11 years ago My New Family/New Beginning
5 year old Blossom POV
"Blossom, today I'm leaving." Adena said. "But you said you would watch over me." I said. "I well but you just won't be able to see me and don't worry you won't be lonely because today you will meet some new friends today. If they offer you something take it but you can't go home into your 13 year old and 2 people came and get you because it can really be your life." She said.
"Ok but How will I know if its them or not? There are a lot of people who come to these mountain." I asked. "Your a very smart girl. You'll know and aren't you afraid." She said. "I trust you." I said. "Your so brave." She said as she start to fade. "Can I have one more hug before you go?" I said and she flew over to me before she completely fade away. The hug only lasted a few minutes before she was gone . I cried a little but than wiped my eyes.
Then I went out to find them. I've walked what felt like hours and i've meet 6 lost children, 2 families of 3 and one Hunter that said he was here to capture the Pink eyed Witch which made me laugh because I am the witch and he didn't know.
As I was about to go back to my cave. I heard a loud scream that sounded very close. When I got there, there was was a orange haired boy and a black haired girl standing in the middle of the The Ganggreen Gang with a pink box and a blind girl being held by her neck and with a knife.
I slide down the hill so I could hear them better. "Ok you brats gave us the box and we'll think about letting you live." Ace said holding the blind. "No let her go first or we'll break it." The black haired girl said look at Ace. I put my hoodie on than laid down so you can only see my hoodie it was pure white and blended in with the snow.
I crawled behind Ace and set he's pants on fire making him drop the girl. Then I ran and pulled her to the middle. As soon as we got to the middle I made a blue fire circle around us. I let it spread out slowly. "Who are you?" The blonde asked. "I'll tell you later, right now grab each other hand and hold on tight." I said as soon as I founded a opening and grabbed the blonde and ran.
The group of guys found us so I ran in to the so called witches woods. They stopped but we keep going. After 10 minutes of running we stopped. "Wait isn't these the witches woods?" The black haired girl said. "Yes and don't freak out its save here." I said facing them. "What about the witch?" The blonde said shaking.
"She only fight bad people and plus I live here." I said. "Are you sure?" The blonde said. "Of cause come on. We're all most to my house so you can warm up. Then I'll take you to the town at the end of the hell." I said starting to walk. "First tell us why are you helping us." The black haired girl said.
"Can't I just want to help." I said looking her in her lime green eyes. 'cool!' "What, your not going to ask for money?" She said folding her arms. "I life on a mountain. So, why would I need it." I said. "Haven't you ever went shopping before like for food or clothes?" Blue eyes said. "My guardian said it's to dangers in the town and besides I make my own clothes and hunt for my food." I said looking her in her light blue eyes.
"So your not going to make sure we're safely at home." Blue girl said as we reach my home. "Do you need me to?" I said walking in. "Can we go in? I mean well your mom or dad care." Blue girl said. "I left my home when I was 2 years old and my guardian left me today so I'm all by my side." I said holding the door to let them in. They just looked at me with big eyes even the boy looked at me.
"What?" I said tilting my head. "Don't you feel lonely?" Blue asked as they walked in. I just looked at them then turn around and said. "of cause but...." 'I have to stay on this side of the border' I walked to the fire place and made my hands caught on fire to light the fire place. But then, I heard a loud gasp making me turn around as I cut off my fire.
"Wait, you're from the other side?" Green said pulling the others behind her and getting into a fight stance. "What if I am? Are you going to try and kill me?" I said. "No but why help your enemy?" Blue said pushing her way back to the front.
"Your not my enemy and i'm not here to hurt everyone." I said. "Really than why are you here?" Green said. "Buttercup stop being rash." Blue said. "Don't say my name and its just a question." Buttercup said."Buttercup if I told you, you wouldn't believe me and if it makes you feel better my name is Blossom." I said. "Try me and I need more then your name." Buttercup said.
"Well I'm here to see with my own eyes. To see if the people here are really evil and if it's not true then I want to make peace." I said then Buttercup start to laugh. "Buttercup stop laughing and Blossom that's nice of you but unless your the lost princess of the fire kingdom it's not going to happen." Blue said. I just smiled and said. "It's a good thing I am." 'Why am I telling them all these?'
