500.1 Thanh Truc
ABANDON: To give up completely - abandoned the sinking ship.
Synonyms: relinquish, forgo, forsake
Bỏ rơi, ruồng bỏ
ABASH: To lose self-confidence; to confuse, put to shame – abashed before the assembled dignitaries.
Làm bối rối, làm lúng túng
Synonyms: fluster, disconcert, discomfit, discompose
Antonym: (adj.) self-possessed
ABDICATE: To give up claim to - abdicated the throne
Từ bỏ (quyền lợi địa vị) thoái ngôi
Synonyms: renounce, abandon, relinquish
ABET: To encourage -or support - treacherously abetted the enemy.
Xúi làm bậy, tiếp tay làm bậy
Synonyms: spur, incite
Antonym: deter
ABRIDGE: To shorten - abridged his lengthy speech.
Làm ngắn, tóm gọn, bớt quyền, lấy, tước.
Synonyms: curtail, diminish, retrench
Anthonyms: protract, elongate, amplify
ABROGATE: To abolish or render void - a treaty abrogated by mutual consent.
Bãi bỏ, hủy bỏ, bài trừ
Synonyms: annul, nullify, rescind, void
ABSTEMIOUS: Moderate in the use of food or drink - abstemious in his habits.
Tiết chế, điều độ, đạm bạc /abstí mi ợt/
Synonym: temperate
ACADEMIC: Pertaining to school; theoretical academic interests; an academic discussion, with no practical implications.
Synonym: scholastic
ACCEDE: To agree to -accede to a request.
Synonym: assent
Antonym: demur
ACCELERATE: - To quicken, speed tip - took an accelerated course in order to graduate early.
Synonym: expedite (adj. expeditious)
Antonym: retard
BANAL: Lacking in freshness, originality, or vigor-bored by his banal remarks.
Sáo rỗng tầm thường vô vị à ~ praise / bờ na l/
Synonyms:commonplace, hackneyed, prosaic, trite, stereotyped, vapid
Antonyms:racy, original, vivid
BANEFUL (noun: BANE: poison; source of harm): Destructive, poisonous - a baneful effect, causing serious injury.
Tai hại, xấu xa
Synonyms: deleterious, pernicious, virulent, noxious, toxic
BANTER: Good-natured teasing or ridicule-The two wits I exchanged banter, to the amusement of the audience.
Sự nói đùa, giễu cợt
Synonyms:raillery, chaff
BATON: A stick or staff - The conductor wielded his baton gracefully.
Dùi cui
BELIE: To give a false idea of - His gracious manner belled his. evil purpose.
Gây một ấn tượng sai lầm à his manners belie his true character /bì lai/
BELLICOSE; Inclined to quarrel; warlike - His bellicose attitude often got John into fights.
Hiếu chiến, thích đánh nhau, hay gây gỗ
Synonyms: pugnacious, contentious, disputatious
Antonyms: pacific, conciliatory
BELLIGERENT: Engaged in war - two belligerent nations warring fiercely.
Tham chiến (a) (n) /bì lí trơ rần/
BENEVOLENT: Kindly; charitable - like a benevolent monarch, bestowing many favors.
Synonyms: benign, benignant, gracious, magnanimous
Antonyms: malevolent, malignant
BEREAVE: To deprive or leave desolate by loss - a widow just bereaved of her husband.
Lấy đi của ai bằng cái chết /bì riv/ be ~d of parents, ~ husband, ~ sb of sb
BESMIRCH: To soil or dirty - besmirched his opponent's good name with vile epithets.
Synonyms: stilly, defile, smirch, bespatter
Bôi bẩn, lem luốc, dèm pha, nói xấu /bì smớch/
CABAL: A small group of persons engaged in plotting - a cabal of prominent persons united to overthrow the government.
Âm mưu (n) (v) bè đảng chính trị (n) /cờ bae l/
Synonyms: junto, faction
CACOPHONOUS: Unharmonious sounding - a cacophonous blare of trumpets, noisy and discordant.
