49| Invincibility
Invincibility: protects the possessor from any physical or magical harm.
I'm sorry about this but this chapter changes to third person halfway through because it's just easier! Tbh I should've written this book in third person. Some of these chapters are hard to write from one person's pov so the next few chapters might be switching to third person.
Enjoy xx
S.E. // The 7th Supreme
My words immediately rendered Harry speechless, watching his eyes grow wide all of a sudden and lips part at my sudden confession. He took a step back, gazing at me in utter shock as his lips parted and closed while he tried to form some sort of comprehensible sentence in response to what I said. I simply started at him with a pleading look in my eye, wanting him to say something that was hopefully not bad. I never thought about what sort of reaction he would have because I was so consumed with the thoughts of what reactions other people would have, let alone the father of my child.
His eyes searched for mine, looking as if he finally prepared something to say. But sudden banging against the bark of the tree up above caught my attention. Harry couldn't hear it because he didn't have the ability of clairaudience like I did, where I could hear things out of the normal hearing range. It was Maximus. Once I let him in, he came running down frantically, a furious, worried look in his eyes.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" he yelled at me, causing me to flinch in shock and surprise. "Are you seriously that idiotic? Running along to the woods and meeting The Saviors, when there's about twenty men and a dozen witches, all while you're pregnant!"
"Maximus," Harry spoke up sternly, stepping forwards and pulling him back.
"No! It's because of you everything's fucked up right now, and we have to save your pathetic ass," Maximus seethed, pointing a finger at me with a vexed expression, utterly pissed off. "You're practically useless right now!" he waved his hands around in exasperation, and then noticing Harry's slightly confused look. "The unborn child is taking up her powers," he explained.
"That's why you were in pain when you took down those witches and Saviors," Harry muttered in realization, making me nod a little.
"It hurts every time I try to use an ability that requires a lot of energy and concentration," I explained a little, making him nod in understanding.
"Then it's best you don't use your powers as much, it might be dangerous," Harry told me; as I bobbed my head in respond before Maximus started ranting again.
"Like I said! Useless!" he exclaimed, making Harry shoot him a vexed glare, clenching his jaw. "Also, what the fuck happened to your dog? She's dead out there!"
His question made my face grow pale all of a sudden, my lower lip trembling as I remembered the events that included Nymeria's death. Harry looked to me with wide and confused eyes, lips parting when he saw the tears spring from my eyes, my hands raising up to cup my face. Harry immediately dove forwards, taking me into his arms.
"Baby, what happened?" he whispered ever so quietly, making me sob harder.
"T-They killed her, Harry! It's all my fault," I cried hard, sniffling against his chest while clutching his t-shirt. "Maximus is right, I'm so fucking stupid."
"Shhh don't say that," Harry muttered, glaring at Maximus over my head who shrugged, before I gasped quietly, detecting noises outside with my ability of clairaudience. "What's wrong?" Harry noticed my terrified expression.
"They're coming," I whispered with wide eyes, making him swallow thickly and nod. "What do we do?"
"Maximus, I need you to take Sage back to the mansion," Harry told Maximus, making his eyebrows slope downwards along with mine. "Don't look at me like that, you're pregnant. I need you to be safe," Harry snapped lightly at me, making me bite my lip and nod in response.
"Then what are you going to do, little brother?" Maximus questioned with a hint of harshness in his tone, hating that he had to babysit me.
"I'll distract The Saviors long enough for you to find your way back with her. On the way, you can bring Nymeria back to life as well," Harry told me, flicking his gaze to me, making me nod in response. "Or take her back to the mansion and make someone else do it if you can't since you're powers are diminishing."
His arms left me as he turned to Maximus, gripping his brother's shoulders tightly and started speaking to him sternly.
"Maximus, promise me you'll protect her, please?" Harry begged quietly, his back facing me while I watched Maximus expression soften a little at his brother's desperate tone.
"You don't have to ask me twice, little brother," he said honestly, making Harry sigh in relief, wrapping his arms around Maximus' shoulders and hugging him tightly. "But be careful, you fucking twat. Colton is having an existential crisis so he's going all out tonight."
