46| Atmokinesis
Atmokinesis: the ability to control and manipulate all various aspects of the weather at will.
Long, late chapter for you babes ❤ excuse any errors please xx
Sage might piss some of you off, I dunno like some of the things she says might piss you off or might not! Let's see !!
Enjoy xx
S.E. // The 7th Supreme
"He's here."
My throat tightened at Atticus' words, my upper body turning around slightly to gaze at him with an expressionless look etched onto my face. Although it wasn't as expressionless as I wanted it to be. Atticus saw straight through my façade, leaving the door open as he walked towards me slowly, a sigh leaving his lips. His soft brown eyes searched for my stormy ones, his hands coming up to grasp my hands with his bigger ones, giving them a soft squeeze.
"You okay?" he asked softly, making me shrug a little.
"I am now, not too sure about when I talk to him," I said honestly, watching him shake his head.
"No you gotta stay strong," Atticus told me firmly. "If something happens, just call for me, I'll be downstairs...or just outside eavesdropping," he said with a cheeky wink, making me glare at him. "I'm kidding, Sugar. I respect your privacy."
"Sure you do," I rolled my eyes at him.
"Are you wearing the necklace and the ring?" he questioned, making me nod.
I let go of his hand to pull out my Grams' necklace that I was wearing, from the inside of my t-shirt. At the same time I flipped him off with my right middle finger that had Frida's protection ring on it, smirking at him while he scowled lightly, rolling his eyes. Esmeralda and Aunt Sephy told me to make sure that I was wearing then necklace and the ring while talking to Harry, just in case my powers decide to act up, as my emotions would probably trigger it, and ultimately cause havoc. The ring and necklace will help control it along with my own willpower and concentration, which I wasn't sure was strong enough.
"Good," Atticus said, pinching my cheek, making me slap his hand away.
"Watch the fucking highlight, Atticus," I snapped, making him widen his eyes, holding his hands up in defense
"You girls and your damn highlighter," he shook his head. "Why even are you wearing make-up now?"
"I was bored," I shrugged before teleporting to my vanity, bending over and checking my make-up.
"Okay well I'll go get him," Atticus said, heading towards the door and swinging it open again. "Good luck, Sugar!" he yelled before exiting the room and closing the door behind him.
A sigh escaped my lips as I pressed my palms against the white surface of my vanity table, swallowing thickly when I heard a knock on the door. A small 'come in' was mumbled loud enough for Harry to hear, hearing the door creak as it opened. My gaze averted to my hands as soon as he entered the room, not having the stomach to look at him through the mirror. The sound of the door closing filled the air before a few seconds of silence.
My face was poker-faced as I turned around, leaning back against the vanity as I folded my arms over my chest and finally met his gaze. His pale jade eyes searched for my dark, gray ones, feeling my stomach coil unnaturally at the sight of him. It felt odd seeing him like this after two weeks ever since I found out. Harry didn't look so great. His skin was a shade paler, heavy bags under his eyes and stubble that covered his upper lip and jaw. His eyes were a washed out green rather than the usual bright forest green color. He looked like he had completely forgotten about taking care of himself during the last two weeks. Of course I could relate because I looked like that too except at the moment it wasn't obvious due to the make-up I had on.
His pink tongue poked out to wet his lips as he gazed at me intensely, trying his hardest not to show any emotion but his eyes were loud with them. He tugged on the sleeves of his black Calvin Klein sweater, biting his lower lip before releasing it and speaking in a quiet voice.
I let go of my lower lip, which I was chewing on while staring at him, pushing myself off the vanity to walk towards him. My arms came up to fold over my chest as I stood in front of him, parting my lips to speak.
"Hi, Harry," I said, wishing this wasn't so awkward and tense but it was predictable. We just needed to start talking about what happened and all the awkwardness will disappear and the tension will arrive.
"Why did you ask to see me?" he asked straightaway, making me blink, the question catching me off-guard. "I thought you wanted nothing to do with me ever since you found out."
"I have things to ask you about, even though I didn't want to take the risk of inviting you over to chat," I told him, making his brows furrow a bit.
"Then what changed your mind?" he questioned.
