"The soulmate is what we aspire to and like to understand about ourself, is what we deem to be perfection, purity, and endless love."
– Sorin Cerin
It was midnight when Ashton finally answered my text.
I let out a sigh of relief as I read the text, throwing my head back and instantly regretting it as I smack hard against my bed frame. I groan and let out a long string of curse words, rubbing my head and grimacing at my stupidity.
Not wanting to leave Ashton on read, I quickly sit up, crossing my legs and shoving the blankets away from me.
fallingash: hi
cheesetoastie11: ASHTON :O
fallingash: hi
cheesetoastie11: r u ok?!?!?!?!?!!!?!!??!?!
fallingash: i'm still alive
fallingash: so i guess
cheesetoastie11: what happened :'(
fallingash: i don't want to talk about it
fallingash: what are you even doing up so late anyway?
fallingash: there's school tomorrow
cheesetoastie11: i could ask u the same thing
fallingash: yeah, but i asked first.
cheesetoastie11: damn u got me there
cheesetoastie11: i was too worried to fall asleep :'O
fallingash: why? you don't even know me
cheesetoastie11: yeah but ur my friend
cheesetoastie11 sent an image!
cheesetoastie11: heres me
cheesetoastie11: i took it like 5 seconds ago
fallingash: you look like a baby
cheesetoastie11: hey :'(
cheesetoastie11: dont be a meanie head >:(
fallingash: meanie head lmao
fallingash: are you sure you aren't secretly 12?
fallingash sent an image!
fallingash: that's me and my friend calum.
fallingash: i'm on the left.
cheesetoastie11: i luke ur hair
fallingash: you're so narcissistic ssksk
cheesetoastie11: *like hahahaha
fallingash: thanks
cheesetoastie11: also calum awww
fallingash: yep calum is sooooooo punk rock
cheesetoastie11: is that sarcasm i hear?
fallingash: yeahhhh
fallingash: calum thinks he's so cool hahahaha he's just a nerd :')
cheesetoastie11: that sounds like my friend michael lmao
fallingash: oh?
cheesetoastie11: yeah hahahaha he changes his hair color every month and wears eyeliner
cheesetoastie11: he says hes punk rock :'D
fallingash: they'd probably get on great haha
cheesetoastie11: if calum has idiotic tendencies then yes they would
fallingash: tendencies? that's a big word coming from you
cheesetoastie11: whats that supposed to mean >:(
fallingash: you literally use text slang and little to no grammar
cheesetoastie11: and you use apostrophies and punctuation
fallingash: *apostrophes
cheesetoastie11: ok LISTENNN
fallingash: listening
cheesetoastie11: this isnt the spelling bee or watever
fallingash: luke i'm cringing
fallingash: i can deal with most text slang but don't ever say "watever" again eWW
cheesetoastie11: yeah sorry dad
cheesetoastie11: maybe ill say it more just to annoy u >:D
fallingash: you have such an attitude at night don't you??
cheesetoastie11: im too savage 4 u
fallingash: ew
fallingash: don't ever say that again either please
cheesetoastie11: ok... since u asked so nicely
cheesetoastie11: though im not sure how i feel about all these language rules >:(
fallingash: go to bed
fallingash: it's midnight
fallingash: there's school tomorrow
cheesetoastie11: ur point?
fallingash: you'll be tired in the morning when you wake up
cheesetoastie11: yeah so will u
cheesetoastie11: i wanna stay up and talk to u
fallingash: but you don't even have to be worried about me anymore
fallingash: go to sleep
cheesetoastie11: ur literally my dad
cheesetoastie11: im not going to bed
fallingash: if you get to call me dad, i get to call you mom
cheesetoastie11: fine... but only bc then we have cute matching nicknames :D
fallingash: you're so cheesy
fallingash: i was bluffing
fallingash: i literally hate you
cheesetoastie11: love u too dad :D
fallingash: im cringing so hard
fallingash: my shoulders just touched my ears
cheesetoastie11: dont be so dramaticccccc
fallingash: it's so bad i can taste it
cheesetoastie11: wat does cringe taste like
fallingash: i literally hate you
cheesetoastie11: im being ATTACKED
cheesetoastie11: WAT DID I DO WRONG
fallingash: you know what you did you hoe
cheesetoastie11: DONT CALL ME A HOE >:(
cheesetoastie11: UR A HOE
cheesetoastie11: WAT
fallingash: DON'T--
fallingash: STOP--
cheesetoastie11: DONT STOP? OK
fallingash: NO NO
fallingash: YES STOP
cheesetoastie11: MAKE UP UR MIND
fallingash: I DID
cheesetoastie11: whats in it for me
fallingash: my eternal happiness?
cheesetoastie11: fine
cheesetoastie11: but im not typing out the long words
fallingash: deal
cheesetoastie11: love u dad :D
fallingash: wHY DO YOU CALL ME DAD
cheesetoastie11: BC UR OLD ENOUGH TO BE MY DAD
cheesetoastie11: THATS A LOT OF YEARS
fallingash: you're so ANNOYING
cheesetoastie11: dont yell at me :'(
fallingash: sorry
fallingash: lmao
cheesetoastie11: we're so stupid at night
fallingash: speak for yourself... im not being an idiot
cheesetoastie11: maybe you should go to bed ur not thinking straight
fallingash: luke im gay i don't ever think straight
cheesetoastie11: i--
fallingash: lmao gotcha there
cheesetoastie11: ur so
cheesetoastie11: idek how to respond to you
fallingash: teehee
fallingash: what's your sexuality :p
cheesetoastie11: idk
fallingash: oh
fallingash: sorry that was probably too personal
cheesetoastie11: no i mean idk....... im everything
fallingash: oh?
