Chapter 9: Smile, they don't know better
A/N: I like stuff . And don't know what to put here so.... yepppppppppppp!
Todoroki POV Wednesday 11:10
It was horrible. Watching Midoriya cry over his dead mother's body was horrible and I wanted to help but in my current ghost form I couldn't do anything though it had looked like Bakugo had seen the fire and called the Fire Brigade, I sat next to Midoriya and stared at his green eyes with large tears dropping from them and I could see the brightness and happiness that used to be in his eyes flicker and disappear, I was so busy looking at him I didn't notice a determined looking Bakugo run up the stairs to see Midoriya but there was a men behind him, fire fighters who rushed in and put out the fires in the room while other put out the ones outside but oddly enough Midoriya didn't flinch or turn to look at them as if he was so distracted by his grief he couldn't hear the fires being put out around him.
Midoriya's eye started to close slowly as Bakugo began talking to a fire fighter but before he could say anything the man spoke first
"What happened here, who did this?" the fire fighter asked
Bakugo sighed not in an annoyed way but more a tired way as he replied " I don't know sir but Deku is my classmate"
"Is that his name?" the man questioned
"No it's Izuku Midoriya" he stated
"So Mr Bakugo Katsuki do you know who did this?" the man asked
"Maybe it was his..." Bakugo hesitated for a second before replying with . . .
"maybe his father...".
Midoriya's POV Thursday 7:50
Fire was everywhere it was like it was almost in the air, it burned to breathe and when you did your lungs filled with the heat of the air making you feel as though you were being cooked alive, my knees buckled and I fell to the floor still gasping for air as an adult man perched himself of a throne of skulls and bones, the man had ink black, messy hair and very light green eyes with a few light freckles covering his cheek, his skin was pale and resembled a sheet of paper and his smile was cold and frightening. He looked down at me still grinning as he held my chin so I was looking into his eyes the fire still in my lungs as he whispered to me...
"Burn quicker....".
I woke with a scream to realize that that man, my father wasn't actually here and it was just a nightmare to I myself didn't know where I was until I remembered about Gogo and the Foster Home, I hopped out of my white bed and looked to see my school bag full of my belongings and a pile of clothes at the end of my bed, presumably left there by Gogo. I opened my bag to see my phone with my earphones and charger, some of my books that hadn't burnt, all of my hero analysis books, pencils and other stationery items, some binders and my school books, my wallet which still had quite a lot money in it and some photos of me and my Mum.
I sighed at the photos not wanting to look through them and turned to the pile of my clothes, most of which were mine but a few they must've bought for me and I had to admit I did slightly smile at that, I grabbed my uniform and examined it to see it was still in perfect condition and had no burns or rips which I was thankful for. I put it on in not to much of a rush because there was still a bit until school started to I took out my phone and started scrolling through Pintrest looking at artworks from my favorite shows but they didn't excite me as they usually did so I moved over to the news app to see that there was a report: FIRE STARTED AT HOME BY INSANE VILLAIN FATHER, I didn't want to know what they wrote but I found that my fingers were scrolling down to read more:
At XXXXXXXX Street on Wednesday the 1.8.18 (Probably not accurate) a fire was started inside of the Midoriya family's house by the husband of the family, Hisashi Midoriya while his wife Inko Midoriya was still inside and she died. Their son was not present at the time of the fire and has now been moved to Foster Care where for now he will remain, he has not been questioned yet but it is believed to be soon.
I looked at the article and felt small tears fill my eyes before I wiped them away with my hand and thought "I don't know how to walk to school from here so I better leave". I turned of my phone and before I put it in my pocket I noticed in the reflection of the dark glass of the phone I could see that I had bags under my eyes as well as the bandages that were still there but I brushed those issues away because I doubted anyone would notice, I shoved it in my pocket and slipped on my red sneakers which were in the best condition, they were a bit burnt but nothing too major. I cleared out my bag so I only had what I needed for school today as I opened my door and walked out to see other kids, some my age, some older and some younger walking downstairs, a few looked at me quizzically for not seeing me there before but they quickly turned away and continued to act as if they hadn't seen me, I walked downstairs to see the kids were sitting at tables eating cereal blandly, most were already in their uniforms but a few very tired kids were still in their pajamas and nearly falling head-first into their cereal.
A lady who had a kind face, long brown hair and bright blue eyes was watching the kids turned to me and slightly smiled and said with her sweet high pitched voice that sounded a bit forced "Hello there, my name is Jennifer but you can call me Jenny, I am a worker here at this lovely place and I will be taking care of you and all these other fabulous children, now your new here so if you want you can introduce you self during the announcements".
I shook my head signalling I didn't want to, her smile slightly wavered it was obvious that she probably said that line to every new kid and didn't care about the kids here in the slightest and I did not want to stick around her so I quietly muttered "I h-have to get to school".
"Ah yes I heard you go to UA, well go along now and don't be late for tonight's dinner, bye now" she said with that annoying fake voice as I gave her a forced and uncomfortable fake smile and shuffled along and out the doors to see unfamiliar streets so I decided to go left and see where it took me....
