Chapter 12: Whispers through the halls
Midoriya's POV Friday 8:30
Yesterday I was taken to be interrogated, the whole time I was shaking and internally dying and though the atmosphere was tense the officers were polite, they mainly asked about my father. Things like: When did he leave? Why did he leave? Did you know where he was? and more, the only reason for it was to collect information on my Father who was now the confirmed culprit. And eventually after a hour and a half I left with Gogo, we silently drove to the Foster Care Home with Gogo occasionally trying to lighten the mood with bad jokes, it slightly helped but really I just wanted to collapse onto my white bed in my white room and sleep. When we went inside Jennifer was still up, she looked as though she were inspecting things when we arrived, we both gave her a small wave and Gogo took me up to my room. I was interested in what Jennifer was doing because even from a distance I cold see the cloudy far-away look in her eyes and blush covering her cheeks and maybe I had been seeing things but I could swear she was slightly wobbling and clutching a glass bottle of sorts and considering what I saw I was fairly certain she was drunk, the reason why she would get drunk? I don't know but considering she wasn't my absolute favourite person I didn't care too much but I did hope that this drinking wasn't an occasional thing because I may not get along with her but drinking could affect her actions and I didn't want something bad to happen.
When I was settled in my room Gogo started his goodbyes, "So I guess I'll see you soon, ok?" Gogo said in a quiet manner which I appreciated because the walls were thin and if we talked loudly we could wake someone.
"Yeah.." I said, fiddling with the cuffs of my shirt "Hey Gogo could you actually check on Jennifer because she looked a bit......" I lost track of my words but I didn't even need to finish because Gogo nodded, telling me he had noticed how Jennifer looked drunk.
He left shortly after that with a quick goodbye leaving me in my heater-less and completely white room, just me and my thoughts and considering I knew what I did with the items in that blue box under my bed I didn't particularly want to be alone right now.
I woke up at 6am and hastily got changed into my uniform careful to avoid my bandaged arms which I probably should've changed but I really wasn't in the mood to see what the cuts looked like, my uniform perfectly covered the bandages to even if they lifted up a bit you wouldn't be able to see them. I rushed down the stairs into the Dining Hall with those rows of tables and quickly ate the unidentifiable cereal in my bowl and took some buttered toasts for lunch at school, they did have meals they could give you if you didn't bring food but considering most of the food made me feel sick to even look at yet alone eat, I didn't want to. Jennifer didn't bother to talk to me but I cold see her talking to a few kids, carefully avoiding me in the process, her reason for doing this I wasn't sure but I hoped I hadn't been rude to her because even if she was a bit rude I wouldn't want to upset her, but right now my only thought was getting to school early.
I for some reason was really eager to go to school, don't get me wrong I adore school but today I was just more excited about it and maybe it was unrelated but whenever I thought of my excitement my thoughts always trailed off and onto Todo, it was odd but I enjoyed thinking about him. I rushed out the doors and started following the path to school that I had memorized even though I've only used it twice (Wow... why does Midoriya have better memory than me but I think most people should have a better memory than me) and it didn't take me to long to arrive.
Students were walking into UA, mostly cheerful smiles and happy chatter surrounded me as I walked into UA but as if they temperature had suddenly dropped the room went icy cold and the chatter noticeably died down, people were still talking in their little groups of friends but the atmosphere made everything feel dark and silent. I walked down the hall at a slow pace and every time I would even ever so slightly near a group all of their conversations volume would drastically go down to sly whispers and snide remarks, I couldn't hear what any of them were saying but the facial expressions and the small glances in my direction, some curious and others displaying full unadulterated disgust, they would try to be sneaky and look while they thought I wasn't looking but the few people who I did catch looking would always play it off by looking at the floor and acting as if they were not staring and myself being someone who has done that, I was not buying it. I felt everyone's eyes burning into my back as I slowly walked down the hall....