"The thing that happened between Maximus and Rowena," I told him quietly. "Also, while being manipulated, Maximus said he only wants to help protect me and the coven is because you love me. So, if that is true, then you'd probably be telling the truth about whatever I ask you now. Hopefully," I told him; the words 'you love me' still feeling bitter in my mouth because I still wasn't sure if he loved me.
Sure, Maximus was manipulated and told the truth that he can see that Harry loves me. But how does he really know? Harry lying to me had caused my paranoia to rise as well as my ability to trust people. It was hard for me and I was still trying to accept that Harry loving me was genuine. I just thought perhaps this talk with Harry would lead me to becoming more hopeful.
"If that is true?" he repeated my words with arched brows. "You still don't believe it, don't you?" he questioned lowly with wide eyes, stepping closer to me so the proximity of our bodies was less. "That I love you?"
My heart was lodged up in my throat at the sound of his words. He reached forwards, raising his hand to caress or cup my cheek but as if on instinct, I backed away, a mixture of emotions appearing in my eyes. Harry's hand dropped down, pain and hurt flashing across his features as he took a step back. I released a heavy breath, trying to ignore his words as I gestured towards the bed for us to sit down on.
His eyes met mine once again, sadness clouding the dull olive color of them as he pressed his lips together tightly before walking over to the bed. Lowering his body, he sat down on the bed, playing with the rings of his fingers nervously while I settled onto the bed near him. Pulling the end of my black sweater over my hands, I bit my lower lip wondering which question should I ask him first as I had a list in my mind. But before I could speak, he had already said something.
"Go on, ask me," he spoke all of a sudden, the blatant bitterness in his tone making my brows lower.
He sounded...angry, perhaps infuriated. Most probably by my lack of ability in trusting him, and believing that he loved me. Ignoring the tone of his voice, I went ahead and asked him the first question that had been bothering me for a while now.
"The slaughter in the French Quarter, were you part of it? Were you there?" I asked him quietly, in a hesitant tone, extremely fearful of the answer. "Because you weren't with me when it happened."
One of the things that had been on my mind was what would Grams have thought about all of this. Grams was the most important person in my life, and during a time like this she would be the first person I go to for advice. But then while thinking about that, I thought about how she died and whether Harry was there during the slaughter, aiding The Saviors in killing all those innocent voodooists; women and children. If not, then I thought about how he must've known about it and kept it from me. Yeah, of course he couldn't tell me, but he could've done something about it. At that time, my mind was a mess and I was just finding excuses for every single thing I thought up.
"No, I was with Jason. He and I were elsewhere while that happened," he answered shortly, flicking his gaze to the side to meet mine. His expression was cold and hard now, like he was pissed. Again, I ignored it.
"But did you know it was going to happen? You must've," I continued, making a small scowl take over his features before disappearing.
"I didn't. I only found out about it when I came over to your place and you told me about it. I left you to go back to see The Saviors and find out more about why it happened, because killing the voodooists was never a plan of ours," he explained, making me listen attentively.
"So, why did it happen?"
"Colton told me it was because he thought they were being problematic and needed taking out," Harry said, making me frown.
"Why would he think that?" I furrowed my brows.
"Because...I told him about how you and your grandmother did a voodoo spell on me during that dinner," Harry uttered lowly, this time his gaze meeting mine worriedly as my face paled.
"I know what it looks like, Sage. I know it looks like it's my fault the massacre happened because I told him about the spell, but I swear I didn't know he would plan such a thing. We always tend to stray away from voodooists because they have their own hunters."
"Harry," I whispered, shaking my head, feeling myself become overwhelmed again as I tried to suck in a deep breath.
"Look at me, Sage," he muttered when I averted my gaze, causing me to snap my gaze upwards to meet his. "I'm sorry if you think it's my fault. I really am," he said sincerely, making me shake my head slightly.
"It's not your fault," I shook my head, swallowing thickly, watching relief appear on his face momentarily. "You didn't know he would do that, it's not your fault."
Harry exhaled in relief, his eyes meeting mine as he chewed on his lower lip anxiously. Even though I was upset with this new information, along with the way he lied to me, and etc. deep down I knew that it wasn't his fault. He didn't think that telling Colton about what my grandmother and Frida did was going to make any difference to his 'mission'. He didn't know Colton would go out of his way to get rid of the voodooists, just to help Harry proceed with his mission without any hazards.
