Chapter 17: I love you Todoroki
A/N: Ok sooooo this chapter took a while, TRIGGER WARNING HERE: TRIGGERING STUFF AHEAD, so my reasons for this: 1. I wanted to make this chapter very good, it's not the last but it is still very important compared to the others.
2. I have to help take care of my little sis Keira.
3. To put it simply, I'm lazy.
Midoriya's POV Sunday 11:30
Despite the fact it had been taking me hours longer to fall asleep than in the past waking up early, whether from a nightmare, being woke up by Jennifer or another kid or even not being able to fall asleep at all and instead just stay awake pondering my recent actions and thoughts, I was surprised to wake up only for the alarm clock to display in bright red 11:30, I knew eventually my bad sleeping habits were going to catch up on me but I did not expect it so soon.
After I checked the clock I didn't bother to try and move, my body felt tired and heavy despite sleeping in for so long.
I felt the need to get up and do something productive but by body would not comply, so for 15 minutes I sat in my room alone and staring up at the ceiling trying to maybe fall asleep if I couldn't move.
It was practically like a giant dog had sat on my stomach or a giant were holding me down but despite not being able to physically move my brain still brushed it off as me being lazy or that I just wanted to sleep and waste time, at this point I couldn't tell of they were true ir not so instead I focused all of my attention on a small black spider that was making a web on the roof of my room, I named her Lisa.
But after the first 15 minutes passed I decided to try and sit up, my body ached and I got slightly dizzy and disoriented but I tried to brush though that and after a few painful seconds the original dizziness had completely gone and the aching had turned to a gentle throb of pain occasionally.
I removed my white sheet that covered my bod y and hing my legs over the side of the bed swinging them back and forth as if to shale out the cramping pains in my legs.
This was not going to be a good day.
Todoroki's POV Sunday 12:12
I had already prepared, I know what is going to happen and I had a plan to stop it the only issue is when. It's supposed to happen at 6:04pm but over this week things have been messed up, things have been happening earlier or later than they were supposed to, things that shouldn't be happening are and things that should no longer are.
I had trouble sleeping so around 4am I woke up Kizuku, which is not a simple task, and had him tell me what is going to happen.
Even in the reports and recounts of the event in question there were a few missing pieces but even with those the story was fairly set in stone.
Around 4pm Midoriya leaves the Foster Care Home.
At 5:32 he is seen exiting a shopping center empty handed.
He was spotted yet again at 5:54 climbing the staircase of a building.
And then at 6:06 someone found his body right in front of the same building.
I thought everything over in my head for the millionth time, so many things could go wrong but I have to trust in myself and my plan but considering how many times this week I've messed up it's hard to stay positive.
I wandered around my room aimlessly thinking and rethinking for who know s how long when the sound of someone clearing their throat knocked me out of my trance, I turned to look at the source of my distraction to see Kizuku lounging on my bed with a clear cup filled with a chocolaty brown and cream liquid with a pile of whipped cream on the top.
I stared at him, my annoyance clear "Do you min-", I didn't get to finish my sentence before I was interrupted by a loud slurping noise emanating from Kizuku who was happily drinking his chocolaty drink.
"Could you stop tha-" I started only to be cut off yet again by Kizuku's noisy slurping.
I sighed before trying to speak again "Kizuku I'm trying to think".
He didn't interrupt me this time but instead flopped onto my bed with his arms and legs in the air in the sort of manner that a goat does when they are scared, he looked completely relaxed and unfazed by the upcoming situation
I felt somewhat pissed at Kizuku, he could just laze around without a care in the world when something as serious as saving a life is about to happen. Before I could even direct all my anger into a piercing death-glare as I had planned he started explaining his reasoning behind interrupting me, "Well your thinking is to loud, you keep on muttering and walking around while I'm trying to drink!". He paused mid sentence to take a slurp out of his drink which only added to the absurdity of his sentence.
I sighed yet again before sinking down and sitting on the corner of my bed holding my face in my hands tiredly. I wasn't really mad at Kizuku, just anxious and upset and having to wait until something happened was emotionally draining.
