23| Genesis
Genesis: the ability to be able to create lesser beings from your own body.
Updating a lil earlier cuz I might not be able to update next week ))):
Pls read the A/N at the end of the chapters, they usually help in telling you whether or not Harry is being genuine in each chapter.
Enjoy xx
S.E // The 7th Supreme
"Oh my god."
I held up a hand to my parted lips, wide eyes studying the drawings of myself nude on the couch that Harry did. Harry squeezed my naked waist from behind me, pressing a kiss to my bare shoulder as I continued to examine the drawings. I was seated between his legs, his hard chest pressing against my back as his strong arms held me to him, tucking his chin into the dip of my shoulder as he gazed at the drawings in my hands as well.
"Do you like them?" he asked me lowly, his voice extra raspy and several octaves lower due to his morning state.
It was the weekend. Last night, Harry had come over and apologized sincerely for leaving yesterday morning. I never thought too much about it, realizing that we weren't properly together so I wasn't entirely sure on whether I could nag him about it or not so I chose to ignore it. But he obviously thought it bothered me, and it did, to a certain extent. Oh well, at least we were over the problem. Harry stayed this morning, fulfilling his promises that he whispered against my lips while burying himself into me last night.
"They're incredible, Harry," I told him honestly, skimming the drawing with my finger. "I look...sexy."
"You are sexy, darling," he murmured into my ear, tugging on my ear lobe with his teeth. "Sexy, beautiful, exquisite..."
"Harry," I pressed my lips to suppress a smile at his compliments, feeling him grin against my skin and press a firm kiss to my cheek, squeezing my body at the same time.
"Sage," he said back, caressing the skin of my stomach as I leaned back into him. "You're cute as hell."
"What?" I laughed with a questioning gaze.
"It's true! Especially when you pout," he retorted, face close to mine so he could lean forwards and bite down on my lower lip. "I love your lips," he groaned, letting go of my bottom lip, which popped back into place.
"Hmm really?" I whispered softly with a smirk, feeling his lips travel across my jawline.
"Mhmm, especially when they're wrapped around my cock."
I snorted at his words, before my jaw slackened when he bit down on the skin of my neck, hand moving up to grab my breast and give it a gentle squeeze. As his lips continued its gentle assault on the skin of my neck, leaving tiny spots of discoloration on my dark skin, I moaned deeply. My hand moved up to grip the nape of his neck blindly, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as my head lolled to the side.
Just as he bit the skin of my neck harshly, I grabbed his golden cross necklace by accident. Suddenly, a vibration-like sensation spread throughout my hand as I jolted in his lap, retracting my hand immediately. Harry lifted his head from where it was buried near my neck as he frowned lightly, hand letting go of my breast and held my waist instead.
"You okay?" he asked me in concern, attentive green eyes gazing at me as I shot him a shaky smile, nodding immediately.
"I'm fine, you just bit down too hard," I lied, dropping my hand to my lap where I rubbed it slowly as Harry's frowned deepened. He pulled back my hair from my neck, examining the exact spot where he had bitten into my skin and chuckled
"Looks like I have," he confirmed my words, ducking down to press a feather-light kiss to the sensitive area before he trailed his lips up to my jaw. "Now where were we?"
Soon enough I was on my back again, Harry slotted between my legs with his erect cock already entering me. My mind however was not focused on our intimate activities. It was still circling around the reasons why I had that odd vibration feeling when I touched Harry's necklace. I tried to show that I was indeed in the moment with Harry as he pounded into me roughly, taking me hard and raw on the bed as I felt my body jolt with every thrust, eventually having my orgasm along with his.
After we had showered and gotten dressed again, we settled for chilling for the rest of the morning in bed, watching a few episodes of The Walking Dead while snacking on all sorts of sweet and salty foods. As Harry sat there with a bowl of potato chips resting on his stomach, watching season 6 with wide eyes, I found myself zoning out, reminiscing back to the moment I touched his necklace.
I only ever felt vibrations like that when I touched a charmed object, and a white witch-not a voodooist- charmed that object. Now whenever I touched objects that were charmed by white witches, I got this vibration feeling, as if my nerves were tingling. But whenever I touched an object charmed by a voodooist, I feel a force push my hand away from it. That feeling was hard to describe, but I knew the difference between both feelings and objects, and the necklace Harry had was completely charmed by a white witch.
I gazed at him through the corner of my eye, frowning inwardly. Was he a warlock? If he was one I would've know, I also knew when there was a witch or warlock nearby. It was a feeling Supremes would get, you would just know if someone were a witch or warlock. This was what confused me a lot, as I couldn't tell whether Harry was a warlock or not. If he wasn't, then someone must've given that necklace to him as protection, I was able to identify the purpose of the necklace when I touched it.
My eyes spotted my phone sitting on the bedside table, my arm stretched out to grab it, quickly sending Rowena and Atticus a text to meet me outside my mansion. I knew that they were both at the academy at the moment, helping Esmeralda out as per usual. Once I got a text back saying that they were both waiting outside, I excused myself, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheek whom was too focused on the show to tear his eyes away for one second.