"He doesn't have the balls to hurt to me, Ajax will chop his dick off," Harry joked, making Maximus crack into a tiny smile. "Okay, we gotta go now."
Maximus began heading towards the door, leaving Harry and I alone together to talk privately. My stormy eyes searched for his green ones, stepping forwards to stand in front of him while I gazed up at him. His hands rose up to cup my cheeks lightly, thumbs rolling over my cheekbones soothingly as he parted his lips to speak.
"I know everything's been really stressful and scary lately, but it's all gonna be over soon," he whispered quietly, making me bite my lip. "Everything's gonna be okay, don't you worry, baby."
"I hope so," I murmured back, feeling my heart tighten at the pet name I haven't heard in a while. "Harry, I lied when I said I didn't know if I loved you anymore," I spoke up quietly, watching his eyes widen at my words. "I-I love you, Harry, despite what you did to me, I still love you."
"You have no idea have relieved I am to hear that," he murmured with a sigh. "Fuck, I love you."
"And I will forgive you, I just need a bit more time," I told him hesitantly, making him nod vigorously in understanding.
"I'm willing to wait for as long as you want, because you're worth it, baby," he told me firmly, making a tiny smile dip into my lips as I nodded in response. "You better get going," he said finally, making me hold onto him.
"I don't want to be away from you," I said to him, clutching his t-shirt near his waist as he ducked down to press a kiss to my forehead.
"Maximus will get you home safe and sound, that's all I need to do right now: to make sure you're safe," he told me firmly, caressing my cheeks. "Stick with him and don't come back for me."
"Be careful, Harry," I whispered to him, wrapping my arms around his torso. "And stay safe."
"For you, my love," he responded with a firm kiss to my forehead, before he pulled back and stared down between us.
He took a tiny step back, dragging his right hand down from my cheek and pressing it lightly against my tummy. I swore I saw his lips tick upwards in a tiny smile as he tilted his hand, rubbing his thumb against the area beneath my navel through the t-shirt I was wearing. His forehead rested against mine as we both smiled lightly, staring down at my abdomen where beneath the skin, our unborn baby was growing.
"If we were in a completely different world where I wasn't a hunter and you weren't a witch, I would've been ecstatic, jumping with joy at the news," he murmured lowly.
"But it's a bit difficult right now," I responded with a light chuckle, making him smile immediately, his eyes lightening up.
"I am happy though," he whispered sincerely to me, his words making me grin and bite my lip, tearing up a bit as he lowered himself to his knees. He then pressed his lips against my clothed tummy, leaving a firm kiss while I gazed down at him with tearful eyes, biting my knuckle.
"Our baby," he whispered with a tiny grin, making my heart break at the adorable sight before he stood up again.
Without hesitation, I grabbed his face, tugging him down to press a firm kiss against his lips. He relaxed against me, wrapping his arms loosely around my waist, molding his lips gently over mine as we kissed for a few seconds. I needed the kiss for a lot of reasons, reassurance and the odd strength they usually gave me. When we broke away, it was time to leave. But he didn't let me go until he whispered a few final words.
"Sage, I love you more than anything in this world, and I promise I will keep you and our baby safe."
H.S. // 6 Man (Third POV)
The leaves and branches underneath Harry's boots crushed and crackled noisily as he made his way to the large space near Sage's favorite rock, where The Saviors have re-grouped. His ears detected Colton's angry yells, watching him come into sight when Harry finally stepped into the large face. Multiple pairs of eyes snapped towards him as he walked towards Colton, eyes meeting his back as he kept cussing out one of the Saviors who stood there with a shameful expression on his face. The Savior's eyes met Harry's, swallowing thickly when Colton noticed his expression and stopped yelling, turning around to face me.
"Well well well, what do we have here?" Colton murmured with a smirk, while Harry stood there with a blank expression on his face. "Here to watch the 7th Supreme meet her death, but of course I'll be aiding her to it, not you."
