoong know you're here? Or Seonghwa," Mr Min asked.
"Yunho knows. The others were looking for us," San explained.
"Is there a reason you didn't tell them you were fine," he asked.
"I dunno, I wanted to teach them a lesson, I guess. I love Jongho, but he needs to realise his words have consequences. And I, I don't like remembering. It scares me, a lot. Th-They may think it's cute a times b-but it's scary," he said. I could tell he was getting a little choked up, so I quickly let go of his hand and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, holding him close to my side. He relaxed easily and cuddled closer to me.
"I understand Sannie and I'm sorry this happened again. Will some chocolate brownie ice-cream help," Mr Min asked. San nodded enthusiastically and walked pulling me towards the ice-cream display.
"What flavours do you want," Mr Min asked as I had a look through.
"Get 2 scoops, I have enough money," San said.
"That won't be necessary Sannie, it's on me," Mr Min.
"Are you sure Mr Min, I can pay," San said.
"There's no need Sannie. This is Yeosang's first time here and you've had a rough day so don't worry about it," he said warmly. I like Mr Min, he's really nice.
"Thank you," I said quietly.
"No problem. So, which two flavours would you like," he asked me.
"Can I please have cheesecake and raspberry," I asked him.
"Of course. And Sannie, what's the other flavour would you like," he asked.
"Choc mint please," he replied. Mr Min quickly put our scoops into little cups, stuck on a spoon and held it out for us. We both let reached out and grabbed the ice-creams.
"Thank you, Mr Min. If anyone comes and asks if we were here, you don't have to lie," San said.
"Alright Sannie, stay safe and don't worry them for too long. It was good to meet you Yeosang," Mr Min said.
"Lovely to meet you too Mr Min," I said, bowing down politely.
"So where are we going now," I asked San as we walked outside.
"There's a park close by to the facility, we can just sit and talk there for a bit. I don't wanna go too far away," he said. Right, talk. That would be a good idea. We were once again walking for a few minutes before we ended up in a beautiful park. There was a massive tree that must've been pretty old but it was flourishing beautifully. I walked over and touched the tree, although I couldn't actually feel it.
"Take your gloves off Sangie," San said. I turned to him and he quickly took a few seconds back, giving me a small smile. I quickly pulled off one of my gloves and placed my hand on the tree, feeling the rough bark underneath my fingertips.
"I used to love trees. When I was younger, before everything happened, I didn't have any friends. I used to sit under the trees at school, I enjoyed studying them," I said, smiling slightly.
"You didn't have any friends," he asked.
"Well I had one friend. When I was 10, there was a boy who joined my school and we became friends," I said, thinking back to Kyungsoo, my one and only friend I ever had before these boys.
"What happened to him," he asked me. I clenched my hand around some of the bark and sighed.
"He grabbed my hand one recess to take me to see something but started screaming out. That was the first person I ever hurt. He ended up in hospital and I never saw him again because we moved," I said with a sigh.
"I'm sorry that happened," he said.
"Yeah, me too. But I got to meet you guys, so it's all good," I said turning around and placing my glove back on. I took a scoop of my ice-cream and begun to eat as we walked over and sat on a bench. We ate silently for a while, just enjoying the atmosphere when San gasped suddenly.
"What," I asked in confusion. He looked back up at me, his eyes wide.
"I know what your ability is," he said quickly. Wow, he's finally realised I hurt people, took long enough.
"I know as well. I hurt people who touch me," I said.
"No, no you don't. You haven't hurt me this entire time since I came to you earlier," he said.
"I know," I replied. That's what's confusing me. I should have hurt him.
"Have you thought about why," he asked me.
"No, I don't really understand it," I admitted.
"It's because it's not people touching you that make them hurt. It when you touch them. When your hand touches their skin, without the gloves," he said. Holy shit. Wait. What.
"You friend grabbed your hand, those dumbasses grabbed your hand. When I got hurt, you didn't have your gloves on and you touched me. Later on I thought I didn't register the pain because I had zoned out of it, but it's because there wasn't actually any pain," he said. Oh my god.
