The first night
Russia pov
"Ahh, why do you always win?" America said as I giggled. We had been playing for about 2 hours, then it was arrived the message of the teacher who ordered us to go back to our rooms, she would have passed in five minutes to check. Just then Latvia came back into the room. "Oh, you two stayed here, alone~". "Latvia, if I catch you I'll slam your head near the table." He swallowed, took his pajamas and went to the bathroom. I didn't know how to bully but for sure I knew how to scare someone. "Em ... Russia". I turned to look at America. "Could you turn around while I wear my pajamas? ...". I blushed and nodded. While I was around I had a strong desire to see America, I didn't think I was a pervert. But the desire to see him was too much so I turned to look at him, I had never done it. He only had his boxers and I could see his chest, his build looked almost like a girl's, and his legs so slender. I must have blushed so much that most likely you could no longer see the blue color of my flag, I felt my pants tighten in "that part of my body". I looked down and with horror I saw that my ... was hard and I became all red with shame. "Russia, you can turn around." I didn't want him to see my "erection" and I only hoped that Latvia would move out of the bathroom. Just at that moment I heard the door open and without even giving him time to go out, I rushed into the bathroom throwing it through the air. I locked the door and started looking at my little friend. I had a problem.
Vietnam pov
I had been in China room all the time. All the members of his room had left, so China and I had been left alone. I liked it better when we were alone, we could talk about what we wanted, do nonsense jokes that only we could understand. We wanted to watch a movie so we turned on the TV and ran through the channels. Eventually we decided to watch (insert the name of a movie at random) and lay down on the bed. We had a pillow behind our back so our bodies were very close, but they were not touching. During one of the most romantic scenes of the movie China put an arm around my neck and pushed me close to him so that I had my head on his chest. I blushed but did not oppose myself and actually curled up on his chest. We had the TV volume too high and we didn't hear the professor's notification. While I was about to fall asleep in the arms of China, I jumped because Canada had rushed into the room. He turned to China to talk to him but when he saw our position he mutinied. I blushed and tried to get out of the China squeeze and he reluctantly let me go. "Canada, why did you run so fast?" Canada, instead of answering, merely asked another question but threateningly: "What is he doing here?" China put his arm in front of me as if to defend myself. "Why, can't he stay?" Canada seemed increasingly threatening. "Being gay is wrong and I don't want to see gays in my room." I swallowed, it was I who had to frighten him, not he at me. "B-but we are not t-together". "Don't tell lies, you were cuddling, you are together." China stood in front of me like a shield. "Why, you have some prob-" "I was cold ...". It was the only excuse that came to my mind. In the end it was the truth, China and I were not together, we were just very close friends even though I was more and more convinced that i liked him more than a friend. China looked at me with a little sadness in my eyes. "Bah, however, the professor said that everyone has to go back to their room, so get out of this room." I nodded and greeted China, who meanwhile looked at me with more and more sadness. Leaving their room I ran towards mine, i hope that the teacher has not checked yet.
Canada pov
Who do they think they are? First they bully my brother and then I find out they are gay. This is not good. "Canada, what's wrong with you? Why do you say being gay is wrong?" I looked at him with a look of death. "Nature has established that a couple is made up of a male and a female. One formed by two males or two females is wrong." China got out of bed and replied, I fucking hate him.
"Just because two males or two females can't generate a baby doesn't mean they're wrong, you just base yourself on this and then-". I could not stand it and at some point I could no longer contain myself. I threw myself on him and punched him so hard that he fell to the ground. He looked at me stunned as he rubbed his struck cheek. I took him by the neck and raised him to look at him better.
"If i see you two together in this room, I will not hesitate to severely beat you both, I explained to myself?" He nodded and I punched him in the stomach. He fell to the ground holding his stomach and trying to breathe while I took my pajamas. Germany, Portugal and South Korea also entered, and as soon as they saw China on the ground, they remained still. Germany immediately ran close to China trying to help him get up. China managed to breathe regularly. "Why it makes you angry that Vietnam and I could be gay and not the fact that we are hurting America." I turned to him and looked at him "Because America is nothing for me" and having said that I went to the bathroom to change.
Germany pov
"WHAT ?! You and Vietnam are gay ?!". China looked a little scared but then calm down. He explained everything to me. "Vietnam and I are not together but ...". I smiled at him and patted him on the back. "Hey, it's okay, nothing's going to change." He looked at me in shock, then smiled at me. I smiled in turn, one of the rare smiles I did with people who were not Poland, sometimes I could feel some emotion.
