Chapter 11
Wooyoung's POV
"Youngie." I slowly rolled over and peeled my eyes open, looking to see San standing by my bed. It was still the middle of the night but the moon was shining through the curtains, so I was able to see him. His hands were wrapped around himself, his shoulders slumped and his eyes a little glossy. Ah, he's had another nightmare.
"Hey baby, you ok? Did you go see Hwa Hyung," I asked softly as I sat up and moved to face him, letting my legs dangle over the side of the bed. He sniffled and moved forwards, shuffling between my legs to be closer to me. I shuffled back slightly before pulling him up, allowing him to sit down, his legs on either side of my lap as he rested his head on my shoulder.
"Went to but he was cuddling with Joongie Hyung," he whispered. Ah, right. It's kind of an unspoken rule between us younger ones that whenever Hongjoong or Seonghwa sleep next to each other, we leave them alone and let them sleep for as long as they need. The reason being that they only ever end up next to each other if they're stressed or not sleeping well as it brings them comfort. Now that the scare of yesterday has settled down, I have no doubt that they need that extra comfort.
"That's alright, do you want to come cuddle with me tonight," I asked, rubbing his back softly. He nodded so I turned and leant back, keeping my arms wrapped tightly around San and bringing him down with me. I rested my head on the pillow, San laying on top of me and cuddling close.
"Did you want to talk about it? Or do you wanna wait to talk to Hwa Hyung in the morning," I asked. He was quiet for a few seconds before speaking up.
"Sangie killed me," he said quietly. Ok, not what I was expecting, but I know San isn't scared of him, so what's he talking about.
"H-He was sad. He couldn't forgive himself and he, he ended up dying. A-And I watched him, h-he-."
"Shh, it's ok darling. Everything is ok. No one's dead and Sangie is alright. I promise you," I said, cutting him off before he could work himself up too much.
"S-Sangie's ok," he whispered.
"Yes, he is. He got home from the infirmary today remember. He was playing some video games with Jongho and he's asleep right now," I said gently.
"S'ok," he mumbled sleepily, already beginning to drift off in my arms.
"Of course he is. Now you get some more rest you little devil," I said.
"You're the devil," he mumbled with a sigh, relaxing further against me.
"Shh, sleep," I whispered, kissing his forehead gently. He nodded into my chest and went quiet as he drifted off to sleep. I stayed up for another half an hour, just making sure he was asleep and wasn't going to have another nightmare before I finally let myself go to sleep.
"Why does this not surprise me?" I peeled my eyes open at the sound and looked to see Seonghwa standing beside my bed with Mingi beside him. I smiled softly and tightened my grip around San's waist.
"You and Joong were together so he didn't want to interrupt you," I explained. Seonghwa's eyebrows furrowed and he knelt down, running his fingers through San's hair.
"Did he have a nightmare," he asked worriedly.
"Yeah. It was about Yeosang though. He was scared of what would happen to Yeosang if he accidentally killed him yesterday," I said.
"Makes sense I guess. It's probably not the only nightmare he will have about the matter," he said with a sigh.
"He's ok now though. He slept pretty well after that I'm pretty sure," I said.
"That's good, can you wake him up though. We need to start getting ready because he, Mingi, and Jongho have a check up to do," Seonghwa said. I nodded and moved slightly, shaking San gently. He groaned and his eyes fluttered open before he looked around.
"Hey, what's up," he asked, clearly feeling a lot better.
"You have a check-up soon, so you need to get up," Mingi said.
"Ugh, do I have to? I really can't be bothered," he whined, turning around to tuck his head under my neck. I will be the first one to admit, I am a sucker for cuddles, especially when they're from San. I cuddled closer to him and rested my head on top of his, letting my eyes slip closed.
"Wooyoung, no. You're supposed to be getting him up, not going back to sleep with him," Seonghwa groaned.
"It's too comfortable," I said with a pout.
"Come on, get up," he said. Neither of us listened, just held each other even tighter.
"You two are so annoying," Mingi said. I opened my eyes quickly and stuck my tongue out at him. He came over and grabbed my arm, trying to pull me out of bed but I clung even closer to San who also held me tightly so I won't get away.
"Guys," Mingi groaned but we both rolled away from him.
"Nope," San giggled.
"We need to go soon San. And Wooyoung, stop encouraging him," Mingi said. Nah, I'm good. I'd rather just lay here and cuddle.
"You should join us Gigi," I said.
