Its Your Birthday
Calum: It was your birthday and Calum had been acting suspicious the day before and you were wondering what's up.
You woke up to Calum poking you in the side and annoying the snot out of you. Which was normal but he was acting more annoying than usual.
"Babe..babe..come on babe wake up," Calum poked your side more.
"Babe stop," you yelled at him. He giggled. "Good you awake," his smile spread across his face.
He pulled you out of bed and brought you downstairs into the kitchen. "I'm gonna make you some breakfast," Calum said smiling.
"Babe why couldn't I just stay in bed while you cooked," you asked looking up at him tiredly.
Calum went over to the coffee maker and made you a cup of coffee (obviously). He handed it to you and you drank some.
"Your gonna need that energy babe. We have a big day ahead of us," Calum said starting to make you so eggs and sausage.
You sipped your coffee and energy flooded to you slowly.
It wasn't long after Calum finished and he handed you a plate of eggs and sausage. He smiled and kissed you on the cheek while you chewed the food you had in your mouth.
"Stay here," Calum pointed at you and bolted upstairs. You looked at him confused and then kept eating your food, eventually finishing it and putting it in the kitchen sink.
Calum came down in a ripped up band t-shirt (like usual) and black skinny jeans. "Your turn," he said.
"Babe what do I wear," you asked. "Something nice but casual," he replied.
You nodded and ran upstairs into your room that you shared. You looked in your closet and put on a tank top and jean shorts with some converse to match and went into your bathroom.
You went into the bathroom and put on some foundation, concealer, and mascara. You then walked downstairs.
Calum smiled at you and looked you up and down. He winked at you and put an arm around your waist.
"Babe you look hot," Calum said in your ear and you blushed.
Calum led you outside into his car and you both hopped in. He pulled out of the driveway and drove off.
"Babe where are you going," you asked curiously.
He smiled at you. "Just wait and see babe," he replied, putting his eyes back on the road.
Calum then parked his car in the parking lot of a huge amusement park. You got excited and hopped out, grabbing Cal's hand and rushing toward the entrance. He knew you loved amusement parks.
You guys went in and rode a bunch of rides, ate a bunch of junk food and did a bunch of running around the park. At the end of the day, you guys left the park hand in hand with you carrying a giant panda plushie that was almost your size and huge smiles on your faces. It was the best birthday ever.
Ashton: You woke up the day of your birthday with Ashton jumping on y'all's bed and giggling like crazy.
You giggled. "I'm up dork," you replied sitting up and getting out of bed.
Ashton picked you up and spun you around. "Happy Birthday baby girl," he said smiling.
You smiled and stood on your tip toes to kiss him. He kissed you back and then pulled away looking at you smiling.
"Today is a big day for you and you have to get ready," Ashton informed you.
"What do I wear," you asked. "A bathing suit," he replied smirking.
"Do you just want me to put on a bathing suit because you wanna see me almost naked," you asked giggling.
"Yes but I'm taking you somewhere where you have to go in the water," Ashton replied giggling.
"Okay Irwin we'll get out you can't see my naked yet," you said closing the closet door to change.
"Wait yet," he asked excitedly. You giggled and changed into a bathing suit.
You opened the closet door and saw Ashton sitting on the bed on his phone with his swim trunks on. He looked at you and smiled, blushing like crazy.
"Why are you blushing babe," you asked walking over to him.
"Because you're so hot and your my girlfriend," he replied standing up and pecking your lips.
You smiled and blushed as well. Ashton giggled and grabbed your hand, dragging you downstairs. You put your flip flops on and he put his on, practically dragging you out the door.
"Ashton calm down," you giggled at is unexpected excitedness.
"Your taking forever I wanna go," he whining giggling.
"Calm down Irwin or I ain't going anywhere," you demanded giggling as he instantly calmed down.
You two hopped in his car and and he drove you to the beach. You smiled cause you know that he knew that you loved the beach.
You hopped out and Ashton to you to the surf shop that was on the beach. "Wait we're going surfing," you asked excitedly.
Ashton giggled nodded as you two chose your boards and put on some wet suits.
"Babe you look so cute," Ashton complimented you making you blush.
"Stop it Irwin my cheeks hurt," you replied giggling.
Ashton smiled and you two went out onto the sand and waxed up your boards.
"Ashton I've never been surfing before," you admitted feeling nervous.
"It's super easy! I'll teach you," he replied walking over to you.
You set your board on the sand as he taught you how to surf on the land. Which seemed easy. The only problem was that you had to do that on water.
"Ready," Ashton asked smiling at you. You nodded nervously and smiled at him.
"Don't be nervous babe," he added as if he read your mind.
You smiled and you two ran out onto the water. After a few minutes waiting out on the water for a good wave, Ashton got one and you sat out on the water waiting for your own wave.
You saw one starting to roll towards you and the nerves became stronger. You decided to take the wave and turned the board around paddling towards shore and as the wave was about to crash over you stood up on the board and rode the wave.
You heard Ashton clapping and cheering for you and you smiled and blushed. You rode out the wave and then paddled to shore and Ashton hugged you smiling like crazy.
"Wow babe that was amazing," he said smiling.
You jumped up and down excitedly and squealed. "I'm so happy," you squealed again and jumped more.
"Babe calm down," Ashton said giggling. You smiled and stopped.
You two surfed more and then went home, watching Netflix and cuddling on the couch.
Luke: Same with Michael's 😂😂
Mikey: You and Michael just decided to be as lazy as possible on your birthday.
Sorry I guys I ran out of ideas and I'm lazy. Also sorry I haven't written in a while I've just had writers block. Plus school starts for me soon. Im taking requests too so DM me what u want!
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