Part 13.
Roman's POV
We decided that instead of following him to the training room and risk getting caught, it would be better for us to try and find his bedroom. We followed the vents back to the bedrooms and then split up to check them and try and figure out which one was his. I made my way down the left vent, checking the grates as I passed. I saw a lot of soldiers rooms and by the........interesting decor, I determined that I had also found Remus'. How he convinced them to let him keep an octopus in there, I don't know. Logan and my vent ended up meeting at some point so we were forced to look together. He told me that he had found one potential room because it was painted all black and that it was larger and nicer than the others but he wasn't sure because there were also a lot of tea cups littered everywhere and Virgil only drinks coffee. As time went on though, we hadn't found Virgil's room or Patton and I was starting to get worried. We checked a few more rooms when Logan heard voices. We followed them to a section we hadn't checked yet. The grate was removed and when we looked down, I saw Patton enveloping Virgil in a hug. Virgil wasn't hugging back but he also wasn't attacking him either. I was about to hop down but Logan stopped me and signaled for me to wait. "Oh Virgil, I've missed you! I know you're still in there, and I'm going to get you out. I just........ don't know how to do that. Well, it doesn't matter because right now, we're busting you out. Logan and Roman are here too. Once we're out of here, we'll get you back to rights." Patton finished and then hugged him tighter. Virgil slowly started to lift his hand and began to wrap it around Patton's back. However, right before the hand made contact, Logan threw his hand towards Virgil's and his hand was thrown to the side. Logan jumped down from the vent and pulled Patton by the back of his shirt away from Virgil. I jumped down too, but couldn't see anything to show why Logan was acting like he was. Patton didn't know why either because he rounded on Logan. "What was that for? I was getting through to him!" "Obviously not, or why would he have tried to poison you?" He then pointed towards the wall that he had thrown Virgil's hand towards and low and behold, a small dart thing was embedded into it. We looked over at Virgil, only to find him inching towards, not the door, but a button on the wall. I jumped forward to try and stop him from pushing it but he saw me coming and lurched backward, right into the button. An alarm began to sound and two guards burst through the door. I quickly knocked out the first one with a swift punch to the jaw but the second one wrapped her arms around the back of my neck. I tried to throw her off me but more guards came spilling into the room. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Logan throwing stuff at them while trying to protect Patton, who was keeping Logan's energy up with his powers. But the room wasn't that big and with the number of soldiers plus us, we quickly became overwhelmed. My vision became blurry from lack of oxygen and the last thing I saw was a fist coming at my face.
~Time Skip~
I woke up in a cell with a dull headache and Patton's hand in my face. He moved it away when he saw that I was awake and leaned back against his cell wall. I sat up and took a look around me. I was in a cell next to Patton, who was across from Logan. He was passed out and had a lot of cuts and bruises on his face. He also had this weird blue glowing piece of metal wrapped around his head. I went to stand up but was stopped by my hands. They were encased in the same glowing metal. The only difference was that mine glowed red and it was chained to the floor. I tried to create a dwarf to chew through the metal but instead of a dwarf I just got an electric shock through my body. Once the pain subsided, I heard Patton calling my name. "I'm.......okay. What was that?" I gasped out, looking over at him. I noticed that he didn't have any of the glowing metal on him. "Logan said they were probably power suppressors, but that he couldn't be sure so he tried to use his powers, which was dumb because I couldn't heal him from here and then he passed out. Then I healed you." I nodded, "Okay, so why don't you have a suppressor?" "Oh, Virgil told them my powers could only heal and that it was useless to waste the suppressors on me. Which I think means he wanted me to be able to heal you guys. Isn't that great?!" I sighed and laid back down on the floor. It's nice to know that Patton is still sweet Patton but at times his optimism can get tiring. (How dare you Roman!!) "I guess we'll just have to wait for someone to come get us," I sighed and sat back up to face him. He nodded and then became excited. "Wanna play Sticks?" I then gave him a 'seriously' look and held up my encased hands. "Oh, right," he chuckled, "Sorry." I sighed, this is going to take awhile.
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