"No, I shouldn't. San needs to go," he said.
"I'm good," San said.
"Stop guys, seriously," Mingi said. We both just laughed and stayed laying down.
"I love you Wooyoung," San whispered in my ear. I smiled softly and nuzzled my face into his neck, kissing it softly.
"I love you too," I replied back quietly.
"Ugh, why do they have to be so cute. You're seriously gonna make me do this? Can't we just let them be so they can cuddle." Ah, they've called in the big guns. Whelp, it was fun while it lasted.
"No, we can't. San has to go get checked up as well," Seonghwa said.
"Fine. Sorry you two," Jongho said. Less than 5 seconds later, we were both being pulled apart and lifted off the bed, Jongho holding us up off the floor with ease.
"You ruined the fun," I pouted.
"Sorry Woo, but Hyung is right, you need to get up," he said.
"At least put us down," San said. Jongho complied and lowered us down gently so our feet were stable on the ground before letting us go.
"Now hurry up San, you've wasted enough time as it is," Seonghwa said.
"Sorry Hyung," San said, his face dropping as he hurried out of the room. Seonghwa groaned and rubbed his face with his hands.
"I just upset him didn't I," he said.
"Yeah, but he'll get over it. Although they just wanted some cuddles, and we're not even that late so it wasn't really needed," Jongho said.
"It's ok Hyung. He'll be fine, just talk to him later," I said quickly. I walked over and hugged him gently, knowing he was feeling guilty. He's been a bit stressed lately though, so I can't blame him too much.
"Everything ok." We all glanced to the left to see Hongjoong standing in the doorway, looking confused. He glanced over at us before his eyes widened slightly.
"Hwa? Hwa why're you crying," he asked softly as he walked over. I looked up in surprise to see a few tears had fallen down Seonghwa's face and I stepped to the side to let Hongjoong through. Seonghwa truly is too sweet and pure in his personality sometimes. Even just slightly hurting someone's feelings upset him. I'm not sure if it has something to do with his abilities but he never likes people being hurt in any way, physically or emotionally. Hongjoong walked over and placed his hands gently on Seonghwa's waist.
"What's wrong," he asked softly.
"I just, I was rude to Sannie and I think I upset him," Seonghwa replied, wiping his eyes quickly.
"Young-ah, can you go check on him and Jjongie go get ready please," Hongjoong said. I could tell he just wanted us to leave the room so he could talk to Seonghwa, so we both left. I went over to San's room and walked inside but he wasn't there which confused me. I quickly walked back out of the room, bumping into Yunho. He glanced at me, his eyes narrowing slightly before he smiled.
"Sannie went to Yeosang's room," he explained.
"I hate that you can do that, it feels rather intrusive," I pouted, but I sent him a quick smile to show that I didn't mind.
"Sometimes it's fun to see what you're thinking in your mind. You always have the most entertaining thoughts," he said with a chuckle.
"That's because I'm the smartest," I said with a grin.
"Wooyoung. You once thought about how funny it would be to buy a dog, name it shark and then take it to the beach," he said with a raised eyebrow. Oh, I remember that, it's was a really funny thought. It would be very entertaining.
"Come on, you gotta admit it would be a funny ordeal to watch," I said with a giggle.
"That is exactly my point, you are definitely not the brightest," he said.
"You're mean," I said, crossing my arms and pouting.
"And you're adorable. It would definitely be funny," he said, brushing my hair back gently.
"I've gotta go check up on Sannie," I said. He nodded and moved out of the way so I could quickly slip past and head over to Yeosang's room. I knocked on the door, hearing a quiet 'come in' and walking inside. Yeosang was sitting on his desk, his lest resting on the chair and San was dressed and laying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling.
"I'm fine Young-ah," he said quietly, not moving at all.
"How did you know it was Wooyoung," Yeosang asked in surprise, his eyes wide as he looked between the two of us. Aww, he's so cute and innocent. And his birthmark is just adorable, it's like there's a target right on his head just waiting to be kissed. Too bad it's usually covered with his fringe.
"Because Wooyoung is worried Seonghwa upset me and he doesn't like me upset so he's come to check up on me," San said. I sighed and walked over, flopping onto the bed before rolling over and placing my leg on the other side of his body and my hand beside his head, holding myself up and caging him in. He groaned but moved his eyes to meet mine. If San isn't feeling all soft and fluffy, he's very good at hiding when something bothers him. However, he sucks at lying when he's looking someone in the eye.
