Chapter 6
*Luke's POV*
I watched as Irvin left the ice cream shop with his green haired friend. They climbed into a black car and then drove off.
"So, you know Irvin?" Calum asked, pulling my attention to him. I gave him a nod. "How did you two meet?"
"He's a customer at 7-Eleven," I answered. "I believe he's been coming there for a week."
"Really? If I remember correctly, he said that he didn't know you."
"Well, we don't know each other at a personal level, so I can see why he said that. He's just a customer, anyway." Calum nodded before he began to eat his ice cream.
"He's okay," Pamela said, eating a spoonful of chocolate ice cream, "but not my type."
"I don't know him that well, so I can't say anything about that." I finished the rest of my ice cream and waited patiently for Calum and Pamela to finish theirs. I began looking through my phone again and there were more stuff about the robbing last night. "Wow, the FBI sucks."
"Hm?" Calum hummed, looking at my phone. Then he groaned. "Oh, not another robbery. This town's been getting robbed for the past two years. Do you think it's the same person ever single night?"
I just shrugged. "I've no idea, but whoever are doing these thieving stuff better knock it off. People who own those places do not deserve to get robbed."
"It's not just shops that get robbed," Pamela chimed in, setting down her empty cup. "I heard people's homes are being robbed as well."
"I'm so glad my place was not targeted yet," Calum sighed in relief. "I consider everything I own as precious."
"Yeah, like that rock we found on the street. You named it Percy."
"Percy is a fabulous pet rock, don't be hatin' on him." I laughed at that before I stood up from my spot and moved to sit next to Pamela. "Oh, I see how it is!"
"Still can't believe we became friends," I laughed, wrapping an arm around Pamela. She kissed my cheek and leaned her head on my shoulder. I rested mine on top of her head and we just sat there in comfortable silence as Calum finished his mint chip ice cream.
"Do you know Irvin?" I asked Calum.
"No, we just met today," he answered, "but I do know his friend. He was in my chem class last semester."
"Cool, cool. Maybe the four of us can hang out sometime."
"I don't know the guy that well. We never talked until today, so asking him and Irvin to hang out with us is kinda weird."
"Oh." I was feeling a little bit disappointed, because I wanted to make new friends, but I guess I won't be making any since Calum doesn't want to. "You want to go hit the arcade?"
"I can't stand that place," Pamela groaned. "Why do you guys like it so much?"
"For the games, of course!" Calum exclaimed. Then he eyed her. "Why don't you like the arcade?"
"It reeks in there, and the last time I went there were a bunch of guys trying to feel me up."
I frowned at that. "Nobody touches my Pammie!" I hugged her close to me and I heard her laugh a bit.
"You're so cute, Lukey. I love you." She pecked my cheek and my frown was replaced with a content smile.
"Love you, too, babe."
"Aw," Calum sighed, "you two are so lovey dovey, it's gross." I glared at him.
"She's my girlfriend."
"And I'm your best friend. Where's my love?"
I laughed, "Dude, no. Don't be gay."
Calum's eyes furrowed as he glowered at me. "Okay, I find offense to that. That is not cool."
I raised an eyebrow, confused at his mood change. "What isn't?"
"Using the word gay like it's gross. There's nothing wrong with being gay."
"Rude, Luke," Pamela added, turning her head to face out the window. "Love is love regardless of gender. Never do that again."
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," I said, raising my hands up in defense. "I've nothing against gays. Honest."
"That better be true," Calum glared, standing up. "Your girlfriend is cool, by the way." He glanced over at Pamela. "I like you. If you ever get tired of Luke, give me a call."
"My Pammie." My arms surrounded her entirely and the two just chuckled, but I was serious. I'm not giving my Pammie to anyone.
"I really want to hang out before I have to go to work at three," Calum groaned. "What are we going to do for the next few hours?"
"If you guys still want, we can hit the arcade," Pamela suggested, causing Calum's eyes to go wide.
"Are you- Are you serious?" he questioned. "You're cool with that even though you've had a horrible experience with one?" She nodded and Calum practically jumped out of his seat in joy. "Your girlfriend is the best! She's my new best friend!"
"Pam is the best, isn't she?" I smiled. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then the three of us stood up, walking out of the shop. Calum was humming to himself while Pamela and I walked behind him with our hands locked with one another.
"Calum already likes you," I told her.
"I figured," she laughed. "I like him, too, but not as much as I love you." I smiled down at her and we shared a chaste kiss, earning a groan from Calum.
"Such a sappy couple," he said, sticking his tongue out at us. Being the mature person I was, I did the same. We both began laughing and the three of us continued on our way to the arcade.
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