"Colton! He's not 6 Man! He's fucking scum! He was with the Supreme when she took down two of our witches and men!" Liam Payne, one of the Saviors that got away when Sage and Harry encountered him and a few of the others, spoke up loudly and angrily.
Harry snapped my head towards him, glaring viciously as a few people shot him looks of shock and surprise. His gaze darted to meet Colton's, slight disappointment flashing through the blue hues of his eyes before he started shaking his head and chuckling malicious. He then suddenly ordered the Saviors to grab Harry, giving him little time to react when sudden rough hands grasped his own, one bulging arm wrapping around his neck when he yelped loudly and tried to bolt.
Jason called out at the action; darting forwards to help Harry but two men quickly grabbed him and held him back while he struggled vigorously. Harry's eyes narrowed into slits as he stopped struggling, positive that Colton wouldn't do shit to him, only wanting to scare him. He noticed Colton had a special glove on, recognizing it as a dark object, something that gave the wearer unbelievable strength. Colton often used it to rip the hearts out of his enemies, literally. Harry thought about the reason why he wore it and it was probably because he wanted to use it on Sage, fueling his anger even more.
"I've always been like a father to you, Harry," he said with a sigh, making Harry scowl at his words.
"Just because you took care of Maximus and I since we were children, does not mean you're like our fucking father Colton. Our father was more of a man than you could ever be," Harry spat at him harshly, making Colton clench his jaw and the fist that had the glove on.
"I'd be careful with my words if I were you, Harry," Colton snarled all of a sudden, his response making Harry hesitant for a second before he reassured myself that nothing was going to happen. He had been in this situation one too many times to know that Colton would never do shit to him; he was too scared of Ajax. "So, tell me Harry. Was she really worth losing your reputation as 6 Man? All those years of killing and endless searching for Supremes; all of it just gone to waste for just one woman? One witch."
"She's not just any woman," Harry seethed quietly with a clenched jaw; jade eyes narrowed menacingly
"Oh let me guess, she's your lover," Colton spat in a patronizing tone, making Harry roll his eyes.
"You say that like it's a bad thing," Harry rolled his eyes, infuriating Colton at the way he was disrespecting him.
"It is a bad thing when the woman is a witch," he retaliated with a snarl.
"They're not as bad as you taught me they were," Harry retorted with a scoff. "Sage's coven is filled with a lot of good-hearted witches who want to use their powers to help people."
"Look at you," Colton uttered in absolute disgust. "They've brainwashed the shit out of you!"
"They haven't. I've just changed my perspective," Harry said simply, causing Colton to shake his head with fury.
Colton was reaching his limit of control, finding Harry utterly infuriating because he knew the Harry standing before him was not the Harry he knew a few months ago. The Harry he knew was ruthless, and merciless. The Harry he knew found satisfaction in killing witches for the good of the world. The Harry he knew only liked to fuck and never get involved with any of these witches. It just confused and greatly disappointed Colton to find out that he had fallen for Sage, making him wonder what on earth is so special about the 7th Supreme that made Harry give up his aspirations on becoming the first witch hunter to slay all Seven Supremes?
"Your father would be disappointed in you," Colton shook his head, making Harry narrow his eyes angrily.
"My father is dead," Harry seethed, snarling through gritted teeth. "Not to mention, he also fell in love with a witch."
Colton snapped all of a sudden, instructing the men holding Harry to hold him with his arms spread apart. Harry's eyebrows immediately slanted downwards in utter confusion and slight fear when the men tugged his arms outwards, opening up his vulnerable chest to Colton who clenched his fist with the glove on. He approached Harry, whose green eyes were wide with confusion and slight fear, wondering if Colton really was going to hurt him. Colton was barbaric, Harry had witnessed it whenever Colton tortured witches and even some of the Saviors for not doing their job right- most importantly: breaking the rules.
"Do you remember the day you said your vows and pledged yourself to The Saviors?" Colton questioned lowly, his tone filled with venom as Harry gazed at him straight in the eye and gulped.
"State rule number 5 please," Colton uttered, the request sounding more like a demand as Harry parted his lips and recited the rule that had been engraved onto his brain.