Poland pov
"Don't worry, everything will be fine". Greece continued to cry tirelessly with her head on the pillow. She had returned to our room with eyes ready to bring down a river of tears, she trembled and seemed almost scared. I approached her and asked her what had happened, but she burst into tears and dived into bed continuing to cry. I approached her and stroked her back. "Hey calm, what happened?" She sat down and wiped her tears. "S-Spain has made a-a hickey to ... Italy ... he stole him from me ...". I looked at her appalled. "So Italy betrayed you? ...". She still wiped the tears that never stopped forming in her eyes.
"No ... Spain threatened him ... he told him that if he saw him with me ... he would kill me and rape Italy for punishment." I put a hand on her shoulder to reassure her.
"Maybe Germany could do something."
Greece pov
"Maybe Germany could do something." Of course, we ask the only person who beats me and insults me, intelligent Pol-. I immediately remembered that she didn't know anything, Germany had forbidden us to talk and I was afraid so I didn't tell her anything. Fortunately I had not told her what I had thought. Anyway, it was time to tell her. "Listen, Poland ... there's something I have to tell you ...". She looked at me curiously. "Germany ...-". I light lit up on my head, instead of telling her, I would have shown it to her. I wanted revenge on Germany and this was the best way. When Poland sees how Germany really is, she will surely leave him and Germany will finally have a lesson. "What did you want to tell me about Germany?" "Er ... that he loves you so much". Her cheeks turned bright red. " I KNEW IT!" she screamed, starting to jump up and down the room. I was a little sorry to make them split up, but this is the only way to get Germany back to what it was before, he needed a lesson.
Vietnam pov
I was in the corridor and in front of me there was my room, i only hope that the prof has not already checked. I ran to the room and knocked on the door, but turning my head, I saw the teacher approaching. His head was bent over the phone so he didn't see me but I started to tremble with fear. The door unlocked and I opened it full force with a kick, ran inside and quickly closed it. I heard the teacher's footsteps getting closer but always with the same trend as before. I breathed a sigh of relief and slumped against the door. I looked up and realized that everyone in the room was shocked. Russia and America were already on the bed in their pajamas and Latvia was on the window sill with the phone. "Are you crazy Vietnam ?!" said America turning to me. I snorted "They're not yours business" "Why are you late?" I grew impatient, i ran to his bed and raised my fist to hit him. The blow was strong and fast, America closed his eyes ready to receive it but someone grabbed my arm.
Russia pov
I grabbed Vietnam's arm and raised it up. He looked at me in terror as I watched him angrily. I threw him making him fall to the ground with a thud and pushed America under me to protect him. "RUSSIA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ?!". I glowered at him. "I don't want to be a bully anymore, it was the stupidest choice of my life. Just know that if you approach to my brothers or to America I won't hesitate to rip your head off your neck, you understand me? ". Vietnam was shaking on the floor, I just hoped he understood my threats. Vietnam got up, took his pajamas and ran to the bathroom slamming the door. I sighed, if they start to be more friendly, it could end all this little theater. I felt something twist on my torso, I lowered my head and found America clinging with his legs and arms around my torso while rubbing his head on my chest.
"Thanks Rus". I sat down and hugged him. "Nothing." He looked at me and smiled at me, got off my torso and stared at me with that smile that always made me blush. "Come on, let's get under the covers." I nodded and we both lay down under the covers. We were far away from each other but as I was falling asleep America leaned his head on my chest. "I'm cold," he said, hugging me. I sighed and hugged him, he was cold, i couldn't I let him freeze. I didn't notice that I was blushing and when I did it I tried not to be noticed by America but he was already traveling in the world of dreams. I turned to see where Latvia was and luckily he was sleeping. I crouched close to America and let sleep take me in his arms.
Latvia pov
What the hell just happened?! So Russia was no longer a bully, oh well, anyway it didn't bother me so I didn't care. I was more interested in them sleeping together, hugging each other, so close ... TOO MUCH CUTE!!. As I scoffed at the ship the bathroom door opened and Vietnam came out. As soon as he saw America and Russia sleeping, hugging each other, he stopped, then climbed onto the bed, got under the covers, and then I heard nothing, but I doubt that he had fallen asleep. I rested my head on the pillow and waited for sleep to drag me too into the magical land of dreams.
Hey, I'm sorry if it took me so long but I had so much to do and little time to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry again for publishing so late.
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