Chapter 13: Written wounds
A/N: Woo it was midnight and I covered my mouth with my blanket to stop myself laughing at weird vines. It's the next day and a slight TRIGGER WARNING.
Todoroki's POV Friday 10:29
Kizuku had started explaining what today's theme would be and I could already tell I did not like it. "Today's theme is Exclusion" Kizuku said as he looked down at the miscellaneous items on the floor " What happened was on the news it mentioned the fire and the death of his Mother, as well as saying that his Father was the one who had started the fire and was still on the run and considering they mentioned the name 'Midoriya' students put two and two together and figured out that Midoriya's Father was the arsonist and murderer and as it would, rumors start to spread as quick as a raging wildfire and students begin to bully him about it. I'm fairly sure no one else but Bakugo knows what happened out of class 1A because in the reports it doesn't mention any of them knowing about it so you and Midoriya are still going to have to be careful".
I frowned at no one in particular before looking up at my sort-of-brother who was still distracted by the items of my room when I said something breaking him from his gaze on a snow globe on my shelf, "Kizuku, that isn't all right? What else happened" I asked only to receive a very dramatic and childish sigh.
"UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kizuku complained "Why is this job so hard.....". I stared at him with a look of utmost annoyance before he said a quiet final complain and began again.
"The reports were very unclear on the time because no member of the class was there at the time that it happened but it is speculated during the middle of lunch Midoriya went to the 1A classroom and found someone or something, the reports say for the rest of the day he was acting quiet and upset like, just like when he had the fight with Uraraka but worse and more frightened and that's all I know, just 1 major event to stop even though it is unclear hopefully you can do it". When Kizuku had said the last sentence he tried to sound confident as if he truly believed I could do it, I just pretended I didn't hear the uncertainty as well.
"There are so many uncertain things" I thought bitterly as more doubts began to circle around in my head "Midori could die, he could be gone forever and I could be the one person to stop it and I could easily fail and then I would be alone with no proper friends and my dumb Dad who views me as a means to power and success". I hated so many things about my situation and I would change it in a heartbeat but the world isn't like that, by now I thought myself of all people would know that.
I nodded and moved the blanket of my legs and attempted to get up, keyword: ATTEMPTED. Because as soon as I stood up a flare of pain ran through my muscles and I fell directly through Kizuku and onto the floor, he stared down at me not even bothering to try and help me as I turned my head so I was facing him and he had a face that said 'what did I do wrong?'.
I breathed in a large gulp of air, readying myself to scream my lungs out.
"KIZUKU HELP ME UP NOW!" I screamed as loud as I possibly could while he continued to look down on me an amused smirk displayed on his smug face or at least I was fairly sure he was smirking but considering the large mass of white bandages still inhabited his body I couldn't tell, but his aura practically radiated slyness and smugness "YOU SERIOUSLY BETTER HELP ME UP NOW YOU MOTHERF-"
He squatted down and placed a bandage covered finger over my mouth and whispered in a calming manner "Shh young Sho the innocent children, think about the children" he added a dramatic desperateness to his voice trying to make it sound serious and majestic, he sounded he was very dehydrated and also had a sore throat.
I didn't even bother responding but instead resorted to staring at the ceiling waiting for Kizuku to eventually come and pick me up, I knew it was childish but he was even more childish considering he was the man that wore a tiara and played with small children in a park, I doubt he could talk.
"Sho let's make a deal..." he muttered silently, enough for me to hear but not enough that it would reassure me he was confident in his decision but either way I knew that I would be lying to myself if I said that I was not even slightly intrigued.
"If you save Midoriya... I'll tell you everything" Kizuku insisted as he looked straight dead into my eyes, his gaze held no warmth, it was cold and vulnerable and is if following his gaze the room felt like the temperature had also dropped,the seriousness of the situation was instantly made clear just with that look, it was similar to that look he had when we were in the forest and Midoriya's Mum was about to die and he knew that I could never save her.
"What does he mean by everything?" I pondered "Does he mean about his past, his dimension or Midoriya and I but he said 'everything' so that should mean all of that"
I looked up, determination burning vibrantly and wildly in my eyes "Kizuku it's a deal".
