"I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything. Maybe we're from the same star."
– Emery Allen
When I wake up on Saturday morning, Michael is sprawled across the bed, his limbs hanging over me. I gently roll onto my side to grab my phone from its charger. I unplug the device and unlock it, going though my morning notifications. I check my Instagram for anything new, then close out of the app and move on to twitter.
I continue checking my social medias until I hear a loud groan from behind me, I know Michael has woken up.
"Why am I spooning you?" Michael's tired voice asks, and I chuckle, shrugging his arm off of me and turning to face him.
"Good morning," I say, and he doesn't respond, he only closes his eyes again.
"What time is it?" He asks, and I look at my phone to check the clock.
"Ten," I answer, and he nods.
"What time do you have to go home?"
"Around noon," I say, pulling my lips into a thin line. I don't want to go home yet-- Michael's house is much, much better than mine. If I was allowed to live here, I totally would. I love Michael and I think always being around him would be so much fun, though he would probably annoy me more often than not, now that I think about it. "I'm going to ask my Mom if I can stay later,"
"I hope you can," Michael says sleepily, shifting in the bed and pulling the blankets up higher. He wraps his arms around one of the pillows, and I chuckle. Michael definitely isn't a morning person.
I pat my green-haired friend's head and get out of the bed, throwing my half of the covers onto him. He sighs in content and holds the blankets closer. I open my messages app and click on my Mom's contact, writing her a text.
Can I stay later please?
I sit cross-legged on the floor, leaning against Michael's bed, waiting for a response. A few minutes later, my phone vibrates and I look down at it, frowning as I read the message.
Not this time, I need you home to help clean.
I groan loudly, and Michael peeks his head up to look at me.
"You can't stay?" He asks, rubbing his eyes. I shake my head grimly.
"Nope." I answer, and Michael swiftly throws the blankets off of himself, grimacing at the sudden cold. He sits up, stretching, before sitting beside me on the floor.
"Well, we better hurry up and play some more games before noon, then!"
"Bye Michael!" I wave goodbye to him as I open the front door. Before I can leave, though, he wraps his arms around me in a bear hug.
"Bye, it was fun!" He says, grinning at me, showing off his teeth. I smile back, waving goodbye again. I shut the door behind me, and I hear Michael lock it. I readjust the backpack strap on my shoulder and I head over to my Mom's car.
I place my hand on the handle, waiting for her to unlock the door. It clicks, and I pull it open, stepping inside.
"Hi honey," Mom greets, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek. I make a face, but let her do it anyway. "Do you have everything?"
"Yep," I answer, and she puts the car into the reverse, backing out of the Clifford's driveway and onto the road.
"What did you two do? Nothing to bother Karen, I hope?" She asks, glancing over to me from time to time. I roll my eyes and shake my head.
"We didn't bother her," I answer, leaning on my elbow and looking out of the window. Karen is Michael's mom, and she's really good friends with my mother. They're pretty close, just like me and Michael are. They sometimes even go out and have a "girl's night" where they get their nails done, or something. "We just played video games the entire time." I take a glance over to my Mom, rolling my eyes again as I see the corners of her lips turn down in a frown.
"You didn't even go outside?" She says disappointedly. "It's so nice out!"
I start to tune her out as she lectures me about getting enough vitamin D.
"So," I start once I think she's finished her scolding. "Why do I have to clean?"
Mom turns the car onto our street, and I grab the assist grip as we drive down the bumpy, unpaved road.
"Jack's girlfriend is coming over for dinner," She answers, and I quirk an eyebrow at her.
"Natalie?" I ask, and she shakes her head.
"They broke up. He has a new girl, her name's Piper, I think." I blink, taking in the information. Jack and Natalie broke up? News to me, I was sure they were still together. Hadn't Natalie come over a few weeks ago?
I push Jack's girlfriend drama out of my head as Mom turns into our driveway. I release the assist grip and grab my backpack, opening the car door as she parks the car in front of our house.
I walk up to the front door and let myself inside, leaving it open for Mom. I hang my backpack up on the hook and take off my shoes, placing them in the basket on the floor.
"Okay," Mom says, walking inside and closing the door behind her. "Let's get cleaning!"
"What about Jack?" I ask. It wouldn't be fair if I was the only one who had to clean! It's not even my girlfriend coming over, so Jack better help!
"He's upstairs, I'll go get him." She answers, and does as she says, heading up the steps to go find my brother. I trudge into the dining room, scanning for anything that needs cleaning. It all looks fine to me.
A few moments later, Mom enters the room, dragging Jack by the arm. He's complaining to her about having to clean, and she's telling him to shut up because it was his idea to invite Piper over.
"Look, the room is spotless!" He exclaims, gesturing around the room with an arm. Mom gives him a horrified expression.
"Are you kidding me?! There's dust everywhere!" She says, shaking her head at Jack as if she was disappointed in his ability to see the mess (which, in my opinion, was non-existent-- I'll side with Jack on this one).
"Luke, go get the duster, and dust everywhere downstairs." Mom commands, and I nod my head. I decide it's not he best idea to argue with her on whether or not the house was clean.
