Part 16.
Virgil's POV
"Roman? Are you okay, where have you been!?! I was worried!" I cried while enveloping him in a hug. "I escaped! I had to come and protect you from them! Deceit and Remus are still under their control, they've got trackers on them and soldiers are coming here! We have to go!" I looked over to Dee, who was shaking his head. "I am under their control, I promise. Don't trust me." I moved away from Roman and stood next to Patton and Logan. "I..... I don't know who to trust," I said, looking to Logan and Patton for help. "Virgil, it's me. You've known me for forever, why would you trust Deceit over me?" I opened my mouth but Logan spoke up, "How did you remove your suppressor? You need a code and only the guards know it." "They removed it when they tried to experiment on me or something, you guys have to believe me! They are the evil ones!" He said, pointing to Remus and Deceit. "This is too confusing, I don't know who's telling the truth!" I cried out while running my hand through my hair.
"Oh for heaven's sake!" Roman suddenly exploded. I flinched back a little as he spread his arms and formed a giant troll behind him. "Since you didn't want to do this the easy way, I guess we're going to do it the hard way," he said menacingly. I heard the click of guns and noticed guards from the facility lined up outside the cave. "Surrender or we will open fire," one of them called. "Roman, what did you do!?! You're on their side?" "Oh, sweet Virgil, I'm on the winning side. You could join me, we could be safe, we could be together again." "These people hurt and control others, I will never willingly go back to them," I yelled at him, hurt and angry. He shook his head and sighed, "I was afraid you would say that. But no matter, you will join us." He then stepped out of the cave and the troll began to advance on us. Logan began to throw rocks at it, Dee used the shadows to try and penetrate its skin, Patton tried to help but couldn't do much, and Remus was just being Remus in the corner. All of our attempts to stop it weren't good enough because it was right in front of us in a matter of seconds. It began to swing its fists around like crazy. Logan got smacked into the wall and Patton ran to his side but was knocked out by a flying rock. Janus was punched and thrown back into the wall. Remus had seemingly disappeared, so it was up to me. I ducked and rolled under the troll and clambered up its back. It tried to knock me off but I held tight to its neck and tried to strangle it into unconsciousness. However, I did not expect it to slam its back into the wall. I let go of it and fell to the ground in a heap. I could hear someone calling me but spots danced in front of my eyes and I lost consciousness.
~Time Skip~
"Yes, I have most of them. Remus got away but do we really need him? Okay, okay! No need to get huffy, I'll find him." I slowly opened my eyes and blinked at the harsh light. I tried to cover my eyes but found that I couldn't move. I looked around and saw that I, along with the others, were tied to trees. Janus was still out cold, Patton looked okay, but Logan looked really out of it. I also saw that we were surrounded by soldiers. Roman was standing a little away from us, with his back turned. "Psst, hello down there, need a hand?" I looked up to see Remus hiding in the leaves. "Remus? How did you get away?" I whispered up, so as to not attract any attention. "The veil, obviously! Would you like to try? It's quite fun!" "No Remus! We need to escape, can you help the others?" He seemed to think for a second, "Yeah I could, but we should probably free Roman first. He could be a problem if we don't." "Wait, he's not in control? Damn, I didn't realize. How did you get Deceit out?"
I listened carefully as Remus explained and then we made a plan. Remus would use the veil to travel around and cut the others free before coming back to send me into the void to save Roman. He disappeared from my tree and I began to watch the others for any sign that he actually did his job right. I saw Patton look up and then his rope went slack. The same went for Deceit, who woke up, and Logan. They stayed where they were, waiting for the signal to move. I heard a rustling above me and looked up to see Remus, "Need a lift?" He then reached down the tree and touched my forehead. I felt a sharp, squeezing sensation go through my body. (It's like Apparition for all my Harry Potter nerds) When I opened my eyes, I saw all hell had broken loose. While the guards had somehow not noticed the others ropes going slack, they definitely noticed me disappearing into thin air. Logan was using his powers to deflect bullets, Deceit was attacking the guards with the shadows, Remus was throwing random stuff at them, and Patton was just running around healing everyone. Roman was causing them a lot of trouble, he had a bunch of creatures running around. But in the veil, he looked similar to the shadow Deceit made of Thomas. A black mist swirled around in his head and his eyes were glowing orange.