"Its not good to lie." Blue said. I just pulled up my shirt to reveal a 'Blue fire heart with a gold sword going through it and a pair of Red wings setting on a group of rainbow cherry blossoms' tattoo on the right side of my stomach.
(Her Dad's family tattoo is just sword and the colors gold, blue, and red but the heart and wings is from her mom's died family and the cherry blossoms is for her name and the color of them is from the fortuneteller telling the king and queen about her flames of color just like her mother.)
"Wait, that's the tattoo that the lost fire princess had and in that exact spot. Ok but way would the fire princess be here and how?" Blue said surprised. "I already told you. My guardian brought me here to keep me safe and to see these place for myself, please don't send me home." I said.
"So how do you feel about my kingdom?" Red said. 'OMG the boy talked.' I just looked at him. "What you can't believe he talked?" Blue said giggling like she can hear my thoughts. I just nodded my head. "Well I can. I'm just not as talkative as these two and I still want to know what you think of my home." Red said looking at me.
"From just these Mountain I can tell these place has nice and greedy people too but right now I don't see anything for our kingdoms to fight over. I've heard real mean things about my home, wind and lightning kingdom. But when I think back on when I lived at home I was told mean things about these place too. So I think its just a lot of miss understandings" I said.
"You got all that from only this mountain?" He said looking at me surprise. "Yes and its getting dark out so I need to get you home." I said. "Well can you gave the witch these pink box?" red said giving me the box."Thinks for the gift red, but was it worth you guys getting in danger and Blue's life?" I asked.
"Your the witch?" Buttercup asked. "Yes and you still haven't answered my question yet." I said walking to my bed to put the box down and then walking back to them
"of cause not but they thought so. So we just went with it. We was trying to stall for time so we could make a way out of there, safely. Also my name is Brick not red and her name it Bubbles not blue." As soon as Red I mean Brick stopped talking the ground started to shake then my home started to Cave on us.
We all tried to get out side but we was to slow so I just brace for impact but it never came when I looked up we were surrounded by a shield of rocks. "How is these possible?" I asked. "I'm Buttercup the princess of the earth kingdom." Buttercup said with her hands in the air. "OMG does that mean you two are the princess of the water kingdom and you the prince of snow kingdom?" I asked looking at Bubbles then to Brick.
"Yes, they are but right now can you burn us a way out because these is getting heavy." Buttercup said. "Ok but don't come out." I said putting my hands on the rocks. "But why?" Bubbles said. "Its these guys from before." I said. "Then let us help you?" Bubbles said. "No" I said.
"Why not plus these rocks are getting heavy." Buttercup said. I pulled me hands back then touched the other sides and quickly melted and harding it just as fast. Then going back to my hole. "Because I tried to be nice and let them go but they came back and they missed up my home." I said as I walked out and just as I said the gang green gang was standing in front of me.
"Wow, no one going to believe the witch is really a little girl." Ace said. "Yes I am, but why did you brake my home?" I said. "O so you though you can get away with making us look like fools and now your all by yourself." Ace said pulling down glasses and looking at me.
"Yes I am. So what you already looked like fools before I stepped in." I said laughing. "What? That's it you brat now we're going to kill you. Guys get her." Ace said. We started to fight but then next thing I know I was soaking wet. I felt weak but I had to fight.
Bubbles POV 9 years old
We just set in the cave for about 10 minutes but then I heard the sound of water and got up. "Bubble what are you doing?" BC said. "Blossom's in trouble." I said. "Bubbles she's the witch she'll be fine." BC said. "I know that but I feel water." I said. "So what, its water." BC said.
"Fire is weak to water." I said but before I said water Brick was already out the cave. When all three of us got out Blossom was barely standing. "Why don't you just tell us were those 3 kids are and we may let you live." The glass guy said.
"Nev..." she started but than we cut her off. "We're right here." All three of us said at the same time. He looked at us but then Brick made black ice wall between Blossom and them. Then made cages around them and started to slowly bring it in. BC ran to Blossom as she fall to the ground.
"How are..." Glass guy started but then BC cut him off and said. "She's cold and wet." "Brick we have to go. Let them go." I said putting my hand on he's shoulder. "If I see you again, you will not leave in one piece." Brick said as BC handed Blossom to him then we all start to ran down the hill.
