Monday: first day of the week
Russia pov
I woke up thanks to the damn alarm that Belarus had given me so that I wouldn't go to school later, even though I would have preferred not to go there. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to find my brothers and my father having breakfast and, speaking of my father, it seemed that from a year he had changed, before he was always drunk and sometimes he became aggressive and yelled at us though he had never raised his hands on us. He seemed to have changed since he started walking very often and I thought he did it for not drinking, then I found out he was go out with Third Reich, the father of Germany. I knew that he was a very evil man, that he had killed millions of innocent people, and my father said he hated him more than anyone but now they seemed to have become friends. Personally I didn't like Third Reich because I thought he would betray my father as he did during the Second World War, but honestly I liked my father better when he played with us and asked us how the day went.
"Hey Russia, come to have breakfast, "said Ukraine, waving to me. I went to the table and started eating the biscuits.
"Do you want a cup of milk Russia?" my father asked. "No thanks," I said as I continued to eat biscuits. I got up and ran to my room to go and prepare for school.
When I went downstairs where my brothers were saying goodbye to Dad so I went too and did the same. "I recommend you do the good ones," Father shouted at us as we walked away from the house. We walked for about ten minutes until we arrived at school. As soon as we entered Ukraine and Belarus went to look for their friends while I went to my "friends".
At school there were many groups and unfortunately I had entered the worst, I was part of the bullies and our aim was to bully and beat the losers or the popular ones. Everyone was afraid of us and I was the boss, even though I never wanted to be part of this group. It all happened the first day of high school
I was walking through the corridors of the school and nobody was there because I was late for my first day of school. I was looking for my class when I ran into two guys who were beating up another boy. The first two were all red, but one had only one large yellow star in the center, while the other had four small and one larger star on its side. The one on the ground they were hitting had 13 alternating red and white stripes and had a blue square with fifty stars on one side of the face. It was really cute... that is, not in that sense... cute in the sense of er ... ok it was cute. I approached them to stop them and they didn't even notice that I was there so I touched a shoulder of one of them.
" What are you doing?!" I told they, trying not to let feel my fear in my voice. "Hey you, leave or we'll-" as soon as they saw me, they shut up and started looking at my hat and then they started talking to each other. I signaled to the little boy sitting on the ground to leave, he stood looking at me for a while until he came to his senses and ran away. One of the two boys started to chase him but the other stopped him
"Don't worry, we'll take him later, now..." he said turning to me. "You're the new one, aren't you?" "Y-yes I am" I said a little hesitantly. "You and I are in class together," said the boy with the star in the center of the face. "I am Vietnam and he is China, and you are?" "My name is Russia." They started looking at my hat again. "You look a lot like USSR, aren't you related to him?" "Yes, I'm his son," I said and to my reply they reacted in a strange way, looked at each other, took me for the sleeves of my sweatshirt and took me to a part of the school that seemed to have been abandoned by everyone.
"Excuse me, but I should go to class," I said as they dragged me in. "Who cares about the lessons, we will enter the second hour, now we want to introduce you to the rest of the gang," they said before pushing me into a classroom not too big and with others five guys inside. They began to look at me shocked until they saw the hat on my head.
"Guys he is Russia, the son of USSR" said China entering the room. Everyone started looking at me with an open mouth. "Excuse me, but why is my father so famous?" I asked China and he looked at me in shock. "Your father is very strong and that's why we hope you are too. They are Turkey, Brazil, Norway, Spain and Germany and together we form the bully group, we are the strongest and most feared. Of all the school, no one stands against us. We make fun and beat up the unlucky or popular kids because they are a nuisance, so do you join us?" Vietnam said after explaining everything they were doing. I personally didn't want to be a bully and their reasons for making fun of someone were senseless, but I was afraid that they would beat me if I hadn't joined their group so I accepted. "Fantastic, with you on our side everyone will fear us even more "Norway said and I noticed that she was the only girl in the group. However, I wanted to make sure my brothers were safe. "But you have to promise me that you won't touch my brothers, ok?" I said, addressing all of them. "But it is natural, we will never touch the sons of the USSR," said Turkey.
Suddenly the first hour's bell rang and we started heading towards our classrooms. I found out that I was in class with Vietnam, Norway and Brazil and then we headed together in class. As soon as we entered, we realized that the second-hour prof had not yet arrived, so I began to look for a place to sit. There was the same little boy as before, the one I had beckoned to leave and that I thought was cute and actually looking at him he was really cute. I noticed that next to him there was a place and I would have liked to sit next to him but I was afraid of what Vietnam, Norway and Brazil had thought, then someone called me and turning around I saw Ukraine that seemed very angry. "Russia but where were you finished !? "" I got lost and I met the bullies of this school and well, they let me into their group, "I said ironically. She gaped at me but then the teacher entered the classroom.
