Chapter 2: Phi Phi's Point of View
I wake up with a start to a loud chirp. Reaching blindly for my phone on my nightstand, I see that it was Aaron who texted me
S: Good morning my love
P: It's 6 in the morning! Why are you awake??
S: I couldn't wait. I want to talk to you about something
P: Hmmm?
S: Ok, this is gonna sound stupid, but I'm worried about the crowning
P: What about it baby??
S: I just.. I don't want this crowning to ruin our relationship. I have been so happy the past few months, and I can't imagine it ending just because one of us wins, or loses.
P: I have an idea
S: ...?
P: Let's make a pact- Whatever happens, we are not gonna let this get between us. I love you Aaron and I don't want you to worry.
S: ok...
P: You know what? I'm gonna come over in a few hours when I'm done shopping babe
S: You really don't have to come over....
P: Nah it's fine baby see you later
Oh crap. Something's wrong. There's no time for me to finish shopping. I sprint to the checkout line, purchasing the two formal gowns that I need for the competition. The wheels are turning in my mind. Dang it, why did I not think of this earlier!! I should have known that something wasn't right... I sprint out the door, grabbing my key. At this point, I don't care about anything other than Aaron. By the time I get upstairs, my side hurts from running. I burst into Aaron's room, the air thick with the smell of nicotine. Oh shoot Oh shoot Oh SHOOT. Running into her bathroom, I turn to find exactly what I expected. Aaron is passed out on the floor, 8 empty cans of beer littering the floor around her. Cigarette buds litter the floor around my boyfriend, his mascara a mass of black around his eyes. "Aaron. Aaron. AARON!" At this point I'm frantically shaking him, and splashing him with water. Oh God this can't be happening. My boyfriend has not done this in months. I fall to the ground in defeat. He's gone, he has to be gone. In that moment nothing else mattered to me, other than the love of my life limp on the floor, dead in my arms. I throw my arms around him, kissing his cold lips, barely noticing the strong scent of alcohol that was enveloping the two of us. I can't believe this is happening. "Help, somebody help!" I yell, tears flooding down my face, but no one hears me. I lift Aaron's hair off of his eyes, and kiss him gently, before setting him down and collapsing on the floor. This is all my fault!
Sorry for the cliffhanger guys! I just wanted to see if anyone was actually reading this! I will post the next update when I get to 10 votes!
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