Chapter 10
Oh my god guys, I am so, so, so sorry. I just went to update and post Chapter 11, only to find out I had, as Chapter 10. I am replacing it now with the actual Chapter 10 that I accidentally skipped over, and hopefully some more things might make sense. I'm not sure how I managed to stuff it up so badly, I must've been really tired. I apologize for the mistake and I hope you still enjoy this
Trigger Warning
Mention of suicidal thoughts but very brief
Yeosang's POV
My body felt stiff and weird, but I could tell I was laying on something soft, comforting. The contrast is kind of odd. I know something happened, I remember bits and pieces. It's like was in a haze, perhaps like I was doing things but it felt like it wasn't me doing it, like I was just watching. I don't remember much, just San's voice, something cold on my skin, fingers running through my hair. Everything is jumbled so I decided to just give up on trying to decipher it. I slowly peeled my eyes open, fighting back a groan at the sudden influx of light. I probably should've gotten myself adjusted before I just opened them like that but, oh well. I groaned slightly, my body protesting as I moved but I looked around quickly. I glanced around, quickly realising I wasn't in my room, I don't think I was even in the Sector. The room was white and there wasn't really much in it, but I noticed some equipment. I'm in some sort of hospital room, I think. But how did I get here? I glanced around the room, pausing as my eyes landed on a figure curled up in the chair next to me. The small figure and the orange hair immediately gave away who it was. If Hongjoong's here, then it means something happened to me and I was sent here. That's better than being kidnapped or something, I guess. I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position before rubbing the sleep from my eyes with my fists. It felt weird, different than normal so I looked down at my hands, my heart stopping at what I saw. My hands were re, my gloves weren't on them.
"Hyung. Hyung wake up. Hongjoong Hyung," I said frantically, my breathing quickening. My gloves are gone. How can they be gone? Oh god, did I hurt someone? Did I kill someone again? Is that why I'm here? Shouldn't I be restrained.
"Sangie. Yeosang calm down." My head snapped towards a very much awake and closer Hongjoong. I whimpered and shuffled back, clutching my hands to my chest for good measure. Not Hongjoong, I can't risk it. I can't hurt someone who has been so kind and welcoming to me.
"It's ok, you're ok. You had a bad fever and you passed out so you were taken here alright. You're in the infirmary right now," he said. I clenched my hands tightly to my chest, my eyes wide and fearful. It would kill me if I were to accidentally hurt him, I don't want to risk it.
"Hyung, can you please get back a bit," I asked quietly. His eyes went a little wide but he nodded and back up immediately. I only relaxed once he was a few steps back.
"Do you, remember what happened," Hongjoong asked slowly.
"Not really. I remember San was there at one point. And Mingi because he was running his fingers through my hair. There was also something cold but I can't really picture anything. It's also just fuzzy," I said truthfully.
"Why did you want me further back. There's nothing wrong with that, we will always respect your wishes but I just want to know. So I can start to understand the signs without you having to tell us," he said.
"My gloves are gone," I said quietly, showing him my hands.
"I really don't want to accidentally hurt you. You guys have been so kind to me, kinder than anyone else has ever been and I don't want to repay you by hurting you," I said quietly. I saw his face drop slightly and I understood. He wouldn't want him or any of the other's to be hurt by me either.
"I won't hurt you guys, I promise Hyung. I'm doing everything I can to keep away from you all," I said quickly.
"Oh Sangie. Baby, we don't care. Accidents happen sometimes. If you do accidentally hurt us, it won't be the end of the world," he said shaking his head.
"But I won't. I promise I won't," I said firmly.
"Sang, that's not something you can promise forever. And it's certainly not something any of us want you to promise. We care about you, and we want to be close to you. With that, there will always be a risk but it's a risk we're willing to take," Hongjoong said. Yeah, no matter what he says, I'm never going to risk it.
"Do you know where my gloves might be," I asked.
"They're in the draw next to the bed," he told me. I looked over and opened the draw, quickly grabbing out the silk gloves and slipping them on, letting out a breath of relief.
"Better," he asked and I nodded quickly.
"So Hyung, what actually happened," I asked. No matter how hard I try to think about it, nothing comes to mind.