We got lucky because there was a lot of guards looking for us and Brick's mom. "Mother Shelbie" Both me and BC said. Then she started to run to us. "Are you all ok?" She said as she started to look us over. "Mom she's ice cold please help?" Brick said pushing Blossom in his mom's arms. "Ok but what's her name and what kingdom is she from?" She said taking off her coat and rapping Blossom in it.
But before we could say anything she take us to the Royal snow car. After we got in Brick moved close to his mom's ear and said. "She's princess Blossom of the fire kingdom." She looked a little surprised then looked at us. "I had a feeling." She said with a smile. "Really Mother Shelbie how can you tell?" I asked. "I used to know her mom, Queen Alesea,we was friends. She looks just like her."
She said as the car started to go up and down. "Be careful there's kids back here." Mother Shelbie said opening the window to the driver then closing it. "Really, then how can you fight her?" BC asked. "We'll talk later. Right now let's just get Blossom to our home." Mother Shelbie said looking at Blossom closely.
20 minutes later
We got out the car to walk in and find my mom(Chayna, she's 25) and dad(Luke, he's 27) as well as BC's mom(Kaden, she's 24) holding a little pot with a little tree in it, yelling a Brick's dad(Logan, he's 26). "Hay, they're right here." Mother Shelbie( she's 24.) yelled out. They all ran over to us and checked us over then back at mother Shelbie as she walked away. "Where did you go? Where are you going and who's that?" King Logan asked.
She stopped and looked back then keep on walking. Then King Logan grabbing her and pushed her against a wall. "Dear answer me." He said holding her hips. "I was getting our kids and these is my sister's kid." She said trying to get loose. "You don't have a sister." Mother Kaden said. "She means Queen Alesea." He said looking at he's wife. "Wait you mean these...."
Mother Kaden started but then suddenly Mother Shelbie appeared in front of us and covered her mouth. "Yes, she is." She slowly pulled her hand back then started to walk away. We just founded her to a room in the back of the castle. When all of us got inside. She shut the door behind us and lied Blossom down. "What is she doing here?" Mother Kaden said a little frustrated.
"I don't know. Kids do you know?" Mother Shelbie said looking at us. "She said her guardian brought her." BC said. "So they send there kid here and say we take her." Mother Kaden yelled. "My family would never do that." Blossom yelled back as she set up. "So your a wake? You recuperate fast." Mother Kaden said. "Yes I am, and I guess so Queen Kaden." Blossom said eyeing her.
"How do you know my name?" Mother Kaden said. "It was just a guest on the fact Buttercup looks just like you and before you ask they told me there names." Blossom said with a smile. Mother Kaden gave BC the pot than started to roll up her sleeves. But Mother Shelbie stepped in front of Blossom.
"You are not fighting a 5 year old." Mother Shelbie said glaring at Mother Kaden. "Excuse me can I leave I don't want to start a fuss." Blossom said getting off the bed. "No you may not and get back in that bed." Mother Shelbie said looking back at her. Blossom just did as she was told.
"Why can't I leave?" Blossom said after she got in the bed. "Because your still cold and your not going to go back home so your not going to just wander." Mother Shelbie said walking to her. "How do you know I wasn't?" Blossom said as Mother Shelbie set down on the bed. "You've been gone 3 years. If you didn't go home before now then you ain't trying too. Now I need you to tell me why you are here?" Mother Shelbie said smiling.
"My guardian brought me here to keep me safe because these guy named Him wants me dead. She also told me to stay here in to I'm 13 and 2 people came and get me." Blossom said as she started to shake. "It's ok, he won't hurt you. I'm going to stay with you into you can go home." Mother Shelbie said hugging Blossom. "Can I ask where your guardian is and who?" Mother Shelbie said. "Her name was Adena and she left me today." Blossom said ribbing her eyes and started to yawn.
"I'll be right back Blossom." Mother Shelbie said as she pushed us all out the room. "So?" Mother Shelbie said. "So what you already made up your mind and your not leaving." King Logan said. "Thinks baby." Mother said kissing King Logan on the cheek but then he grab her and kissed her on the mouth. "Baby the k..." Mother Shelbie didn't even finished before she got kissed again.
