Chapter 26
Heads up: If you have no idea what "rapping" is, look it up, because then you'll probably be either confused or laughing your ass off.
*Luke's POV*
I was woken up by the sound of something rapping against the window and I opened up my eyes, seeing Michael continuously knocking on the glass.
"Let us in!" I heard Calum shout and I groaned to myself, not wanting to move.
There was a weight on top of me and I saw that it was Irvin, his head resting against my chest while his arms were lazily wrapped around me. The both of us had no pants on and our legs were tangled together.
We were slightly smushed in the back, but not too badly. We still had nearly enough room, despite the both of us being six feet tall.
"You do realize we can see you two in there, right?" Michael said to us. "Get some damn pants on and unlock the car."
"Or not. We can always go away to leave you two alone again."
I gently shook Irvin, but he only rubbed the side of his face against my chest, a low groan leaving him.
"Come on, get up," I told him, my hand on his shoulder and nudging him.
"Five more minutes," he said back,
"We don't have five minutes, Irvin."
Irvin mumbled something incoherent, like how he didn't want to get up and that he was comfortable where he was. I rolled my eyes, but then decided to search for the car keys. They had fallen onto the ground, so I reached out to them, grabbing the keys and pressing the unlock button.
Michael and Calum opened the doors to get i to their seats, but then I heard Michael make some disgusted sound as he stepped away from the car.
"It smells like sex in here," he grumbled.
"How do you know what sex smells like?" I asked.
"He takes a big whiff of it every time a dick is pulled out of his butt," Calum joked and then Michael threw my jeans at Calum's face. My friend shrieked as he threw the pants my way. I laughed when they landed right on top of Irvin before slipping onto the ground.
"For the record, Irvin and I didn't have sex," I said and Michael rolled his eyes. He tossed Irvin's jeans in the back as well and got into his seat. He started the car and rolled down the windows. "Does it really smell like sex in here?"
"No, it doesn't," Michael said. "I was trying to get you to admit that you two had sex, but it seems like you didn't."
"Is that cum on the seats?" Calum asked, eyeing the backseat and pointing at it. I glanced back and my eyes widened at that. I could've sworn Irvin and I cleaned up the mess before we drifted to sleep.
"No, it isn't," Michael answered. "That was when Irvin was eating ice cream one day and got some of it onto my seat." He sighed, shaking his head. Then he pulled out of the parking spot and drove onto the big streets. "Wake Irvin up. I don't want a cop to pull me over and ask me why two pantless guys are lying down in the backseat of my car."
I gently nudged Irvin, since he was still asleep on top of me. "Come on," I said, "wake up."
"Just slap him or something. He'll wake up for sure."
"I'm not going to slap him."
"I'll do it!" Calum exclaimed, raising his hand up and turning in his seat. His eyes were fixed on something and I followed where he was looking and then gasped.
"No!" I hovered my hands over where Calum was going to hit. "You are not slapping his butt!"
"Then you do it."
"Turn around! Stop looking!"
"Jeez. I thought sex was supposed to make you be in a happier mood." I groaned, shaking my head when Calum finally twisted back around, so he was facing forward.
I was relieved when Irvin started to shift around and slowly move himself off of me. I dropped my hands to the side and watched as he rubbed his eyes.
Suddenly Michael hit a speed bump, causing Irvin to yelp and throw himself back on top of me, a puff of air escaping from my mouth.
"Oh, good, you're awake," Michael nonchalantly said. "Now go put your jeans back on. No one wants to see your almost naked butt."
"S-Sorry," Irvin apologized, looking around for his pants. I pointed at them and he quickly grabbed them, getting off of me and sitting onto the seat farthest from me. I sat upright and took my own jeans, trying my best to put them on in the amount of space given.
"I don't want to work," Calum complained. "I want to sleep forever."
"It's called being dead," Michael deadpanned.
"No, shut up. I value life too much to die, but if I could get money just from sleeping, then that'd be cool."
I finally got my pants on and so did Irvin. He's pressed against the door on the opposite side, but I slid into the middle seat, our arms touching.
His entire body stiffened and he slowly turned his head to me.
"We had a pretty good time, huh?" I whispered, laughing a bit.
"Huh?" Irvin looked at me with confusion and I frowned.
"Don't pretend you don't know anything. Or must I remind you by demonstrating again?"
"Hands to yourself, Lucas!" Michael shouted. "I can hear the thirst in your voice!" Calum burst out laughing and I felt my cheeks turn red. I wasn't thirst, okay. I was just teasing Irvin, that's all.
We all walked into the lobby of the apartment building that Irvin lives in and I could see the Cynthia chick staring at Irvin.
"Hi, Irvin!" she exclaimed and he stopped, looking and then grinning at her.
"Hey, Cee-" He was cut off when I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him towards the stairs where Michael and Calum were already going up. I glanced back at Cynthia and gave her a victorious smirk, in which she returned with a look of confusion.
Irvin glared at me. "Why'd you do that for?" he asked, sounding annoyed. "That was uncalled for."
"Why not?" I responded, shrugging.
"Don't pull that on me." Suddenly he gasped and pushed himself away from me, running ahead of the group.
He made it to his apartment before we did, fumbling to pull his keys out of his backpack to unlock his door. Once he was inside he looked back at us.
"I need to finish a few things," he said to us. "You can all go back to your lives."
"You're kicking us out?" Calum asked before groaning. "Why? We can wait for you to finish your stuff."
"It's going to last all the way until very late at night. You'll be bored out of your mind."
"You sure?" Michael questioned. I can stay, if you want."
"No, I'm good." I was about to say something, but then my phone started tp vibrate and I fished it out of my pocket and looked at the screen.
It was Pamela. She sent me a text.
I opened up the message and read it to myself.
PK: turns out that im free now. wanna spend some time together?
Well, if I can't hang out with Irvin, then I might as well just go to Pamela. Besides, I need to talk to her about some important stuff.
"I, uh, I'll be leaving now then," I told the guys when they all looked at me. "It was nice meeting you, Michael. See you later, Calum." My eyes met Irvin's and I smiled at him. "Bye, Irvin." After that I left.
When I walked into the lobby the Cynthia chick was looking at me, although she was trying not to look conspicuous by having her phone in front of her.
I decided to say hi to her, so I walked up to the desk.
"Hey," I said to her and she just blinked a me. "I'm Luke." I stuck my hand out at her and she stared at it before taking it in her hand.
"Cynthia," she said, shaking my hand and then our hands separated.
"So Irvin's a pretty hot guy, right?" Cynthia's face went red and it was painfully obvious that she had a massive crush on him.
"He's good looking." She started playing with her phone, spinning it around on the desk.
"Yeah, he's really handsome. Especially without pants on." Her eyes widened and her face at this point was now red. "Did you ever have the chance to see him without any pants?"
"A-A few times wh-when he strolls around the place."
I nodded. "Ah, I see. What about him without anything to cover below his waist?"
"Why are you bothering me with questions about Irvin?" she finally snapped, her face redder than ever from blushing. "Are you trying to imply something?"
"If it's the fact that I got to suck Irvin off before you did, then maybe." As quickly as Cynthia's face was red, it paled and I smirked, waving bye to her and exiting out of the building.
I'm surprised I even had the guts to say that to her. I wonder if she'll maybe finally stop chasing after his dick and leave it to me.
My phone started vibrating and I assumed it was Pamela. Without looking at the caller ID I picked up the phone and answered.
"Hey, Pamela," I greeted. "Where do you want to-"
"Turn around, Luke."
I think all the blood just drained from my face and I gulped, slowly turning around and seeing Pamela walking right out of the building I was just in.
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