I ran over to him and placed my hand on his forehead. I closed my eyes and focused on trying to find him. When I opened my eyes again I was back in the black box. Roman was floating in front of me and he looked miserable. "Roman?" I called out, my voice having a slight echo. He turned and looked at me, "Hello? Who are you? Where are we?" "My name is Virgil. We're in your mind, you're trapped like I was. I'm here to get you out." I said, holding my hand out to him. He hesitated before grabbing onto it, "Okay, let's go." We floated towards the wall. "This is going to be difficult, especially since you don't have any big cracks. Just focus on me, okay?" He looked scared but nodded anyway. I placed my hand on the wall and focused on trying to get back to out. I began to push through, dragging Roman with me. It felt like I was being crushed. "There!" I shouted, pointing to a crack. "You need to go through there! That's the only way back!" He nodded and floated over to the light.
Once he was through, I was thrown out of his head and back into the veil. "Need some help back?" I turned around and saw Remus. I nodded and he pressed his hand to my forehead. I felt the squeezing pressure again and then I was back. I looked around and saw that everything was practically the same as if no time had passed. The only major difference was that Roman's monsters had disappeared and he was passed out on the ground near Logan. "Virgil, you're back!" Patton called and ran up to me. "Yeah, I think it worked. Let's get to cover," I said as we ran over to Deceit and Logan, who were hiding behind some trees. "How's it going, Logan?" "Better now that those gremlins are gone, but Janus lost his powers." "WHAT? How?" "The bullets must be made of the same suppressant metal, he got nicked. I'm almost out of energy, so can you try and level the playing field? OW!" He dropped to the ground and held his now bleeding leg. Once his powers were gone, the number of bullets hitting the trees greatly increased. I tried to use my powers but the back of my hand got shot. I gasped in pain and pulled my hands to my chest. I peeked out from behind the tree, only to see a bullet flying towards me.
Time seemed to slow down as it got closer and closer. 'This is how I die!' was my only thought. I was ready to accept my fate when I heard screaming and was surrounded by blue light. I turned around to see Patton with outstretched hands and a glowing blue mist coming from them. It had formed into a giant shield in front of us! Everyone, including Patton, looked shocked. "I guess my powers can do more than just heal," he chuckled. "Guess so," Roman, who had woken up at some point, replied. "Roman!" I ran over and hugged him. "Are you okay?" "Of course! It'll take more than...........whatever the heck happened, to stop me! Now let's even the odds!" He said as he walked over to Patton and began to create Harpies. They flew over Patton's shield and started to attack the guards. They freaked out and began to shoot at them or ran screaming. We cheered as the last one went running, with a Harpie screaming after him. Patton lowered his shield and went around healing our wounds. "Is it over?" I asked. Roman was about to say something but Remus popped up out of nowhere, "Well the book is almost over, so yes!" "Book? What are you talking about?" He just looked away into the trees like he was in The Office or something. "Don't question him, Virgil, my brother is odd," Roman told me as he sat down next to me. I nodded and smiled, "Well I'm just glad the fight is over." We sat in silence for a moment when Deceit decided to ruin it. "Yes, yes. We lost the battle, but the war is over. We do not have a large problem to deal with."
"Indeed you do have a much bigger problem."
Hey everyone, so remember when I told you that you guys would get a choice? Well here it is. There are two Part 17s, one is a bad ending, one is good. (They are labeled.) You can read one or both, it's up to you. If you do choose to read both, I recommend that you read the bad ending first. Anyway, sorry for keeping you, and welcome to the end.
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