Chapter 16: Bound by words
A/N: Ok it's holiday time school is over and just like for the rest of the holidays before this one I'm staying up late and resorting to schedules or else my life will fall to shreds in the few weeks away from school, I'm a stable human being.
Goheru's (Gogo) POV Saturday 9:42
When I entered the familiar brick building I was always hit with the overwhelming sense of nostalgia, it wasn't a necessarily pleasant feeling considering most of my younger days were spent wasting away in a small white room like the rest of the children with the misfortune of being left here. So nice or bad nostalgia, the answer constantly varied.
Today I felt more uncomfortable and bad nostalgia, the sort of feeling you get when you forget something important, I wasn't sure but the feeling felt incomplete as if there was more to the emotion that I had yet to experience.
When I walked up the stairs I didn't run into any of the other workers which was unusual but very satisfying to not have to deal with them. People like Mary and June (who are the ones who decided on the anime cat photos) are the polite and caring people who truly just want the best for everyone no matter what but then there are people like Jennifer.
I generally don't like or agree with Jennifer but throughout my life she has been a constant shadow, she was always there during the most important parts of my life whether I wanted that or not. I grew up with her being around me, we never really talked but she was always there so when I finally got this job I was annoyed to learn she was there. I don't know why she chose this job all I know is that she part time works as an escort on weekends and she is trying to recover form an alcohol addiction and severely failing.
She definitely isn't mentally stable enough to care for kids who aren't mentally stable.
I arrived at Midoriya's room, knocking gently at the door 3 times to no response. I felt bad for him, he saw his house burned and his mother killed and the person who caused this was his father, I wasn't sure how much he knew about the situation but from what I heard his father was confirmed to be the cause of the fire by witnesses so now the police are trying to find him, with little success.
I was about to knock again when I heard him call out "Just wait a minute I'll only be a second" which was then followed by the sound of squeaks of socks on floorboards and soon enough as he said he opened the door. His hair was messier than usual, he had dark bags under his eyes and he looked distracted but besides that he looked relatively ok, I could only hope his mental state is the same.
"Hi Gogo how are you?" He asked cautiously once i had been seated in his room, I thought over my answer before responding with a safe "Ok, how about you?". He seemed to also think over his answer before responding with ok just as I had, his hesitation made me slightly anxious but only time would tell if that anxious feeling was necessary.
Todoroki's POV Saturday 9:57
Kizuku is a mostly simple being. Annoying and mysterious, yes, but still easily impressed and satisfied. He is a human therefore he has his own set of flaws and apparently one was not being able to tell left from right and up from down, as soon as we left our street we got lost and managed to end up at a Shopping Center I had never seen before.
Once we got to the shops accidentally he decided he wanted to get ice cream and with him being my only way to get to Midori I had to buy him ice cream, he had whined until I finally caved and took him to a random ice cream place that had a giant bird for a mascot. He ordered chocolate ice cream coated in a layer of chocolate sauce, he grinned in delight at the food when his order had finally come, I personally have never liked chocolate ice cream (I like chocolate just not chocolate ice cream) so I didn't try his or buy anything for myself.
And after a few more detours we finally arrived at a tall 3 storey brick building with Kizuku lagging behind while struggling to hold 2 giant stuffed animals, one was a bear that was black on one side and the other was a pink and white rabbit, I think he was trying to mock me.
"So are you going to leave?" I asked Kizuku simply, he seemed to think this over before he shoved his face in the head of the pink and white rabbit and whispered to himself or maybe the rabbit?
"Monomi" he started, 'oh he's already named it' I though while still observing the strange man's actions, "Sho said that a bit mean, do you think he doesn't like me anymore?".
I started to get severely pissed of at the amount of childishness was held within an adult man, I wasn't sure if it was annoying or pathetic or endearing but I think it's all 3. He snuggled further into Monomi, still holding the black and white bear by it's paw with his available hand.
I groaned in slight frustration before I declared to Kizuku, "I'm going to go see Midori, I can walk home and when I do get back I expect you to be there, ok?". I wasn't asking if he were going to be home, it was a rhetorically question and if he doesn't end up coming home I might become the first man to knock out a ghost man.
He quickly said goodbye before skipping of and disappearing into thin air leaving me to continue walking to the building and properly examine it.
It didn't look old, it looked cared for and well maintained, the trees and bits of greenery around it were also cared for so just looking at the front I don't have any immediate concerns but what awaits inside is yet to be revealed.
I walked in the doors and my immediate though was 'WHAT THE HELL?', it wasn't in a rude or concerned way but in a more 'why is this here' sort of way. The reason I thought what the hell was because the very first thing I saw was photos of cats wearing anime outfits, including one of a pure white cat in a Naruto costume being smacked in the face by a Sasuke cat, to say the least it was a bit unique.
