AN: Here's the epilogue. I tried my best.
*Third Person's POV*
By the time Luke and Ashton arrived at their destination, Luke offered to make some snacks and told Ashton to go up to his room (assuming that Ashton knows where it is since his first visit).
The twenty-year-old ended up lying on the bed and falling asleep with Luke's pillow in his arms and his face half-buried in it. The blond saw the older boy already asleep and cuddled up to him, kissing the back of his neck and wrapping his arms around Ashton's body and keeping him close and safe.
The next day, Luke had informed Calum and Michael about finding Ashton, but not letting them know of all the details. Michael had been stressing over Ashton's disappearance knowing that his best friend was very dependent and couldn't exactly live on his own.
The green-haired boy had Ashton stay at his place, much to his mother's reluctance, but Michael reassured her that he'll make sure to keep Ashton out of trouble and that he did not cause any problems around the house. He even made his friend swear to make an effort on being on his best behavior.
Luke was great enough to take some of Ashton's stuff from where Leonard had moved them and brought them back to his place. He only got things like his luggage of clothes, stuff from the restroom, and Ashton's endless supply of Nesquik powder, but those were all that Ashton needed/wanted.
Two months later, November came around and all the boys but Ashton were back in school. Michael, Calum, and Luke were somehow able to juggle between their classes and respective job while Ashton had nothing better to do than to either stay at Michael's home and lie around all day or go out to find a job that's willing to accept him.
Of course, no one was going to hire a high school drop out who had a criminal background, and Ashton was so close to giving up on looking for a place to work at, but Luke made sure to boost his boyfriend's confidence and tell him that he will find the perfect job.
Yes, they are boyfriends now. It took a week after their reunion, but Luke finally asked Ashton and now they were officially together. They were both happy with each other and no problems have occurred in their relationship, and they were hoping that it'd stay that way.
Of course, they didn't go on to the next step where they did the horizontal dance in bed. The couple were completely satisfied with just simple kisses, cuddles, occasional intimate touches, all that jazz. They wanted to wait, and they were both comfortable with that decision.
Ashton was in town, walking past stores and hoping to find somewhere that was willing to offer a job for someone like the twenty-year-old. So far today, he's been to six stores and neither were kind enough to hire Ashton. Mainly because, they were aware of his criminal record and they were more paranoid that Ashton was going to steal from them.
Speaking of stealing, Luke had to help Ashton from his addiction, because those were bad habits for the older of the two. Luke had came up with a plethora of ways. For example, he promised that for every day that Ashton didn't steal, Luke would make him chocolate milk.
It wasn't something a super great reward, but chocolate milk was another thing that he was addicted to, so it was worth it to Ashton. Besides, he believed that Luke's chocolate milks are a whole lot better than Michael's. His best friend wasn't very pleased to hear that and even challenged Luke to a contest to see who could make the best chocolate milk.
That day was probably the one of the best days of Ashton's life, because he had so much chocolate milk, he was practically drunk after consuming so many cups of it.
Ashton happened to walk past the apartment that he used to work at and he noticed a Help Wanted sign hanging up on the window. He didn't know how his former landlord would react to seeing his face again, but the twenty-year-old was desperate for a job. So he decided to enter the building.
Instead of seeing Leonard, he saw Cynthia behind the counter. She was flipping through a magazine while she looked through her Android phone once in a while.
The ex thief gulped, slowly approaching the front desk. Cynthia's eyes looked up and she gave Ashton a fond smile.
"Hey, Cee," Ashton said and Cynthia merely waved. "It's, uh, it's been a while."
"Yep," she said.
"So, you have a sign at the window asking for help, and I was wondering if--"
"Cynthia! Get away from him!"
Ashton and Cynthia looked over and saw the landlord hurrying over, pulling his daughter to the side and glaring at the twenty-year-old.
"Dad, what are you doing?!" Cynthia yelled. "It's just--"
"A criminal," Leonard finished. "Get out, Ashton. You're not welcomed here."
Cynthia raised an eyebrow as she glanced at the ex thief. "Ashton?"
"Fitzy, I may have stolen quite a few things in my life," Ashton started, "but harming anyone physically is the last thing I'd want to do on my list."