"Um, well I wasn't there so I don't know everything. San was going to come in and explain it to you in a bit," he replied. I was confused as he was shifting around slightly but perhaps he felt bad that he wasn't there. He shouldn't though, it's not his job to look after me like that. I also think I would prefer talking to Mingi. I care a lot about San but I could really use some cuddles right now and Mingi's the only one who can give me that.
"That's ok. Mingi can just tell me about it," I said, giving him a reassuring smile. I frowned slightly when Hongjoong stiffened a little and almost looked, pained. He's acting quite weird right now.
"Mingi, wasn't there," he said slowly. Huh? But I distinctly remember someone touching me at some point. Perhaps I was just imagining it.
"Oh, ok then. Can he come anyway? I was wondering if maybe, we could cuddle," I said quietly, looking down in embarrassment.
"Oh Sangie, I'm so sorry. We have some things to talk about but Mingi is, busy at the moment," Hongjoong said. Discuss?
"Have I done something wrong," I asked worriedly. They aren't getting rid of me are they?
"NO! No, not at all Yeosang. I'll talk to you a bit more after Sannie has explained what happened but you've done nothing wrong and everything will be fine," he said quickly.
"That's not very reassuring but, sure," I said with a nervous smile.
"Please don't stress too much Yeosang," he said quietly. I gave him a small nod before he turned around and quietly left the room. That was a very weird conversation. Why do I feel like everything isn't as ok as what Hongjoong said it was. I lifted my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, resting my head on top of them. I just sat, waiting for possibly 10 minutes before there was a soft knock on the door.
"Come in," I said quietly. The door slowly opened and a tuft of pink hair peaked through before San shuffled inside.
"Hey," I said, giving him a small smile.
"Hey," he said quietly, walking inside and sitting down on the chair that Hongjoong had sat in previously. He looked sad, and a little tired. Perhaps he didn't sleep much.
"Are you alright," I asked worriedly. His head snapped up to look at me, his eyes wide and lips parted slightly.
"I, of course. Yeah I'm fine. Amazing even," he said quickly, too quickly. First Hongjoong, and now San? They're both acting weird.
"That's good. Um, Hongjoong Hyung said that you were going to let me know what happened and why I'm here. I don't remember much really, and I'm not even sure what I do remember actually happened," I said.
"What do you remember," he asked me, his hands clenching the side of the chair slightly. Ok, what is going on? Did something bad happen?
"Not much. I know you were there, I'm pretty sure there was something cold and then, I thought Mingi was there but apparently he wasn't," I said.
"Why did you think Mingi was there," he asked me.
"Well, I thought someone was brushing their fingers through my hair but Hongjoong Hyung said Mingi wasn't there," I replied.
"You're right, he wasn't," he said with a slow nod, looking down at the floor.
"Are you sure you're ok San? You're acting really weird and Hongjoong Hyung was as well. Can you just tell me what happened," I asked him.
"Yeah, right, sorry," he said, shaking his head and looking back up at me.
"Well basically, I was watching TV and I heard you whimpering. When I went to your room and checked on you, you we're covered in sweat and breathing heavily. I checked your temperature and it was 103.4, which is dangerously high," he said. Wow, that is really high.
"But, how did I get here," I asked him. Surely someone would have had to touch me? But then they would've gotten hurt. They would know that they would get hurt so I highly doubt they'd touch me. Perhaps they had someone like Hongjoong move me. Someone who can do it without touching me, or maybe they had to figure out a way with heaps of protective gear.
"The people at the infirmary took you," he said quietly.
"Ok, so everything's alright then. I don't understand why Hongjoong Hyung seemed so uptight and said you needed to tell me because there wasn't much to tell," I shrugged. San hesitated when replying, his face dropping slightly. He's hiding something.
"San? What is it? What aren't you telling me," I asked quickly.
"You're right Yeosang, everything is alright," he said.
"San, stop playing around and just spit it out," I said, my stomach churning uncomfortably. It's got to be something bad right? Otherwise they would just tell me, rather than causing such a fuss about everything.
"I haven't explained everything just yet. But before I do, I want you to know that everything is ok. This doesn't change anything and none of us give a damn what happened ok," he said. No. Oh my god. I did hurt someone. I hurt him. I hurt San. My stomach dropped and I froze, my skin beginning to feel hot and prickly.
"Yeosang, please just let me explain first," he said quickly. He stood up and went to step forward but I flinched, scrambling back quickly and almost falling off the bed so he quickly retreated.