"Not upstairs, too?" I ask somewhat sarcastically. Thankfully, she doesn't notice the sarcasm and answers my question.
"No, not upstairs, because Jack is not taking Piper upstairs," She whirls around to give my brother a warning glare. He keeps a straight face and turns away from her, shuffling his feet.
I snicker and go to the storage room, finding the duster.
It was about five pm and our entire family (excluding Ben, he was at uni) was sat at the dining table. Piper had come over and was sitting next to Jack, holding his hand under the table. Mom was hounding her with questions, but she seemed to be answering them well, and Mom seemed to like her. Dad just ate his meal in silence.
As the conversation continues, I sneakily pull my phone out of my pocket to text Ashton. I know that it's rude to use your phone at the dinner table, but honestly, I was so goddamn bored, and I quite frankly didn't care about etiquette.
cheesetoastie11: hi :D
cheesetoastie11: pls answer im so bored
fallingash: hey
fallingash: wyd
cheesetoastie11: i'm stuck at the dinner table talking to my brother's girlfriend :'O
fallingash: oof
cheesetoastie11: i know
cheesetoastie11: i wanna leave
I turn to my mom, waiting for her to finish talking with Piper briefly.
"Can I be excused?" I ask, and Mom turns her head to look at me. She glances down to my plate that still has food on it, and gives me a dirty look, but allows me to leave. I stand up and push my chair in, then escape the room and head upstairs.
cheesetoastie11: i made it out
fallingash: good job
fallingash: im proud of you
cheesetoastie11: thx :D
fallingash: how was michael's
cheesetoastie11: fun
cheesetoastie11: he slept on me though >:(
fallingash: lmao
fallingash: i told you to kick him out
cheesetoastie11: yeah but you wouldnt let me come to ur house to make up for it
fallingash: i never said you couldn't come over
cheesetoastie11: yes u did
I scroll furiously up to last night's conversation, re-reading the messages.
cheesetoastie11: huh i guess u didnt
fallingash: i told you so
cheesetoastie11: so that means i can come to ur house?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!!?!?! :D
fallingash: no
cheesetoastie11: why :'(
fallingash: because your brother's girlfriend is at your house and you're supposed to be interacting with her
cheesetoastie11: ashtonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
fallingash: lukeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
fallingash: i'm also busy atm
cheesetoastie11: oh yeah?????? doing what
fallingash: brushing my teeth!!!!!!
fallingash sent an image!
cheesetoastie11: aw hahahahha
cheesetoastie11: you werent kidding :D
fallingash: why would i kid around about brushing my teeth lmao
cheesetoastie11: idk
cheesetoastie11: you look soft
fallingash: what does that mean
cheesetoastie11: like... small
fallingash: wHAT
fallingash: i'm not SMALL
cheesetoastie11: smalla than a bug
fallingash: i bet i'm taller than you
cheesetoastie11: pfffft i doubt it
fallingash: FIGHT ME
cheesetoastie11: FINE
cheesetoastie11: UR TINY
fallingash: BITCH
cheesetoastie11: HOW TALL ARE YOU 4'11
fallingash: NO
fallingash: YOU'RE SO MEAN >:'(
cheesetoastie11: everytime we talk we fight hahahahahha
fallingash: we're basically married
cheesetoastie11: mARRIED?!?!?!!
fallingash: wAIT LUKE NO
cheesetoastie11: I KNEW YOU LOVED ME
cheesetoastie11: IM CRYING TEARS OF JOY :'D
fallingash: N O
fallingash: WHAT HAVE I DONE
cheesetoastie11: SOMETHING GREAT MY LOVE
fallingash: LUKE I HATE YOU
fallingash: lUKEEEEEEEEE
cheesetoastie11: yes? :D
fallingash: i love you
cheesetoastie11: REALLY
cheesetoastie11: my HEART
cheesetoastie11: IVE BEEN H U R T
cheesetoastie11: but WAIT
cheesetoastie11: if i say its opposite day, wouldnt it mean its not opposite day because of opposite day?
cheesetoastie11: THEREFORE YOU DO LOVE ME
cheesetoastie11: :'(
cheesetoastie11: lonelyyyyy
cheesetoastie11: i am so lonelyyyyyyyy
cheesetoastie11: no one loves meeeeeee </3
fallingash: dont guilt trip me into anything
cheesetoastie11: maybe ill just be lonely forever............... </3
fallingash: FINE
cheesetoastie11: ...... :D?
fallingash: LUKE i love you
cheesetoastie11: AND
fallingash: and we're married
fallingash: the things i do for you
cheesetoastie11: when i finally meet you irl we're taking wedding photos :D
fallingash: ....okay
fallingash: that's pretty cute actually
cheesetoastie11: YAY
cheesetoastie11: CANT WAIT TO MEET YOU WIFEY <33333333
fallingash: dont
cheesetoastie11 :)
nanowrimo is going pretty well, i'm writing a new lashton story for it :))))
can't wait for ya'll to read it
anyway, if you found any mistakes, please tell me so i can fix them!
my love always,
shelby xx
instagram: @rainbowlouuu
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