"How do you know my grandmother casted a spell on you?" I questioned him suddenly with a frown.
"I overheard you guys talking during the dinner," he told me. "At that time, I didn't believe you about having some sort of power to block my mind because despite the fact that I didn't have my necklace on, I did have this ring," he said, pointing to the turquoise ring he had on his hand, making my brows furrow a little. "We knew you New Orleans witches knew about the black Saviors ring, so, we used just normal looking ones and charmed them."
I swallowed thickly at his words, again despising myself for being so stupid. Of course they wouldn't fucking wearing their Saviors ring that literally has their motto on it. Of course they would disguise it with another ring. Why the fuck did I push this all away when I met Harry? I remembered when he carried me into his house while my foot was bleeding from stepping onto some glass. I was relaxed because he didn't have The Saviors ring on. I never thought about the fact that he could use a different one. I did think about him taking it off, but then I would've been able to read his mind, which I couldn't, so the idea of him just simply taking it off was discarded.
I was brought back to reality when Harry continued explaining what he previously going on about.
"But then, when I told Maximus about your grandmother doing a spell on me and how you figured out my mother was a witch, and that you thought I had some sort of power blocking my mind; he connected some dots. I thought my ring was blocking my thoughts and the spell didn't work because of that. But he said the ring was charmed by a white witch too, which means the spell should have worked but it didn't due to my immunity," Harry explained.
"After a few days, I told Colton about it, thinking it wasn't a big deal, but it was. Anyways, he used a witch to check if I did have any powers, making her read my mind while I didn't have the ring nor the necklace on. It didn't work, and that was when I found out I had immunity," he concluded quietly, making my face hardened when I realized something.
"And this happened before I told you about me being a witch and you having immunity?" I said with a slight scowl, deepening it when he nodded. "You acted like you were so shocked," I whispered with a shake of my head. "Especially when I told you about my powers, for fuck's sake Harry, you said you thought it was cool I'm a witch. You hate witches."
"Don't say that," he shook his head with a pained expression. "It's like saying I hate you."
"Well, I'm not even sure you love me to be honest," I snapped bitterly, hurting my own heart as well as his.
"Sage," he whispered, his forest green eyes clouding with hurt and sad, guilt as well for causing me to think the way I was thinking. "Look I'm-"
"So, did you know your mother was a witch before I told you?" I cut him off rudely, finding that my entire demeanor had changed as soon as Harry walked into the room.
I was bitter and cold, because of what he did. Sure, even if he did love me, I still had the right to be bitter because he lied to me and betrayed me after all this time. One part of me was pushing me to continue acting like this, forcing me to turn away whenever he tried to confess his 'love' for me. The other, much smaller, part of me wanted to cry in his arms and tell him that I loved him too.
"I did," he answered lowly, noticing that I was only interested in the responses he had to my questions and nothing else.
"So, you didn't think you would inherit any of her powers?" I inquired, making him shrug a little.
"Of course I did, the thought was present but over the last twenty-five years of my life there wasn't any sign of powers," he told me, making me scoff.
"You never stopped to think and wonder why witches can't take you down while you kill them? Especially the Supremes?"
"Sort of, I didn't really care at the time. As long as they were dead, I couldn't care less about why they couldn't stop me," he said bluntly, making me grimace, my face contorting with disgust.
"You're sick," I couldn't help but say, making his face fall all of a sudden.
"Sage, that was me before I met you," he murmured ever so quietly, his tone completely sincere and genuine.
"I know Harry, but fuck you hate my people. You hate people like me! How the hell am I supposed to believe that you actually love me when you despise witches?" I questioned him, my voice raising a little as he sucked in a breath at my words.
"I don't know, Sage! I just forgot about the fact that you're a witch whenever I was with you. Also, I changed! I saw that witches aren't as bad as I've always been taught they were. The Saviors drilled these specific, negative ideas about witches into my head when I was young!" he exclaimed, standing up just as I did.
"I don't get you! How can you hate and kill witches when your own mother was one?" I questioned him loudly, making him drop his hands by his sides.