"Hay, do you know these Adena person?" Mommy said. "Yes, she's a peace fairy." Mother Shelbie said pushing king Logan off of her. "So do you think Alesea knows." Mommy asked. "Of cause." Mother Shelbie said. "Than what up with the war over the missing not missing princess?" Daddy said. "Well if you want some one to think its real, you have to go all the way with it." Mother Shelbie said.
"Hey, isn't these peace fairy supposed to make peace not wars." Mommy said. "Yes and that's what she's doing." Mother Shelbie said. "War is not peace." Mommy said. "Do you know Him?" Mother Shelbie asked. "No." Mommy said. "He's the head of the Council and in there kingdom its based on the people so it's the council job to check on the king and queen." Mother Shelbie said.
"So what, just get rid of him?" Mother Kaden said. "He's really good at covering his tracks." Mother Shelbie said sadly. "He tried to hurt the princess. How can you do that and not get cart, there's cameras everywhere." Mother Kaden said. "I don't know will have to ask Bloom in the morning." Mother Shelbie said pointing at the door with Blossom behind it.
"Wait, why are the other fighting then?" Mommy asked. "Well you know when King Kale (King of the Lightning Kingdom) disappeared Alesea step into stop all the fighting over who will be there king." Mother Shelbie said. "Ok what about the Wind Kingdom?" Mother Kaden asked. "Well you know about the whole thing about both the king and queen being so young and making a baby. Not to mention the rumor of Queen Scottish being an ex stripper. " Mother Shelbie said.
"Well is there anything we can do?" Mommy said. "Yes there is. We have to raise little Bloom." Mother Shelbie said. "How can we do that she's a fire kid she need fire, it how they learn?" Mother Kaden said. "That's not true. She been living on Witch Mountain for the last 3 years." BC said looking up at her mom. "How do you know that?" Mother Kaden asked. "She told us." I said. "What else did she tell you?" Mother Shelbie asked.
"That she likes the snow kingdom. She also used her fire with out thinking and it was different colors." Brick said. "How can that be?" Mommy asked. "You've never seen Alesea fight before have you because she has different colored flames." Mother Shelbie said. "How can she learn that if she haven't really been with her?" Mother Kaden asked.
"I lived with Bloom's mother when we was little and she said all she needed is to feel free, save, loved and the environment." Mother Shelbie said. "Why the environment?" Mommy asked as me, BC and Brick started to yawn. "I'll tell you in the morning." Mother Shelbie said picking up Brick and rubbing he's back. Then my mom grabbed me and everything went black.
POV Queen Shelbie age 24
"We'll stay over and we need answers." Kaden said. "Of cause." I said waving them goodnight. I turned to my husband trying to hand him Brick, but then he grabbed me and pulling me closer and lead into my ear.
"Tomorrow don't ask for mercy." He said licking my ear and making me moan. But than Brick started to wiggle then we heard the door shut right beside us. We looked at each other then to our son, who was trying so get down.
When Brick got down he walked right into the room. Blossom was in the far corner. "What's wrong?" Brick said setting right behind her. "Nothing just thinking." Blossom said in a sad tone. "About what?" Brick asked. "Home." Blossom said. "What about?" Brick asked.
"My mom and dad, but it's nothing." Blossom said. "Than face me." Brick said. "N..." Before Blossom could finished her word he grubbed her and turn her around. She had tears in her eyes. "Don't look at me cry." Blossom said trying so cover her eyes. Brick pulled her into a hug. "It's ok to cry. You miss them. I know they can't replace your parents but my parents can be yours and my home can be yours. If it would make you feel better." Brick said rubbing her back.
"No, I'll be fine." Blossom said pulling away from Brick. "But I would love it if you thought of me as your 2nd mom." I said as I walked in. She just smiled at me then look at my husband. He just looked at all of us then said. "Stop looking at me with those tearful innocent pink eyes. I don't care what you call me as long as you stop crying."
Blossom got up and walked to Logan.
"Really?" Blossom asked. "Yes, now stop crying." Logan said picking her up and wrapped her eye. I walked to Brick and picked him up. Than walked back to Logan. Blossom was fast asleep. "Why do me and Ethan always get pulled into you and Alesea plans?" Logan said as he set on the bed.
