Day 2
Law: Oh my- Is this safe for public viewing?
Jen: Let the pervs get what they want.
Me: Heheh... *awkwardly walks away*
Your weak of pain started off with yesterday and yoir long night, today your legs were numb, and the obligatory hells didnt help; nor did Law with his teasing and purposely messing up to see you bow down or mock you.
- Little Maid, theres a mess over here for you to clean. - He said in a mocking tone, here we go again.
He purposely placed messed up paper on the floor again. As you went to pick it up you felt a hand grope your left cheek and spank the other, making you squeak.
- LAW! - You squeaked turning around covering you butt.
- Tch, being such a bad little made again, its time for another punishment. - He said locking the door and blindfolding you, as you standed there with your legs wide open.
He started slowly removing your skirt making your heart pump fast and cheeks getting hot.
- I forgot how sexy these legs were. - He said gently squeezing your thighs as your skirt still hanged off your kness, making you blush some more and thongs getting wet.
He continued slowly pulling off the skirt to tease you, you couldn't see anything but you could tell he was smirking as he finished off with that specific piece of clothing.
- Already dripping, my sexy pervert. - He said in a sexy tone, removing the thongs so your bottom part was completely naked, except for the thongs ans the hells.
He handcuffed you again, this time so your hands were behind your back, leaving the front vulnurable to him.
He started kissing you, he gave a firm sueeze on both of your breasts to making you gasp, so he could slid his tongue in your wet cavern. Both of your piink muscles started ti battle for dominance moaning in the process, untill Laws won, now exploring his new territory not leaving one inch untouched. He started sucking your bottom lip, then licking your jaw line then your sucking your neck, leaving a trail of hickeys all the way to your collarbone.
Then he stopped, picking up both of your legs and put them on his shoulders leaving your wet womanhood exposed to him.
- S-Stop staring. - You tried saying, blushing 24 more shades and feeling a knot start in your abdomen.
- Silence bad little made, i guess i should enjoy this since you hate it so much as your body begs more. - He said pumping in a finger and moving it all atround watching the juices rool down on his finger. You could hear him sucking it.
- You taste so sweet little slut, now i want more. - He said pumping in another finger making a lot of motions tightning the knot in your stomach.
- L-L-Law nngghh ~ - You moaned trying to plead for him to stop.
- Dont you ever learn my little slut? I guess you deserve punishment. - He said huskilly, pumping in slowly two fingers, then slowly moving them around.
You were getting impatient with this so you tried moving your hips to go faster, only to get slower.
He started pumping in a third finger, more juices rooling down. He finally took out all three of them.
- How badly do you want this? - He asked.
- Please Law! I wanted so bad! - You pleaded, still blindfolded and handcuffed.
He swatted your butt making a loud sound that echoed through the room.
- You obviusly dont want this, you bad little maid, call me as i told you to. - He said swatting your butt again.
He started to grab your hip to remove you, but you tightened your legs around him.
- Oh Master Law! Please i beg you! - You begged.
- How bad do you want it? - He asked smirking against you legs.
- Please Master Law! Please! I want your tongue all over it! - You begged boucing a little.
- If we continue, theres no going back or complaining. - He said in a serious tone.
- Oh Master Law! Please! Please! - You begged more.
He started licking everything, each fold one by one, leaving nothing untouched untill he reached your core and slid his tongue in.
- Law ~ aahhh~ - You moaned.
- What a bad little slut - He said, pulling you off and leaving you on the bed makinnyou pout.
- Stay here. - He said moving away.
You mentally rolled your eyes at how dominant he was.
When he finally came back, he slid off the rest of your clothes, leaving you nude, the uncuffed you tying each arm to a separate bedpost along with your legs, so you were in a starfish position.
- Maid, you have no right to complain and you better obey me during your punishment. - He said grabing somenthing from beside him.