"It's complicated," he muttered, under his breath. "I was very young when they started training me to become a Savior, same with Maximus. They told me that my mother manipulated my father into falling for her and having me. They showed them no mercy when they came for my parents, hanging them both in front of me and my brother, then burning their bodies," Harry told me with a deadpanned expression on his face, his tone completely expressionless while he spoke.
"So yeah, I hated my mother ever since then for what she did. I was told that she seduced my father, and then manipulated him. So I generalized and began despising all witches. My hate grew even more when that whole incident with Valentina occurred, finding out that it reminded me of what my mother did to my father, ultimately causing both of their death."
"Maximus noticed the slight change in me after the Valentina incident, then deciding to tell me the truth. He told me that my mother truly did love my father and never actually manipulated him. They loved each other and that caused their downfall when The Saviors came, hung them and killed them. He told me that the necklace I had wasn't from The Saviors themselves, charmed by the witches they controlled, which was what they told me. No, he told me that the cross necklace was a gift from my mother to me," he spoke, pausing after his long monologue, slightly breathless.
"But you still hunted down witches after that, Supremes," I whispered, somewhat overwhelmed by all that he told me.
"Once your mind is really set on something, it's hard to change that. I didn't want to give up just because I found out my mother wasn't a bad witch. Valentina was still a bitch who manipulated my brother, I used my hatred for what she did to keep me going. I wanted to be the best; I was power-hungry. " he said, making me insides coil at the way he sounded. It was like I was actually talking to 6 Man and not Harry Styles, even though they weren't the same person.
"You killed hundreds of witches," I began to say with a whisper. "You slept with some and then murdered them right after or even during sex, tell me that isn't true, Harry!"
"It is," he muttered lowly, a hint of guilt flashing across his face.
"For fuck's sake, how am I supposed to forgive you? How am I supposed to love you? You're fucking 6 Man! You're my worst fear! All those times we had sex, I was so fucking vulnerable, you could've killed me just like that oh my god," I yelled, my voice wavering and breaking halfway. I was now full on yelling at him while he stood there with a sad, guilty expression etched onto his face.
"But no, you didn't kill me. You wanted to find out more about the coven and our secrets. I'm so fucking stupid, I'm leading my own coven to its destruction," I cried, pacing around with my hands in my hair.
"I didn't tell Colton about anything you told me about the coven, I made up some bullshit," he said immediately. "Whatever you told me after you confessed to me that you're a witch, I never told Colton. Only Maximus and Jason, and those two never said shit to Colton either. I can guarantee that," he told me honestly, but I shook my head at him, sniffling a little.
"Are you falling out of love with me," Harry suddenly whispered in realization, his words making me tear up a little as I shook my head.
"I don't know anymore," I told him honestly, making his entire expression shift.
"Please don't tell me you don't love me, Sage," he whispered quietly, his voice breaking in between the sentence as he inched closer to me while I stepped back.
"I-I don't know Harry, I'm not sure about anything anymore," I shook my head, feeling the tears finally slipped out. "Lately, I've been looking at all the reasons I should forgive you and believe you, and all the reasons I shouldn't. You can guess which one outweighed the other."
"Fuck," he cursed, his eyes turning glossy as he raised his hands to grip his hair. "I don't know what to say anymore, Sage. I'm trying my fucking hardest to protect you and your coven. 6 Man is in the past, whatever he did, I can't reverse that but I can assure you that it won't happen again from now on because I'm a changed man," he told me, taking a few steps forwards before fully cupping my face.
"When I met you, I only had one goal in mind and that was to kill you. But as I spent every day of the last six months here, I fell for you Sage, and I fell fucking hard. I saw myself falling and I regretted every lie I told you ever since then," he tried to explain desperately, but I was pulling away from him.
"Listen to me, please!" he begged, approaching me again before the mansion shook all of a sudden, a result of my powers trying to break through the protection of my necklace and ring.
"I'm not going to just get over the fact that you lied to my face, Harry," I yelled at him, trying to ignore his words and I forced myself to control my powers that was slowly taking over
"What the fuck was I supposed to do?" he suddenly yelled loudly, the way his eyes were narrowed menacingly had me frightened, backed up against a wall.
His question caught me slightly off-guard because I didn't actually think about it, nor the answer to that question. He could've just not played me the way he did. As I recalled the times he must certainly lied to me, it was so skillfully done, and I like an idiot believed everything he said.