"Any intimate love relationships with a witch or warlock will not be tolerated. The Savior will be punished with execution."
"You remember well," Colton murmured with a deadpanned expression on his face. "So I suppose you know what's going to happen to you now?"
Harry's face immediately paled at Colton's words. A million thoughts rushed to his mind as he suddenly struggled against the men in fear, letting his guard down for a second. But they gripped him tightly and straightened him out. Jason on the other hand lost it, struggling vigorously while yelling at Colton to change his mind. But Colton simply stood quietly, holding his intense gaze with Harry.
"Colton, you can't do this," Harry whispered all of a sudden with a shake of his head.
"Actually I can," Colton let out a sinister chuckle. "You're under my control, Harry. I don't care about what shit Ajax will do to me. You broke the rules. You have to pay for it. There's no way out of this."
Harry snapped his mouth shut for a second, pondering quietly. Even though his mind was a mess, he thought about how Maximus and Sage were way too far away to even try helping. About four men were holding down Jason so it was close to impossible for him to help too. The witches would rather see Harry die than even try helping him. Harry was alone at the moment, and that thought terrified him. Throughout this whole life the only people he had were his brother and Jason, and eventually Sage. His brother and Sage were now gone. Jason was near him, and Harry appreciated that, but also partially wished his bestfriend wasn't here to see him die.
The look in Harry's eyes was confirmation that he accepted his punishment. Colton's lips curled into a smirk, approaching Harry again as more thoughts rushed through his head. His mind was in a state of panic as Colton began uttering the words that were usually said before executing a Savior. Jason was crying, yelling and even screaming at Colton to stop because his bestfriend was going to die.
In those few seconds before Harry's death, he thought about the people he loved. He thought about Jason, his bestfriend and his number one supporter. He thought about how guilty he felt for forgetting about Jason during the last few months because he was so caught up with Sage and Maximus' returning. But Harry did apologize for that and Jason was very understanding. Only for a second, Harry turned his head to make eye contact with Jason, mouthing a 'thank you' to him. Jason gazed at him with his big green eyes filled with salty tears, some of them leaking when he saw what Harry said.
Harry then thought about Maximus. His heart tightened painfully. He loved his brother oh so much and he wished he could tell him that one last time before dying. Memories of him and his brother when they were children and then teenagers flashed past Harry's eyes as they pricked with tears. He regretted every single thing he did to make Maximus upset, he only ever wanted to be accepted and loved by his brother and he was glad that goal was finally achieved. Maximus had been his only family, the only person truly there for him after all that Harry had suffered. One of the greatest gifts he had ever received in life was his brother, and that was something he appreciated immensely.
There was barely any time to think about Sage. But he thought about her anyways till the very last second. He thought about the first time he saw her in person, remembering how awestruck he was by her beauty. He remembered the foreign yet incredible feelings he received from their first kiss, one of the earliest signs of how he was going to fall for her. He was glad he did because she was the one. She was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, loving and caring for her and their baby.
But the more the thought about that the more he wanted to cry because it wasn't going to happen anymore. He wished he had one more minute to spend with each and every one of these people he thought about, just to tell them how much they meant to him and how much he loved them. But his thoughts dissipated when Colton finished talking.
As Colton placed his hand Harry's chest, his cold blue eyes staring straight into Harry's tearful green ones, Harry thought about his unborn baby. Ever since he found out he barely got the chance to even think about it. He couldn't even ask himself the question of whether it was a girl or a boy. He just thought about how he would love it unconditionally. A lone tear rolled down his cheek at the thought, and just then Colton plunged his hand into Harry's chest and wrapped his fingers around his heart.
Harry let out a gasp, his eyes widening significantly as Jason yelled out a loud 'no'. Colton pulled his hand out sharply, emitting a sickening noise as the gloved hand came out dripping in blood with a heart in his clenched fist. Blood spurted from the gaping hole in Harry's chest, life immediately draining out of his eyes as the men let go of Harry. His eyes were wide open as he fell to the ground, his lifeless body hitting the grass with a soft thud.
Harry was dead.
did any of you guys predict that?
Until we meet again...
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