"I hurt you," I said, my voice small as my eyes welled up with tears.
"No, well, yes. But no Yeosang, please let me explain it first," San said. I didn't say reply, just wrapped my arms tighter around myself as the tears fell.
"You had a high fever and you didn't look good so I needed to call the infirmary. The phone is in the loungeroom though and I didn't want to leave you alone, so I grabbed you-."
"You grabbed me? How could you be so stupid. You know touching me will hurt you, why would you do that," I asked angrily.
"I was looking after you Yeosang. I don't care if I go through a little bit of pain if it means that you'll get somewhere safe," he said quickly.
"It's not just a little bit of pain. San I could've killed you," I said, unable to stop myself from sobbing at the thought.
"No, there is no way you would've killed me Yeosang. And I believe that with my whole heart," he said firmly. I glanced over at him, trying to supress my sobs but it didn't work very well.
"W-What happened. A-All of i-it," I stuttered.
"After I checked your fever, I found out that it was dangerously high. I needed to call and I wasn't going to leave you alone. I grabbed you, pulled you from the bed and dragged you down the hall. Yes it hurt but I didn't care, I was only concerned about you. I fell in the hall but I finished getting you to loungeroom and I called here. The cold you felt was when I placed some icepacks on you to try and cool you down. The hand in you hair was also me, I wanted you to feel comforted as much as I could," he said. I clenched my fists closed, my jaw also clenched as I deliberately looked to the side of San rather than at him.
"I also, ended up passing out," he said quietly. My head snapped up to him, my eyes parting in disbelief as the tears flowed quicker. I hurt him so bad he passed out?
"Yeosang please don't cry. I promise you nothing was your fault-."
"BUT IT WAS SAN. I-I hurt you. I made you p-pass out. I pr-promised I'd never hurt you guys b-but I did," I sobbed. I tried to wipe my eyes with my hands but the tears wouldn't stop.
"I know you're upset right now, and you're most likely self-deprecating yourself. But please don't. I am here with you right now, in the present, in this room. I am here after what happened and I am telling you it is fine. That I don't care what happened and nothing bad even came from it anyway," San said, standing up. How can he say that? How can he act like everything is all good after what happened? I just, I don't understand. He should hate me, want me away from him and away from the other's. Maybe I hurt him too much and he's a bit confused.
"You're not thinking properly right now. You don't understand what's happening and when you do, you won't be saying this. I hurt you. When someone hurts you, especially that badly, you don't just go aye ok. When someone hurts y-."
"I KNOW DAMN FUCKEN WELL ABOUT PEOPLE HURTING ME YEOSANG," he yelled suddenly, cutting me off. I was caught off guard, not expecting him to yell. I've seen cute, cuddly San, sad San, annoyed and pouting San but I have never seen angry San. His angry yell made me stay silent, even my tears stopping momentarily.
"My father beat me, all the time since I was 6 years old. My mum was there and never said anything. I used to hide anywhere I could, in my closet, under my bed, wherever I could. It never stopped though," he said. My mouth opened and closed silently, probably making me look like a gaping fish out of water. I didn't know what to say. I knew he had a rough childhood but I didn't know it was this bad. Somehow my life seems a little bit easier. I can't imagine going through that.
"Do you wanna know why I'm here Yeosang? How I got here in the first place," he asked. I frowned worriedly, seeing the tears welling up in his eyes.
"When I was 10 years old, I had given up. I couldn't take my parents beating all the time, I couldn't put up with it. I stole my fathers phone one night, planning to search up ways to kill myself that weren't painful, because I didn't want anymore pain than what I had already got through. It was pure luck though, that there was a pop up add for this institution. It gave me hope so I decided to come here. I grabbed a backpack, put in a bottle of water and a muesli bar and I left. It was pouring rain but anything was better than staying home. I walked for 2 hours to get here and I showed up, this little child, soaking wet in the reception," San explained, the tears finally falling down his cheek. Holy shit, that's horrible. I couldn't even think of what to say.
"Did you get sick," I asked , making him let out a chuckle. His eyes crinkled slightly but he was still crying. He turned around and sat down on the end of the bed, facing me. My mind immediately told me to get him away from me, make sure I don't hurt him but I couldn't bring myself to do that. He's crying, and upset and he's telling me something that must be hard to talk about. I feel bad pushing him away now.
