The Spirit is Summoned
I had my eyes blindfolded, my friends were taking me somewhere. I had no idea what we were going to do and how much trouble we were going to get into this time. Me and my friends are those teens that are always causing trouble, like graffiti on the school, shop lifting, putting our music volume up too loud, that kinda stuff. We weren't the most favorite at school and around town, we got regular scolding from teachers and parents and sometimes the police. Nevermind that though. We seemed to be walking in a field of tall grass. I was told to bring a piece of paper, knife, 6 candles, matches, flashlight, and a photo of myself. Weird huh? I was still trying to figure out what we were doing when Sasha, my best friend, put a hand in front of me to stop me walking.
"We're here." She said. I looked around me. There was a huge house in front of me, it looked like it hadn't been touched for years. The windows were cracked, and grass and moss was growing anywhere it could. In front of it was my friends Sasha, Denny, and Seamus. "Dudes, what are we waiting for?! Let's go in!" I said, excitedly. I always wanted to go in an abandoned house. Bonus points if it's haunted. I made to charge to the door, but I was stopped by Denny. "Klara, wait!" I stopped and turned around. "What?" I rolled my eyes. "We'll go in soon. We are going to be trying something out, okay?" I walked back over. "What are we doing?" I asked them. Seamus pulled out his phone and typed something in. "We, are going to summon an evil spirit." He said in his thick British accent. "Unless, you're too scared,that is." Sasha teased. Scared? Me scared? Never. Besides, it sounds like fun.
"How do we do it?" I asked the three with a smile. They all grinned. "First," Seamus began. "We need to wait till 12:00, which is in three minutes, so we should probably begin preparing now. Do you have what I asked you all to bring?" I nodded vigorously. "Get on with it." Sasha said impatiently. "I, uh, couldn't get my hands on a knife." Denny said. "You can borrow Klara's. Alright, take out the supplies." Seamus directed. We all did as he said and took out what we had brought. "Prick you're finger with the knife and draw a pentagram with you're blood on the paper." I winced as the knife pierced my skin. I then passed my knife to Denny and drew the pentagram with my blood. Seamus looked down a his phone that was lying in the grass and read out the next instruction.
"Light the candles with a match and place them around the paper. Then, light the photo of yourself on fire and place it in the middle of the pentagram. Make sure it's 12:00 by the time the photo is burnt to ash."He said. "Won't the paper catch on fire?" I asked him. He shrugged and started to light his candles. I lit mine and moved on to the photo. I placed it quickly in the middle of the pentagram before it burnt my fingers. Surprisingly, the paper didn't catch on fire. I watched it until it was nothing but a pile of ashes. "Now, open the door to the house you will be playing in. You must survive 7 hours with the spirit trying to find you. It is advised to not stay in one place, or else the spirit will find you faster. If you do encounter the spirit, run as fast as you can. Remember, leaving the house before the hours are over will result in the spirit following you. Good luck." He finished reading, everyone was silent. I'm not so sure if this was a good idea anymore... "Well, we should start." Denny broke the silence. We walked up the steps and opened the door.
And I swear I heard a low, deep laughter as I walked through.
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