Midoriya's POV Friday 10: 45
I was super happy for Uraraka, she had finally gotten the date with the girl she had been in love with for so many months, she would always say how she thought Tsyu's long green hair was so shiny and pretty and how her eyes were a nice dark green colour that she would always get lost in and how she would always draw little hearts around Tsyu's name in her notebook with her favorite dark purple texta pen that she had been given by her Dad's friend and that was custom made so no one had a texta similar to it and she would often brag and show of the pen, to think that girl was finally able to just go out and have a nice relaxing date was so amazing but no matter how proud I was of my best friend my brain kept on flashing back to what happened in the hallways. It was a nagging feeling, as if the thought were literally pulling at my hair or screaming into my ear and it really was starting to bother me mainly because the endless possibilities and outcomes that could come from this situation and I by now had admitted to myself that I am very scared by what could happen.
"My weeks already horrible. My beautiful kind-hearted Mum is now dead because of my dumb Father, Kacchan hates me, Uraraka probably still hates me because just because she apologized doesn't mean she has forgiven me and now basically everyone in the school hates me because of my own Father's bad decisions"
I slumped against my seat in defeat as Mr Aizawa began to teach the class about something to do with the side-effects of quirks and overusing your quirk but though I paid attention to a sentence or two my mind would sooner or later wander so me listening was really just me prolonging the inevitable future of me not listening to anything and having to borrow Uraraka's notes.
I am a relatively good student and that is my reputation, the cheerful cinnamon roll who took notes on heroes and had a cool quirk. But I could see many flaws in my title, I'm not really that cheerful and I'm usually just trying to lift others spirits, I'm not a cinnamon roll I am a idiotic human, I am guilty on the taking notes on heroes part and finally I don't 'have' a cool quirk, I'm just a useless, pathetic, weak, quirkless loser was given a cool quirk, the quirk is not mine and will never be mine.
As larger quantities of thoughts swirled in my head I could feel everything else slowly disappear, I couldn't hear Mr Aizawa's tired and forceful voice or the occasional silent whisper of students just that empty void and my thoughts being spoken to me as if I was saying them but with each new thought the word combined together in a horrid mixture of phrases and words being decipherable in the flurry of sentences. As I felt the wetness of tears fill my eyes my vision blurred into a mix of colors and identifiable splotches I had about reached my limit as I was now very eager to just walk out of class and hide in the most hard to find corner in the school, I felt my heart beat quicken and my breathing become heavy and uneven and as if my feet moved on their own I hastily rushed out of the classroom not bothering to close the doors behind me.
Where I was going? I didn't know, through the tears clouding my eyes I could barely see anything in front of me but my feet did not stop moving nor did the pounding of negative voices in my head, speaking as if they were a continuous echo. I ran further until I started going down what I was fairly sure was a staircase and out a set of doors, I had no idea how long I had been running but at some place somewhere I collapsed on the ground. I tucked my knees into my chest and dug my nails into my legs as if trying to draw them closer into the little ball I had made my self into, the tears started to roll down my from my eyes, to my cheeks, to my chin and then finally onto my tucked in knees. With each tear my sobs became louder and soon enough I was letting out ugly sobs and howls as tears had stained my pants and were now dropping onto the ground spraying tiny specks of my own tears at the cuffs of my pant legs.
My arms were aching, more specifically were the bandages were and what was under those bandages, with the stinging of the cuts I now realized that this empty feeling of being trapped in a void with only your poisonous thought was just how I felt before I felt the sensation of cold metal against my raw skin, the pain of the items in the Happy Box had made me feel.... better. I want it I need it... I need the pain... I want it.
My hands slowly moved to my head as I tugged at my hair with not enough force for it to be pulled out but enough for me to know later my head will hurt. I tugged at my hair to try and rid my mind of the voices, each and every word of theirs being filled with venom that sunk into my body slowly making me feeling like I was dying.
My crying began to quiet down as my sobs and cries became silent even though the shudders and shivers that racked my body when I let out a large sob, was still there no matter how silently I cried. My Mum didn't cry, she was a warrior, she was brave and kind, she was a real hero and look at her son crying on the floor in some place that he doesn't even know because he's too sad over how bad of a hero and person he is and how he couldn't save his Mum because of how bad he is.