"No, I didn't. I would've, but I met a kind Hyung who saw my and looked after me. He became a sort of parental figure to me," he said, smiling slightly.
"H-How did it stop you bei-. Seonghwa Hyung," I questioned, the realisation dawning on me. He has healing abilities.
"Yeah. Hwa Hyung was the one that found me when I showed up. The facility was a lot smaller than, not really many Sectors. He was walking past when he saw me and he pulled me inside. I just broke down the minute there was someone who would be able to look after me and he just held me. I didn't realise at the time but he used his powers to heal me, healed my wounds, my bruises, made sure I wouldn't get sick. He was already weak as he was but he saw this little crying and bruised kid and he wanted to help. He held me for like 11 hours straight, way, way, way longer than I'd been held in the past years combined," he explained.
"What happened after that," I asked quietly, sniffling and wiping my eyes quickly.
"Youngjay Hyung was already working there at the time. He's the one who started the institution. He found me curled up and crying in Hwa's arms and I can bet he was a little confused. They were really nice though. They took me to the room Hwa was staying in because I wouldn't let him go and let me stay there for the night. I was scared to go to sleep because I was scared of what I had done. But Seonghwa was just patient with me. He held this little random kid in his arms, soothed me to sleep and held me throughout the entire night," San said. Ok, I admired Seonghwa before but the admiration just went through the roof.
"That's sweet," I said quietly.
"It is, it's very sweet. But that's who Hwa Hyung is, someone who looks after people. We all are. We care for each other and we don't let minor things get to us," he said.
"I'm glad he looked after you," I said softly.
"So am I. But don't you understand Sangie. I know what it's like for people to want to hurt me. You didn't, and too be honest, it was nowhere near as bad as some of the thing I've been through," he said gently.
"But I still could've killed you," I said, shaking my head.
"No, you couldn't have Yeosang, because I wouldn't let you. I care about you too much to force you to live with that guilt. The second it got a little too much, I let go and had a quick break. Then my brain kind of, I guess decided it would shut out any pain and I was fine the rest of the way. You got nowhere even close to killing me, nowhere near. I think it was the mixture of the slight pain and also the panic of you being so sick that made me pass out," he said.
"And I'm completely fine right now, no side effects," he added. I mean, he does seem fine, but that doesn't change the fact that I hurt him.
"But Sannie, they're going to hate me for hurting you. Literally the first thing that Hongjoong Hyung said when telling me about you was not to hurt you otherwise I'm gone," I said, biting my lip nervously.
"I believe they most likely said to not make fun of me or intentionally hurt me. You did neither of those. In fact me getting hurt was my fault," he said, shaking his head. Ok, so maybe they did but still, it's basically the same thing.
"They're still going to be annoyed with me, angry when they find out. I know you aren't bothered but some of them might be scared but I can't deal with that," I said sadly.
"Listen to me Sang, none of them will care. What did Hongjoong say before he came to get me," he asked.
"Huh," I asked in confusion.
"Before he came to get me, what did he tell you," he asked me. I thought about the conversation with Hongjoong, wracking my brain to remember something he said that could fit with this.
"He said accidents happen. And if I do accidentally hurt you guys, it will be ok," I replied, recalling what Hongjoong said.
"Yeah, none of us will care, and they don't. Plus, everyone already knows and we're all worried about you, not me. Hongjoong already knew but he didn't tell you because he wanted me to tell you, so I could show you that I was ok. We knew you would be upset about it and we didn't want you being too hard on yourself. I actually didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to risk you drawing back into your shell but Hongjoong didn't want to keep you in the dark about it," San said. He knows? They all know.
"T-They don't want me gone," I asked worriedly, fiddling with my fingers nervously.
"Not at all. Actually, can you wait for a minute or two while I go out? Jongho is in the waiting room right now and he can probably help reassure you. Would that be ok," San asked me. I nodded quickly, knowing having someone else to follow up and say they hate me would probably help.
"I'll be right back," he said, giving me a small smile.
He left the room quickly and I waited alone worried for a few minutes until the door opened again and Jongho rushed inside. I shifted back slightly when he came right up to my bed but I knew he wouldn't touch me and sure enough, he didn't even move a finger.