"How am I supposed to trust you if you lied about who you really are?"
Ashton sighed. "It was to protect myself from getting caught, and I did a pretty good damn job at it up until over the summer. Well, I never really got caught. More like I turned myself in, but whatever. I may have a record of stealing, but I am trying to put those days behind me with my boyfriend's help and--"
"You have a boyfriend?!" Cynthia gasped, cutting Ashton off. Then she turned to her dad. "You have to let him work here! Ashton and I have a lot to catch up on!"
"Cynthia, do you not realize that you're asking me to hire a thief?" the landlord pointed out.
"But he has a boyfriend! Plus, ever since you put the Help Wanted sign up, Irv--I mean, Ashton has been the only that's ever asked to work here. You don't want to pass up an opportunity like this, do you?"
"I will not--"
"You can boss him around all day and he can't defy you or else you can fire him!"
That somehow managed to get Leonard thinking. He rubbed at his chin, his eyes on the ground as he debated whether he should let the twenty-year-old work or not.
Then the landlord finally made his decision.
"Run to the coffee shop down the street and get me a caramel frappe," he said. "Then I'll train you."
The widest smiles appeared on Ashton's face and Cynthia's as well. The two practically threw their arms around each other, hugging one another like it was their last.
"Thank you, Cee!" he exclaimed.
She laughed. "Anything for my gay best friend."
Ashton had just gone through his first day at his job. Leonard was pretty unsparing to Ashton, constantly giving him tasks to complete and always having the ex thief doing something without break, but Ashton didn't mind since he finally had a job.
The first person he wanted to tell the news about getting a job was Luke, but the blond was still in school and he still had no way to contact him since he had no cell phone. He'd have to get enough money from Leonard before he can actually get his phone working once again. And Ashton couldn't just go to a payphone since he didn't have Luke's number memorized by heart yet.
So the ex thief decided to sit on the doorsteps in front of his boyfriend's house. He had his backpack with him, since he never went anywhere without it. It had his stuff inside, like his useless phone, wallet, lighter, and Marlboro.
Speaking of the cigarette brand, Ashton hadn't smoked in months. He'd been trying to avoid it, but the box in his backpack was practically yelling at him to take a stick out and smoke it until its nearly gone.
So what he did was, he picked up the box and drew out a cigarette stick. Then he searched for his lighter and then pulled out, setting his backpack down at his feet. Then he flicked the lighter on and brought the fire close to the end of the cigarette.
"Ashton?" a voice spoke behind him, startling the ex thief and making him drop his lighter into his backpack. At the mention of his name, Ashton twisted himself around and saw his boyfriend standing right at the open door with a trash bag in his hand. "Why are you waiting out here?"
"I-I was--" the twenty-year-old stuttered out while the cigarette remained in its place.
Luke's eyebrows furrowed. "You still smoke?"
Ashton tried to search for words to say, but instead he sighed. "I haven't smoked in months, Luke, and I kind of need it."
The blond placed the trash bag in between the door to keep it open and then he made his way next to Ashton, sitting beside him.
"Babe, you do know that smoking's not good for you, right?" Luke said, reaching out for the cigarette, but Ashton quickly moved away.
"I know, but..." Ashton glanced down at his feet. "I'm already addicted to it."
It was quiet between the two, the only sounds heard were from cars passing by. Finally, Luke let out a sigh and Ashton's eyes peeked over at him.
"How about I get you addicted to something else?" Luke suggested.
"Like what?" the ex thief questioned.
The eighteen-year-old took Ashton's chin in between two fingers, his other hand taking the stick out of his boyfriend's mouth. Then he softly placed his lips over Ashton's, dropping the unused cigarette onto the ground.
Ashton's eyes were wide, but he slowly started to kiss back. Luke then pulled the shorter boy onto his lap without disconnecting their lips and Ashton's arms went around Luke's neck.
When they broke the kiss, Luke whispered, "If you ever feel the need to take a drag, just come over and kiss me."
"B-But what if you're not home?" Ashton pointed out. "What if I want to smoke but you're elsewhere?"
"Then right now I'll just keep kissing you until your lips would rather be touching mine than a cigarette."
Without waiting for Ashton to speak, Luke began kissing his boyfriend once again, one hand going behind Ashton and sliding under the shirt.