"He's stressed, you know that right," I said gently.
"I know," he nods.
"And he-."
"He didn't mean I was a waste and blah, blah, blah. That's not why I was upset," he said. Oh.
"Why were you upset then," I asked.
"I was upset because I really was wasting time. I was mucking around even though he said to get up numerous times. I came to your room last night because Seonghwa was sleeping with Hongjoong. He went to Hongjoong which means he was the one that was feeling pretty stressed. I knew that and we all know how he likes to be organised especially when he's stressed," he said. His hand came up and started to play with the loose string on my pants, showing that he was getting a bit uncomfortable, so I quickly moved and sat next to him rather than hovering over him, giving him my hand to fiddle with. I get what he's saying.
"So you're upset that you may have bothered him," I asked, receiving a nod in return. This is just a classic example of miscommunication and wanting to please each other.
"Sannie, Hwa is upset because he thinks that he worried you. He's not annoyed or frustrated, just upset because you looked crestfallen when you left," I said.
"I'm not, promise," he whispered.
"I believe you Sannie. Just make sure you talk to Hwa Hyung today alright," I said, squeezing his hand gently.
"I know," he said quietly.
"Problem resolved then," I asked.
"Problem resolved," he said with a small smile.
"Is it really that easy for you guys to fix issues." San sat up and I looked to my left, only now remembering Yeosang was here.
"Yeah. We always try to resolve our issues as quickly as possible, so there isn't any tension. It can be really hard sometimes if two people have an issue so it's good to make up quickly," I explained.
"I understand that. It's smart," Yeosang nodded.
"It works," San replied.
"You should probably go so Seonghwa can take you, Mingi and Jongho to your check up," I told San. He nodded and got up, waving goodbye to Yeosang before leaving.
"So, what're you planning to do today? Seonghwa, Mingi, Jongho and San are getting a check up which will probably take most of the day, Hongjoong is going out to hang out with another one of his friends and Yunho said he wants to relax in his room today because he's been having a hard time with his ability. That means it's just you and I," I said with a grin. He sent me a small smile back, fiddling with his fingers slightly.
"I don't really mind," he said with a shrug.
"But do you want to do something with me? Or would you prefer for me to leave you alone," I asked.
"No. No, I'm fine with hanging out with you," he said quickly.
"Alright, what do you want to do," I asked him.
"Well, what do you usually do when you've got spare time like this," he asked me nervously.
"I usually cook," I said with a grin. If I can get him to do some cooking with me, it will be quite fun. I can already picture it. I noticed the way his eyes lit up slightly and it intrigued me, a thought occurring to me.
"You used to cook a lot right," I asked slowly. His eyes widened slightly before he looked down and shook his head.
"No, I can't really cook," he said quietly. I immediately could tell that it was a lie, just from his body language. I also knew he would have most likely had to cook his own food given his family situation and how much of an asshole his parents were. But why would he lie and say he can't cook?
"Oh, so do you not like cooking," I asked, trying to delve in and get to the root of the problem. His eyes flicked up slightly and I noticed they looked sad before he looked back down. It was in that instant that I realised what the problem was.
"Sangie, you're not going to hurt me. There's plenty of ways to cook together without touching. I promise I will figure it out and make sure not to touch you," I said, smiling fondly as his cheeks went bright red.
"I just, I don't want to risk it," he said quietly, finally looking up to meet my eyes.
"You aren't risking anything Sangie. I promise you that I'll be careful. And if something happens, which it won't, we'll both pull away quickly. I little jolt isn't gonna cause much harm," I said.
"But it could," he whispered.
"Come on, Sannie endured more than that and I'd like to think I'm stronger than him," I said, grinning proudly. Yeosang, the audacity he had. He looked me up and down before nodding slowly.
"Sure, we'll go with that," he said.
"Did you just say that San is stronger than me? That I'm weak," I gasped out, clutching my hand to my chest. Yeosang shook his head quickly while giggling and I fought back a fond smile. He really is adorable.
"So, do you wanna cook some stuff later on," I asked him.
"Ok," he said, smiling happily.
"For now though, I'm going to just rest my eyes. That's all, I'm still awake," I said, flopping down and letting my eyes close.
"Of course. I wouldn't think anything else," he said quietly. Good. I'm just resting my eyelids, that's all...
"Darling, it's time to wake up." It's so warm right now, and fluffy.