Once I closed the bedroom door behind me, I teleported myself to outside of the house and in front of Rowena and Atticus.
"What's wrong now?" Rowena questioned, folding her arms over her chest.
"My boyfriend is wearing a charmed object around his neck," I blurted out without thinking, making Atticus chuckle immediately.
"Boyfriend, huh?"
My cheeks flushed, mind reminiscing to yesterday night when Harry asked me to be his girlfriend. He was being so awkward and shy about it, it made my heart cry. I said yes, of course.
"Shut up and listen," I grumbled, making him chuckle even more, and continuing to tease me about it while poking my face childishly.
Harry was the first proper boyfriend I've ever had. My previous ones didn't count because they were never serious, and obviously my one-night stands usually prevented me from having any boyfriends.
"You know you do have to tell him some point now that he's your boyfriend," Atticus reminded me, pinching me cheek, making me hiss and swat his hands away.
"I know, I know, but just listen to me," I huffed, making him finally nod and listen. "Okay, so when Harry and I were messing around, I came in contact with his necklace, and I felt something. I don't think I've properly come in contact with his necklace before up till now, because this time I grabbed it instead of just touching it."
"Anyways, when I did grab it, I felt those weird vibrations when I usually touch an object charmed by white witches," I said lowly, watching both of their eyes widen and eyebrows rise.
"Really?" Atticus questioned and I nodded. "Damn, maybe he's a warlock!"
"Maybe, but you know how I can tell whether someone is a witch or a warlock? I didn't feel that with him, even if he had that necklace on," I told them, now making both of them furrow their brows in confusion.
"Maybe someone gave it to him," Rowena suggested, making me nod slowly.
"I thought of that too," I responded, before frowning when I noticed a man walking through the gate of my mansion. It was Maximus. What was he doing here?
"Who's that?" Rowena questioned with interest, biting her lip as she examined Maximus walking in his typical leather biker jacket and a maroon Henley. It was obvious she was attracted to him.
"That's Maximus, Harry's brother," I told her as we all watched him approach us. "I don't ever recall inviting you over!" I called out to him, making him immediately chuckle with his infamous smirk attached to his lips.
"I invited myself, love," he told me with his smirk still intact, before it softened when his gaze landed on Rowena. "And who might you be?"
"Rowena Warner," she introduced herself with a rare smile she only gave to people she liked.
Maximus smiled brightly at her, jutting his hand out for her to shake, which she accepted.
"Maximus Maniatis," he murmured back in that low raspy voice of his with a strong British accent that I was sure had Rowena's knees weak at this point.
He lifted her hand up to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. Cliché much? I stifled a laugh when I heard Atticus say those words in my head. Beside me, he rolled his eyes, immediately opening his mouth to speak.
"Hi nice to meet you too I'm Atticus!" he said with a huge sarcastic grin, making Rowena scowl lightly at Atticus as Maximus turned slowly.
"Oh right, Sage's sidekick," he arched a brow at Atticus, making him glare at Max. "I'm only joking."
"Why are you here, Max?" I asked finally.
"I was looking for my brother, seen him anywhere?"
"Yeah he's inside," I said, ticking my head towards the mansion.
"May I?" Maximus asked, referring to enter my house.
"Of course," I nodded. He shot Rowena a rare genuine smile, making her immediately return it, before he disappeared into the house.
"So Rowena," Atticus started with a sly smirk, making her roll her eyes immediately.
She jutted her hand out, palm open and facing Atticus. Along with her actions, an invisible force was immediately emitted, pushing Atticus back where he tripped and fell into the bushes that lined up the sides of the porch.
"Rowena!" Atticus yelled angrily, stumbling out of the bushes with leaves stuck to his clothes. "You're gonna pay for that!"
"Oh yeah?" Rowena challenged him with a smirk.
He lifted his hands and conjured up a ball of blue electricity, cackling loudly in the air as it grew bigger until he jutted his hands out, pushing the ball forwards in the direction of Rowena. I immediately stepped in front of her, my mind working as quickly as possible as the ball shot towards us. Just in time, a coral-colored force field formed in front of Rowena and I, just as Atticus' ball of electricity hit the force field, emitting a high-pitched noise.
"Atticus! What the fuck," I scolded him, wanting to slap the cheeky smirk off his face. "You could've seriously hurt her, you little shit."
"I'm sorry," he said chuckling, approaching us as I glared at him. "I'm sorry Rowena, I love you," he said, engulfing Rowena in a bone-crushing hug that had her protesting playfully. "I would never hurt you, Rowey," he said, planting a big sloppy kiss on her cheek, making her yelp in disgust.
"You're such a baby, Atticus," she grumbled, as he wiped her cheek with the sleeve of his hoodie. "But seriously, if that ball of electricity hit me, I would be in ashes right now."
"I know I know. I only did it because I knew Sage would use her force field powers," Atticus said, winking at me as I rolled my eyes.
He beckoned me over for a group hug, swinging his arm over my shoulder and hugging me to his side tightly, along with Rowena on his other side.
