How you two met
Calum: One day you were out on the beaches of Sydney and was taking a walk. You were all alone since all of your friends were busy so it was just you. You didn't mind at first, but now you were feeling extremely lonely.
You kept walking when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned your head and looked at a boy with black hair and blonde highlights in his hair and big brown eyes with tan skin.
"Why is a pretty girl like you all alone," the boy asked. "My friends left me so I thought I would take a little walk," you replied.
"Mind if I stay with you," the boy asked. "No I don't mind," you replied.
"Oh yea well my name is Calum, Calum Hood to be exact," the boy added. You smiled at his goofiness.
"I'm y/n, y/f/n to be exact," you said smiling. "What a pretty name for a pretty girl," Calum replied. You smiled and blushed. "Your really cheesy you know that," you said. Calum laughed and smiled. "You know you like it," Calum added. You smiled and you two walked for the rest of the day and talked the night away at his house.
Ashton: You love surfing! It's your favorite thing to do. So one day you were out on the water and you were waiting for a wave to come.
The sky hadn't been looking to good but you have surfed in not too great weather so it wasn't really worrying you. You saw a huge wave coming and you started paddling out towards it.
Suddenly it was like the weather went horribly wrong. The wind started picking up speed and the waves were getting bigger and bigger and bigger. You felt butterflies flutter in your stomach. You saw the wave get really close and you turned around and stood up the board as the wave got very close.
You tried to keep your balance but the wind and the waves were messing you up and you were practically thrown off your board. You tried to stay above water but the waves dragged you down and you tried to breath but you sucked in salt water and you were losing energy fast.
You thought this was the end of you and were prepared for the worst. You suddenly felt a strong arm wrap around you but you couldn't see the face of your mystery Savior. You then blacked out.
You woke up from the blackness and you were greeted by a hazel eyed, brown haired, smiling boy. "Oh thank goodness your alive. I thought died," the boy said. "You saved me," you asked. He nodded smiling and blushing. "Why wouldn't I save a beautiful girl like you," the boy added, "I'm Ashton by the way."
"Thank you Ashton for saving me. And I'm y/n," you replied. He smiled. "Your so beautiful. Next time you should bring me out there with you so your not alone," Ashton said smiling and blushing.
"I will definitely consider that offer since I have to make it up to you for saving me," you replied. He smiled. "I know a different way you can make it up to me," Ashton mumbled.
You smiled. "And what would that be," you asked smiling. He tapped his lips. "A kiss on the lips," Ashton replied, "And it has to last 5 seconds."
You blushed. He was so handsome. "Fine then," you replied. He then smashed his lips on yours and you kissed him back. Biters goes fluttered in you stomach and that kiss lasted well over 5 seconds.
You two pulled apart and you both smiled. "That was amazing," you said. Ashton giggled and you laughed at his cute laugh. You two talked and then he brought you to his house to meet his brother and sister and to clean of all the salt water from the ocean with some fun after.
Luke: You were at a music shop in Sydney looking for an acoustic guitar since you wanted a new one. You looked through all the guitars and couldn't find one that spoke to you I guess you could say.
"Having a little trouble there," you heard a voice ask. You turned to see a blonde haired, blue eyed boy smiling at you.
"Yea I am. How could you tell," you asked smiling. "Well you've looked through almost all of them and haven't chose a guitar yet," the boy replied.
"Yea I guess I'm kinda having a little trouble," you added. "Can I help," the boy asked. You nodded smiling. The boy looked through the guitars and found one that caught your eye.
"Ooh I like that one," you said. The boy grabbed it off the shelf and you smiled.
"I think this is the one," you said. He smiled. "It's nice to know I could help. I'm Luke by the way," the boy replied. You smiled. "I'm y/n," you added. "Nice name," Luke said smiling. You then went over to his place and you played your guitars and sang too.
Mikey: You were at the beach and you heard that a new band was having a gig on the beach. So you decided to go. You got there and they had started playing and you loved their music. It was awesome. You were dancing like crazy to all of their songs and tried to sing to them even though you didn't know them.
After the songs were over you looked around and then felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around to see one of the boys from the stage.
"Hi I'm Michael. Sorry to scare you I just saw you dancing in the crowd and I had to meet you," the boy said. He looked adorable. He had bright green hair (I'm picking a random color so the color won't be up to date so don't freak out on me), green eyes, and fair skin.
"Nice to know you liked my enthusiasm. I'm y/n by the way," you replied smiling. He smiled back at you and handed you a slip of paper.
"I'll see you around," he said. You opened the piece of paper and saw that it was his number. You smiled and added it to your phone.
Hope you guys enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! Peace out! ✌️
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