There was a mid 30's looking woman with graying short brown hair wandering around purposelessly checking and nervously rechecking a piece of paper attached to a dark blue clipboard she cradled in her arms. I decide to make my presence know to the woman by slowly walking as loudly as possible without being overly excessive or dramatic in her direction, her head whipped in my direction with far more force than should be necessary to turn your head. But when her gaze fell on me her light brown eyes lit up.
She looked excited as she bounded towards me stopping directly in front of me and offering her hand, I shook her hand and noticed she had large fake nails in the colour of bright pink you would find inside the 'Girls' section of a Toy store, the kind of pink that every Barbie doll's house, dress and purse is coloured. (Also I put girls with these: ' ' because saying that 'all girls toys are pink' and all that stereotyping isn't good so I did that just in case it would offend anyone, if you are even mildly offended or upset I apologize)
"Hi my name is Mary, I assuming that you aren't the man who is doing the annual inspection?" She stated confidently though the effect was slightly ruined because at the end her voice wavered as if she was actually unsure.
"Oh don't worry, my name is Shoto Todoroki and I'm here to visit my friend Izuku Midoriya" I reassured her and pretending not to notice her huge sigh of relief at my sentence.
"Oh well then welcome!" She cried joyfully " Sorry about earlier the annual safety inspector is coming around in a few days give or take and even though I've checked everything multiple times for the past few days I'm kinda nervous, oh wait sorry about me ranting. Midoriya is in room 74". (I don't know if that's wrong or not but I'm too lazy to check)
I thought back to how she was nervously checking her list and could only wonder if she had been doing such for the past few days just waiting for the inspection man to arrive, I hoped that she wasn't and hadn't.
I made my way upstairs until I got into the 70's section and found Midoriya's door, it looked just like the rest plain with barely any paint chipping away or bumps and dents, it was honestly quite amazing because very few doors are kept in good condition. It was a small detail but it's good to notice the small things in life.
I knocked on his door for a few seconds later my response to be the sound of the rubber on sneakers squeaking against polished wooden floors and the door opening to reveal a slightly disheveled and tired looking Midori.
He let out a small smile that barely reached his dull and worn eyes, he looked happy to see me but it almost seemed he was struggling to continue staying happy like a once roaring fire was now going out.
It hurt, it was like a hurricane of emotions that I had piled high on my shoulders had finally fallen down embedding me in the fears that I refused to face and the issues I tried to face but never could. Seeing his face so tired and miserable resurfaced all the things I had let beat me down and control me physically and emotionally.
He shouldn't suffer like this, no one deserves to fell that pain. I felt it when my Mum left but the difference was his was taken, stolen, a flower picked to soon where I can see my Mum and experience new things with her he can only remember the memories of him and his Mum because now he can't make more with her but I want him to make more memories and experience wondrous things because he still can even if its just for now.
"Hi Midori, nice to see you again"I said facing him and smiling a small smile in return for his and I noticed how his smile ever so slightly widened.
"Hey Todo, I'm just here with Gogo now so...." he seemed to not be able to properly word his sentence but that was not required when a mid 20 looking man with extremely curly hair in a baby blue colour stood up said "Midoriya I'll be leaving you and your friend here, it doesn't really matter because today was just looking at potential carers and not meeting anyone or anything important like that" he smiled at Todoroki briefly before returning to Midoriya "So have fun but remember next Saturday no surprise friend visits, got it?".
His tone wasn't accusing or blunt but instead rather playful and sweet and his answer combined with how he wasn't mad seemed to relieve Midori who earlier looked s bit stressed over what would happen and he currently seemed happy with the results.
He gave a small wave before closing the door behind him leaving Midori and I in a moment of silence that I could not tell whether or not it was a calm pleasant silence or an uncomfortable 'I don't know what to say silence'.
"So Midori how are yo-" I would've finished my sentence except for one slight issue of tripping on my untied shoelace and hurtling to the floor when out of nowhere some sort of support appears keeping me standing up, when I look to see what it is I see the adorable freckled face I've been staring at and hoping to kiss for months, Midori was holding me up. I steadied myself and Midori looked up at me.
The distance between us was small so small that either of us could've moved less than a foot and run into the other, his face was small and cute, a perfect mix of strong cheekbones and jawline and adorable slightly chubby cheeks. His hypnotic green eyes looked up straight dead into mine and I instantly felt paralysed my his magnificent gaze.
"Todo be careful were you are going!" He said slightly laughing while saying it, his laugh was like music to my ears.
"Sureeeee" I playfully responded still not daring to take my eyes of Midori.