"Youngie." Mhm, that's my name. Ooh, there's a hand in my hair. It's so soft and gentle, come closer. I rolled slightly, moving my head to rest on the arm.
"He said he was just resting his eyes." I am, see, eyes closed and resting.
"Yeah, he does this sometimes." I do not.
"Darling, you need to get up, Hyung has to leave soon." It was at the gentle press of lips against my temple that I finally slipped my eyes open, meeting Hongjoong's soft one as was knelt beside my bed. God, he really is such a dad.
"Welcome to the world of awake," he said.
"I wasn't asleep, I was just resting my eyes," I said with a small yawn.
"Of course. You were just resting them for 2 hours," he said, lifting his unoccupied hand to run through my hair, massaging my scalp slightly.
"Yep," I replied.
"You've gotta get up now though, because I'm heading out and you need to look after Yeosang," he said quietly. I sighed before holding up my arms and pouting.
"Aren't you too old for this now? You aren't 13 years old anymore," he said. Ha, he's funny. I didn't answer, just stayed patiently waiting for him to crack. It didn't take long before he was sighing and standing up, leaning down and slipping his arms around me as I enclosed mine around his neck.
"Ready," he asked gently.
"Yup," I replied happily. He lifted me up swiftly and quickly, spinning around slightly before gently placing me down on the floor.
"Happy now," he asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Definitely," I grinned. I may be almost 18, but that doesn't mean I can't still act like a child if I want to.
"You two be good alright, try not to burn down the dorm. What're you planning on doing," he asked.
"We're gonna cook something. I have a feeling Sangie is gonna be my new personal assistant chef," I said with a grin. I noticed that Hongjoong's eyes narrowed slightly before quickly smoothing out and smiling gently.
"I think that would be lovely," he said.
"I'll see you guys later," he added before leaving.
"He knows I lied to him," Yeosang said quietly, my head snapping quickly to look at him.
"What do you mean," I asked quickly.
"A couple of days ago, when Yunho got overwhelmed, he asked me to cook with him. I lied and said I couldn't cook because I didn't want to risk it," he said sadly. If I ever meet his parents, I am grabbing them and running them to the Sahara desert where they can die. How can anyone be so cruel to such an innocent and pure person?
"It ok Sangie, don't worry about it. He understands your worries and he'd never force you to do anything. That also means he'd never complain if you choose not to," I said. He fiddled with his fingers nervously before nodding in reply.
"Come on, let's go get cooking," I said, standing up quickly. He got up as well and followed me out of the room, both of us going to the kitchen.
"So, what do you want to cook," I asked him.
"I'm fine with whatever you want," he shrugged.
"Nope. Not gonna fly with me. You pick, so hurry up," I said.
"But I don't even know what ingredients we have. So, I don't know what we can make," he said.
"Just pick anything Yeosang. If we don't have all of the ingredients, I can just very easily get some sent up here," I said.
"Can we make pasta," he asked quietly. Really? Out of everything, he chooses pasta.
"Of course we can. I know we definitely have the ingredients for it. Do you want penne or I think we have spaghetti," I said. He glanced back at me before looking away and fiddling slightly.
"Penne, I guess," he said. Why does he always have to hide when he obviously has an issue.
"What is it? You know I'm not going to care if you want something different," I said. His eyes flickered back to me and he shuffled slightly.
"Can we make it from scratch," he asked nervously.
"Oh. Yeah, sure. We have stuff for that but I've never actually made any from scratch before," I said.
"It's pretty fun. I used to make it all the time when I got bored, cos mum and dad would be out for so long," he said. Right, because they didn't give a shit about him. I really do hate them.
"Let's get started then. What ingredients do we need," I asked him.
"I wanna make an egg one so all we need is about 2 cups of flour and then some extra for the surfaces to roll the pasta on. We need some salt and 3 eggs," he said.
"Are we doubling it, so we each make our own," I asked him.
"Yeah, it usually lasted me a few days so we need more to be able to feed everyone," he nodded.
"Alright. I'll get the eggs, you pull out the flour, it's in the left cupboard," I told him. I walked to the fridge and pulled out the carton of eggs, placing it on the bench. I carefully pulled out six eggs and placed them down before putting the carton back in the fridge. I moved the eggs to the middle of the bench where Yeosang also placed down the tub of flour.
"Where's the salt," he asked me.
"I'll grab it," I replied. The salt is in a slightly tricky spot above the draws. It's a bit high so it's hard to reach. I went over to the draws and carefully climbed on the handles, reaching up towards the door.
