Gold and Greed
Jess woke up to loud banging. "Adam!" She wisphered yelled. Be sat up, she put a hand to her hear telling him to listen. He heard it and looked at her. "Adam I think ypu got ash on your nose from the furnace" she said, he rubbed his nose but it didn't come off. "Let me get it" she said but it stayed. "Adam what is on your face?" Jin asked sitting up. "I don't know but it won't come off.
The loud banging came back, Jess stood up, she was the only one short enough to just crouch kind of stand in the vent. She felt something heavy in her pocket. She pulled out a flash light, A.D. engraved on the side. "Who's A.D?" She asked, they shrugged. Something wrapped around her ankle and pulled her, she dropped the flash light.
Ross grabbed Jess but she was ripped from his grasp, Adam sprinted the direction but it was all darkness. Ross groaned in pain. "Jess has really long nails damn" he said, Adam looked at him. "Jess bites her nails" Adam said, Jin nodded. "He's right" Jin said. "Help!!!" They heard, they climbed through the vents in different directions as quickly as they could.
"Jess!" Barney said, she was crying in the corner. "I founds hers" he yelled, the guys came to where they were. Adam put a hand out, she grabbed it carefully and looked up at him. Her cheeks were bright red and but the rest of her face was pale as a ghost. "Guys she looks like..." He started. "What?" She asked. "Marinette" he finished, her purple hair, red cheeks and pale face.
"No no no I cant" she said. She knew soon she would be greed but not yet. "Adam your sweating" Jin said, Adam looked at him confused. "It's hot in here" he replied. "I know but your sweating gold" Ross added. "Gold?".....
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