"Thank god you're ok Sangie Hyung. Don't ever do that again," he said, his eyes running over me quickly.
"What," I asked in confusion.
"You scared the shit out of me when Hyung said you were here. I mean San worried me as well but you haven't been hurt or sick yet and it scared me. How're you feeling? Do you still have a fever? San wouldn't tell me," he said quickly. He's worried about me? And not the fact that I hurt San? I expected him to at least ask about it.
"No, I'm ok. I actually feel fine right now, I don't even know what happened to make me so sick in the first place," I shrugged.
"We can figure that all out later, but you're sure you're ok," he asked me.
"Positive," I said, still shocked how unbothered he was by everything that I did, accident or not.
"And, how're you feeling, mentally. I know hearing what happened with Sannie probably upset you but it wasn't your fault. And besides, there's no harm done. Everyone is ok and that's what matters in the end ok," he said softly.
"Y-You don't care," I asked quietly, feeling myself get emotional again.
"Not at all. None of us care about what happened. All we care about is that you're both safe and healthy," he said. These guys are too nice. The tears slowly spilled over and I lowered my head into my hands, crying quietly into them.
"Oh no, please don't cry Hyung. San where is the plushie," Jongho asked quickly. Plushie. I continued crying but I looked up, seeing San pass something black to Jongho who quickly walked back to the bed and held placed it down before stepping back. I was confused but I grabbed the slightly large object, squeezing it and pulling it closer. I turned it around and I recognized it as the dragon Toothless, from 'How to train your dragon'.
"What's this for," I asked with a sniffle.
"Well, I know we can't touch you but I wanna let you hug something. We have this in joke that Seonghwa looks like Toothless so it'll be like you're giving Hyung a hug," he said.
"Why do you have to make me cry more," I sobbed, pulling the plushie to my chest and hugging it tightly as I cried into it. It did feel quite comforting though and I found myself picturing hugging Seonghwa. If I didn't have this ability, I don't think he would mind me hugging him at all. Given the fact that he hugged San for like 11 hours without even knowing him. The boys were quiet for a few minutes before I manage to calm myself down again. I didn't let go of the plushie though, I kept it clutched in my hands. It helped as well, to have something in my hands. It stopped me from worrying about accidentally touching someone because my hands were occupied anyway.
"You alright," San asked gently.
"Yeah, I'm ok. Sor-."
"And we're ending there," Jongho butt in, making me giggle and San smile.
"Whoops. But yeah, I'm ok. Thank you for telling me, even though you didn't want to and thank you for reassuring me," I said.
"Of course Sang. You're our brother now, we're always gonna be here for you," San said. Curse you Choi San, stop making me want to cry. I've never had a brother before though.
"Thanks. But be quiet before you make me cry again," I said with a pout.
"Well, um. Actually, there's one thing you need to be talked to about. But Hongjoong Hyung wants to explain it," San said slowly. Why? I've come to terms with this. Why does there have to be more?
"Is it bad," I asked.
"I can't really decide if you will find it bad or not but it might upset you a little. It's nothing big though, no one is dying or hurt," he said. Vague but nothing too bad at least, that's all I can ask for.
"Ok. When will he tell me," I asked anxiously.
"I can go get him now," San said.
"Yes please, I'd rather get it over with now," I said with a nod. He gave me a quick smile before getting up and leaving the room.
"Don't stress too much Hyung, everything will be ok," Jongho said softly. I hope so, I really hope so. I sat there hugging the plushie to my chest while Jongho leaned against the very end of the bed. There was yet another knock at the door and I quickly said come in. It slowly opened and Hongjoong walked in, giving me a sad smile. Time to find out why Hongjoong was acting so weird earlier.
"Hey Hyung," I said quietly, shifting slightly in anxiety and anticipation.
"Hey Sangie. Jjongie, you wanna head off and take Sannie home? It's been a long day for him and I think he'll want some relaxing time with Hwa before bed," Hongjoong said.
"Sure Hyung. Bye Sangie Hyung," Jongho said before waving and leaving the room. Hongjoong sat down in the chair next to me bed.
"How was the talk with Sannie," he asked me.
"Good, he was very nice about it, so was Jongho," I said.
"I'm glad," he nodded. As nice as a chat would be, I really can't wait much longer, I'm getting too anxious.
"He said you need to tell me something, what is it," I asked quickly.