He started with your lips covering them in whipped cream leaving them slighly open placing a strawberry, then your two mountains of lady pride, covering each perfectly then a cherry on top of each nipple. He started leaving a line chocolate icing down your stomach in a zig zag line. Then your womanhood, he covered it in whipped cream admiring his handy work.
- This is going to be so sweet (y/n)-ya - He said, you could tell he was smirking,
You tried to say somenthing but he started nibbling your left ear, carefully to make sure he didnt destroy the masterpiece he made on your body.
- Hush my sweet little slut, your all dirty and ill have to clean you up. - He said in a husky tone.
He started by your lips licking, sucking, abusing them then removed the strawberry with his lips.
- Bite it. - He said aproaching you with the strawberry in his lips as you took a bite, the strawberry taste filling your mouth, as he continued his licking going down to your breasts licking off the wipped cream finishing with the cherry and sucking on your nipple and aroused pink bud, then did the same thing do the other, then trailed down your stomach licking the icing, tightning the knot and making you drip more than before.
Finally reaching your Womanhood he smirked, watching how wet you were as the juice ruined his handy work.
- My little made is so wet, making a mess all over my work, i guess this calls for more punishment since im stuck cleaning it. - He said as he spread the two little folds to give him more space licking every inch of it.
- Lets start some more punishment. - He said in a sexy voice.
He slid his tongue in again as you started to moan, he started moving his tongue inside of you. To slid it out and add three fingers to expand it a little for his Manly man pride to fit.
- Hm (y/n)-ya, even after yesterday your still so tight. - He said laying his fingers inside horizontally to strech it out a little making you blush much more.
- S-Shutup. - You tried saying but it only came out as a moan.
- I told you not to complain. And by the way you have such a nice pussy, i dont think i could ever find a better one maid. - He said slowly removing his fingers.
He finally pulled off his boxers and slid the tip in just to tease you.
- Hhhmmm (y/n)-ya, i dont think i need to even completely fuck you to enjoy such a nice pussy - He groaned, sliding in some more of his member.
- Oh Law! Please just give it all to me! I cant take it! - You begged.
- How nice it is to hear you call my name like that. So pathetic i love it. Call me again and i might consider going faster. - He said removing some of his member.
- Law! - You shouted
- Thats not how you adress me, i can bearly here you. - He said, pulling out a little he had slid in.
- MASTER LAW! - You moaned/screamed at the top of your lungs.
- Thats more like it. - He smirked going a little faster.
You finally got tired of waiting, so you finally played his little game.
- Oh Master Law! Please ill do anythimg for you if you could please just go faster for me! - You begged, you hated this, but you were grtting desperate.
He started going slower then faster, then slower, then he pushed in as fast as humanly possible, then he went slower then before.
- My little slut, this is part of your punishment for beying so disobedient to your master; and you are in no place to give me requests. - He said going slower, then jaming in faster then before hitting your G-spot.
- Master Law! Please! I'll do anything! - You begged
- Dont wanna. - Law said going slowly then going back to the fingers adding a forth.
- ~Nnngghhhh~ oh master~ please continue!~ - You begged.
- Bounce for your master. - He said, you could tell he was staring at your boobs. But you couldn't care right now.
- Yes master! - You said, then started bouncing as high as you could, you could feel your boobs hitting your skin.
- My little slut is finally being obedient i see, i guess this means some rewarding. - He said huskily removing the fingers and pumping in so hard the bed creeked.
You yelped and screamed at this as Law groaned and moaned.
- M-Master i think i may cu- *splash* you felt all your juices drip all over Law your legs and the bed, then Laws continuos pumping and his hot seed in you.
After Law removed his member, he untied you and removed the blindfold, you were exausted, but Law seemed fine.
- Maid, its time for me to clean you again. It seems youve messed up what i had already cleaned. - He said, you looked confused at him, then realised how much you dripped, it was all over your legs in a bigger puddle than yesterday was on the bed.
- L-Law i cant control that you baka! - You defended yourself.
- Going back to disobedient i see. This calls for 6 more rounds. - He smirked as he started to lick your pussy.
Not again...
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