Saving Them
Calum's Pov:
"Search all the rooms! Theres got to be something in here," Ashton instructs, sending us all off into a small, cabin-like structure.
I carefully keep track of my footing as I scale up its creaky stair case, leading myself into one of the bedrooms. With a gun I found earlier pressed firmly into my right palm, I push the bedroom door open making sure the coast is clear. Hopefully nothing's waiting to pop out at me.
The walls of the room are decorated with a worn, pink wallpaper while the glass of the Windows is slightly cracked. My eyes stare at a fallen picture frame, which shows a family of four on the beach. I wish that could be me right now...
"Hello there,"
I spin around on my heal to come face to face with an extremely tall girl. Her frame towers well above mine, which is quite surprising considering I'm 6'1". Her strong arm holds an armed machine gun, pointing right at me.
"Can I help you?" She asks softly.
"By lowering that," I narrow my eyes at her gun.
"Yeah, no," She sighs, "would you like to come with me?"
"Not really"
"You don't really have a choice, sweetheart,"
I stare her up and down, noticing that she looks to be pretty healthy for this predicament. Her hair, cleanly swiped up into a pony tail while no trace of dirt is present on her pale skin.
"I'm not going to-"
The familiar sound of gunshots fill my ears, sending me into a slight state of panic. Please don't be my friends. I watch her eyes widen as well, however, anger filling them instead.
"Get moving short stack!" She bellows, earning a cringe from me. Short stack?
I follow her commands, allowing her to shove me out of the room and down the stairs. A sigh of relief immediately escapes me when I see all three of my friends standing healthily. However, there is two ginormous men pointing guns to their heads as well...
"This one killed Jared!" One of the sniffles angrily, his well armed gun pointed at Michael.
Not a surprise.
"WHAT!" The girl squeals, dropping beside 'Jared' who's blood is pooling next to his head, "Someone save him!"
"He got shot in the head. I'm pretty sure you can't do anything about that, mate," Ashton shrugs.
Why are my friends so stupid.
"You little... UGH!" The girl propels herself off the ground and pushes Ash into the wall, "I'm gonna kill you,"
"WOAH!" Luke gasps, raising his gun at her.
This is just a big mess, isn't it?
"Don't you dare you twig," The man with a large beard threatens, his gun now pointed at Luke.
This is just really bad.
"What the fück is happening in here- JARED!" Another man enters the cabin, a gun also held in his hand, "which ones responsible?!"
"Me," Michael growls. I watch his left hand secretly grab his machete from behind him.
"I wouldn't do that!" The man yells, kicking Michael's knee in. That definitely dislocated it. Michael falls to the ground, a Yelp of pain escaping his lips.
"Fück you," Michael gasps, holding his knee with his hands.
"That'll teach you not to fück with us," The man growls, "by the way, the names Keegan,"
"Leave us alone Keegan!" Ashton shouts, the girl still pinning him against the wall with a knife to his throat.
Okay, now I'm really worried.
"Hand over your weapons," Keegan shouts.
It takes a bit, but we all silently agree to comply, handing over all our weapons. Well, except for the small knife tucked in my trousers...
"Alright, which one do we kill first?" The girl laughs
She can't be serious...
"This one right here," the bearded man mumbles, his callused finger pointing at Michael.
"Please, you don't need to do this," I beg, making sure to keep a threatening face on.
"Shut up," the girl snaps
The mood in the room quickly changes into a sense of survival. If we don't kill these people, we'll end up dead... But how am I supposed to protect us with just this small knife? It's worth a try, I guess...
I quickly lunge at the bearded man, elbowing him in the nose. He falls to the ground, knocked out cold. A gunshot fills the room, but luckily I don't feel anything hit me as I slit the next guys throat, blood spitting onto my face.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Ashton take out the girl, pushing her off of him and snapping her neck in one swift movement. I'm sorry, but I take back what I said about losing your humanity. It seems that you have to lose some of it in order to survive.
I start after Keegan, who is preparing himself to fight me. However, as I'm about to swing my knife I notice Luke clutching his thigh, blood oozing out over his hand. The gunshot hit him.
My body hits the floor roughly as my vision starts to blur. I lost my focus, allowing the guy to punch me in the cheek. I'm then able to notice Keegan hit Ashton, sending him to the ground as well.
With Luke shot, Michael's dislocated knee, and both me and Ashton on the ground... I don't think we stand a chance.
This is it.
Kiko's Pov:
There is a slight breeze in the air today, along with the scorching hot rays of the sun as I traveled down an overgrown path. Leaves sprinkle the ground along with various dead walkers every now and again, reminding me of the hëll I've found myself in.