"Because you are our husbands." I said with a smile and setting beside him. "What about before?" He said eyeing me as I walked to the other side of the bed. "Next time I see Alesea I'll ask her." I said pulling back the covers and laying down as he did the same. We fall fast asleep.
I wake to see both Logan and Brick still sleep but Blossom was gone. But then a pink eyed and white haired girl walked in. "Blossom is that you?" I asked ribbing my eyes. "Yes." She said walking to the bed. "What happen to your hair?" I asked as I helped her up on the bed.
"I changed it so I look more like a snow girl. Does it look bad?" She said a little unsure. "It looks good on you but how long have you been up?" I asked. "About 3 hours why?" She said a little confused. "Nothing your mom used to wake up really early when she was nervous or being protective. Are you ok?"
"of cause I was just looking around." Blossom said looking out the window. She looks just like her mother. When we was younger and especially when she lied. "Your so cute! So what happen?" I said with a little laugh. "Wait how do you..." Blossom started but than there was a loud bang at the door.
I got up and walked to the door, opened it and there was Frost Cone. (He's the head knight of the castle guards. He's 26 years old and very strong and loyal. King Logan know him since they was kids.) "Excuse me what is going on out here? My little baby boy is sleeping." I said but then two strong arms ribbed around my waist and pulled me back. "So what about my sleep?" He said kissing my ear. "Mmmmm excuse me King Logan, Queen Shelbie there is an intruder." Frost said trying not to make eye contact with us.
"Really, what do they look like?" Logan said as he stopped kissing me. "She looks 5 and she has long white hair that end at the floor." Frost said. "O you mean Bloom. What did she do?" I said. "She's was in the secret part of the library. Wait, you know her?" Frost said. "Bloom came here." I said motioning Blossom to come here. She got off the bed and walked to us.
She came over and hide behind my leg. "Can I ask her same questions, my lady?" He said to me. "Of cause but stop with all formal talk and I'm only Logan's lady." I said messing with him. "Your flirting with my wife?" He said pulling me in even more. "Why would I, she's like my little sister. Your trying to get me killed, aren't you?" He said making all of us laugh. "So are you guys friends?" Blossom ask looking up at us.
"Yes, we are. These is Sr. Frost the head knight and Logan's childhood friend." I said smiling.
"Good morning sir." Blossom said. "Good Morning little ms. can we talk?" Frost said smiling at her. "Yes." She said smiling. "Ok how old are you?" Frost said. "I'm 5 but you already guessed that. So that mean your beating around the bush and I don't want to beat around the bush." Blossom said coming from behind my leg. "Ok, What was you doing in the library?" Frost said raising an eyebrow at her. "Reading." She said smiling. "What?" He asked as he lifted an eyebrow. "A book!" She said. "What book?" He questioned.
"Niji Aisu Honō" She said. It made me think than say. "Wait, does it have a black cover with flames at the bottom and snowflakes at the top with falling rainbow letters on it?" I looked at Blossom getting out of Logan's hands. She just nodded her head. "Do you know what that book is about?" I asked. "It's means rainbow ice flames and it's the name of my mom's and your birth familys. It tells the history and what power each colours has, was I not supposed to read it?" Blossom said look at the floor. "No but you can read Japanese?" I asked.
"Yes, I can speak it to." Blossom said happily. "Who taught you?" I asked. "Mommy told me the basics but in speaking mostly but Adena taught me how to read it and speak it fluently." Blossom said. "Prove it." I said. "Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu it means I love you." Blossom said smiling. (You shouldn't use Google translator but that's all I got. If I'm wrong anywhere just be polite and tell me what's it's supposed to be. Thank)
"She's right." I said a little surprise. "Wait is these QA's(Queen Alesea) little girl?" Frost said. "What makes you think that?" I said. "You and QA are the only ones I know who know fluently Japanese and that smile is definitely KE's(King Ethan) smile." He said walking away.
"Just keep it to yourself." I said. "of cause." He said waving he's hand. All three of us walked in the room. I wake up Brick and then all of us got dressed. Not even 10 minutes later Queen Kaden hiding Half a wake BC and little John(little tree) walked in . As will as King Luke and Queen Chayna with Bubbles.