Nghe chói tai /kaè có fơ nợts/
Synonyms: dissonant, discordant, blatant, strident, raucous Antonyms: mellifluous, euphonious, dulcet
CADAVEROUS: Corpselike; hence, haggard, pale -His face appeared cadaverous from long imprisonment.
Tái nhợt, trông như xác chết /cờ đé vơ rợts/
Synonyms: ghastly, gaunt, pallid (noun: pallor), wan, ashen
Antonyms: rubicund, florid
CALLOUS: Unfeeling or insensitive - made callous by long suffering.
Thành chai (chân tay), nhẫn tâm /ké lợts/
Synonyms: insensible, obdurate
CALUMNIATE: To accuse falsely or maliciously in order to injure another's reputation; slander - calumniated his political opponent by spreading false rumors.
Nói xấu vu khống /cờ lum mi nâyt/
Synonyms: asperse, vilify, defame, scandalize
CANDID (noun: CANDOR): Frank, outspoken; impartial a candid reply that could hardly be more forthright.
Thật thà ngay thẳng trung thực
Synonyms: artless, ingenuous, unbiased
Antonyms: guileful, evasive
CANTANKEROUS: Ill-natured; quarrelsome – showed a cantankerous and sullen disposition.
Khó tính hay gắt gỏng /kèn tén kơ rợts/
Synonyms:petulant, peevish, contentious, pugnacious, testy, choleric, fretful
Antonyms:amiable, affable, equable
CAPRICIOUS: Inclined, through some whim or fancy change the mind, purpose, or actions suddenly - a capricious person, undependable in mood or temper.
Thất thường, đồng bong /kờ pri sợts/
Synonyms:fickle, fitful, changeable, erratic, inconstant, crotchety, whimsical, mercurial
Antonyms:steadfast, constant, even-tempered
CAPTIOUS: Quick to find fault about trifles /trai fồ/ chuyện lặt vặt - a captious critic pouncing on slight laws.
Xảo trá, ngụy biện /kép sợts/
Synonyms:hypercritical, carping, carviling, censorious
CARICATURE: A picture or other description of a person which exaggerates ludicrously one or more of his distinctive features - not a realistic portrait but a malicious caricature.
Tranh biếm họa /ké ri cờ triu ồ/
DEARTH: Scarcity - a dearth of news, brought about by censorship.
Sự thiếu, khan hiếm /đớ th/
Antonyms: plethora, abundance
DEFERENCE: Submitting to the wishes or judgment of another - yielded out of deference to the old man.
Sự chiều ý, tôn trọng /đé fơ rầns/
Synonyms: respect, complaisance, veneration
Antonym: recalcitrance
DEITY: A god -The sun was a deity to ancient peoples.
Vị thần
Synonym: divinity
DELECTABLE: Very pleasing - a delectable meal, tastefully prepared.
Ngon lành thú vị khoái trá /đì léc tơ bồ/
DELETE: To erase or cancel, take out or remove - deletedan offensive phrase.
Synonyms: expunge, censor, efface, eradicate
DELINEATE: To sketch or portray - striking features, delineated by a master artist.
Vạch ra, mô tả, phác họa /đì lí ni âyt/
DELINQUENT (noun): An offender - found to be a delinquent by the court.
- Có tội
- Chểnh mảng nhiệm vụ
- Không trả đúng kì hạn (~ taxes)
(adj.): Failing to fulfill an obligation - too many people who are delinquent in meeting their civic duties.
Synonym: derelict
DELUGE: A great flood; downpour - a spring deluge which caused the river to overflow.
Trận đại hồng thủy /đé lìuge/
DEMAGOGUE: A leader who tries to stir the passions of people for his own purposes - the mob roused by an unprincipled demagogue.
Kẻ mị dân /đé mơ gạc/
DEMEANOR: Behavior; bearing - carrying himself with a proud demeanor.
