28| Immunity*
Immunity: the ability to be immune to certain and all kinds of powers.
That's Harry's power btw^^^
Hope u love this update as much as I do, it's hella long! I didn't proofread so pls excuse any errors ❤️
Enjoy xx
S.E // The 7th Supreme
"You wanted to see me?"
I nodded curtly at Esmeralda's words, entering her office and shutting the door behind me. Taking a seat, I swallowed thickly as I clutched my phone in my hand, waiting for her to look up and pay attention to what I have to say.
"So what is it you wanted to ask me?" she questioned in a dull tone.
"Are there any powers that protects a person from magic completely?" I asked her, finally getting her attention as she looked up from her paperwork and drew her eyebrows low.
"Is this concerning your boyfriend?" she immediately asked, a sly smirk drawling across her lips as I immediately threw up an invisible shield protecting my mind from her nosy self.
"It's none of your business," I said strictly with blazing eyes as she immediately chuckled at my defensive response.
"Oh yes it is. You see, Sage. If this is concerning your boyfriend then that means the power he has also protects his mind from all sorts of magic and powers. Therefore, that means you can't read his mind, which also means you don't know whether he's a hunter or not," she smiled smugly as I sat there with a blank expression, trying my hardest not to accidentally burn the smirk on her face. "Oh and you lied to me."
"Okay," I started off slowly. "So, what is the power?" I questioned impatiently, glancing down at my phone as I had to be in the university to teach in about thirty minutes or so.
"Hold on now," she chuckled with her hands up. "I find it quite odd that you've been sleeping with this stranger the whole time without even thinking twice about how you can't read his mind."
"He's not a stranger, he's my boyfriend," I hissed immediately, getting all-defensive. "Even though his mind is hard to reach, Nymeria never acted up around him, thus he is not a hunter," I said, smiling smugly when her expression fell. Everyone knew how reliable Nymeria was when it came to spotting out hunters. There were one of two occasions where a man would approach me whenever Nymeria was around, until for him to be severely injured to the wrath of Nymeria.
"The power is immunity, incredibly rare but very effective," she said finally. "It's the ability that grants the possessor immunity from most of any kind of powers, spells and potions. That means voodoo magic, spells, witchcraft done by white witches, none of these would work on him. You try to burn him with your powers; it won't work. However, he is not immune to non-magical harm. So, if you burn him at the stake, then he will die."
"So that's why I can't read his mind," I muttered under my breath. "He's immune so his mind is shielded."
"Exactly. I suppose he's a warlock?"
"I think he's half warlock," I said with a small frown. "Then again I'm not sure, he told me people resented his parents being together so they burnt his house down."
"Right, so it could mean that both his mother is witch and his father's a warlock, or just one of them being a witch or warlock," Esmeralda nodded.
"He can't be a savior if he's part warlock, or fully warlock," I said with hard eyes as she smirked again. "That would just mean he's going against his family. He wouldn't do that."
"I don't know," she shrugged lightly as I bit my lip. "Be careful, Sage, that's all I'm saying."
"I've been with him for almost two months now, I'm pretty sure he would've tried killing me by now if he was a hunter," I snapped instantly, making her eyes widen, holding her hands up in defense.
"I'm sure you're right," she quickly said. "But, just stay on guard, okay?" There was a hint of concern in her eyes that made me want to chuckle sarcastically at the thought of her caring.
"I'm always on-guard," I muttered, standing up from my seat. "Thank you for your help," I said before turning to leave.
"Where is that fucking book?" I muttered to myself in annoyance as I strolled down the spaces between the shelves full of books in the library.
I approached a shelf full of books relating to history, biting my lip as my eyes began to scan the spines of the books, looking for a specific one. The noise of a book tumbling to the floor attracted my attention suddenly, making me whip my head to the side, finding the librarian picking it up and tucking it away carefully. He noticed me, shooting a friendly smile that I happened to return. My facial features tightened for a second as I cringed, remembering the time we slept together a few weeks after we first met. It was clear he was attracted to me, and I him. Even though he had a body sculptured to perfection, he was terrible at sex. I never said it to his face, only saying that what we did was just a one-time thing and there was no more.