Upon the touch, Ashton straightened his back and his hand reached behind to pull Luke's out of his shirt. He broke away from the kiss and saw the younger boy frowning.
"Not out here, Lukey" the ex thief said. "People can see us."
Luke smirked. "Then let's take this back to my room, shall we? I'm the only one who's home."
The twenty-year-old's face turned red as Luke helped him up and led him inside the house, picking up his backpack. Once they were inside the house, the blond pushed the trash bag out, closed the front door, and he and Ashton started going towards his room.
They went up to Luke's room and Ashton stepped inside first and set his stuff down at the wall. Luke followed, shutting his room door and locking it. He turned over to his boyfriend and grabbed him by the hips, pulling him towards him and kissing his lips.
Ashton immediately felt weak, his hands gripping Luke's shoulders tightly. Their lips began moving together and the shorter boy felt hands gripping his bum, making him straighten himself and gasp.
Luke made sure their bodies were pressing together and he smirked when feeling how turned on his boyfriend was.
"Already like this and we haven't even gotten started," he said and watched as blush coated Ashton's cheeks.
The couple waddled over to the bed, Luke falling first while pulling the twenty-year-old down on top of him so Ashton was on his knees and straddling the blond's waist. They briefly took a break from the kiss, the two just gazing into each other's eyes in comfortable silence.
"Baby, I'm going to touch you, okay?" Luke said.
Ashton gulped, but he eventually nodded and brought his lips down to Luke's neck, attaching them to the skin and softly sucking a mark.
The blond slid his hands towards Ashton's bum before one went in between Ashton's legs, cupping his growing bulge and making the older of the two gasp at the touch.
Both of their breathing patterns became erratic, especially Ashton's as he began moving his hips to meet Luke's hand. He brought his mouth to Luke's shoulder and tugged the shirt in between his teeth, biting down on it.
Ashton drew away from his boyfriend and stood on his feet. Luke got onto the back of his arms and watched in confusion at Ashton, but then his eyes widened and he ended up chewing on his bottom lip when the twenty-year-old started to remove his shoes and jeans from himself and kick them somewhere on the other side of the room.
Luke was quick to sit upright on the bed and place his hands on the back of Ashton's thighs, pulling him closer to him.
"Allow me," he whispered, snaking his hands under Ashton's shirt and tugging it upwards and over his head. His eyes wandered to the left side of Ashton's chest, seeing the scar that was left from the surgery. He grazed two fingers over it and looked up into Ashton's eyes.
"Four months," Luke said as he wrapped his arms around Ashton. "Four months since I gave you my heart."
"Mhm," Ashton said and then he straddled over Luke's lap before sitting on top of it. He rested his arms on Luke's shoulders and pressed his forehead to his boyfriend's. Then he whispered, "Thank you."
Luke hummed. "I'd do anything for my world."
That made the twenty-year-old giggle before he kissed Luke again, one hand cupping his face. Luke's arms were holding Ashton safely, like he wasn't going to let anything take his boyfriend away.
Ashton climbed off of Luke's lap and lay down on the bed, Luke going on top and positioning himself in between the older's legs as his arms were rested against the bed and on either side of Ashton.
Before the blond could reconnect their lips, Ashton placed a hand over Luke's mouth. The eighteen-year-old was confused until Ashton spoke.
"Lukey, can I tell you something?"
The blond nodded. "Anything," he said.
"Your heart's not the only thing I want inside me." Ashton grinned. "I'm ready."
Luke's eyes widened just the slightest bit as his friend in his pants twitched. "A-Are you sure?" he asked after Ashton drew his hand away. "I mean, I would love to do it, but this is something serious and I--"
"I'm sure." Then he pressed his lips to Luke's, his hands at the bottom of the blond's shirt and pulling it up. Once the shirt was discarded onto the ground, Ashton broke the kiss and stared down at the scar that Luke also had on his chest. He tugged his bottom lip in between his teeth.
"Baby," Luke said, lifting Ashton's chin so their eyes met. "Everything's okay now. I promise."
Ashton seemed unsure at first, but he trusted Luke. He nodded his head and then the two, while intensely making out, stripped out of the last pieces of their clothes until skin was touching skin.
