Brambleclaw: *asks Yellowfang random questions* Yellowfang.. Why didn't you do your homework?
Yellowfang: I don't have a homework...
Ashfur: Yes, you do! Look at your list. There is so many homework you've haven't done, yet!
Yellowfang: Since when did it get --- *gets interrupted*
Firestar: *looks disappointed* You leave me no choice. I have to give you ten more homework.
Yellowfang: YOU PLANNED THIS.. YOU... YOU... MAGGOTS! GET OUT OF MY DEN AND NEVER EVER LET ME SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN. *shuts the mysterious-magical-door and Team F.A.B was out of Yellowfang's den*
Firestar: Cinderpaw's homework is currently for Yellowfang. Ashfur, ask some of the warriors to guard this den. Brambleclaw, ask the clan to be silent. Go. :3
Ashfur: You gotte thattho Fire! ;) *winks eye and lashes popped out of nowhere from Ashfur's eyes though cats don't have lashes*
Brambleclaw: Better than looking at Tigerstarclaw's fats- :D *to himself* 'Cause my dad is a fox-dung.
Brambleclaw: Nu. :)
I planned this before not being that active. Enjoy! ~ Legit
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