"Exactly, nothing," Harry spat; his tone and expression making me flare up all of a sudden.
"Right, so you just kept lying to my face and waited for the inevitable to happen. You fucking knew this would happen. You knew you would break me and make me suffer like this, Harry, how could you?" I sighed in exasperation, pressing my palm to my abdomen because I could literally feel my powers taking advantage of the emotions that were escaping me now.
"After I was fully in love with you, I forced myself to only lie about things that were necessary to lie about," he murmured quietly in defense, making me shake my head and scoff.
"Like the time I told you about me being a witch?" I questioned with an arch of my brow. "I was so anxious that day, Harry. Thinking that you'd find this part of me odd or weird, or dangerous. I thought you'd turn away from me, but you didn't, you were ecstatic and you were so accepting. I loved you for that. But little did I know, it was all an act."
"It was partially genuine," Harry shot back.
"I can't believe you're defending yourself right now!" I exclaimed with wide eyes, making him swallow thickly. "You even joked about killing people in your spare time! What the fuck is wrong with you?"
He bit the inside of his cheek at that last sentence, guilt flashing through the greens of his eyes.
"Just get out."
"I said get out. Leave, Harry," I spoke in a deadly tone, feeling the anger rise in me once again as my eyes turned a darker shade. But he shook his head.
"No, I need to make you understand," he said, shaking his head vigorously before approaching me.
I stepped back; feeling a mixture of emotions hit me as he stood in front of me. I was caught completely off-guard when he suddenly grabbed my face, tugging me forwards and planting his lips onto mine. My words of protest were muffled by the firm kiss he placed on my lips, my hands raising between our bodies and pushing against his chest. I managed to shove him back a little, looking at him with wild, angry eyes as my hand darted up, striking his cheek harshly. I tried not to show that doing the action hurt me when I realized what I had done, but I stood strong and held my ground, showing that I was extremely furious and pissed.
"Leave," I uttered in a menacing tone, pointing at the door as he gazed at me with frantic, panicky eyes.
"Sage, I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that-"
"I don't want to hear it, Harry!" I shouted, flailing my hands around in exasperation. "You don't get it do you? It will take a millennium to get me to forgive you because I don't even know if I love you anymore to do so."
As soon as my words left my mouth, I regretted them. But again, I didn't show it. The look on Harry's face crushed me, just like his betrayal did. His lower lip was trembling when his lips parted as soon as he heard my words, his pale jade eyes turning slightly glossy with what I'm sure was tears. His fists unclenched by his side as he averted his gaze to the floor, breathing shallowly while a heavy, tense silence fell over us. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat when he lifted his gaze to meet mine, the look in his eyes making my heart shatter to million pieces because he looked so heart-broken.
"I'm sorry, Sage," he whispered ever so quietly, quickly lifting his hand to wipe his right eye, turning away so I wouldn't notice but I did.
He then rushed to the door, slipping out of the room quietly and quickly. I was left with a deafening silence hanging over me, feeling my powers inside of me boil up as a result of the heavy emotions I was experiencing. I clutched my abdomen when I felt a throbbing pain, tears rolling down my cheeks while my mind replayed what had just happened over and over again.
A sob escaped my lips all of a sudden, my legs carrying me to my bed as I threw myself onto it and buried my face into the pillow nearby. Heavy cries escaped my lips as I let my emotions out, completely unsure and careless of how they manifested into powers. I heard thunder and lightning rumble and cackle outside all of a sudden, now sure that my sadness was causing a storm as per usual.
I lay there on bed, Atticus joining me eventually while I cried my heart out, unsure of why I said what I said to Harry because deep down I truly did love him. Part of me just wanted him to feel the pain I felt when I thought he didn't love me, but I did that unintentionally. The storm ran on throughout the night as I sobbed until there were no tears left while the looming threat of The Saviors grew larger by the minute.
➰ thoughts on that chapter? what do you think about Sage's reaction to all of this and etc.? do you think she was exaggerating or nah?
➰I updated today because I won't be updating next week, it's a seriously busy week for me I'm literally gonna die lmao.
*clears throat aggressively for ed sheeran promo
My fav songs are Galway Girl, Nancy Mulligan, Shape of You, New Man, Dive AND PERFECT
Until we meet again...
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