"Ok, its morning so now where's my answers?" Kaden said. "Where do you want to start?" I said a little annoyed. "What did you mean by the environment?" She said putting BC and little John down. "It shapes there flames in color and how it works. Blossom why don't you show them?" I said looking a Blossom.
Her hands glowed white as the whole room got warmer. Then a white flame appeared in the palm of her hands then she walked over to them and said. "Put one hand out." They did and than the flame floated around their hands without touching them.
"Its ice cold and why is the room warmer?" Queen Chayna asked. "The white flame is very cold because it takes all the heat from its surroundings and pushes it a way but takes the cold in so it repeats this process into it is so cold it burns." Blossom said making the flame vanish.
"What other colors can you do?" Chayna said. "Will I have a red and blue flame." Blossom said smiling." Excuse me, Queen Shelbie, King Logan crazy things are happening?" Snow Cone came in yelling. (She's the head maid also Frost's wife.) "What's going on?" I asked. "The animals are coming from the soul/witch mountain and breaking things and hurting people." Snow said. "They're just animals, just cage them." Logan said.
"They're to strong and wild." Snow said. "You're have to take me to the mountain." Blossom said. "Wh..." Logan started but than I cut him cut. "Of cause but all of us are coming." I said walking to the closet. "Ok." She said already about to get out the door. "But put these shoes and this coat on." I said throwing a coat and a pair of shoes at her. She caught them and struggle to put them on. Everybody else put there coats and shoes on.
"Can we go now?" Blossom said. "Yes" I said. We all followed her. "Why are we following her?" Kaden asked. "You want to see what she can, don't you?" I said.
We all got out side to see the town filled with animals and fires. But the most scary thing was that there was a huge wolf coming out of thin air near soul mountain (The castle is on a hill.)
"O my God there's an animal spirit king on soul mountain." Kaden yelled out. "A what?" I asked. "There kings of an area. They don't come out unless someone is hurting there home or kids. So a lot of the time you can't tell they're even there." Kaden said. Blossom started to go down but then Kaden grabbed her. "O no you don't. His dangerous." Kaden said. "No his not. His nice." Blossom said trying to get down.
"Blossom..." Kaden started then I cut her off. "Let her go." I said. She looked at me then put her down. "Blossom, how are you going to get there?" I said. "I'll call Rose." Blossom said putting her right hand in the air and catching it on fire. It turn red then white 3x each then she stopped.
"So where...." Kaden started but then there was a gust of wind blowing snow in our faces. There stood a white fox with green and red high lights."Blossom your in so much trouble." Rose said hitting Blossom into the snow. "Owww, I know but why is papa coming down, and why are the animals and the snow people fighting?" Blossom said setting up. "We was looking for you and the humans started fighting us, so papa came out." Rose said. "Ok, can you take me to the middle of town?" Blossom asked.
Rose laid down on her stomach then Blossom got on and they left. "Where are the kids?" Chayna asked. "We thought you were watching them." The rest of us said. I walked to the royal vehicles section of the castle and Brick's little car was gone.
So I got on my motorcycle and through my cape off. I was wearing a one shoulder long sleeve light blue dress that ended at my mid thigh with a white belt around it and a pair of white long heel boots that ended a few inches below my dress and a pair of wrist white gloves.
They was staring at me like a deer in headlights. "Problem?" I asked. "Yes put on some clothes like a normal snow female." Logan yelled. I just laughed. "Ok these will be the last time I get dressed for you." I said.
"O its for me." He said walking to me knowing I was lying. "Yes." I said and he pulled me up towards him and started to kiss me. "Your so lucky we have to go." He said getting on the back of the motorcycle. "What about us?" Kaden said. "Drive Logan's Blue speed car." I said as I through them the keys and taking off.
POV Brick
"Brick are you sure we should be following Blossom?" Bubbles asked. "Yes." I said. When we got to the middle of town and stopped. We got out my car and hid behind some bushes. Blossom got off the cool looking fox and stood in the middle of circle. Then little white, blue, and red flames appeared around her and she start to sing.(Orla Fallon- Winter, Fire and Snow look at the beginning of this chapter.)
As she song her flames grow brighter and multiplied. The noise and fighting started to fade as the song started to end. Then she walked to us. "Why are you guys hiding?" Blossom said looking at us side ways.