"Sage?" A masculine voice brought my out of my thoughts, making me tug my head to the side, only to find the man I've been thinking about this whole time.
"Eric," I smiled softly at him, tucking my book under my arm as he parted his lips to speak.
"I was just thinking yesterday about that one night stand we had," he blurted out, making me bite my lip when I was reminded of how awkward he was. How he managed to seduce me, I had no idea. I guess I just thought his cute nerdy façade would fade away once he had his clothes off. However, I was mistaken.
"Oh," I laughed shortly. "What about it?"
"Ummm nothing much, just about how fun it was. I guess what I-I'm saying is we should do it again some time," he suggested with a grin, tucking his hands into my pockets as I pressed my lips together at his suggestion.
"Oh, Eric, I can't because-"
"She's taken."
A raspy voice spoke up from behind me, causing me to flinch in surprise before I felt a warm hand touch my lower back. It was Harry, staring down at Eric with pale warning eyes and dark brows drawn low in an intimidating expression.
"Oh," Eric blinked. "By who?" he seemed confused as I bit the inside of my cheek.
"By me," Harry said in an obvious tone, not bothering to hide the venom in it as Eric widened his eyes.
"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't know-"
"Yeah well beat it, Harry Potter," Harry scoffed, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me against him as I frowned.
"Harry," I shot him a look, making him scowl. "Sorry Eric," I apologized sincerely, making him smile tightly and nod.
"Hope he's attending to your needs almost as well as I did," Eric said with a wink that had my lips parting in surprise at what he said, also making me cringe as well.
"What did you say?" Harry hissed all of a sudden, lurching forwards, making my eyes widen and hands grip his arms to pull him back from pouncing on Eric like a cheetah.
"You heard me," Eric said smugly as I rolled my eyes, biting my tongue from saying anything to hurt his ego. He was being annoyingly immature at the moment and I wanted to teach him a lesson
"Eric," I warned him.
"What?" he asked innocently. "You had fun, admit it."
"Get him out of my face before I ruin him," Harry muttered behind me as I held him back, shooting him a look, telling him to stand down.
"Sorry honey, but I didn't," I said bluntly with a fake apologetic expression, making his face fall. "I hope you find someone who would bear your skills enough to attend to your needs."
Harry snickered behind me as Eric's face went red, lips pressed tightly together before he huffed and turned around, walking away. I was quickly dragged to a corner; where Harry pushed me against the shelf and ducked down to kiss me. The kiss was short-lived but it still had me breathless with my lips tingling as per usual.
"Savage, much?" he arched a brow at me as I rolled my eyes, roping my arms over his shoulder.
"He was being immature. He was terrible at it," I muttered, making him chuckle.
"Of course, I'm the best you've ever been with, right?" Harry gazed at me challengingly while I smirked and looked to the top left.
"Sage," he growled, a cross expression taking his place.
"I guess you're not, rough enough," I found myself saying, even though I knew he used the perfect amount of roughness whenever we had sex. I just wanted him to tempt him further.
"I'm not rough enough?" Harry found this amusing, smirking darkly with humor as I bit my lip. "How about I show you how rough I can be, hmm?" he murmured lowly into my ear, soft lips brushing the shell of it as his hand travelled behind my back and cupped my ass.
"Where?" I asked immediately, feeling his lips on my neck as I gazed around behind him, hoping no one would just randomly pop up and spot us.
"In my office."
"Sage," Harry whined, his pink lips tugging downwards in a frown as I bit my lip to stop laughing.
"I'm sorry baby," I apologized, squeezing his hand as my students entered the room, shooting me quizzical looks when they saw Harry. "I forgot I have a class now."
"Yeah I can see that," he mumbled bitterly, before sighing heavily. "I'll see you later then."
"I'll make it up to you, I promise," I shot him a smile, triggering his one gorgeous one as he nodded and let go of my hand, exiting the room.
"Alright class, today we're going to review the essays you wrote," I started to say as I closed the door, before walking towards my desk.
I began to hand back the essays I spent last week marking, before spending the entire lesson calling each student up to discuss what went wrong and what was good in each person's essay. I was happy that I was able to concentrate and focus on the task without thinking about Harry and making it up to him after this class. But the thoughts about him eventually began to creep in as the lesson came to an end and the students began leaving the classroom.