"Be careful Young-ah," Yeosang said quietly, almost a whisper but I caught it. I froze slightly, almost slipping but I caught myself. Yeosang has never called me Young-ah, or Wooyoungie, or any nickname for that matter I'm pretty sure. I smiled to myself and continued, opening the door and pulling out the salt before jumping back down.
"Got it," I grinned, showing it to him.
"Perfect. Now we need 2 mixing bowls, two whisks and a pasta machine if you had it," he told me.
"Pasta machine is in the corner cupboard, I've got the rest," I said. We both quickly grabbed out the equipment we needed and returned it the middle of the bench.
"Alright, you work on the right and I'll work on the left. I'll run you through everything," he said and I nodded, eager to learn.
"First of all, we whisk together the flour and the salt," he said. We both carefully measured out the flour and added the salt, mixing them together.
"What's next," I asked him.
"Make a well in the middle of the flour and crack the eggs into it. Make sure not to let any shell get in," he said.
"Hey, I'm not a noob, I just haven't cooked pasta from scratch," I said, making him giggle.
We continued to make the pasta for a while, Yeosang running me through each and every step carefully. It was nice to be able to do this with him, I felt like we were really bonding. We talked about different things we've cooked, laughing over epic fails in the kitchen. I told him about the time I accidentally set a pan handle on fire and San and I were screaming and calling Hongjoong because we were the only people home. Hongjoong put it out and we were both so scared that we cuddled up on the couch with him for an hour. It was a fun day. In return, Yeosang told me about the time he dropped a container of pasta sauce on the floor and made a massive mess that took almost an hour to clean up.
By now, we were finishing up putting the pasta through the pasta machine, separating it and putting it to the side.
"And, done," he said after putting his last sheet through, leaving us with a nice, neat pile of pasta.
"Awesome. Should we cook it now," I asked him.
"Yeah," he nodded. I grabbed a big pot and quickly filled it with water about ¾ of the way before placing it on the stove with a lid so it could boil.
"Now we just wait for it to boil and then we let it cook. What should we do now," he asked me. I was a bit unsure what to do but then my eyes caught on the tub of flour, a smirk pulling onto my lips. I glanced back at Yeosang who seemed confused before lunging to the tub, grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at Yeosang, making him screech.
"Oh, you're in for it now," he said. He ran to the tub and grabbed a handful of flour, flinging it back at me. After that, an entire flour battle broke out. We were giggling and throwing flour back and forth at each other, getting it on our clothes and in our hand. I'm not sure how it happened but there must've been flour on the floor and we somehow slipped and fell to the floor. Yeosang fell first and the minute I fell, I panicked. Due to my abilities, I was able to quickly position myself so my arms were by his head and my knees were on either side of his body, caging him in much like I did with San earlier. I made sure not to touch him and my heart was pounding, my eyes wide as I froze, waiting for his reaction. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights, his eyes wide and I could see the anxiety passing through them.
"Y-You ok," he whispered.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I nodded, studying him closely. Any sign that he's uncomfortable and I'm on the other side of the room within the second. He didn't seem uncomfortable though and he didn't say anything either so we just stayed like that, looking at each other. This is the closest I've ever been to him and I was able to study his features a bit better.
"You really are beautiful, you know that right," I said softly, immediately noticing the pink tint his cheeks took on as he averted his eyes. He really is beautiful though. I've always said all the boys here are pretty but Yeosang looks like he was literally sculpted to perfection. He has this innocent beauty about him.
"What? You don't believe me," I asked.
"It's just an odd thing to say," he mumbled.
"That you're beautiful? But it's true, you're gorgeous," I said.
"Wooyoung, stop," he said, shifting slightly.
"Is me saying that making you uncomfortable," I asked, worried it was indeed now making him uncomfortable. He was quiet for a few seconds before slowly shaking his head, the red on his cheeks darkening. Ah, he probably hasn't been told he's beautiful much in his life, given his home situation. That needs to change.
"Why do you cover your birthmark with your hair sometimes," I asked him, noticing his fringe had moved and his birthmark was on full display.
"Because it's ugly. It's the mark I was given because I'm a freak," he whispered. My heart broke at his words, realising he probably believed them with his whole heart when they are so untrue.
"Did your parents tell you that," I asked sadly, shifting slight as my hands begun to hurt a little.
"Be careful, don't touch me," he said quickly.