I let out a long, strangled breath and force myself to continue, letting go of every thought telling me to just give up. As much as I would love to take the easy way out, I owe it to my family to keep fighting. There's no way that I can let them die without reason.
I'm alive because of them, and they're dead because of me.
Out of the corner of my eye a walker approaches me, its skin looking rather fresh with only one wound present across it's neck. It couldn't have been dead for more than a day, and it also wasn't killed by a walker, but by a human.
It's best to be more careful as I continue.
My body goes stiff as the gunshots echo around me, a few birds flying from their resting places. I look down at the walker I just killed and purse my lips. What if they are the ones that killed her; took her life away.
I know I told myself to only to do things for me and no one else, but how would I be able to live that way? If I want to avenge my family's death I need to do something to make them proud... And maybe taking the bad out of the world would do just that.
Hesitantly, I take off into a jog towards where the sounds came from, not even taking the time to think how I'm going to do this. Who knows, maybe there's some people I can help... Hopefully they don't end up tying me up and taking me hostage like some people in the past.
*cough* Michael *cough* Ashton *cough*
A cabin suddenly appears in the distance, causing me to subconsciously pick up my pace. The more I think about it, the more I regret coming here and putting myself in danger like this. But sometimes you just have to do these things to keep yourself sane.
Muffled noises sound from the inside, inaudible for me to make out as I find a window to look through. My hands grasp onto the wooden windowsill and I pull myself up to peer through its cracked glass.
A shocked gasp escapes my mouth when I see Michael clutching his injured knee. This can't be good. My eyes strain to Ashton in the back corner of the room, and I can just make out that he's being held back an extremely tall girl.
Calum then suddenly goes after one of the men, taking him out with a swift punch to the neck and then moving on to the next. However, a loud gunshot fires in the process, my eyes drifting to Luke who falls to the ground.
My hands fly to my mouth, covering it so that I don't let out a scream. As much as I hate these guys, I know them, and I know that they can also be good people. Therefor, I can't bear to see them like this.
I watch as Ashton takes out the girl by effortlessly snapping her neck, leaving only the bulky man in the back. Calum lunges at him, only to suddenly stop when he catches sight of Luke on the ground.
"CALUM!" I let a muffled scream into my hands as I witness his limp body fall to the ground. The man just punched him!
Is he dead or knocked out?
My last shred of hope disappears when Ashton also follows the same fate. All four of them are in no condition to fight now... They are all injured.
Kiko! Don't just stand there and do something!
Before having time to think, I rush to the front door of the cabin, kicking it open. It slams into the back wall with a loud thud as I pull my fathers gun from its holder. A bow wouldn't be good in this situation since I need to persuade this guy to leave. I don't want to kill him.
"Drop your weapon!" I scream, holding my gun at the man.
He lets out a low chuckle and turns to me, "Now who the fück are you?"
"Does it matter?" I growl, noticing the shocked expressions of both Luke and Michael. Ashton and Calum seem to be knocked out at the moment.
"It kinda does since you just barged in on something a bit important," he says, motioning amusedly to the guys around him, "I'm trying to finish what I started,"
"I won't let you do that," I mutter, shifting my weight from leg to leg.
I narrow my eyes at him, us both giving each other death stares. Only his seems to be a bit more evil, almost like he has no emotion left at all. His humanity has been stripped from him.
"Please, if you leave now, no one has to get hurt!" I persuade, my fingers getting increasingly sweaty.
"I'm afraid it's a bit too late for that..." His grunts, trailing off.
"Just get out of here," Michael grumbles, slowly pulling himself to his feet, "I can handle this,"
"Really?" The man laughs. Without even looking back at him, he throws a knife at Michael, hitting him directly in the shoulder.
"AAHHhhh," Michael grunts loudly, tearing the object from his arm and falling back to the ground, "fück you,"
Suddenly, my gun is knocked from my hands and sent to the ground. Fück. I must've spent too much time focusing on Michael that I didn't notice him getting closer to me.
"Gotchya now," He smirks, only to receive a harsh kick to the nuts by me. When in doubt, kick em wear it counts.
"Only in your dreams you filthy äss wipe," I growl, pinching a nerve on his neck which knocks a person out.
I let out a satisfied sigh, feeling quite content with myself for the time being... That was until I remembered the four injured guys in front of me.
Who do you ship Kiko with?
Calum = Calo
Michael = Miko
Ashton = Kashton
Luke = Liko
Enjoy this extra long chapter (:
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