I inhaled deeply as I pushed the door to close it while walking away, only to find something jamming it and preventing it from actually closing. I swung the door open, locking my gaze with a pair of icy blue irises. Maximus. His infamous smirk curled into his cherry red lips, making me notice one of the few similarities Harry and him had: the perfect ruby lips and infamous smirk.
"May I help you?" I questioned with an arch of my brow, making him chuckle deeply.
"I just wanted to have a word with you if that's okay," he said in his heavily accented voice.
"What about?"
"What do you think, love? My little brother of course," he stated in an obvious tone, making me step to the side without any more words, holding the door wider open.
"So," I said once he walked further into the room and I closed the door. "What is it you want to talk about Harry?"
"I just wanted to ask you a few things about him," Maximus started off slowly, walking around my desk and taking a seat in my chair, throwing his legs on the desk and folding his arms behind his head.
"Such as?"
"Do you love him?"
My brows shot upwards as soon as the words left his mouth, my lips parting in surprise as I was caught off-guard by the question. A million thoughts ran through my mind as I took a moment to compose myself before answering him.
"I-I can't answer that right now," I stuttered, making him arch a brow at me in response, smirking. He sat up in the chair, setting his elbows on the table and resting his face in his hands.
"Don't worry love, I won't tell him," he chuckled deeply, his smirk widening, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.
"Maximus," I warned him, making his laughter grow. "Fuck you, honestly. I care for Harry deeply, and I am sure I will love when the time comes," I said firmly, trying to ignore how his eyebrows rose in amusement, before he began to approach me.
"You sure you're not in love with him already?" Maximus murmured lowly, the close proximity of our bodies making me frown as I moved away from him on instinct.
I inhaled deeply, holding eye contact with him as my mind began to deeply contemplate on the answer to his question. I found out that my smile was always brighter when I was around him, and that my heart was practically leaping out of my chest every time he complimented me. I even felt an odd sense of protection when I was with him, even though he had no idea about my powers and the fact that there was a murderous witch hunter looking for me.
"Maybe I am," I murmured softly, before snapping my gaze to wear he was standing. "But what is it to you?"
"I needed to know just in case we have a situation involving unrequited love," Maximus explained vaguely, making me frown.
"Why? Did he say he loves me?" I asked in a hushed whisper, making Maximus' smirk deepen while he paced around the room slowly with his arms behind his back.
"No," he answered shortly, making my heart drop unexpectedly. "But he obviously shows signs that he does, so don't be disappointed at all Sage that he hasn't confessed for now. He will always be wary of love, so he will take his time when it comes to confessing it for you," Maximus reassured me strangely, making me nod lightly, nevertheless thankful for his assurance.
"I'm a patient woman, if Harry's uncomfortable right now with confessing his feelings for me then I understand and I will wait," I said to myself, rather than to Maximus, who nodded in response.
"Good, because I really think you're the one for my brother," Maximus said sincerely, making me smile lightly. "It would be a shame if you didn't love him back."
I said nothing, watching him send me another one of his infamous smirks before he disappeared out of the classroom. I let out a heavy sigh, tucking a curl behind my ear that had escaped from my bun. After a minute or so, someone else walked in, the thudding of heavy boots grabbing my attention. My lips immediately stretched into a wide smile at the sight of the man whom I was talking about just a minute ago.
"Hi baby," Harry greeted me with a soft kiss to my lips, gripping my hips as he pushed me into the classroom, shoving the door shut with his foot. He locked the door as he spoke, "was Maximus just in here?"
"Uh yeah he was," I nodded in response, wishing I didn't have to lie to him about what Maximus and I were talking about, but I had to.
"He wasn't bothering you was he?" Harry arched a brow at me in amusement, still half-serious as I laughed lightly and shook my head.
"No, he had to ask for directions to the Dean's office."
Harry simple nodded in response, smiling as he ducked down to kiss me slowly, parting my lips with his tongue and rolling against my own one. His hands slid down from my waist, pulling my tight skirt up my thighs until it was bunched up at my hips. His hands slid down again, touching my thighs before he gave the underside of my right thigh a sharp tap as an indication for me to jump. I did so, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders and locking my ankles behind his back. A part of me was scolding me for going ahead with this while we were at the university and there were students still around. But the other part of me thought it was wild and exciting and wanted to just go with it anyways.