"Why are they looking at me?....." I thought as I tried to desperately focus on something else beside the looks people were giving me when my mind started to wander off and think of the very subject I was trying to currently avoid. My doubts started to fog my head when I thought of the possibility they wee looking about someone else when I heard a few simple words that somehow stood out in all of the blur of voices, the words were being spoken by a girl who looked older than me, the words were simple but the toxicity was enough to stop all my thoughts and make me stop in my tracks but it made all those disgusted and curious looks make sense.
"Hey look it's the villain's son!" She had whispered loudly to her friends as they all silently gasped and looked at me before making their own rude and horrible commentary, I felt sick to my stomach as I quickened my pace until I was full out running to the classroom trying to erase what I head heard from my head when I collided with someone, he were also unfamiliar and probably older than me because he was practically a giraffe compared to me who was like a small little rabbit. He reached out his hand to help me up when I tried to take him up on the offer he moved his hand back and looked at me closely before saying in a slightly agitated tone "Hey your that villain's child right?" he smirked as I flinched at his words, he leaned closer to me so I could see him more clearly "Ha how does it feel for your Daddy to be murderous scum? Well I'm sure the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!". Our entire conversation was loud enough for everyone in the area to notice, some people's faces held looks of disgust, others smug, others scared, others shocked and some with looks of denial, I even knew a few people who had those looks on their face, no one from 1A but people who I had talked to a few times, I hated it, I hated them looking at me like this, I hated how they didn't help me, I hated how people who were training to become heroes would just stand by and watch this happen, why couldn't someone help me? Why couldn't someone get a teacher? Why does this happen to me?
I grabbed my bag which was sliding down my shoulder and lifted myself off the ground before speedily walking away from the growing crowd, I could practically see the relief that radiated off of me as I reached the ever so familiar gigantic door of class 1A. I pulled it open and happily sat in my seat, there were a few people already in class who mostly consisted of the good students. I silently sat in my seat not bothering to notify the current people in the classroom I was here, especially considering one of them could easily know about my Father and that really scared me.
Thoughts plagued my mind as I sat wordlessly at my seat "How do they know about my Father being a villain?" but considering everyone at school found out about this after I did my interrogation then the media probably did a report on it and scoop involving a fire breathing villain with a son at UA would definitely peek some peoples interests but did they care whether I was good, would they care if I one day saved their lives? I shook my head as if trying to get those thoughts out of my head because I can't ruin my chances of being a hero by focusing on this little issue, I've got to move forward!
I had been so wrapped up in my own thoughts I hadn't noticed that most of my classmates were here, excluding a few late ones and Todoroki which I found very odd considering he was usually very early but I brushed it off and for the first time looked around the room to see nothing out of the usual except maybe Ashido in the corner chugging what looked to be florescent liquid Pringles with Sero cheering her while she began to chant something but with that liquid in her mouth it sounded a bit more like " I REWSENT OVER PHRICED WAIFU BODEH PILLOWHS!" and she didn't stop chanting even when the florescent liquid started overflowing out of her mouth like an animal with rabies was choking on it's own saliva, that simile was even better when she actually did start choking on it for Yaoyorozu to rush over and force her to spit it out and once Ashido was safe and covered in glowing liquid Pringles, Yaoyorozu scolded her and Sero so loudly I'm sure someone would've thought there had been an earthquake. But beside that nothing out of the usual but I did notice Iida and Uraraka in the corner silently talking to each other, Uraraka's smooth chocolate-y brown eyes met my bright green ones when a flash of determination crossed her face as she marched over to my seat, her presence did not seem threatening and it didn't look like she was going to do anything bad but even I could identify easily I was scared.
She looked at me in my seat, her gaze was warm and sweet as if an actual ray of sunshine was gazing at you but her mouth had a slight frown. One thing I had learned about Uraraka, her eyes never told anything about her emotions, she could have been miserable, angry or any other emotion but her eyes only showed pure happiness where as her mouth always gave away things, she wasn't a big frowner so a monotone expression usually meant she was sad while a slight frown meant she was very sad and considering a slight frown was plastered onto her delicate face, she was very upset.
