Telepathy: the ability to hear and broadcast thoughts of oneself and others.
Up above: Atticus Castavet played by Evan Peters (😫😭❤️)
enjoy xx
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S.E // The 7th Supreme
"That marks the end of today's class. I'll see you tomorrow."
Footsteps echoed throughout the lecture hall as the students began to leave, bidding me goodbye on the way. A content sigh left my lips as I gathered my things on the great oak desk, switching the projector off. I was lucky that I didn't have any more classes for the rest of the day, meaning I was free to go home. Luckily, I had already done all my work for the next class, which meant I was free tonight.
"Um Ms. Everett?" A familiar voice spoke up from near the doorway, causing me to lift my head up.
"Josh," I smiled warmly at the dark-haired blue-eyed student whom stood near the doorway shyly.
"Sorry to bother you, but is it okay if you can proofread my essay and tell me if there's anything I need to improve on?" he requested, and I simply nodded, waving him to come over.
He set his MacBook on my desk as I took a seat. My eyes began skim through the slightly interesting essay based on Adolf Hitler and his rise to power, before I heard Josh's thoughts in my mind. She's so gorgeous fuck I heard him think, making a tiny smile dip into my lips as I shut my thoughts off and focused on the essay.
"This is great, Josh. But you have to try and provide a balanced argument, and I want to see more facts as well," I concluded, smiling at him as he snapped out of his thoughts and nodded vigorously.
"Thanks Ms. Everett, I'll see to that," he grinned widely, picking his laptop up and shutting the cover as he walked away awkwardly, almost tripping over his own feet.
As he walked away, another familiar visitor showed up at my doorway. A grin formed on my lips at the sight of my best friend, immediately standing up and rushing over to him.
"Atticus, god I've missed you so much," I captured him in a warm embrace, standing on my tiptoes as I squeezed his shoulders with my arms.
"I've missed you more, Sage," he chuckled deeply, pulling back to ruffle my curly hair. I scowled, swatting his hand away in annoyance.
The reason I haven't seen Atticus in such a long time was because he was a sound engineer. His job consisted of travelling around the world and experiencing different concerts and music festivals, and inspecting whether the noise level is too high or not. Yep, that kind of job exists. I've begged my Aunt Sephy to allow me to travel with him for at least a couple of festivals, but she always said no.
I was to never leave New Orleans, Louisiana until I was practically dead. Why? You may ask. It was because I was being hunted. The Saviors and many other witch hunting organizations wanted me dead with my head on a stick, which meant I had to have a witch or warlock guarding me 24/7. Atticus was a warlock; since his mother was the headmistress witch of Miss Castavet's School for Gifted Young Ladies.
I worked two jobs, one as a history lecturer in the University of New Orleans, the other as a teacher of witchcraft in Miss Castavet's School. I insisted on working at the university, since it gave me the feel of normality, for some odd reason. So, sometimes when I'm done with teaching at the university; I go and teach at the school for a couple of hours. Both jobs, I loved, maybe the witchcraft one more than the history one since I always have students trying to get with me.
"Oh shit, I need to visit the art studio," I groaned, remembering that I had asked one of my students to do a painting for me, as the student was also an art major.
"What for?" Atticus questioned as I changed my direction and started heading towards the art studio.
"I asked Serina, y'know that girl I told you about, who's double-majoring in art and history, to paint me a portrait of Bast," I informed him as we approached the studio quickly.
"Bast? Sephy's cat?" Atticus recalled as we stopped in front of the double doors that led to the art studio. I glanced inside, noticing how empty it was which I found quite strange.
"Yeah, Aunt Sephy's birthday is coming up soon so I thought a painting of her beloved cat would make her happy," I explained making him nod.
"Okay, sounds nice. Go ahead, I'll wait here for you," he motioned at the door, before pushing one open for me.
The art studio was huge, one side of the wall made out of glass, serving as a window. The sunlight fell onto the numerous pieces of fascinating artwork around the room. My eyes gazed around for the painting of the cat, trying to remember the description of it, which Serina told me about. I soon located it, grinning when I approached it and picked it up. It was utterly beautiful, I just had to frame it and then it would be set as the perfect gift.
As soon as I turned around, I bumped into a hard chest, letting out a surprised yelp as I felt the painting slip from my fingers. The stranger that I had just bumped into caught the painting fortunately enough, causing me to sign in relief and reaching for it. When the man pulled it away, I finally looked up at him with narrowed eyes, only for my expression to flicker when I noticed how devilishly handsome he was.
He was slim and muscular, with an almost symmetrical face. He had that kind of face that almost made you stop in your tracks. Curly tousled dark brown hair covered his head and ended right above his shoulders, curls twisting under his ear and neck. His eyes were a mesmerizing shade of forest green, bright and alert and slightly intimidating. His jaws and cheekbones were prominent, just like his strong tatted biceps, bold thighs, firm chest and abdomen. The sight of his lips had me in a trance; they were alarmingly pink, plump but not too thick nor thin, just perfect. They looked so kissable.