"We'll talk later," said Ukraine, looking at the professor who was putting her bag on the desk. I went to sit next to that boy because it was the only free place and look how lucky, it was just between Brazil and Vietnam, which were in single places. They looked at me for a moment before looking back at the teacher who started talking. The boy suddenly put his hand on mine and I blushed slightly, "Hey thanks for distracting them, you know I'm one of the most popular guys here and that's why the bullies hate me," that boy smiled at me. He also had sunglasses in class, who knows why.
"Don't thank me, now I'm part of them," I said sadly, looking down.
He stroked the back of my hand, "Look I know you are on their side, don't worry, nobody can stand against them, anyway, what's your name?" I hesitated a little, his caresses were really soft and sweet. "M-my name is R-Russia," I said looking at his face as I blushed a little. He gave me a big smile, "Nice to meet you, I'm America."
———————— end flashbacks ———————
I was still sitting next to America from the first day of high school and now we were in mid-April, every time I was so ashamed. After two months my "friends" asked me to become their leader. It was strange, every bully had his victim: Spain and Germany had Greece and Italy, Turkey made fun of everyone like Brazil, Norway had Estonia and Latvia, I only had America and China and Vietnam had America, Japan, South Korea and Malaysia. I was always with those two and I could prevent them from hitting America, I didn't even look like a bully, I didn't even know how to offend anyone. I am ashamed, however, when America speaks to me as if nothing had happened, as if I were his best friend. Maybe he did it to make me feel a little better as I was always a little sad about my lifestyle choices. I entered the classroom and sat in my usual place near America and he, as usual, seemed too happy to see me. "Russia hello how are you?" screamed America, placing a hand on my shoulder. His voice was a bit boring, but I liked when he talk to me. I liked America so much but I'm sure he hated me for what I did to him. "I'm fine, thanks America."
America pov
"I'm fine, thanks America," Russia replied, very sad. He believes that I do not know that he would never have wanted to join the bully group, he believes that I hate him but it is not so, how could I hate him if I like him so much. I would like to know him better but he doesn't want to talk to me too much, maybe he's afraid of bullies but I'm so sorry for him.
I know he doesn't want to hurt me because since he's there the bullies don't beat me anymore, they don't make fun of me anymore, I'm a fairy tale.
Time skip to the end of school
Russia pov
I was waiting for Belarus and Ukraine that were coming towards me with Australia and Canada, the brothers of America and behind it there was also America that was talking with Italy, Greece, Japan and South Korea. As soon as they arrived near me, Ukraine and Belarus took a moment to say goodbye to Australia and Canada while all the friends of America greeted him and walked past me giving me dirty looks. Italy and Greece went to one side while Japan and South Korea went to the opposite side holding hands. I was jealous of Japan, too close to America but then I discovered that she and South Korea were dating. I found out when one day in December, after class, I saw Vietnam kicking Japan and shouting that South Korea would not come to stop him, after saying that sentence, South Korea came and kicked him to the ground, took Japan in his arms and escaped to the exit. It hurt me when I saw how much pain the bullies caused and it was bad when people looked at me angry and disgusted, but they were right, I was a stupid and I deserve not to have friends. The only ones who talked to me , other than the bullies, were Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and America, let's say that my brothers don't count then only America. "Ok see you tomorrow," said America and his brothers to my brothers before leaving on their way, but America turned to me and smiled at me waving his hand, I blushed a little and smiled back at him in turn. Canada, however, seeing that America was greeting me took him by the hand and dragged him away and from his angry expression I realized that he didn't like America to greet me. I sighed and walked home.
When I got home my brothers and I were greeted by the smell of the food that my father was cooking, we sat down and we began to eat. When I had finished I went to my room, did my homework, and I lay down on the bed, and after about five minutes I fell asleep.
Canada pov
As I walked home I realized that America was not with me and turning around I saw him say goodbye to that bastard, my brother was just stupid, you between all the people to whom you can show affection, you go to greet the only one who makes your life a hell. Honestly, the USSR family was nice, I was really happy with Ukraine and Kazakhstan but I didn't like Russia at all and I didn't even like my brother trying to make friends with him. I took America and dragged him away until we came to our garden and while Australia came into the house I took America aside to talk to him. Our father had forbidden any contact with the family of "communists" as he called it, if he had heard me talk about them we would have ended up in serious trouble. "Why America continues to want to become friends with Russia, he doesn't want to be your friend "For all the answer he shrugged and went into the house, I sighed and followed him.
America pov
Entering the house I felt an inviting smell but I could not eat too much of that food, I was fat and from the beginning of the year that everyone told me that, even my father, then I started not eating to lose weight and I don't know if I did well. I ate just two or three meatballs and then I went to my room to do my homework. Then I started playing with the phone.
I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and I hope I have corrected all grammar error.
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