Kizuku looked at me briefly before returning back to his position "You look tired, that's why I drink" he held up his drink as an example "It takes the stress away".
I turned so my body was facing the man lying down in front of me, my face blank and expressionless. I pointed at him accusingly "That's just coffee" I pointed out.
He sat up so he was properly looking at me, he simply looked at me dead in the eyes for a few seconds. "Exactly" he said in a mock quiet voice that was anything from quiet.
If this is how my day is going to go I am not going to have a good day.
X TIMESKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY................... UwU X
I was alone finally just me and myself. Kizuku eventually finished his drink and went out to get another one leaving me in the house by myself.
It felt good just to have a moment of peace just to breathe and relax especially with the weight of saving the person I truly love on my shoulders and the stress I had built up over thw week, it felt nice just to let that all unwind and focus on myself.
But as I sat on my bed my thoughts would leave a certain question, it was a question that varies for everyone but in one moment of your life you will ask this question and most likely never get a definitive answer, it is not always negative but when it is it weighs on the conscience constantly.
That dangerous and self destructive question was: What if?
A phrase so simple would not leave my head because I could currently only predict the outcome of today's events. And with each potential outcome that raced through his head his anxiety only festered, feasting on his negative attitude which with each minute passing only grew.
I stood up again ready to pace around my room yet again when I heard a familiar noise that filled my head with new thoughts.
'Oh god I was distracted!' I realized, now of all times 'He's coming and I'm screwed'.
I barely had time to return to my bed where I was previously seated when the door swung open violently sending a large slamming noise echoing throughout my room, I couldn't hide my surprise or stop myself from flinching when a broad, tall figure towered in front of me, his eyes like lazers burning through my skin.
" Shoto, tell me know long it has been since I last trained you" my Father asked me, but his words were anything but a question but rather it was a trap. You see, my Father would ask me this question and if I correctly tell him how many days he then asks how many hours and if that's also answered he asks how many minutes.
Before I joined UA I would always know the exact time, I would either record it on a timer on my phone or manually record it on a piece of paper or just in my head. He doesn't ask the question every time so whether he asks or he doesn't you have to be prepared, the best comparison is when a teacher does a surprise pop quiz.
And if I have the misfortune to answer wrong he would immediately hit me, it didn't matter whether or not we were in the training room. The first time I turned up to school with major injuries in noticeable areas like my face and arms was the first time he asked the question which considering I was unprepared he hit me straight away right in front of Natsuo and Fuyumi in the Kitchen.
The whole time I've been in UA he has only asked me once so it caught me off guard when all of a sudden he expects me to know, not to mention I've been busy all week trying to save my crush from committing suicide.
"I... don't know" I said, my tone soft and pitiful. He sneered at me before grabbing my arm and heaving me into the air and throwing me into the floor, I landed awkwardly on my elbow sending waves of pain through my upper arm.
I tried to ignore the pain but my body just wouldn't let me do so, I turned my head trying to look at him only to see two bright ocean blue eyes swimming with unconditional hatred and a fist hurdling towards my face and the next thing I saw was pitch black.
0 _ - = { X } = - _ 0
It's cold, this coldness surrounds me, it has seeped into my very being. Now I am cold, my body is racked with this lingering feeling of something frigid around me, it is consuming me yet it feels familiar and nostalgic, do I like this feeling? What is this cold, there is nothing around me besides this feeling, I feel this chilly sense in my body and even my soul but where did it resonate? Did I bring this cold, has it entered my body or is it leaving, why is it cold? Am I the cold?
With that final thought in mind I opened my eyes to see a growing landscape, green lush grass is growing further and further than my eyes can see and the sky above is blue with not single cloud inside. It's pretty but it can't be real.
There is no way that a field could be this well cared for and fresh looking would have not a single tree, animal, flower or person in sight.
But even if it wasn't real I couldn't help but feel immersed in it's astounding beauty. Even the air was nice, it had a wafting scent of grass, unidentified flowers even though there were none in sight and a slight smell of smoke despite there being nothing for smoke to emit from. The air was warm and calming, it brushed against my skin leaving me feeling warm and happy.
