Chapter 13
AN: Sometimes I forget that these are fanfictions and that they really didn't happen, and then I'm just... sitting here, reality hitting me hard.
*Ashton's POV*
I went to the landlord's apartment, but no one answered, so I assumed that Cynthia must've been in the lobby with her dad.
Once I jumped the last two steps of the stairs I ran over to the front desk.
"Cee, can you lend me your screwdriver?" I asked once I got there, not even glancing up. When I did look up I was met with Leonard's cold eyes. I gasped too loudly, clasping a hand over my chest. "Holy shnoz balls, you're not Cee."
"What do you need a screwdriver for," he asked, "and why are you asking my daughter for one?"
"Isn't that my business to know and for you to stay out of?"
"Seriously, Irvin."
I groaned, annoyed by Leonard butting in. "Fine. A screw flew out of something and I need to fix it."
"I can handle tha-"
"No, thanks. I want to do it alone. So, are you going to give it to me or...?" Leonard sighed before he reached under his desk and pulled it out. I beamed at the sight of it and quickly snatched it. "Thanks, Fitzy!"
"Just bring it back when you're done," he said, resting his elbows on the counter and rubbing his temples.
I stepped away from the desk and made my way to the door. "No problem! But first, I need to go run a small errand. I'll be back late."
"Whatever. Just don't go stealin' stuff." I froze in my tracks in just glanced back at Leonard who bursted out laughing. "I'm joking, but it's funny how you needed a screwdriver when supposedly whoever robbed Tiffany's yesterday left theirs behind. Coincidence, right? You may not be a good influence, but I know you'd never steal.
"Yeah," I laughed weakly before quickly saying, "Bye!" Then I darted out of the building, wiping away the sweat that had fallen from my forehead.
That honestly scared me for a moment. I thought he had figured me out. I stuffed the screwdriver into my backpack and began making my way to Walmart. This time I'm not going to lose the screwdriver, because of one reason. Not because they're not mine; I don't care about that. It's because they have Leonard's fingerprints all over it, and if the FBI were to find his fingerprints they'd find him here, and then things will end up with the FBI taking me away.
Not to mention, my fingerprints are now scattered all over the screwdriver. I need to learn how to remove them.
It was only seven by the time I reached the Walmart and the place doesn't close until ten. I guess I could just wander around until ten minutes before closing, then I'll find a place to hide so no one can find me. And once I'm sure that the place is clear of any human being other than myself, then I'll step out of where I was, grab the milk and then get out of the place like I usually do: the air vents.
Maybe I could snag other stuff other than milk, like some snacks. And maybe some shirts. A movie doesn't sound bad either. Yeah, I wonder if I can find Pursuit of Happyness.
When I walked inside Walmart one of the employees who chill by the door greeted me as if I was a normal customer and I gave him a friendly smile, so I wouldn't seem suspicious.
I tugged at the strap of my backpack every few seconds as I walked around. People looked at me and I would just wave at them.
I stopped by where the electronics were, seeing that some Pixar movie was playing on the TV. It had a bunch of ants, that's all I know.
I caught a girl employee who was working there staring up at me. She quickly looked down, pretending that she was busy. I laughed to myself, because I can tell she found me irresistibly attractive. Even though I knew for a fact that a lot of people, both guys and girls, find me attractive, I still can't help but smirk when they make it noticable.
I got to the clothes section of the store and saw these clothes that had some weird phrases on them. I picked up one of the folded shirts and read the words on it.
"Stay back, I'm anti-stupid." I laughed a bit at how lame that sounded. I began folding the shirt before I felt two hands grab my hips, causing me to jump. I turned around and my heart began pounding when my eyes locked with a pair of blue ones.
"Hi, Irvin," Luke greeted, smiling at me.
"Hey," I breathed, my eyes a bit large. I didn't realize I was staring before Luke chuckled. I immediately turned my attention back on folding the shirt and I felt Luke's hands move up to my waist.
"Funny running into you again," he said.
"I-I'm not following you, I swear!" I blurted out. I don't know why I'm telling him that. I really wasn't. It was just mere coincidence.
"Right, but I was following you." I briefly stopped attempting to fold the shirt the way it was before. My face heated up and I think I forgot how to breathe for a second. Luke? Following me? Why would he do that?
His fingers drummed against my waist and I squirmed a bit, because I was a bit ticklish there.
"Ah, sensitive sides, huh?" He began prodding my sides and I began wriggling around and giggling, trying to get out of his hold, only to fail when he poked me some more.
"No!" I laughed. "It t-tickles! Stop!"
"You sound like you're enjoying it."
"Seriously, Luke, stop!" When Luke removed his hands from me I took that opportunity to step away from him. I had a smile on my face, but when Luke just stared at me it vanished.
"I'm a bit surprised you know my name," he commented. "I mean, we're only customer and employee, so..."
"Oh," was all I said, because that last bit made my heart falter. "Well, for the past week you've been helping me at the 7-Eleven, so it'd be rude if I didn't know it." Yeah, nice one, Ashton.
"Hey, do you want to join me and my friend, Calum? I'm sure you've met him before."
"He knows my friend."
"Yeah. So, do you want to come with me?" Luke held out his hand and I just stared at it. "Take it, if you want to."
I hesitated at first, but as my hand got closer to his he immediately grabbed mine, causing me to gasp a bit. He led me through the clothes section, and I tossed the anti-stupid shirt at some random place, because it was still in my possession.
"Why were you following me?" I asked Luke, but he didn't respond. I guess he didn't hear me, so I decided to ask him later when he can hear me.
Once we got to this McDonald's that was near the entrance of Walmart I spotted Calum, sitting at a booth with a tray of food. Luke pushed me into the booth, causing Calum to jump a bit and stare at us with wide eyes. There was this wall on one side of me that I crashed into, thanks to Luke, and before then Luke slid next to me, throwing his arm over my shoulder.
"Glad you could join us, Irv," Calum smiled.
"Please don't call me that," I said quietly.
Calum glanced over at Luke. "I thought you had to buy something?"
"I did, but then I saw Irvin and decided to follow him around for a bit."
"Creeper, following your customers around. You don't see me doing that."
"Irvin's different. He's a regular."
"So is that one old man who comes to the store with his grandson, but I don't visit him every day at the convalescent home."
"Whatever. Just know that Irvin's different."
I glanced at Luke, cocking an eyebrow. "How so?"
He just shrugged. "I don't know, but I want to be friends with you."
... Is this real life?
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