"Mhmm we have to be quiet," I mumbled into the kiss, feeling him set me down on my desk, pushing the chair away.
"That might be a little hard for you," Harry smirked, making me pout at him while he slid his warm palms up my thighs.
"And why is that?" I arched a brow at him challengingly, as he hooked one of my legs onto his waist and pulled me to the edge of the desk. My throat tightened when he pressed his hardened crotch against the area between my legs.
"Because I'm going to take you raw and hard on this desk and you're gonna want to scream my name, baby girl,"
he murmured in a raspy tone that had my stomach coiling and teeth sinking into my bottom lip.
My upcoming words were muffled by a messy kiss Harry placed on my lips, while I slid my palms over his shoulders, pushing his blazer back, which he then ripped off and tossed over the chair nearby. I mentally praised myself for clearing my desk before my class finished, feeling nothing but the hard wood of the desk touch my back as I lowered myself onto it. Harry tugged my panties to the side, revealing my dripping s.ex at which he smirked in satisfaction, biting his lip before he ducked down to have a taste of me. My stomach tightened when I felt his tongue drag up my core firmly, gathering up all my arousal before pulling back to savor the taste, licking his lips.
"You taste so sweet, babe," Harry hummed in satisfaction, running his tongue over his plump bottom lip before pulling it into his mouth as he unbuckled his belt.
Our gazes locked as he slowly slid the leather out of the buckle and unzipped his pants, instructing me to unbutton my blouse at the same time. I followed his command, popping each bottom slowly while he pulled himself out of his boxers, stroking his thick cock while fixating his gaze on my full breasts that were spilling out of my maroon bra cups. He inched closer, pressing the head of his c.ock to my c.lit that had my thighs shuddering, before dragging it down my wet slit, causing a whimper to escape my lips.
"Harry," I mumbled impatiently, watching him smirk cheekily at me before he circled my entrance with the head of his c.ock.
He slowly eased the tip into me, watching the area we connected as I was wrapped around half of his c.ock, feeling my body flush with heat as my walls were forced to accommodate him. I wiggled my hips, trying to get him to push further into my as he just stood there without moving, driving me crazy with just half of his c.ock buried into me. I needed all of it. He noticed my impatience, smirking in amusement before sliding his c.ock into me without warning. I moaned softly under my breath as I felt him fill me up completely and so perfectly. A small grunt escaped his swollen lips at the feeling as well, his fingernails digging into the flesh of my thighs as he pushed them back.
He began shifting his hips backwards and forwards, driving in and out of me at a torturously slow pace that had me moaning softly under my breath. I felt my clothes getting increasingly annoying as my body began to heat up immensely due to all the pleasure I was receiving. My eyes fluttered open when I heard Harry's throaty grunts fill my ears up, peering at him in awe as he gripped my thighs tightly and squeezed his eyes shut.
I could tell he was holding himself back from fucking me full on otherwise there would be too much noise and people would start wondering what the hell was going on in here. I prayed that nobody would randomly decide to visit me, only to find that the door is lock and there are odd noises coming from behind it. I was soon pulled out of my thoughts when Harry spoke in his deep gravelly voice.
"Sage," he groaned heavily under his breath. "You feel so good around my c.ock."
His words made my cheek flush, my teeth sinking into my lip as our gazes met. I was surprised to see a genuine smile curve into his lips, one that had a hidden meaning behind it that did not signify lust or desire. It meant something else. His smile had me grinning back at him, watching him come over me to duck down and kiss me sweetly. At that moment, I forgot about how much I desired him and instead thought about Maximus' words. Do you love him?
"Harry," I panted against his soft lips, scrunching my eyes up at the intense pleasure I was receiving from the way the tip of his c.ock hit me in all the right places.
He pulled me up all of a sudden, sitting my ass on the edge of the desk before continuing to fuck me, his movements speeding up gradually. I bit my lip at the loud noises that were created when he slammed his cock into me, showing no mercy as he continued to do it over and over again. My palms pressed against the cool wood of the desk as I leaned my weight back onto them, throwing my head back as I spread my legs wider and pressed my lips to conceal my moans.