I basked in the warm air just enjoying it when I heard a sound that resembled a squeak you would find in a dog toy, I turned the direction I had heard the sound to see someone crouched on the ground shaking and making noises like sniffles and occasional cries.
I was hesitant to approach this person considering I had no idea who it could be and with their back facing me and a dark blue hoodie on I couldn't even tell what gender they were.
Before I could properly weigh the options my legs started moving on their own, it felt like I had zero control of my body but not seeing any way out of it I went along with my body and didn't struggle and for some reason I didn't feel like I would need to.
I crouched down so I was the same height as them before trying to communicate, "Hi I'm Todoroki, who are you?". It was a fairly simple question so I'm sure even in their panicked state they could've gave me some sort of answer.
A raspy voice cut through my thoughts "I know you... I-i have to know you", saying that they new me was confusing enough but the final part of this person's brief sentence had me utterly puzzled.
I reached my hand onto their shoulder gently trying to calm them down when they turned to face me, it felt like they hadn't moved their head at all but instead rather it had just teleported so it was facing me, it was too quick to be natural and the sound it made when he turned, it was a loud snapping noise like a hundred rubber bands snapping at the same time and the thing was their head was bent completely back, a perfect 180 degrees and they didn't even move their body just their head.
No not 'they' it was a boy an oddly familiar boy but at the time my mind would not allow me to come to a conclusion.
"Why did you leave me to die Todo?"
It was Midori.
0 _ - = { X } = - _ 0
When I woke I jumped up instantly, the questions from my dream still in my head. I panted heavily trying to contain my panic and failing, I looked around to see I was in the training room right up against the wall but I could not remember at any point today entering the training room.
I tried to use my arms to lift my body up when my right arm gave way, dropping me back on the floor. I briefly inspected it, careful not to touch it in fear of making the injury worse, there were bruises covering my whole elbow and reaching up to my shoulder.
I use my left arm to get up, my legs felt weak and tired but despite that I stood up slightly leaning against the wall for support but I could mostly stand up so that was a good sign.
I waddled my way out of the training room without encountering any obstacles such as things in the hallways or even people. I continued making my way to my room to see my door broken and hanging wide open, I peered through the hallway to see blood on the floor around my bed and a few pieces of furniture turned over but besides that it was fine.
I wasn't sure if it was my blood so to check I was ok I made my way to the bathroom. My ragged appearance shocked me so much I nearly jumped back in surprise, my hair was a tangled mess, there was a large bruise starting on my eye brow going to the top my forehead on my right side and worst of all there was blood trickling from both of my nostrils coating the front of my shirt and face in blood.
It was a crappy job but I managed to clean any cuts and flowing blood using wet toilet paper but there was nothing I could do for my bruises at the moment. My nose had stopped bleeding but there was still a bloodstain on my shirt, I would definitely have to change.
I walked into my room and looked for a shirt, I found a nice one laying on the floor because of my Father's outburst earlier, I picked it up to see something underneath it. It was my alarm clock and it said 5:49, I have 15 minutes to stop Midori, 15 minutes.
At this realization I chucked the shirt and started running, I knew that if I walked I would be way to late. I had charted out where the suicide would happen and how long it would take for me to get there and if I speed walked I would still be 5 minutes to late so not having a car I did the logical thing and started sprinting as fast as my injured body could take me.
I ran through crowded street and roads, my mind feeling so tired and panicked it practically felt numb. I couldn't tell how much pain I was in because my mind could only focus on saving Midoriya, I couldn't tell how hard I was breathing or how much more my cuts were bleeding or how much my hair had been waving in my face obscuring my vision, the only thing I cared about was Midori.
When I reached the building in question, it was an apartment complex that besides the rooms was free to access , I slammed open the door and ran through ignoring the cries of annoyance from the Secretary completely.
I ran up the stairs quickly, I almost tripped twice but was able to steady myself on the railing. The door to the roof was already opened when I reached there and to my relief there was a person still there. A person with wild bushy hair, a strong frame despite being fairly short and a pair of red sneakers they always adorned sitting right beside him but not on his feet.