"Ummm, thank you. Can I please have my painting back?" I asked quietly, trying to muster up the confidence to stare back into his pale jade eyes. His gaze was just utterly intimidating.
"Did you paint this?" he responded with a question, instead of answering my question. I huffed impatiently, biting my lips before shaking my head.
"No, a student of mine did," I told him as he stepped back slightly to examine it.
My eyes sneakily examined his body, glancing at his outfit every now and then. He was dressed pretty casually as of now, sporting a long-sleeved black t-shirt and simple black jeans that clung to his firm thighs. He looked quite young, somewhat around my age I assumed. Was he a student?
"A student? Are you an art professor here?" he asked me with curiosity lacing his tone. At that moment I wondered if anyone else was in the studio, but strangely enough no one was here.
"History professor, and you are?" I arched a brow questioningly, causing him to raise his brows before handing me back the canvas.
"Sorry, I'm Harry, Harry Styles. I'm the new art professor," he introduced himself, hand reaching out to shake my hand.
"Oh," I said, before smiling politely and taking his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Harry, I'm Sage," I shook his hand firmly. I recalled the Dean telling me that there was a new art teacher arriving soon after the previous one, Mr. Cho, left to Korea for some urgent family business.
"Sage..." he trailed off, silently asking for my surname.
"Everett," I laughed awkwardly, making him finally break into a small grin. "Sorry."
"It's fine, and the pleasure's mine. Beautiful name you've got there," he complimented me, smirking a little. His smirk and deep raspy voice caused a deep stirring in my abdomen.
"Thank you," I smiled lightly before, meeting his gaze. "So, are you new to this place? New Orleans I mean."
"Yeah, I am. What about you?" he asked in interest.
"Been here my whole life," I told him, before spotting Atticus waving at me through the rectangular windows on the double doors. "Hey, I'd love to stay and chat, but I gotta go. It was nice meeting you."
"Likewise," he smirked once again, before his tongue poked out to wet his heart-shaped lips. "I'll see you around."
I simply smiled in response, walking over to the double doors before pushing one of them open with my shoulder. As I approached Atticus, he shot me a tiny smirk.
"So, who is he?" Atticus snickered, as I rolled my eyes digging for my keys in my handbag as we walked to the car park.
"The new Art professor, and before you ask, no I'm not interested in him," I said firmly knowing what he was going to suggest, swinging the door open of my midnight black BMW I8.
"Okay! No need to get all snappy! I just thought you might think that his face was worth sitting on," Atticus shrugged lightly, causing me to smile in amusement shaking my head.
"Stop reading my mind," I scowled playfully, slapping his arm, before my expression fell as I remembered my conversation with Harry.
"What?" Atticus noticed my thoughtful expression.
"I couldn't read his thoughts," I just remembered. Usually I hear people's thoughts without trying to tune into them, but I couldn't hear Harry's at all.
"Why not?" Atticus frowned as I fired up the engine and began to pull out of the parking lot.
"I don't know; there was something blocking my mind from his thoughts. Or there was some sort of like field hiding his thoughts from me. Either way I couldn't hear him, it's weird," I pursed my lower lip thoughtfully as I began to drive Atticus and I back home.
Home was Miss Castavet's School for Gifted Young Ladies. The school was somewhat like a boarding school, held in the Buckner Mansion. My real home was the mansion right next to it, where I lived with my Aunt Sephy. The Buckner Mansion was humongous, 20,000 square feet of ivory wood with fluted cypress columns, endless Verandas, ornate cast-iron and 'floor to ceiling' windows.
The neighborhood where the mansion was located in was a little further away from the city, a drive of about twenty minutes from the university I worked in. The area had many other mansions, with more witches occupying them. The neighborhood was sort of where all the community of witches lived, as far as we know. Us witches were like a family and we strived to keep each other safe. There was a spell casted over the neighborhood to alert us of any witch hunters entering the compound.
"Home sweet home," Atticus sighed under his breath when we arrived at the mansion.
It had been about three years since Atticus last came to visit his mother and the school. He had grown up here in New Orleans just as I had, learning to master my powers along with him ever since we were kids. My parents and Atticus' mother both wanted us to have a real education and just wanted us to have a normal life as well as the life of a witch and warlock. So we'd go to school normally for the week and on the weekends and sometimes after school, we'd go to Miss Castavet's School to learn about witch history and all the different sorts of powers.
When Atticus left to pursue his degree in sound engineering, his mother went a bit berserk. She wanted him to stay and help serve as a protector of the witches here in the school, even though we witches were fully capable of protecting ourselves with no aid from any man. As much as Atticus wanted to do that, he also wanted to live his life and study what he wanted. But once he got his job, he promised his mother that wherever he goes around the world, he would help the witches in need, recruiting them in a way and sending them over to New Orleans for safety.
"Has there been any news on The Saviors?" I questioned quietly as I turned the engine off and pulled my key out.