"Sage, I want to hear you moan for me," Harry grunted deeply, fingers messily tugging my bra cups down to revel my hardened nipples. Pinching one with his fingers, he growled again when I didn't answer.
"People will hear Harry," I hissed back, before I was shoved down against the desk with his ring-clad fingers wrapped around my throat, clasping it firmly.
I felt myself becoming more aroused now by his sudden movements, swallowing thickly at the way he stared down at me with his jade eyes that were darkened with ardor, devouring my half-naked form. He began thrusting mercilessly, slamming into me with such force my breath was knocked out of my lungs and tears pricked at my eyes. He was being rough, and I loved it. I felt my orgasm approaching as he drove himself into me impossibly deep, to the point his pubes nudged my c.lit.
"You gonna moan for me, baby? Hmmm?" he teased, stifling his movements suddenly, causing me to let out a low whine.
"Harry," I pleaded without hesitation, finding myself literally on the verge of releasing as I felt my thighs shake, finding it torturous for him to just stand there with his c.ock buried deep inside of me. "Fuck me, baby, please."
"Hmm you didn't answer my question, Sage," he murmured back, dragging his thumb under the outer corner of my eye to wipe away a tear of pleasure, while his other hand remained around my neck. "I want you to moan my name for me, loud and clear, do you hear me?"
I nodded vigorously, sighing inwardly in relief when he began moving his hips again, loosening his grip on my neck slightly to let me breathe properly as he stood back up. My hand rose up to wrap my fingers around his grip, holding onto him as my eyes screwed shut when I felt myself racing towards my orgasm. Gradually, moans of his name escaped my lips while at the back of my mind I made sure to mute whatever noises that came out of this classroom for other to hear, using a trick Atticus taught me.
"I want you to cum with me baby," Harry told me firmly, making me nod with heavy pants escaping my lips.
His hand left my neck to grip my hip, along with his other one to steady my body as he did strong thrusts, pounding me with his c.ock over and over again, hitting all the right spots that had me moaning his name out with no hesitation. My hands drifted up to squeeze my breasts for extra pleasure, the sight making Harry groan throatily, c.ock twitching inside of me. He gave me one finally thrust, giving me the signal to finally release along with him.
A string of moans tumbled from our lips as we hit our highs and released, my thighs shaking as Harry's muscles tensed while he released into me and I let my orgasm drip down his c.ock. Heavy breaths and gasps were all I could manage after I began to come down from my high, feeling a sense of utter bliss lay over me as I smiled hazily. Harry noticed this, letting out a short giggle that had me arching my brow at him in amusement. He ducked down to press his lips firmly against mine, a simple sweet kiss that didn't involve tongue, as we were too breathless to even try deepening it.
"What's so funny?" I questioned him as he chuckled against my lips again.
"You practically screamed my name."
I rolled my eyes at his words, even though I knew at the back of my mind I made sure no one heard us with a little bit of magic, which Harry was unaware of. Harry pulled out of me, causing his orgasm to drip from me onto the floor.
"Whoops," he laughed once again, as I sat up with a frown. "I'll help you clean up," he said once he noticed my glare, making me immediately smile at him.
"Thank you," I puckered my lips for him to kiss, which he did gladly.
"I wasn't too rough with you, right?" he asked me in concern.
"No baby, I was able to handle it," I promised him with a shake of my head, a small chuckle falling from my lips.
"Oh really? Because I could go even rougher than that," Harry said challengingly, making me smirk.
"Oh yeah? Show me."
"Now?" he questioned in surprise, making me chuckle immediately.
"If you're up for it, yes."
"Oh baby, I'm always up for fucking you senselessly. This time I'm gonna bend you over the desk and fuck that pretty pussy of yours."
➰ how was the chapter guyzzzz how's the smut etc ???
Do you guys understand why Harry's thoughts can't be hear now? Because of his power immunity, no magic-either witchcraft or voodooism-will work on him.
This book GON be wild soon enough !! I feel like it's kinda short but idk let's see !!
Until we meet again...
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