The smaller boy wrapped his legs around Luke's waist while the blond rubbed their hard-ons together. They were both moaning and panting, and Luke was more than grateful that his family wasn't home.
Luke's lips started to kiss down from Ashton's lips to the scar. He left a lingering kiss there before his blue eyes looked up into Ashton's.
He continued going south until he was just at the waist. He wrapped one hand around the base of Ashton's length and brought his lips to the inner side of his boyfriend's knee. Then he began moving upwards Ashton's thigh and then to the tip of his hard-on before taking it into his mouth, already tasting the pre-cum on his tongue.
Ashton whimpered and dug his heels into Luke's back since his legs were still around the taller boy. He threw one arm over his eyes as his other arm lay beside him, his hand grabbing a fistful of the bed sheets.
When the twenty-year-old tried to buck his hips upwards, Luke only pinned his hips down with his free hand so he couldn't move anymore.
"Sh-Shit," Ashton panted as Luke's tongue swirled around his length. The blond moved his head to the side and started licking again. Then his head moved down to the underside and kissed and licked there as well. "Lukey, I-I want a turn."
Luke drew away from his boyfriend's hard-on and gazed up at his face. He watched as Ashton moved his arm away from his eyes so he could peer down, his face turning crimson red at the sight he saw.
"Your turn," the eighteen-year-old said as he moved away and sat upright.
Ashton started to sit up and moved over in between Luke's legs. He grabbed the bottom half of Luke's hard-on and began pumping him, the blond biting his bottom lip to keep in a moan.
The older of the two began licking the head of Luke's leaking cock before his lips wrapped around the head and started sliding down.
"Ah, fuck," Luke swore, tilting his head back as his hand found its way to Ashton's wavy hair and tugging at it. He ended up pushing Ashton down, making the twenty-year-old gag as the blond's length hit the back of his throat.
Again, the blond cursed as he quickly helped his coughing boyfriend up. "Are you okay?!" he asked frantically. "Shit, I'm so sorry, baby."
Ashton shook his head, bringing a hand up to his mouth as he continued coughing. "I-It's fine," he wheezed.
Luke pulled his boyfriend into a hug and ran one hand through his wavy hair. Ashton's arms went around the blond and the two remained that way for a bit.
"C-Could we, um, do it now?" Ashton asked as he cleared his throat. "I promise I'm ready."
"Are you sure you're ready?" Luke questioned, looking at his boyfriend's face. "Because once we start, I may not be able to stop until we finish."
Ashton nodded. "I'm sure."
The blond bit on his bottom lip before he pulled away from his boyfriend and made his way over to his dresser. He opened up the top drawer and pulled out two items: a bottle of lube and a condom.
The older boy raised an eyebrow as Luke walked back over to the bed and placed the items down beside Ashton.
"I, um, I may or may not have been planning this day for a while," Luke said sheepishly as he looked away from his boyfriend's amused face. "I even looked up how to do it and the process was kind of confusing, but I think I understand the gist of it now."
"I'm sure whatever happens, it'll be perfect." Ashton lay down on his back and rested his arms above his head. He spread his legs out and he noticed where Luke's eyes were looking.
"No, get on your hands and knees. It'll be easier for me."
Ashton shook his head. "I-I prefer missionary."
With that being said, Luke sat down in between Ashton's legs and picked up the lube bottle, his eyes fixed on where he was going to enter. He gulped as he squirted some of the liquid onto three of his fingers, covering them entirely with the lube.
He looked up at his boyfriend whose eyes were watching him. "I'm going to start now," he said, receiving a nod from Ashton. The end of his finger was pressed to Ashton's entrance and then he slowly started pushing his digit in.
At first, Ashton felt uncomfortable, but he should've expected that since he hasn't had anything go up his ass before. Luke noticed the discomforting look on the older's face. So while his finger was slowly moving inside Ashton, the blond hovered above his boyfriend and kissed his lips.
This technique seemed to have worked only for a bit except for when his finger went deeper inside the twenty-year-old. The two would pull out of the kiss once in a while to take an oxygen break before they were back to locking their lips together.
Once his finger was entirely inside Ashton, Luke slowly began curling it and Ashton squirmed underneath the eighteen-year-old.
