"Have you ever felt really close to someone? So close that you can't understand why you and the other person have two separate bodies, two separate skins?"
– Nancy Garden
"Why do you have heart-eyes?"
"I don't, fuck off." I roll my "heart-eyes" at Michael, who smirks back at me. I groan loudly and throw the bedsheets over his head.
"Hey!" He yells, flailing his arms around, trying to get the sheet off. I snicker as he struggles, watching as his Mario Kart character gets passed by everyone, leaving him in last place. "Luke," He whines, finally pulling the blanket off of his head. "That was the last lap!"
"Hurry, you can catch up!" I say, covering my mouth with my hand as I laugh.
"Not to first place," He mutters angrily to himself, pressing down hard on the accelerate button. I roll my eyes again and focus my attention back onto my phone. I'm texting Ashton, of course. Honestly, when am I not texting him? Tumblr is basically the only app I ever use anymore, and even though I have Ashton's phone number, we prefer to communicate over the app instead.
cheesetoastie11: i was so tired this morning ugghhh
fallingash: i did tell you to go to bed
cheesetoastie11: yeah but i didnt want to go to bed
cheesetoastie11: i wanted to talk to u
fallingash: at least it's the weekend now :)))
cheesetoastie11: I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fallingash: fun
cheesetoastie11: I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cheesetoastie11: he's over rn
cheesetoastie11: and failing at mario kart hahahahhah
fallingash: i'm so good at mario kart
cheesetoastie11: oh????
fallingash: the best
cheesetoastie11: false
cheesetoastie11: BECAUSE IM THE BEST
fallingash: i don't believe you
cheesetoastie11: Y NOT
fallingash: because you've never seen my skills, baby
cheesetoastie11: i wanna see ur skills >:)
I look up from my phone as I hear Michael groan loudly, again. I laugh quietly when I see that he's come in fifth place, which is better than I thought he would do for being in twelfth place on the last lap.
"Good job," I tease, and he turns his head to face me.
"Thanks," he deadpans, and I laugh some more. He can't be too mad though, because he still won a first place trophy for overall score. "Play with me."
"Okay," I shrug, and he cheers. I grab a controller from its charger and turn it on, waiting for Michael to go into multiplayer mode.
We start the tournament and I immediately take first place, Michael close behind me in second. While Michael is better than me at most video games, Mario Kart is one of the few that I can actually beat him at, so I like to play it with him a lot.
"Talking to your boyfriend?" The green-haired boy teases lightly, and I refrain from smacking him. I have to stay in first place, I'll hit him later, when he forgets why he deserves it.
"He's not my boyfriend," I say harshly, and Michael scoffs.
"He's not my boyfriend," He mocks in a high-pitched voice, and I sigh.
"Honestly, fuck off." I huff, drifting expertly around the turns while Michael's car rams into the corners at full speed. "What happened to 'He's too old for you, Luke?'"
"I defenestrated it."
"You what?!" I glance away from the TV screen for a second to quirk an eyebrow at Michael.
"I defenestrated it." He repeats, as if it was the simplest thing in the world.
"What is that supposed to mean?!" I ask, averting my attention back to the game.
"I threw it out the window." He explains, a slight chuckle present in his voice.
"Oh." I laugh, crossing the finish line and beginning the last lap. "I didn't know there was a word for that."
"The more you know," Michael says, and we laugh again. But then I remember I'm supposed to be annoyed at him, so I stop laughing immediately and frown, making Michael roll his eyes.
"Okay, he's not your boyfriend," He says, and I nod. "You have a crush on him though."
We continue playing Mario Kart, and I stay in first place. I throw a green shell behind me as Michael tries to sneakily pass me. The shell hits his car and he spins out of control, causing two cars to pass him. I laugh quietly as I cross the finish line, winning the race. Michael finishes in fourth.
"Good race," I say, reaching out my hand for Michael to shake. He stares at my hand, then rolls his eyes.
"Whatever." He smacks my hand away and shifts under the blankets, clutching his controller, ready to start the next race.
Michael and I finish the tournament, with me winning first place, of course. I smirk at my victory-- I'm glad I can finally beat my friend at a game.
"You have a lot of learning to do," I tease, hiding under the sheets as Michael attacks me. I squeal as he climbs on top of me, punching my shoulders playfully.
"You're such an ass!" Michael shouts, and I scream some more, covering my head with my arms.
"Are you boys okay?" I hear my Mom's worried voice come from behind my door, accompanied by a few firm knocks.
"Michael is murdering me!" I yell to her, laughing as Michael keeps punching me lightly.
"Oh, okay. Please be careful," She warns, and walks away, probably. My green-haired friend cackles and falls off of me, hitting against the wall. I peek my head out from under the blankets and watch as he laughs so hard, no sound comes out. I throw the blankets off of me and rub my shoulders, giggling at how how funny Michael looks.