"So you wouldn't be able to see us following you." Bubbles said. "O!" Blossom said. "Bubbles you wasn't suppose to tell her." BC said. "It's ok, so do you guys want to come with me to Soul Mountain ." Blossom said.
"Really?" I said. "Of cause but can we take your car?" Blossom asked. "Ok but what about your fox friend?" I asked as we walked to my car. "I'm sending her a head to talk with papa." Blossom said and then the fox was gone.
We all got in the car. Bubbles and Buttercup was in the backseat and Blossom was in the passenger seat. "Wait 3...2...1" Blossom said then my mom and dad appeared on her motorcycle. "You kids are in so much trouble. Blossom are you ok that must have used a lot of power?" Mom said. "Yes, I'm just a little tired." Blossom said yawning and falling to sleep.
"Is her ok?" Bubbles said. "Yes, she's ok. She just resting." Mom said. "What from make her fire glowing?" BC said. "Will you kids was to close to tell but she had flames all over town. " Mom said. "So there was a lot of flames." BC said.
"She was also cooling down ever one." Mom said. "How?" Bubbles asked. "Well if you find a person's relax temperature its possible to make them think there out relaxing instead of fighting." Mom said. "So are you support to sing? Isn't it hard to do?" Bubbles said.
"Well you don't have to and yes. Some need it to relax them self or stay a wake, but some can do it with out singing." Mom said stopping her motorcycle in front of a group of animals. We was at the bass of the Mountain. "Ok wake Blossom up." Mom said as I stopped my little car. Blossom so cute when she's sleeping. Bubbles wake her up. Blossom looked at all of us then the animals.
"So who are these people. Are they your kidnappers?" A penguin said. "Yes." Blossom said and all of us looked at her as the animals got ready to jump us. "But they only did it because I was hurt." Blossom said and they relaxed.
"So their just dropping you off?" The penguin said. "Yes." Blossom said getting out the car. She looked back and said. "Well see each other again and soon." Then she and the animals walked away. We all went home.
POV Queen Shelbie age 24
Its been 3 months since we've seen Blossom. The kids all seem so sad since Blossom left. I was laying on my bed about to go to sleep. "Time has changed you." Logan said walking in. "What do you mean?" I said rolling over to look at him. "Well Blossom been gone for 3 months now and you haven't went looking for her and when ever Alesea left for 3 minute you would freak out." He said getting he's things to take a bath.
"You know that fairy; she wouldn't leave unless she believed in her." I said as I thought about how Adena said Blossom is support to save these 6 kingdom and how I had to freeze my best friend/sister.
"Mommy's not mad at you for saving me." O-o Blossom said walking in with Frost holding three bags. "How did you know? Wait how long have you been here?" I said as I sat up.
"Because mom was always worried about how you felt about the whole thing and i've been here since 5:00." Blossom said.
"Wait, its 8:30. Where have you been all this time?" I said. "Well I was playing catch me if you can with the guards for 2 hours then Mr. Frost stopped me but then he got us lost for a 1 hour and a half." Blossom said yawning.
"We'll talk more in the morning." I said as I picked her up and laying her down. Logan had a disappointed look on he's face like a baby getting its candy taken away. "Frost we're going to have another tore of the castle but right now I have to take care this big baby." I said pointing at Logan.
I got a towel, and grabbed my husband by the collar as I walked out the room to the bathroom. I started to undress myself when two arms grabbed me.
"We don't have too." He said in a sad voice right next to my ear. I just laughed. "If I didn't want to do it I wouldn't be here." I said turning to face him. He started to kiss me on the lips then lower and lower.
Next day
Brick, Blossom, my husband and I was having breakfast. "Mommy why are you so sleepy?" Brick said as I tried to stay awake. I just wanted to say your father with all his sweet words in saying we didn't have to then turning around and pounding me into the wall all night,but Brick is just a baby and so is Blossom.
"Your mommy and daddy was up late last night." I said. "Are you expecting a baby after last night." Blossom said. "Wait what? What makes you think that?" I said surprised.
"Will you two was having s....." Blossom started but then Snow put a lollipop in her mouth. "Let's change the subject." She said looking at me and Logan.
"But I want to know what Bloom was going to say." Brick said looking at Blossom. "O I was going to say special secret sweet time." Blossom said. "What is it?" Brick said.