I felt my throat close up and my eyes fill with unshed tears, the pain I had been numb to the whole run suddenly hit me like a bus making me double over and hold onto my knees for support.
I felt tears start to run down my face, I tried to say something but all that came out was inaudible chokes and cries but even that was enough for him to turn and face me.
He looked deathly pale, he was wearing an aqua and turquoise striped shirt and a jacket with different patterns and colours of blue on it and plain brown shorts. He still had two crossed over bandages I had seen on him before and they still had the same dried blood, his bruise which was covered with a wide white bandage looked bigger and a more purplish colour than before.
But worst of all were his tone-cold eyes, monotone and lifeless not at all like before when they were filled with wonder and cheeriness. His face had streaks of tears dripping down his chin, his eyes had large bags and his eyes looked slightly puffy and red as if he were crying for a long time.
"Todo?" His voice was so weak ans soft I just wanted to run up to him and hug him but I knew that would only frighten him, I nodded not yet trusting my voice but ever so slightly trying to walk towards him.
"Todo!" He repeated sounding more upset and emotional this time, he reached to his eyes and started wildly rubbing at his tears.
I didn't bother trying to be slow or discreet, I walked towards him and silently let out a breathe of relief when he didn't back away. I was now close enough to hug him but even though I wanted to I just opted for talking, "Yeah it's me, Midori I'm right here ok" I reassured him in a soothing voice.
He didn't respond his time, he was no longer shaking or crying he just was looking at his bare feet and before I could stop him he started speedwalking towards the railing that lined the roof of the building.
I ran after him but before I could grab his hand he was already on the other side just standing and looking out at the world below him, he turned to look at me so I could see him properly. He looked like porcelain, delicate, fragile and like he could shatter at any moment and considering right now he could fall to his death the comparison was not too incorrect.
"Todo, you have always been here for me." He started, not a single stutter or stumble in his words "You helped me when I was sad and crying my eyes out and calmed me when I was angry at something or even just life itself, you never left me or said anything mean, you are the ideal perfect hero. Someone who is willing to help even when they don't want to, you are strong and brave, I'm not".
He took a deep breathe in "I'm weak and scared... my god Todo I am always just SO scared of how people treat me, how people look at me and no matter what I do they hate me, they hate me! My Dad is murder and my Mum is dead and I'm the curse that surrounded them, I just bring bad luck where ever I go and I can't even make up for it by being a good hero. I can't fight without destroying myself, I can't save the people most important to me because I will never be a good hero!"
"I'm just someone blessed enough to receive an amazing gift only to throw it away and make a waste of it but I can't smile and pretend it's ok, I can't encourage people and inspire them like a real hero can. I just can't... I can't even tell the truth".
I hadn't realized how badly I was crying until he paused, my body was shaking with sobs as I watched him look down at me with his glassy eyes.
"I want to do something brave, I want to leave this world knowing I just did one fucking thing right. So I will" He looked at me, his gaze warm and kind "I love you Todoroki".
And with those being his last word he slowly fell backwards with a smile on his face and warmth in his green eyes, he looked so happy.
I rushed forward desprete to save him, I reached out my hand and latched mine onto his warm and slightly sweaty hand. He looked up at me in shock as if he had not expected me to save him. My stomach was resting on the railing because of how much I had to stretch to reach him.
My tears were still freely flowing form my eyes and dripping onto my chin and even Midori himself. "Please, please Midori! I love you too, I have always loved you and always will you please.. live just live!", my voice was scratchy and my words were stumbled upon a lot but the impact still remained.
He looked up at me finally letting out his own tears which were now cascading down his face, he looked so conflicted and scared.
He finally let out his own words "Todo.. I don't want to d-die".
And just as he said his true feelings my grip loosened enough for his slippery hand to slip through and just as he finished his sentence he began plummeting to the ground.
A/N: Sorry, a classic author cliffhanger. I hope the end of this chapter was heart wrenching and sad. The net chapter will be very very interesting. Hope you enjoyed :)
(3875 Words)
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