"Sangie, we can touch you. We can hug you, we can kiss you, we can pinch your cheeks, tackling. We can do that stuff. You're not dangerous like that. If you have your gloves on, nothing bad will happen," San rushed out. So, I've come to realise I have a habit of crying when I feel an emotion intensely or get overwhelmed, so it's only natural that I burst into tears the minute San finished his statement. It didn't take long for arms to encase my body and for San to pull me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head into his neck, sobbing into his embrace.
"Shh, it's ok. Don't worry Yeosang, I'm here," he whispered. All this time, I never had to be so isolated. My parents didn't have to hate me so much, I didn't need to be locked up. I could've been hugging and having fun with the other boys. I didn't have to be so isolated.
"You're ok. This, this is good right. You can be close to us now, didn't you want that," San asked me.
"Y-Yeah," I whispered. I do, I really do. But what about the past years? I continued to sob, clinging to the younger boy tightly.
"Sangie, what's wrong," he asked quietly. My breathing was quick and I was getting worked up, so I was finding it hard to reply.
"P-Parents," I stuttered.
"Your parents? What about them," he asked me. I whined and choked on a sob as I tried to reply but couldn't.
"Ok, shh. Let's not worry about anything except breathing right now alright. Just breathe with me Yeosang," he whispered. He moved my head so it was resting on his chest, allowing me to hear his heartbeat and feel the rise and fall of his chest. I let my eyes slip closed and tried to block everything out except for his heartbeat and breathing, trying to match mine with his. It was hard but after a while, I was finally able to calm down a little bit. San breathed slowly and I followed along, my sobs quietening down.
"That's it baby, you're doing so good," he whispered and I felt him kissing my cheek softly.
"I'm sorry," I whispered tiredly.
"Don't be sorry Yeosang, don't ever be sorry for being upset," he said gently.
"Thank you. For figuring it out," I said quietly.
"I just wanna help you Yeosang. I'm glad I figured it out as well. I've wanted to hug you since you first cried at the present Hongjoong and Seonghwa gave you," San said.
"Really? Why," I asked, sniffling slightly.
"Because you needed one, and I can relate with you," he said. That's sweet. I hugged him tighter and moved my head to rest on his shoulder, kissing his neck lightly. He shuddered slightly and giggled.
"Don't do that, not here anyway. You're gonna make me too calm," he said.
"You can be too calm," I asked in confusion.
"Yeah, long story. Anyway, do you feel good enough to go home? I think we've been out long enough," he said. Yeah, that would probably be a good idea.
"Sure," I nodded. We both got to our feet and I stretched a little, sore from sitting a little awkwardly.
"Come on," he said quietly, his hand automatically slipping into mine once again. I squeezed it tightly, letting out a sigh. We walked quietly, San guiding me to the front of the facility.
"Is this where you met Seonghwa Hyung," I asked as we walked inside.
"Yeah, right outside that door," he replied.
"SAN!?" We turned around, just in time for someone to tackle San into a tight hug.
"Hey Lix," he said quietly. The boy had blond hair and a small frame compared to San.
"Hyung, everyone's been so worried about you. Hongjoong Hyung called Channie Hyung and was asking if he had seen you cos you've been missing for almost an hour," Lix said.
"I know. I just needed to get away for a bit Felix. I'm ok though," San said.
"Alright. Well I'd hurry up though. From what I heard, Seonghwa Hyung was getting really worked up," Felix said.
"Will do, thanks Lix," San said. We continued on down some halls, surprisingly not seeing anyone else as we were walking. After a few more minutes, we finally made it to the doorway and we paused. The door wasn't shut properly, instead left half open.
"Seonghwa, calm down. They're doing the best they can."
"This is going to be fun," San said quietly. Yikes.
Here is Chapter 13, I hope you all enjoyed it! It was VERY eventful
We've finally found out what San's ability. What did you all think? Did anyone guess that he might have that ability?
If you guys go back to near the end of Chapter 7, the interaction between Wooyoung and San after the crash, you may be able to notice something else now that you know about his ability
If you do go back and want to comment about it if you realise something, please post it here, not on the chapter so that new people to this story will be able to enjoy the suspense of not knowing
Also Yeosang got his first hug from San, and San has figured out his abilities. What do you think about it? Did you have any idea it might only be his hands touching?
What do you think might happen next? Will the boys be angry? Or happy?
I hope you all liked this chapter and thank you so much for reading
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