"Brick, i'll tell you when your older and Bloom, we need to talk." I said picking Blossom up and leaving the room. I take her to me and Logan's room and sat on the bed.
"Blossom what do you know about special secret sweet time?" I ask. "You know that was a name I made up and it's called sexual intercourse, right? Thats the way you make babies. You have to make lots of noise and be married." Blossom said eating her lollipop.
"That's right but how did you learn about it and why did you make up that name?" I asked. "I learned it from this book called How little angels are made? and you and papa's face said omg like I wasn't supposed to know so I assumed Brick wasn't supposed to know so I changed the name." Blossom said.
"You know a lot but you should not talk about this with no one else into you are married or at least 16 years old and only with me or your mom, Ok?" I said. "Ok but can I ask you one thing?" She said smiling.
"Of cause." I said. "Are you pregnant?" She said. "Well I haven't taken the test but I have to wait a week to check ." I said. "O why?" Blossom said. Then Logan came in.
"What are you two talking about?" He said. "She's was wondering why I have to wait a week to take a pregnancy test?" I said. "Why are you talking to a 5 year old about this?" He said. "Because she asked." I said.
"But she's 5." He said. "And" I said. He just looked at me. "Can I go play with Brick now?" Blossom asked. "Of cause." I said and she was out the door.
We just stayed quiet for a few minutes. "So are you ready for another kid?" He asked looking away from me. "Are you?" I said getting off the bed.
"Baby, I don't get any alone time with you now and...." He started. "Stop beating around the bush." I said as I got in his face. "Is it safe? I mean with the war and all." He said.
"I won't let anything happen to our babies and Brick won't let anything happen to me and you wouldn't let anything happen to us. Would you?" I said smiling as I guided him to the bed . "Of cause, I'll protect all of you even Blossom." He said pushing me on the bed.
We start to kiss but then there was a knock at our door. I try to stop but Logan keep going. "Mommy?" Brick said. I pushed Logan off. "Yes baby." I answered.
"Where is Blossom?" He asked and both me and Logan jumped up. I open the door. "She's not with you?" We said at once. 'Its been an hour since she left us.'
"No and I have a bad feeling." Brick said. "Ok Brick check the library, Logan check the left side of the house and I'll check the right." I said.
(They run all over the house but didn't find her. 3 hour pass and now its getting close to lunch.)
"O my god where is she?" I said. "She like her parent in the fact of disappearing." Logan said. But then the door opened and there stood Frost holding Blossom with cuts and bruises all over her.
"Bloom!!!" We all say in unison. "What happen?" Logan said as he walked towards us. "She was fighting The black wolf." He said. "What was she doing near him and where was you guys? I thought you guys was watching him." I said getting mad.
"I have to save him." Blossom said in her sleep. "Mom who is she talking about?" Brick asked. "I don't know but we need to get her all healed up." I said.
Blossom's been sleep for two days now, but her cuts and bruises wasn't that bad. I'm getting really worried. I was walking to my room so I can get my Pj's when Logan came in and pulled me all the way to Blossom's room. When we walked into see her still sleeping but than that black wolf and Adena appeared.
"Adena, what are you doing here and with that wolf?" I asked. "To see Blossom of cause and his here to see his student." She said. "No way! His the reason why she's been sleep for two days." I said.
"Shelbie!!! I called out to him and Blossom agreed." Adena yelled at me. "She's just a kid." I yelled back. "Shelbie I know these is hard but she's..." I cut her off. "No she will not and if she needs a teacher I will do it." They looked at each other.
"Ok that's good with us." Adena said. "That easily?" I said a little surprised. "Of cause next to Alesea your the most qualified." She said. "So you hurt her for what?" I said about to explode from anger. "I would never. The cuts and bruises was from their fight. I just put her under a sleeping spell." She said.
"I'm about to cut you and put you to sleep." I said. "We'll see each other later." She said and her and the wolf was gone. 'Just like her to run.'
Than Blossom started to wake up. Both Logan and I ran to her. "Mama! Papa!" She said half a sleep. "Yes" I said and she smiled than went back to sleep. Me and Logan watched her for a little bit than went to our room and when to sleep. 'I guess this is the start of a new life.'
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