"Ah, fuck," Ashton moaned when he turned his head to the side, this teeth biting at his bottom lip so he wouldn't make any more noises.
"Still got some more fingers to go," the blond said. "Bear with me, baby. Okay?"
Ashton nodded. "A-Another," he mumbled.
"All right." Luke pressed gentle kisses to his boyfriend's neck as he pulled his finger out before he was gently inserting two inside.
It took longer for Ashton to get used to an extra digit in him. Luke was still trying to keep his boyfriend's mind off of the feeling, but his technique was soon becoming ineffective.
As his fingers moved inward, Luke was stretching his boyfriend's entrance, causing Ashton to inhale sharply and raise his back off the bed slightly.
With the hand that he wasn't using to prep the twenty-year-old up, he entwined his fingers with Ashton's and the latter boy responded by squeezing his hand.
Before Ashton could give his Luke the okay to put in another finger, something that Luke's two fingers brushed over made his gasp, his eyes snapping shut as he was arching his back even more.
"Lukey, again," Ashton begged. "F-Felt good..."
Obeying his boyfriend's wishes, Luke's fingers grazed over the same spot that made Ashton moan, and Luke thought he couldn't get any harder than before.
"Fuck, you and your voice are so beautiful," Luke commented. "I-I'm going to put in one more finger, okay?"
"N-No," Ashton pleaded. "I-I need it now."
"Baby, it'll hurt more if I don't put in one more finger."
"D-Don't care. If it's you, I-I'm fine."
Luke just stared into Ashton's eyes before he shook his head. "Fuck, you're making this harder for me."
"I can tell." Ashton chuckled as his hand went down to Luke's hard-on, giving it a gentle squeeze while he felt how big Luke was.
The blond dipped his head and a shaky moan left from his lips, but then he pressed them to Ashton's, moving his boyfriend's hand away from his length and grabbing the condom.
While he and Ashton were kissing, he pulled out his fingers from inside Ashton and fumbled to open up the condom packet. Once he managed to open it, he covered his hard-on with it and started to coat his length with lube.
Without breaking away from the kiss, Luke pressed the tip of his cock to Ashton's hole and, without any warning, pushed inside him.
That made Ashton draw away from the kiss first as he practically gasped and moaned loudly as he threw his head back into the pillow.
Luke wanted their first time to be as romantic as possible, but the reaction he was getting out of his boyfriend made him think that their first time like this was perfect as well.
He pushed deeper into Ashton, the older boy's moans becoming in sync with every thrust the blond made. It wasn't until Luke was completely inside his boyfriend did he stop his movements and gazed down at a panting Ashton whose face was completely red and tears were in his eyes.
"Shit, I'm sorry, baby," Luke whispered, kissing Ashton's tears away. "I-I messed up our first time, didn't I?"
Ashton managed to shake his head and he slowly wrapped his legs around Luke. His arms encircled the blond's neck as he murmured, "I-It's okay. I'm fine. I wanted this. Just--fuck--do something."
So that's what Luke did. He pulled out of Ashton before slamming back in him, his movements gradually increasing its pace, hitting Ashton's good spot every time. The twenty-year-old's cries and moans were becoming louder and he tilted his head to the side.
Luke gripped at Ashton's chin and forced him to look at him before he pressed their lips together, but that didn't stop the older of the two from moaning.
"F-Fuck, Luke!" Ashton screamed out as he finally reached his high and spurted all over their stomachs. Luke followed shortly while moaning out Ashton's name. The speed of his hips' movements started to slow down after that.
Luke pulled out and Ashton whimpered from the emptiness. Then the blond reached down to remove the condom from himself, but stopped as he looked back at his boyfriend's face.
"Ashton?" he said in a quiet voice.
"Y-Yeah, Lukey?" Ashton responded.
"Th-The condom broke."
After wiping off Ashton's cum from both of their stomachs, the couple fell asleep in Luke's bed with the blond being the bigger spoon. Ashton wasn't upset about what happened after sex, since he knew that he couldn't get pregnant. Well, he hoped he couldn't anyway.
A few hours later, Ashton was slowly waking up from his sleep and he noticed he was on his stomach. He had a sore feeling in his bum, but he didn't care. Luke was the cause of it, and that alone was enough for him to not be mad at the pain.