Synonyms: deportment, mien
Thái độ, cách hành xử /Đì mi nờ/
ECCLESIASTIC (adj.): Pertaining to the clergy or the church - recognized as an authority in ecclesiastic matters. Antonyms: secular, lay
Thuộc giáo hội (a), giáo sĩ (n) /ịg cli zi ats tịc/
(noun): A clergyman - an ecclesiastic of liberal views.
EDICT: A public command or proclamation issued by an authority - proclaimed by royal edict.
Chỉ dụ, sắc lệnh /í dịct/
Synonym: decree
EDIFY: To instruct or uplift, particularly in morals or religion - a story that edifiesthe reader, as well as entertains him
Khai trí, soi sang /é đi fai/
EFFETE: No longer productive; hence, lacking in or, worn out - powerful in ancient days, now an effete civilization.
Kiệt sức, mòn mỏi, hết thời / ì fít/
EGOTISTIC: Conceited - an egotisticperson, flourishing on praise.
Thuyết ta là nhất, tự cao tự đại, ích kỉ
Synonyms: egocentric, vain
Antonym: altruistic
EGREGIOUS: Outstandingly bad an egregiousmistake with serious implications.
Quá tệ , quá xá /ì grí tri ợts/
EJACULATE: To exclaim or utter suddenly - ejaculateda cry of horror.
Thốt lên, xuất tinh /ì traé kiu lâyt/
ELICIT: To draw out - elicitedno response from the audience.
Khơi ra, gợi ra, moi
Synonyms: evoke, extract, extort
ELUCIDATE: To make clear; to explain - elucidatedhis theory so that even a schoolboy could understand it.
Làm sang tỏ, giải thích /ì lu ci đâyt/
Synonym: clarify
EMISSARY: A person sent on an errand or mission - delegated his emissary to conclude a pact.
Phái viên sứ thần /é mi sờ rì/
FACADE: Front or face, especially of a building - a facade of marble.
Mặt chính mặt tiền, bề ngoài vẻ ngoài /fờ sa/
FACETIOUS: Given to joking or inappropriate gaiety; said in fun - brightened the evening with his facetious remarks.
Hay khôi hài /fờ xí sợts/
Synonyms: jocose, droll, flippant, frivolous
Antonyms: solemn, grave, saturnine
FALLACIOUS (noun: FALLACY): Unsound; misleading; deceptive - led astray by fallacious reasoning and plans.
Sai lầm lầm lạc /fờ lây sợts/
FALLIBLE: Liable to make mistakes or be deceived - Being human, Tom was naturally fallible.
Có thể sai lầm có thể là sai /fé lờ bồ/
Antonyms: infallible, unerring
FATHOM: To penetrate and understand - difficult to fathom his mysterious actions.
Sải (bơi) (n)
Thăm dò (v)
/fé đờm/
FATUOUS: Foolish; silly - a fatuous suggestion that struck us as stupid.
Ngu ngốc đần độn /fé tiu ợts/
Synonyms: inane, vacuous, puerile
Antonyms: judicious, sagacious, sage
FEALTY: Faithfulness - The soldiers were pledged to fealty to their ruler.
Sự trung thành /fí ơ tì/
Synonyms: allegiance, constancy, fidelity
Antonyms: disloyalty; infidelity, treachery
FEASIBLE: Workable - a feasible plan, proved practical by - previous experience.
Doable /fí zơ bồ/
Antonym: impracticable
FEIGN (noun: FEINT): To pretend - He feigned to be angry, but we saw through his pretense.
Giả đò giả vờ /fein/
to feign illness/madness/ignorance/innocence
Synonyms: dissemble, sham, dissimulate, affect
Hạnh phúc lớn, sự diễn đạt thích hợp, ăn nói đúng nơi đúng lúc.
(1) A state of happiness - promoted felicity in the nation.
Synonym: bliss
(2) A high ability - lie has a felicity of language, mastery of the well-chosen phrase.
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