Phi Phi and Sharon finally arrived at Sharon's dorm room. Phi Phi wasn't surprised at what she saw; the walls and ceiling were lined with plastic Party City bags and an array of posters.
"I would've never assumed that you were a fan of Bela Lugosi," Phi Phi teased. She knew Dracula was Sharon's favorite movie of all time, right behind Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the Scream series.
"Wanna watch it?" Sharon suggested as a warm smile was slathered onto her face. Phi Phi was taken aback.
"Uh, sure."
Jaremi awoke from his nap, her head in Aaron's lap. The television screen was a mess of static. Sharon was scrolling through Instagram. I guess he didn't want to wake me, Phi Phi thought to herself. A fuzzy feeling spread through her body, from her toes to the very tip of her spinal cord.
"Well, good evening beautiful." Phi2 jumped as her to focus moved to Sharon. His wonderful green eyes were gazing into Jaremi's soul. Phi blushed. "Good, I guess," she hid her face in Aaron's fuschia-plaid flannel. This flannel had sentimental value to the tired showgirl. She wore it constantly, whether in the werkroom or in bed. It smelled like stale Marlboros and cheap Axe body spray. This was comforting because it reminded her of the dive bars she performed at every night.
"Are you okay?" The Amanda Lenore wannabe questioned with concern. Angru Orange Monster was snapped out of her daydream. "Yes, dear. I'm just tired."
The spooky blonde wasn't convinced. " can talk to me about anything. What's wrong?"
Phi knew this. She trusted Amanda with everything she held near and dear. She wasn't afraid of telling her. She was just afraid of the reaction. Phi2 looked up. "Actually, I do have something on my mind."
"Tell me."
Phi Phi winced. "Well, I-"
"You're pregnant?"
"What?? N-no, hun. I-"
"Spit it out, you Oompa Loompa!"
"I want to take our relationship to the next level."
Low-rent version of Courtney Act became quiet. She glanced downwards. "But...I don't have any money!" Her voice cracked as tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision and causing her white contacts to fall to the semen-crusted carpet.
Phi seemed confused. "Baby. What are you talking about?"
Sharon sniffled. "I can't just shell out thousands of dollars for a wedding ring and an expensive ceremony. And I'm afraid that my financial hardships will ultimately drive you away..." The 412/724 Whore's voice trailed off as she began to sob.
Willy Wonka's transgender henchwoman reached out and wrapped her arms around the Pittsburgh slut. "Sugar sugar honey bee, look at me. Listen; I don't care how much money you have. You know I've never cared about material possessions! All I care about is you. Besides, that wasn't what I meant."
Sharon's eyes gleamed. "I know, babe. That's why I love you. But what did you mean when you said you wanted to take it to the next level?"
"Come with me."
Amanda had no time to react before Germy took hold of his arm and pulled him to the kitchen. "Sooo...why are we in here?" Ellen Degeneres goes Super Saiyan asked. Without replying, Phi2 pushed a hidden panel on the left side of the refrigerator. The appliance grumbled as the adjacent wall separated into four sections and mechanically collapsed in on itself. As if by magic, the fridge ambulated into the open space and disappeared. Jaremi stepped into the murky abyss and became obscured by the dark. Sharon was bamboozled, but followed without question.
The two walked in silence for what seemed like eternity. A single dim light illuminated the stretching corridor. Finally, they arrived to a keypad. Aaron watched Jaremi punch in the code. It was his birthdate: 6/6/6. A steel door creaked as it unlocked. What Amanda Lepore Bynes saw next will shock you.
Hey! If you're reading this, then you have Officially finished reading Chapter 2! I finally finished it lol. I hope you're enjoying this story so far because it's about to take a T-U-R-N. Stay tuned!!! 🌀🍉🌀
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