"Yeah not much, it's been two years since 6 Man had slain the 6th Supreme. He's still looking for you," Atticus spoke grimly, his eyes stony as he gazed at me.
I sighed deeply. On the outside, I may have seemed fine, but in reality and deep inside, I was a little scared. 6 Man was the notorious witch hunter who has been known for slaying six of the Seven Supremes in the world, and countless other witches. None of us know what he looks like because no one ever lives to warn us witches about him. If any witch sees him, he makes sure to slaughter every single being who knows of him. He could just be any normal man walking around in the street, or drinking at a bar, and that was what terrified me the most. You never know whether he's near you.
He was deadly; nothing gets past his way without him knowing. How he gets away with murdering human beings was beyond me, but all I knew was that he was coming for me and I had to be ready to face him and put an end to him.
"Don't you think it's weird that literally no witch knows what 6 Man looks like?" I asked Atticus as we stepped onto the pavement. My mind forced the gates open as I looked to Atticus for an answer.
"It is, but no one lives to tell us. You know how he slaughters every single witch in whatever community exists when he hunts down Supremes. Not one witch escapes his clutches," Atticus told me, causing me to shudder slightly as we climbed up the steps of the porch. "Why are you thinking about him all of a sudden?"
"I think about him all the time, Atticus. The man is out to kill me and I'm just afraid I'll fall into his trap without knowing," I spoke with my gaze averted to the floor.
"You won't. You've been learning for years now, perfected almost every single power you have. You know you're never tricked easily at all, you're the toughest nut to crack!" Atticus chuckled lightly, trying to brighten the mood slightly. "Don't you worry, Sage. You've got Sephy, me, Rowena, my mom, so many people who love you and will fight to protect you."
"I know, but don't want anyone dying trying to protect me. I won't let that happen," I told him strictly, causing him to sigh a little.
"Let's not talk about this, it's giving me depressive vibes," Atticus spoke loudly, clapping his hands together before wrapping his fingers around the door handle and swinging it open.
As soon as he did that a flash of white and grey dove past me and launched itself onto Atticus. He went down with a surprised yelp, before laughing and giggling when my dog licked his face.
"Nymeria, my love, I've missed you so much," he grinned widely, teeth full on show as he cupped both sides of the dog's face.
"Please stop talking to my dog like she's your lover," I cringed, before whistling loudly, signaling for Nymeria to get off Atticus.
"She's huge!" Atticus exclaimed, pushing himself off the ground, grinning at the dog.
"Yeah because she's practically part wolf," I chuckled, walking into the mansion with Nymeria trailing behind.
Nymeria was a mix between a Siberian husky and a wolf. She was well trained in spotting out witch hunters and taking them down. She was vicious when it came to that, but in reality she was the biggest fluff-ball you would ever meet.
"I want to get a dog but I move around too much so it's hard," Atticus whined walking ahead of me, as I turned back to close the door.
But suddenly, Nymeria cocked her head up, ears perking up as well when she suddenly barked and knocked me over before sprinting outside. Her barking echoed throughout the quiet neighborhood as dashed away. I told Atticus to go ahead and meet his mom, before rushing off after Nymeria.
"Nymeria stop!" I yelled, huffing angrily as I began to take my heels off to run.
But then I remembered I could just teleport myself. However, even though this neighborhood was full of witches, there were still some regular beings living in these mansions. I couldn't afford any of them finding out just because I couldn't be bothered to chase my dog.
I began jogging, cursing under my breath as I detested the attire I was running around in. Nymeria disappeared into an open gate of a slightly unfamiliar mansion, and I quickly bounded after her. But suddenly, I felt something sharp prick my right foot, causing me to gasp in pain and halt immediately. My eyes averted to the floor, groaning when I realized I had stepped onto shattered glass pieces from a broken bottle.
Setting my shoes down, I lowered myself onto the pavement, sitting on the edge as I tried to examine the open wound from under my foot. It was bleeding a little heavily, blood running along the bottom of my foot and dripping onto the road. I would've healed myself and gotten on with finding Nymeria, but I was certain there were tiny shards of glass stuck in there, which needed medical attention.
Just as I concluded to limp back home carefully, a deep gravelly voice spoke up from behind me, causing me to freeze.
I gulped, turning my head back to gaze at the stranger who had just addressed me, my eyebrows rising when I recognized him.
It was Harry.
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➰ sorry Harry and Sage's first meet up isn't that great!! It'll take time until things get a little supernatural, for now it's just chill and normal lmao.
And yes there is a job like what Atticus has, my bitchy form teacher has a friend who has that job. LUCKY HIM!
➰ I'm rlllyyyyyy happy with the reaction of the first chapter lmao! Means a lot you guys and it's always the second book where the author does better on 😛😛😛😛💞💞💞💞
➰ alsooooo I've added a new cast member to the main cast of this story in the first part, so check that out and leave some comments 😛.
His name is Maximus Maniatis, played by my bby Joseph Morgan. thas what he looks like
I'm sorry but I'm the originals trash, even tho I'm still on season 1 lmao.
Until we meet again...
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