And a million turns and retracing my steps late I was at school at the exact time I needed to be, 8:32, I walked along the path to see other students happily walking into UA excited to learn more but I couldn't say the same for myself, I just felt unenthusiastic though I did still want to learn not as much as usual and that made me more miserable. I didn't even really know why I didn't just stay at the Foster Care Home for the day, considering my Mum died and my house burnt down yesterday it probably would've been fine but I came because I needed a distraction to keep my mind off those topics. I walked through the hallways of my school until I eventually came to my class, 1A.
I checked my phone to see it said '8:35' and slid it in my pocket and opened the door for me to see that most of the class minus 8 or so students were already there talking to each other and lounging around the classroom, I walked over to my seat without muttering a word to anyone, I doubted they knew about the fire but there was still a possibility someone did but I quickly shook my head to clear my head and sat down at my seat, usually by now Uraraka would have hopped over and said 'hi' but considering we had an argument recently I doubted that would happen considering she already was here and talking to Iida, I swear I saw her glance in my direction with a light scowl on her face that made me rest my head against the table, my cheek laying against the cold table but currently I didn't want to be here, I didn't want to be her at school being all depressed, I didn't want to be alone and I didn't want to be here with an angry Uraraka who didn't even know that I was slightly cracking inside, she didn't even notice my eyes, I had only seen them a few times since the fire but they looked horrible and dull just like I was feeling.
I felt a warm finger poke my head, I looked up to see Ashido with a goofy grin on her face as she said "Whoo thank goodness, your not dead" I stared at her with a playful look on my face that practically just screamed 'really?', "Good morning to you to Ashido" I said the strain and lack of enthusiasm clear in my voice, she didn't notice it. We talked for and when she said she was going to go talk to a different one of her friends I gave her a fake smile that just made me feel colder.
"Yeah just smile, she won't know better and she wouldn't care enough to tell if it's real why would anyone here and the people who did are gone thanks to YOU, Kacchan, Iida, Uraraka all gone now and who's fault is that?"
I resumed my putting my face on the table thing, maybe I was doing it because I was tired from lack of sleep or just emotional tiredness probably a mixture of both. More students filed in until everyone was in class and soon our teacher arrived, just as tired and depressed as usual as he went up to the front and continued to teach a lesson that I completely ignored, I got out my textbook and just laid my head and rested on that and I was lucky enough that Mr Aizawa didn't call on me for not paying attention or to get me to answer a question.
"Maybe Mr Aizawa knows about the fire, he is my teacher and a pro hero so he most definitely does, is that why he is going easy on me?" I thought but the that thought soon washed away and lack of sleep finally caught up to me and I closed my heavy eyelids and feel into the darkness of sleep.
Uraraka's POV Thursday 10:39
(Yeah I know this is a change) I was pissed at Midoriya no doubt about that but even me, who was currently trying to ignore him as much as possible could notice some things about him today: he didn't even say 'hi' to anyone when he entered the classroom, he hasn't smiled once, he doesn't want to talk to anyone, Mr Aizawa and Bakugo left him alone, he had bags under his eye and fell asleep in class and these were all very undeku things to do and I was a bit concerned. And it wasn't just me because after Mr Aizawa had fell asleep as well as Midoriya I had said "Is it just me or is De- Midoriya acting strangely today?" I asked the whole class who were still sitting in their seat though no one noticed how I said his name differently than usual, man being angry is hard.
"Yeah he's a bit.... anti-social and he just looks tired" Kirishima replied the hint of concern clear is his voice, most people nodded while other thought about it for a moment those other people could agree and nod Denki cried "Yeah what's up with our precious Midoriya?!". I wished I knew what was up, maybe just a bad day for him but even on those he was never as bad as this...
"Idiots..."Bakugo muttered as we glared at him and his annoying stuck up attitude which he paraded around in like a fancy crown when he sighed "Look some bad stuff just happened to the nerd yesterday" which just made more questions but made me think that possibly the argument yesterday was the reason for him acting like this.
"How bad?" Yaoyorozu asked in her usual kind and polite manner.
"Very bad like permanently life changing bad..."Bakugo said quietly as if he didn't want us to hear but we all did but we did some faces were shocked, some where concerned, some where sad and a few were curious, well we all were but we didn't show it but oddest of all was Todoroki who looked like he wanted to say something, do something but he didn't know how to or if he even could, I decided to ignore it.
Then after a few seconds of awkward silence Kirishima said ,in a worried voice that showed his concern for his friend, what we were all wanting to say "Bakugo... what happened?", Bakugo just looked up with an expressionless face that we could not decipher and as he opened his mouth to say something the loud ringing of the bell signaling lunch rang and in Midoriya's seat we could see him starting to wake up but before we could try to get the answer again Bakugo had walked out of class.
A/N: Hey I know this is a bit of a filler but the next part will have fluffy tododeku, angst and triggering stuff so FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT ON 6 DAYS TO DIE, WILL TODOROKI HELP MIDORIYA? WILL KIZUKU'S MYSTERIOUS PAST FINALLY BE REVEALED, FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!
(2357 Words)
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