"I know, I won't. Trust me," I said gently. He nodded in reply.
"Did they tell you that," I asked again.
"Almost every day," he said quietly. I hate them so damn much it isn't funny.
"Well they're wrong Sangie. Your birthmark is gorgeous and it doesn't deserve to be hidden from the world. If anyone ever says it's ugly, then they're severely mistaken," I said firmly.
"Ok," he whispered. I could tell he didn't believe me and I desperately wanted to do something to make him believe it because what I was saying was true. Remember that thought I had earlier, about it being a target for, you know. And I'm a very clingy person, always open with skinship and stuff. Yeah, you can probably see where I'm going with this. Before I could stop myself, I leant down quick and placed a kiss to his birthmark before pulling away just as quickly. I made contact with his skin for less than a second and there was not even a small sting but Yeosang gasped.
"Shit, I'm sorry," I said quickly, moving myself to the other side of the kitchen as he sat up.
"Yeosang, I'm fine. It didn't hurt, not one bit. I promise you," I said quickly. His eyes were closed and his eyes were wide. Why did I do that? Why would I do that?
"W-Why did you do th-that," he asked shakily.
"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have. I just, you didn't believe me and I wanted to do something to make you believe it," I said hurriedly.
"C-Can you go get toothless for me please," he asked quietly. I sprinted to his room immediately, using my abilities to get to his room and back within 2 seconds. I held Toothless out and he grabbed him tightly, hugging him to his chest.
"C-Can I p-pretend this is you," he whimpered, a few tears slipping down his face. I wasn't expecting it, but it broke my heart.
"Of course Yeosangie," I said, nodding immediately.
"Th-Thankyou," he sobbed, burying his head into the plushie. I wasn't sure if he was mad at me or not but the fact that he wanted to hug me but couldn't and had to settle with crying into a plushie instead, made me start crying as well. I sniffled and wiped my eyes quickly, shuffling slightly closer but keeping a safe distance.
"I'm so sorry Sangie," I whispered.
"I-It's o-ok. I'm not m-mad," he said, sniffling and crying still.
"But I made you cry," I said sadly.
"Y-You k-kissed it," he said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what he meant.
"N-No ones ever d-done that before," he whimpered. Oh.
"So, you aren't made I touched you," I questioned gently.
"D-Don't do it a-again but no," he said shaking his head.
"So, you're crying because it was something nice and it overwhelmed you," I questioned slowly, hoping that it was the right assumption. He nodded quickly and I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. That was the dumbest thing I've done and I can't do it again but I think he really needed that.
"It's alright baby. I know you're not used to this kind of stuff but if I was able to touch you right now, I would hug you so tightly you could hardly breathe and I would kiss that pretty little pink spot so many times you can lose count," I said, making him chuckle wetly.
"H-How can you say that so easily," he questioned, moving his head to rest on top of Toothless.
"Eh, I'm just confident and tell it like it is," I shrugged.
"Hongjoong Hyung mentioned you're like that," he said.
"Well, he wasn't wrong," I said, giving him a soft smile. He nodded and wiped his eyes with his sleeves.
"You alright now," I asked gently.
"Yeah, sorry for that," he said quietly.
"Don't ever be sorry for having feelings Yeosang," I said firmly, making him smile slightly.
"You guys all seem to say that," he said.
"That's because it's true," I replied swiftly.
"You ok to get up," I asked him softly. He nodded and slowly pulled himself off. I know the pasta still needs to be cooked but that's a one person job, it would be better if he get's cleaned up and get's some rest.
"Why don't you go have a shower and lie down for a bit, I can finish this off," I told him.
"Are you sure," he asked, biting his lip slightly. His eyes were red and puffy and he still had flour all over him.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Get some rest ok, and I'll come join you later," I said gently.
"Ok. Thank you Youngie," he whispered beforewalking off. The minute he was gone, I dropped my head down on the bench andtook a deep breath. I am so damn lucky that ended up ok, but I definitely needto discuss some things with Hongjoong. I heard the sound of sizzling and myhead snapped up, looking to see the water bubbling over. Shoot, I shouldprobably keep cooking. I just hope things aren't messed up too bad, we had areally good thing going.
A/NHere is Chapter 11. I'm so sorry for not updating sooner, I actually didn't realise that I hadn't posted this chapter, so my bad.Anyway, as usual, I hope you enjoy it and thank you for readingHow do you think Yeosang is going to feel after what happened? What do you think he's going to do or how he will act?
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