"I would never hurt my girls, you guys are my sisters. However, Sage, if Harry hurts you I will electrify him and toss his ashes into the toilet bowl," Atticus threatened, making me frown playfully while Rowena laughed. "That goes for you too Rowena. If that Maximus dude breaks your heart, I will feed him to Nymeria."
"Hey!" I called out with a frown, making him laugh again.
"I'm kidding, I'll feed to them piranhas mother bought recently for her big-ass fish tank."
"Esmeralda bought piranhas?" Rowena furrowed her brows. "Is she fucking crazy?"
"Of course, is that even a question?" Atticus frowned, before we all burst out laughing once again. "We should go Row, oh hey that rhymed-"
"Yeah we should," Rowena interrupted him, making him pout angrily again. "Esmeralda will feed us to the piranhas if she notices us missing."
"I'll see you guys later," I kissed them both on their cheeks, before turning back and heading into the mansion again. Just as I entered, I noticed Maximus jogging down the stairs.
"Everything okay?" I asked, still wondering why Maximus came looking for Harry.
"Everything's fine Sage why ever would you think something's wrong?" he questioned sarcastically, making me want to roll my eyes for the hundredth time.
"Well, I don't know, Harry sort of left me yesterday morning when he told me he would stay, just because you apparently were in trouble," I said, folding my arms over my chest as I gazed at him expectantly.
"Oh right, I needed him to make me breakfast that morning."
"Are you fucking serious?"
"No, sweetheart, of course not. I just needed Harry at that moment, and he was there for me. End of conversation," Maximus concluded, making me snap my mouth shut. "Try not to be too nosy, would you?" And with that he exited the house.
I frowned lightly, wondering what on earth was it that made Maximus call Harry for help so early in the morning. I shook my head, clearing up my thoughts as I walked up the stairs and made my way to my bedroom. There Harry was, now munching on a banana while watching The Walking Dead. I climbed onto the bed, chuckling when he didn't even notice me, so engaged with the show. He held his banana near his face, ready to take a bite, but was too focused on a heated conversation between Glenn and Enid.
I ducked down, immediately sinking my teeth into the banana and taking a bite, making Harry finally snap out of his thoughts.
"My banana!" he exclaimed, tugging his hand away when I tried to take another bite again.
I fell back, mouthful of the fruit, chuckling continuously at his reaction. He glared at me, finishing the banana off quickly and tossing the peel into the bin nearby. I crawled next to him, propping my chin on his shoulder and placing a kiss on his cheek. He turned his head to the side and pouted at me, causing me to giggle uncharacteristically. What was this man doing to me?
"Mhmm I love this necklace," I said once I had my hand sliding around the nape of his neck. "My father had one just like this," I murmured softly, and it was true, my father did have a golden cross necklace. But it was only an accessory, not a powerful charm.
"My mother gave it to me," Harry whispered to me with a sad expression, gaze flickering down to the cross that I ran my thumb over. I had to try my hardest not to flinch at the odd feeling I received from touching it.
"It's beautiful," I told him sincerely with a hint of a smile, letting go of it.
"Yeah," he sighed. "Max told me she gave him a silver one and the gold one, telling him that the gold one was for me."
"Oh," I said, my tone filling with sympathy when I noticed his sad expression. "My grandmother gave me this necklace when I was 17, after my parents died," I said instead, trying to move the topic from his mother to something else.
"I've seen this star thing in Supernatural," he commented, touching the golden pentagram that lay between my collarbones. "But isn't that related to demons and Satan or something?" he questioned seriously, making me burst out in laughter.
"No," I shook my head, grinning in amusement. "Each point represents an element; earth, air, water and fire, and spirit-which isn't exactly an element- is the top point."
"Interesting," Harry hummed, listening attentively. "Then what does the circle mean?"
"The circle signifies eternity and infinity," I explained vaguely, making Harry frown. "I honestly don't know, my great-grandmother was a fan of all this symbolic stuff so she gave this necklace to my grandmother. My grams thinks this gives me good luck and protection," I rambled, knowing very well that this pentagram necklace was a traditional symbol of witchcraft. But Harry didn't need to know that.
"Do you think it gives you good luck and protection?" Harry asked, arching an eyebrow at me.
"Not really, but I swear it for her sake," I shrugged, knowing that the necklace indeed does give me protection, but not good luck. "Good luck, maybe, protection? I don't think so."
"Don't worry about that," Harry shook his head, setting the laptop to the side and curling his arms around me.
"I'll protect you baby girl."
➰ lollll ok Harry really is being genuine in this chapter (especially with the last line, it's foreshadowing). He's not lying about his mother giving him that necklace, kinda dumb he told her that TBH cuz now she'll start to piece things together.
➰ IT seems like Maximus is a v popular character amongst y'all so I was kinda thinking of dedicating a whole book to him as a sequel to this book. It'll be about his past and his love life and how his and Harry's relationship is fucked up but also strong af at the same time.
Let me know if you wanna see that 😛
Until we meet again...
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