cheesetoastie11: yeah.... i havent given much thought to it
cheesetoastie11: im only 15 u know
fallingash: makes sense
cheesetoastie11: like girls are cool but guys are cool too u know
cheesetoastie11: i dont rlly care who the other person is, if i love them i love them
fallingash: that's kind of good to hear, actually.
fallingash: basically everyone at my school is kinda homophobic unfortunately
fallingash: some of them are flat out homophobic and don't even care
cheesetoastie11: like the guy from earlier
fallingash: yeah... like him
fallingash: others say that they're supportive, but still look at me strange like i'm a monster or something
cheesetoastie11: thats rlly sad :(
cheesetoastie11: i wish there was something i could do about it :(
fallingash: yeah, but there isn't, and it's ok
fallingash: i can live through it
fallingash: just gets hard sometimes
cheesetoastie11: you have calum right??
fallingash: right
fallingash: and you, now
cheesetoastie11: awww ashy
fallingash: shut up i'm trying to be sentimental
fallingash: i'm glad you messaged me ahaha
fallingash: i felt like shit on that day, and i still do
cheesetoastie11: but now u feel slightly less like shit?
fallingash: yep
cheesetoastie11: glad i could be of service :D
fallingash: we've only been talking for a while on here but you're already a really good friend of mine
fallingash: also i'm glad you called me today
cheesetoastie11: actually it was yesterday
cheesetoastie11: it's 12:51am
fallingash: okay fine
fallingash: i'm glad you called me yesterday
cheesetoastie11: me too! ur voice matches ur face btw
fallingash: yours doesn't hahaha
fallingash: i thought you would look different tbh
cheesetoastie11: better or worse?
fallingash: better
cheesetoastie11: HEY :'O
cheesetoastie11: UR A MEANIE
fallingash: i'm only kidding you
cheesetoastie11: ik im beautiful <333333
fallingash: i wouldn't go that far...
cheesetoastie11: HEY :'O
fallingash: "too savage 4 u"
cheesetoastie11: :'(
fallingash: i'm kidding i'm kidding don't cry
cheesetoastie11: :'((((((((((
fallingash: OKAY FINE luke you're beautiful
cheesetoastie11: oh teehee ur making me blush
fallingash: i literally hate you
I laugh quietly at my conversation with Ashton, my cheeks actually burning slightly red as he compliments me, even though I basically forced him to.
My eyes shoot up to the door as it opens with a creak. My heart starts to race and I start to panic, until I see that it's only my Mom.
"Honey, what are you still doing up?" She asks tiredly, stepping inside my room and gently closing the door behind her. "Still on that goddamn phone?"
I lock my "goddamn phone" and set it down on the bed beside me, shaking my head.
"I couldn't sleep." I answer honestly. She walks closer to me, taking a seat at the foot of my bed.
"I can't either." She confesses, rubbing her forehead and pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Why?" I ask. "Is something wrong?"
"I don't know." She says, turning to look at me. "I just haven't been feeling too well lately. I got up to get some water and saw that your light was still on, and came in to check on you."
"Oh." Is all I say. I don't really know how to respond.
"You should be getting to sleep, Luke." Mom scolds, and I try my best not to roll my eyes. "There's school tomorrow."
"I know." Yeah, so I've been told by Ashton at least twice.
"You'll be tired in the morning, so try to go to sleep, okay?" I nod, pulling my blankets back up and laying down, watching Mom as she leaves the room.
"Goodnight baby, see you in the morning." She clicks off the overhead light and closes the door gently behind her.
I pick up my phone and open Tumblr again. I've decided that I will finally go to bed, but I want to say goodnight to Ashton first.
cheesetoastie11: my mom just told me to go to sleep
fallingash: good. it's pretty late
cheesetoastie11: i just wanted to say goodnight first :D
cheesetoastie11: GOODNIGHT DAD
fallingash: ughhh
fallingash: goodnight mom
cheesetoastie11: YAY
cheesetoastie11: WE'RE SUCH GOALS ASHTON
fallingash: yeah whatever go to bed you big goof
cheesetoastie11: so eager to get rid of me i see?
fallingash: so eager
cheesetoastie11: FINE
cheesetoastie11: ILL LEAVE
cheesetoastie11: BE THAT WAY
cheesetoastie11: pls also go to bed though it is very late and ur gonna be so tired in the morning and u'll feel like shit and i dont want u to feel like shit becuz i want u to be happy forever
fallingash: okay, i'll go to bed just for you
cheesetoastie11: good boy
fallingash: ew
cheesetoastie11: hahaha goodnight ashy
fallingash: night
hey hey hey
proud of myself for writing this xx
anyway, if you found any mistakes, please tell me so i can fix them!
my love always,
shelby xx
instagram: rainbowlouuu
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