She let out a slight sigh and began to talk in a soft voice "Deku about the other day, I am so sorry I should have never pried into your personal business and I know how horrible and rude I was and you will never deserve that it just reminded me of something that happened to my friend Toma-Lee before I came to UA, to make a long story short she didn't tell me about something that was going on in her life involving her Dad when I ever would question it but it ended up getting her killed and I know that's no excuse and I don't expect you to forgive me bu-" I cut her off by standing up and wrapping my arms around her, she flinched at the unexpected hug attack but soon sunk into the hug.
I broke apart from the hug and looked at her face, it had a smile. "I missed hanging out with one of my best friends" I said honestly as she chuckled and started to fill me in on the little things I missed while we were arguing nothing to interesting until she suddenly stopped and started looking down at the floor, her face no longer visible to me. I was about to ask if she was ok when she thrust her head back up while her face displayed what could only be described as pure insanity. She looked flustered yet determined and those things aren't usually supposed to mix, there was sadness and nervousness but extreme happiness and a bit of curiosity, to be simple someone's face should not have every emotion on it because she looked like a photo of her had been taken mid-sneeze except her eyes were wide as if she had seen a dead dog but there was a bit of happiness in them so... maybe an evil dog?
I thought over what to say when she suddenly started whispering to me, using her hands as if to block her voice "Deku....something else that happened" she whispered, fear lacing her words "I have a date with Tsyu...." I wasn't sure what was the problem considering she was heads over heels in love with her.
"But you like her? Right" I said in pure curiosity, she sighed and muttered something that sounded an awful lot like 'boys!' she looked up at me and in her same whisper voice responded "Of course I like her, hey I practically love her and that's the problem, what if I mess up? What if she hates me? What if she doesn't want to marry me!?".
"Wow she's really skipping a lot of levels" I thought as I looked down at the girl before me, well only slightly because I really wasn't to much taller than her but I needed to calm her down because if High School Drama movies have taught me anything it's that: 1- Glitter is always necessary and 2- First date nerves are the equivalent of a head tornado. "Well why would she go on a date with you if she didn't like you and if you mess up, well Tsyu isn't a judging person she's forgiving and sweet and I'm sure she'll like you!" I said as I smiled at my friend to which she just nodded and smiled back, she went to go sit in her seat and me in mine considering time really flies when you're rekindling you ' a few day dead friendship'.
Todoroki's POV Friday ???
"My head hurts...... I take that back everything hurts...
.....Where am I? Why is everything so warm?
Why am I so.... sore and tired.... I wanna sleeppppp....." I moaned to no one in particular as I had unfortunately woken up, I hadn't opened my eyes and currently just wanted to complain about waking up and go back to sleep when I felt something wet against my cheek causing my eyes to force open and me to jump back from whatever was touching me but in the process of jumping back I hit my head on something wooden, a bed frame, I was in my bed.
I heard laughter and turned back to see a bandaged man laughing his head off. "KIZUKU DID YOU LICK ME!" I asked rhetorically as he just shrugged as I felt another wave of anger crash back onto me and that was just about time that I realized how I had a bad headache that was literally pounding my head, I groaned at the constant pain radiating from my head and forgot the mischievously childish man in front of me.
"Hey relax just take it easy Sho. Dad went pretty hard on you, Fuyumi bandaged you up and brought you here and I've just been waiting for you to wake up" Kizuku said as he fiddled with the bandages around his finger tips.
"Uhhh.... ok?" I said not to sure if I was serious "Hey Kizuku... what time is it". He looked down at the clock set on my bedside table and pointed to it for it to display in bright numbers: 9:40am.
I started to internally panic when Kizuku said calmly "Hey relax, your a good student so being late one time won't be a big deal. Especially when we can make up a believable excuse not to mention I need to tell you about what you need to do to save Midoriya today".
I sighed as I properly sat up on my bed and looked Kizuku, "Well..." I thought "This is going to be a long day".
A/N: Gosh that took way to long but here it is, I meant to put in more but for now this will do so, here ya go enjoy that chapter!
(Words 2799)
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