He smirked at my silly actions, his mood seemed to be relaxed and happy so so far it seems promising.
"So do you remember my sister Fuyumi I mentioned?" I asked him, he pondered over the question for around 5 seconds before his eyes lit up and he turned to me and asked "The one who got a girlfriend?".
I nodded before I started explaining the reason behind my question. "Here look at this photo of them, here's my sister but then look at Akihiko, does she look familiar?" I questioned while pointing out aspects of the photo to him on my phone.
"Yeah she looks like.... wait! IS SHE HIS SISTER?" He asked slightly yelling in the process and after realizing how loud he was silently apologized.
I shrugged and stated "I don't know but they look super similar besides the hair". Midori laughed to himself before he pointed to my hair and said "It sort of looks like yours!".
I smiled and responded sarcastically, mostly just savoring his precious smile. 'Damn Todoroki you've really fallen for this kid, haven't you'.
"Wait did she really do it!" Midori cried incredulously while his face displayed pure and absolute shock. I nodded and said "Yep Ashido really did chug 1 litre of liquid marshmellows".
"How is she not dead!?" He said the disbelief and confusion still lingering in his voice. I shrugged because honestly I have seen Ashido has chugged so many things that shouldn't be chugged in the few months we've been at school so I don't even know what things she may have chugged in the past or during her free time.
"Oh oh! I know something interesting" He stated excitedly.
"What" I asked curiously.
"Denki. asked. out. Jiro!" He said adding extra pauses between words for the extra suspense.
"What did she say?" I asked yet again my curiosity controlling me.
"I don't know!" He said, disappointment in his tone "I was walking out of school when I heard them talking beside a tree so I listened when all of a sudden Iida runs out and tells all of us to hurry up and leave so I don't know! I don't even know if Denki got an answer".
I was about to respond when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, I took it out and opened it to see that Fuyumi texted me.
Sis: Heeeeey. 10:57
Todoroki: What do you want? 10:58
Sis: Darn you saw right through me! 10:58
Sis: So Sho do you think you could possibly distract Father while I go see Akihiko tomorrow? 11:00
Todoroki: Can't you just make up an excuse and then go see her? 11:00
Sis: Believe me I would except last time I left and he caught me and you know how Father is. 11:01
Todoroki: Sure I'll do it just don't get caught. 11:02
Sis: Ok I won't get caught, thanks! 11:03
"Sorry about that Midori it was my sister " I told the small broccoli haired boy before me, he looked up at me and smile so bright his face practically radiated light.
"It's ok Todo" he said "You know I'm glad your here.... with me just relaxing and talking and I-I just..... appreciate it. I really appreciate it". He slightly stuttered while saying it but the thing that stole my attention was how genuine and caring he sounded, it made me fall in love with him all over again.
"Well your my friend and well I don't want to leave you or watch you hurt" I spoke from the heart while saying this and once I had finished I had not expected to see the sight I saw.
Izuku Midoriya, the ripped but small boy with messy hair in a dark green colour with similar eyes of the most beautiful and colourful variations of green with a smile that lights up a dark room, with his habit of consistently mumbling about heroes and quirks and his caring mature towards everyone.
That boy was shaking and looking down at his lap and when he revealed his face long, wet tears were trickling down his face leaving long tear tracks tracing over his cheeks that were brushed with a vigorous blush.
"T-thank you" he whispered, now clinging onto the material of my shirt and crying into my chest yet again and though I tried to contain myself I couldn't help but stroke his hair and draw him in closer. He visibly froze at my action before crying even harder soon after.
In this moment time moved forward, seconds passed, minutes passed but it felt as if time had stopped. Like this moment was a continuous second of pure joy just for us two.
I readied myself, I knew what I was going to do. I tightened my grip around the boy subconsciously, afraid of what I had set myself up to do, I wasn't ready but this was a perfect moment. I'm going to do it, I'm going to confess to Midori
"Izuku Midoriya....." I stopped talking and froze before steadily regaining my composure and starting again "Izuku Midoriya... I like you!".
My heart was beating in my chest at speeds that shouldn't be possible but with each pound of my heart against my chest I just felt more anxious and regretful.
When after a few painfully long seconds I got my answer. And the answer was, snoring. He fell asleep.
I felt embarrassed yet slightly nervous and relieved, he didn't hear anything because the whole time I had confessed he had been peacefully sleeping against my chest and I didn't even notice.
My face burned red, the blush heating my entire face as I facepalmed myself.
'I'll have to confess another time.... I guess"
A/N: This took unnecessarily long. Sorry about the wait and the ending, the next chapter will be another bonus chapter then we'll get back into the main story. I'm going to go visit my friend in a few minutes so the ending may be rushed but no matter, bye bye!
(3078 Words)
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