He noticed that the blanket was covering him entirely and that Luke wasn't beside him in the bed and knew that his boyfriend must've got up before he did. The twenty-year-old didn't feel like getting out of bed (not like he could anyway), so he tried to go back to sleep.
Suddenly the door burst open, but he didn't move at all and assumed that it was his boyfriend.
"You're sleeping now?" said the voice, but it wasn't Luke's. Then Ashton realized that it was Calum, but he was still kind of tired to even question why or how Calum was inside Luke's house. "Come on, wake up! You got work in an hour and I want to spend time with you!"
Ashton didn't have the strength to say anything, so he stayed quiet.
"Get up, you fatass!" Calum shouted as he went over to Ashton and smacked his ass. Hard.
The ex thief's eyes shot open as the pain in his bum worsened and tears were beginning to form at the corners of his eyes. He whimpered at the pain as he buried his face into the pillow, shutting his eyes tightly.
"Are you crying?" the brunet asked. "What a baby. All I did was hit your ass."
"Calum! What the hell are you doing here?!" Luke shouted and Ashton was more than happy that his boyfriend finally arrived.
"I was waiting outside your house for ten minutes since you wouldn't answer the door or your phone," Calum explained, "and your mom got home and let me in the house. Then I rushed up to your room and here I am."
The blond rushed over to Ashton and he heard him whine into the fluffy pillow. Then he glared at Calum as yelled, "What did you do to Ashton?!"
"I thought that was you! All I did was hit his ass!"
"I was in the kitchen making chocolate milk! How did you not see me?! Wait... You hit his ass?"
"Yeah! It shouldn't have hurt--" The brunet cut himself off. "Hold on a minute." He slowly went over to the trash can and peered inside it, seeing the condom that Luke used. Then Calum gagged and rushed out of the room. "Ugh, gross! Never mind! I'm going to Michael's place!"
Once the brunet was gone, Luke sighed and shook his head, turning his attention back to his boyfriend. Then he asked, "You okay, baby?"
"H-Hurts," the twenty-year-old puled.
"I'm sorry 'bout my idiot friend. I made you chocolate milk and I got you straw, since I thought it'd be easier for you to drink."
Ashton slowly propped himself up and his boyfriend extended the chocolate milk out to him. He gladly accepted the drink and started sipping out of the straw.
Luke's hand was gently placed on Ashton's bum and rubbed random patterns on it like it would get rid of the pain.
"Better?" Luke asked and Ashton nodded as he drank up the last drop of his chocolate milk.
"Th-Thank you," Ashton said, resting his head against the pillow and glancing up at his boyfriend who took the empty cup away and set it down on the nightstand. "Can I stay the night?"
"Of course. I'll just have to let Michael know. I have to leave to work in an hour though. How about I just lie down with you until I have to go?"
So the blond got in the bed and slipped an arm around Ashton and pulled him into his arms.
"Oh, speaking of work," the older boy began, "I got a job finally."
From the news, Luke beamed. "That's great! Where at?"
"My old apartment."
"They let you work there? Wow. But you got a job finally and that's all that matters." Luke nuzzled his face into Ashton's hair and pressed a kiss to his head. "I'm proud of you baby."
"I'm proud of myself, too." Ashton smiled and he rested his eyes.
The two remained in bed for a while before Luke decided he had to leave. Ashton frowned, but he understood that Luke had to go attend work.
"I'll be back around three," he said. He gave Ashton's cheek a quick kiss. "I love you, baby."
"I love you, too," Ashton said as he puckered his lips so Luke could kiss him. Once that was done, Luke walked over to the door, but Ashton quickly said his name.
"Yeah?" Luke asked.
"Could you bring me back some oreos? Please?" Ashton gave him an innocent smile.
"I'll have to pay for it. I'm not going to sneak it out."
"I know. So, oreos?"
Luke's lips curved into a smile. "You got it." Then with that, he left and Ashton sighed, snuggling into the bed before drifting to sleep.
AN: That wraps this story up! Sorry if the smut was bad >n<
You all have been amazing readers! (: I love you all and this is where we part. If you want, you can read my other stories. Hope you all have a nice life everyone! x
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