"Dude, I'm gonna have bruises!" I complain, touching the areas of my arms where Michael hit me.
"Don't be a wimp, I didn't hit you that hard." He says, shifting to lay on his arm.
"Fuck you," I give him a few punches to get him back, then flop back against the bed, landing on my phone. I pick it up and set it on my bedside table.
"Wanna play more Mario Kart?" Michael asks, and I grin evilly at him.
"Get ready to lose, you loser."
I lay in bed, the covers pulled up to my chin. Michael's loud-ass snores come from behind me and I grimace. Yeah, I'll need more than good luck to get any sleep tonight.
I take my phone off of the bedside table and open Tumblr, hoping that Ashton is still awake and wants to talk to me.
cheesetoastie11: art thou awake
fallingash: indeed
fallingash: where did you go earlier >:(
fallingash: i wasn't done bragging to you about my mario kart skills
cheesetoastie11: funny u should mention mario kart
cheesetoastie11: i was beating michael in every race hehehehhe
fallingash: you wouldn't beat me tho
cheesetoastie11: oh HUSHH
fallingash: just sayin
cheesetoastie11: yeah but then michael ATTACKED ME
fallingash: oh
cheesetoastie11: im gonna have bruises :'OOOO
fallingash: bruises suck major ass
cheesetoastie11: i know :'O
fallingash: HAHAHA
fallingash: just kick him out of the bed hahaha
cheesetoastie11: hes already asleep what a lameo
fallingash: it's only like 10
cheesetoastie11: i know
cheesetoastie11: he loves sleep too much :O
cheesetoastie11: at least i can talk to u :D
fallingash: so you're only talking to me because michael is asleep?
fallingash: i'm HURT
cheesetoastie11: NONONONO
cheesetoastie11: I WANT TO TALK TO U
cheesetoastie11: DONT GO :'OOO
fallingash: i'm LEAVING
cheesetoastie11: ASHY NO :'O
cheesetoastie11: pls come back ilyyy :(
fallingash: fine
cheesetoastie11: YAY
cheesetoastie11: I KNEW U LOVED ME :D
fallingash: you're such a spaz
cheesetoastie11 sent an image!
cheesetoastie11: :D
fallingash: omg
cheesetoastie11: :DDD
fallingash: did you just take that
cheesetoastie11: uh huhhh
fallingash: you're making michael sleep with the lights on lmao
cheesetoastie11: its not my fault he fell asleep before i could turn them offffff
fallingash: is he a heavy sleeper then?
cheesetoastie11: definitely
cheesetoastie11: he snores too :O
fallingash: i'm sorry
cheesetoastie11: pray 4 me
cheesetoastie11: im not getting any sleep tonite :(
fallingash: sleep somewhere else
cheesetoastie11: can i come to ur house
fallingash: lmao
fallingash: that's what i was going to suggest :p
cheesetoastie11: wowow its like we're soulmates :p
My heart stops as I press send on the text and realization hits me, hard. Why hasn't it occurred to me before? What if Ashton and I are actually soulmates? I literally can't even imagine it. Maybe that's why we can get along so easily? Why I love talking to him so, so much?
fallingash: omg
fallingash: wait
fallingash: let me check
I sit there, staring intently at my phone, waiting for Ashton to reply. Because holy fucking shit, this moment could change my entire life. Ashton could literally be my soulmate. My heart pounds in my chest as I pull back my sleeve, looking at the countdown on my wrist that reads 0:2:3:5:16:43:51. Zero years, two months, three weeks, seven days, sixteen hours, forty-three minutes, and fifty-one seconds.
I shakily pick up my phone again as I hear the quiet notification that Ashton texted me. I open the message.
fallingash: 50:8:2:4:23:12:03
Okay, nevermind. It was stupid to think that Ash would be my soulmate, anyway. There are literally 7 billion people in the world, after all.
cheesetoastie11: oh
fallingash: different?
cheesetoastie11: yeah
cheesetoastie11: 0:2:3:5:16:43:51
fallingash: darn
Why does he sound so disappointed? Why do I feel so disappointed?
fallingash: i was super excited for a sec there
cheesetoastie11: same :'(
fallingash: it's ok
fallingash: i still love you anyway <3
cheesetoastie11: THIS IS A MOMENTOUS DAY
fallingash: you're so dramatic
cheesetoastie11: AW ASHY IM SO HAPPY
fallingash: i literally hate you
cheesetoastie11: :')
i actually love this book sm
so wholesome
so fluffy
luke and ashton aren't soulmates whaaaat??? what do you think about that??
if you found any mistakes, please tell me so i can fix them!
my love always,
shelby xx
instagram: @rainbowlouuu
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