He deserves to hear those voices after all they were all true.
Once my crying had stopped and breathing leveled out I had realized that I had walked out of school and onto a hill with a tree on it and that was where I collapsed and after I was fairly sure I was done crying I slowly made my way back into the school. I didn't see anyone in the hallways which really wasn't that surprise considering I took the most discrete route I knew of that barely anyone used. Once I made it to class I was relieved to not see any potential bullies but there was still a small wave of anxiousness over the thought of my classmates questions but I would rather be in the classroom that in a hallway where anyone who could know a bout his Father's criminal ways and murders and use that to make fun of me, I would way rather have a few questions.
When I opened the door I was shocked and confused for a bit mainly because no one was in the classroom including Mr Yellow Slug Sensei but I quickly grabbed my phone from my pants pocket and realized that it was lunch so that explained the lack of students, who would be eating and Mr Aizawa who would most likely be in the Teacher's Lounge being annoyed my All Might's puns and dad joke which I could say form experience were truly awful and very corny and yes he has done multiple jokes about corn.
I was slightly conflicted over whether to go down to lunch and sit with Uraraka, Iida and maybe Tsyu or Kirishima but there was still the possibility of Todo being their but considering I hadn't seen him earlier I was presuming that he was sick or very very late. There was also the option of hiding in a bathroom and or small space and waiting until after lunch to go to class but then I would need to find a quiet and people free place to hid which was one of the 2 things UA lacked, the other being safety. And my final option was to wait in class, which seemed like the best one because it was private and I wouldn't have to deal with my friends curiosity.
I made my way into the classroom that I thought so fondly of, the class looked so different with out the quirky ( Ha ha aha ha quirk-y) character populating the room, it looked small and confined and quite boring and uninteresting. The rows of seats were mostly orderly but Kaminari and Kacchan's chairs were tucked in, Kaminari probably because he couldn't bother to or he forgot and Kacchan's reason was probably something like this "SCREW YOUR RULES I AM A REBEL AND REFUSE TO RESPECT YOU AUTHORITY". A few desks still had bits of paper or maybe a pen lying around on it but out of the very slightest corner of my eye I saw something on my desk, it looked darkish but I couldn't tell what it was.
After making my way through the rows of desks to mine I realized it was actually scribble all over my desk as if someone had gotten a texta a wrote all over my desk and guess what ? That's exactly what had happened, the writing was messy but it looked like multiple people had done it because the writing styles were different and different colours were used: black, grey, green, purple and a few more random colours.
When I finallly reached my desk I realized what was written and I felt my heart sink and anxiety begin clawing at my head.
And more were scrawled across my desk, those horrid words hurt but the one minuscule thing that caught my attention was one that said:
"DIE IN A FIRE". Firstly that one hurt because the fact that my Mum had died in a fire started by my Father and I was too late to save her. Secondly because what texta it was written with, it was a dark purple colour that was so unique and all too familiar mainly because it was Uraraka's favourite texta that she had gotten made. The thing about that texta was it was custom made meaning no one else could possibly have that colour, but of course it could just be a similar shade and I believed so to until under my desk I saw Uraraka's texta just laying there.
Even the terrible thought of my best friends saying or writing that to anyone was enough to make me want to slowly back away and forget what I had just see/heard forever. There was a chance that someone could have just walked in and used her texta but it wasn't like she just left her favourite awesome texta just out in the open, it usually was either in her jacket pocket or her pencil case which she currently had with her and trust me she NEVER left that texta.
I felt my heart crack and my eyes become glossy, there were no tears in my eyes and I didn't cry even though I really wanted to but instead I felt my eyes become glazed over as if I were watching this scene through the thick glass of a window but even that didn't stop the whimpers and cried escaping my throat. Everything hurt, my heart, my body and especially my head which now more that ever had loads of thoughts but I could easily identify that most were questions fueled with my confusion or betrayal.
But while my world was slowly crumbling outside of the closed classroom door I heard a man whisper to maybe someone or something but the man just quietly whispered, pain and fear prominent in his shaky voice "Kizuku I couldn't stop him seeing it...".
A/N: Wooh me is tired! Dis be done and me go read more fanfiction now.
(3038 Words)
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