28 || No guts, no glory
Dedicated to NightWolf269 for the amazing message! Cheers!
Just to buy some time and to force my self to update - here are the targets that need to be achieved for the next chapter. Please don't stop loving me.
Vote Target : 1000 votes
Comment Target : 400 comments
This is gonna take a long time, I don't feel so guilty and stressed anymore! 😅
"When are we starting this game again?" He was being so annoying, I actually wanted to hit him really bad right now.
"When I am done with my project."
"You can do me instead of the project." I gave him a steady glare. "I mean I am way more interesting that some stupid electromagnetic model."
"Only if you understood Science..."
"Oh, I do. I am magnetic because girls just can't seem to get enough of me, I just pull them towards myself without even trying. And then my personality, it's nothing short of electric, don't you think-"
"Think? That's what I do. But when you do it, it's absolutely annoying. It's been no more than a few hours and here you are being stupid as usual." I for some reason poked him in the nose with my pointer finger.
What I wasn't expecting was him grabbing my finger and taking it in his mouth. My eyes widened as I saw him suck and nibble on them with utmost care and I felt a shiver run down my body as I felt his warm tongue playing with just the tip of my finger. It excited something inside me and surprisingly I realised that I was aroused. That's what it was.
He stared into my eyes while he did that and I couldn't blink. I couldn't get my eyes off his lips sucking and nibbling my finger with such delicacy.
Why does my brain betray me when I actually need it?
I snatched my finger from his mouth but I couldn't care enough to wipe it. I liked it.
He knew that as well. How did I know that?
Well, nothing is too complicated with Liam Martinez. It was his cocky smile. He knew he got me all flustered and he was enjoying every second of it.
"You know, I'm sitting in this lab where I have only ever stepped for a quickie to see you do your stupid project. All I can really focus on is the way you bite that pretty lip of yours while you're concentrating too hard and how when you bend, I get a damn nice view of that cleavage."
No, no, no, I wasn't surprised. It's been 3 days since we have done anything after I made that statement. Things looked like they were back to normal, almost. Or it could just be the silence before the storm.
"Back being crude, I see. I really wonder if god just forgot to gift you with a filter altogether."
"You know I am getting impatient now. You wanted casual, I am all in for casual but you are too uptight for being casual. It's nearly impossible to do anything with you. How should I even teach you stuff?"
It angered me, he knew where to strike, alright. But two can play this game.
"Oh really, teach me then. What is the next thing to learn? I am willing to be a good student." I looked him square in the eye and was very pleased with his shocked expression.
He looked at me, like really looked at me from my head to my breasts and then back up to my eyes and then a smile slipped on his face.
"Lose the shirt." He commanded and then leaned back on his chair, observing me intensely.
It was just those three words that made my entire world spin. I stared at him mortified, looking around the lab to find a way out of this.
"But there are students here, teachers as well, anyone could come here." I fumbled with my words, trying to make a point but for god's sake, I can't even see a soul anywhere close.
"That makes it even more interesting. Haven't you heard, no guts, no glory?"
I stared at him with a gobsmacked expression. "But there is no glory!"
"Oh, you would know glory when you get this." He pointed at himself cockily.
I kept still. He kept still.
"Lose the shirt, Veronica." He ordered in a sensual tone, it made me shiver.
I looked him square I the eye before pulling my shirt over my head.
It's been a busy year, yes? I have been gone for long, I know.
But sometimes, life gives you lemons and you can't fucking make lemonade. Come on, we're talking about my balls here!
Just kidding....Yes, I'm kidding! *laughs nervously*
Anyway, what's long, hard and has cum in it? Cucumber... But I like the way you think... :-p
Oh, I haven't changed a lot, you still gotta vote sexy, still gotta comment and show you love by those crazy messages, I may not reply to each and every one of them but I do read them and they inspire me to keep writing for you guys.
With love,
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