"Right to it I see. Dr Lee figured out what was wrong and why you got sick, but there's a little problem," he said.
"What's the problem," I asked nervously.
"You got sick because your powers were repressed too much. The mutated cells in your body were forced to clustered together, due to being prepressed so much. Eventually, they sort of just went haywire and all over the place and the fever was the result of trying to contain them and get them settled," he explained. Oh, that's a lot to take in. There's a simple solution though.
"So just stop repressing them," I said slowly.
"That is the only decision. But Yeosang, do you know what that entitles," he asked me. Huh?
"Just to not repress them? I don't really know too be honest though," I admitted.
"Yeosang, repressing is basically another word for muting," he said.
"So I don't mute m-." I cut myself off abruptly, realising what he was trying to say.
"No. Hyung, please no. Please don't take that away from me, please. I'll, I'll put up with being sick, just please don't take this away from me," I begged frantically, my eyes becoming misty once again. He's meaning to take away Mingi, keeping him away. But Mingi is the only person I can touch without hurting him, the only one I can hug and cuddle with. I choked on a sob and cuddled the plushie close to me, shaking my head.
"Oh no baby. That's not what I mean sweetheart, well not exactly," he said softly.
"Please d-don't," I cried.
"Don't cry darling, I'm not saying you can never hug Mingi," he said quickly.
"Y-You aren't," I asked, shakily.
"Not at all Yeosang. You don't need to cut all contact with him, you just need to dial it down a bit," he explained.
"H-How much," I asked quietly.
"Not heaps. You can't have contact for the next week but then it should be fine. You two won't be able to sleep together though, that's the main thing. That's like 9 or 10 hours of muting and it isn't good for you. You can still have hugs and cuddles throughout the day but if you ever feel weird or overly tired, it's best not to have physical contact," he said. No sleeping next to each other?
"But what if I have a nightmare? Mingi cuddles me to sleep," I said sadly.
"I know baby but we can figure something out. We can either have someone stay with you, maybe sing you to sleep or if it's bad, we can arrange for him to help you get to sleep but leave once you're asleep," he said.
"S-So everything else can stay the same," I asked nervously.
"Definitely. I discussed it with Dr Lee earlier and I've been thinking about the arrangements for the past hour I'd say," he said.
"I can still hug him during the day," I asked quickly.
"Yes, I promise. You can still do all that," he said.
"Why couldn't you have just started with that. You scared me for a second there," I said, pouting through my tears.
"Sorry baby, I realise I could've worded that better to save you the stress," he said with a small chuckle.
"That's ok," I said, relaxing back slightly and wiping my eyes with Toothless.
"What's that you've got there," he asked me.
"Um, it's a Toothless plushie. Jongho gave it to me to hug, he said it can be like me hugging Seonghwa Hyung, or one of the other's," I said.
"That's nice of him. Does it help," he asked me. I nodded in reply and he smiled softly.
"I know you've been through a lot today Yeosang and you're probably tired but is there anything that is still worrying you? Please tell me. I'll do my best to make sure everything is ok," he said.
"Everything is fine Hyung," I said quietly.
"Ok. Now you can't go back to the Sector just yet, you have too stay overnight for observation but I'm gonna be here with you ok. It's close to midnight so you should get some rest ok," he said gently.
"Ok Hyung," I said. Truth is, I am actually tired. All of these up and down emotions and crying has tired me out. I turned around and snuggled down, cuddling Toothless close to me and closed my eyes.
"Don't flinch, don't worry, it's just me," Hongjoong said gently. I was confused and opened my eyes, only to freeze when I saw Hongjoong's hand close to the bed. I held back from reacting badly, wanting to wait and see what he did. He knows my boundaries and he's too nice to mess with them. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before my eyes widened as I watched him gently place the blankets over me and tuck me in as best as he could.
"I would kiss you on the forehead but that's probably not a very good idea, so I'll settle for saying goodnight and sweet dreams," he said.
"Goodnight Hyung," I whispered, letting my eyes flutter closed once again. What a long day...
So here is the actual Chapter 10, sorry for the mistake. I hope you all enjoyed it though.
We finally got to know San's backstory and what happened to before he came to the facility
So everyone, what was the saddest moment of this chapter for you? I'm interested to know
Once again, sorry for the mess up everyone
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