Just like my drawing...
Sorry for the long absence but as I said I do not write if I have no motivation, because I want the chapters to come out well.
Third person pov
Each country was at the entrance waiting for the teacher and any countries that were still preparing. Everyone was wearing clothing to go for walks, sneakers or boots, a t-shirt and shorts. America and Russia were talking about their favorite songs, but Russia was not very attentive to the speech, he had decided to confess himself to America. He had thought that if he found a good place in the woods, like in movies or books with princes and princesses, it might be a romantic enough place t confess himself. He couldn't wait to tell him to get that boulder out of his stomach. "Ok guys in line and let's go out" said the teacher running in front of all the countries and settling down. The boys were ready to go when they heard a voice from the back of the group: "Stop, China is missing!".
Vietnam pov
I stayed the whole time watching others talk and have fun, the only people I interacted with were Russia and China, and since the first was talking to his boyfriend and the second had not arrived yet, I stood aside staring at the others. Who knows how long it would have taken to heal the wounds caused by our behavior, obviously some apology and a few smiles would not have been enough, time would have to pass. When the teacher told everyone to leave, obviously I pointed out to everyone that China was missing and not only him, even Canada and South Korea. Everyone turned to look at me and I blushed with embarrassment. "Oh, I didn't realize that someone was missing, anyway now be nice while I'm going to call them" and having said that she walked towards the part of the hotel where there were the rooms. I was not convinced by this matter, I had seen Canada approach China this morning for breakfast and say something to him with a grin on his face. China had nodded with a look of terror in the eyes, what if Canada and South Korea had hurt him ?. My thoughts were interrupted by a very boring little voice that was close to me. "You always think only of China, won't you be gay ?! Hahaha". "Shut up America" I said turning all red, then I grinned. "You, don't you think about Russia 24 hours a day? ". This time it was his turn to blush and look down while Russia looked at him laughing, who knows what his father would have thought if he had seen him with America, most likely he would have punished him for life. "Ok guys we're ready" shouted the teacher while she was returning followed by the missing countries. I looked at China and saw the fear in his eyes, which passed as soon as he met my gaze, all the fear disappeared and he smiled at me as he ran towards me. I tried to hide my red cheeks with the sleeves of my sweatshirt and I heard America behind me making an "AWWW" type verse. And I became even more red and irritated than before.
Third person pov
"So listen to me carefully, the area that you can explore will be surrounded by a rope suspended between the trees, do not go beyond it or you will find certain death, also keep your cell phones at hand because I could send you an urgent message and you will have to go back to the hotel immediately , do you understand me? ". Everyone yelled yes and scattered in groups of more or less two or three people. The most euphoric of all was Russia waiting to tell America what he felt. He took his hand and began exploring the woods trying to find a romantic spot while America kept asking him where they were going and why they were running. Eventually Russia stopped, in his opinion he had found a perfect place.
Russia pov
After wandering the pine forest far and wide, I was able to find a place. There was this pine bigger and more isolated from the others. Since there was space between its branches and those of the others, you could admire the sun's rays that seemed to almost surround that tree, it looked like a tent where the pine was the central stick and the rays the coating of the tent, it was perfect to confess my feelings.
" Wow, "America exclaimed in amazement behind me.
"Let's go sit there," I said, pointing to the base of the pine trunk and walking over there as America followed me. I sat with my back to the trunk and America sat next to me. He rested his head on my shoulder and I rested mine on his. I could no longer hear the voices of the others, only his calm breathing and the typical sounds of the woods like the branches of the pines or the chirping of some little birds. It was just me and him, with no one to disturb us, I was almost sorry to interrupt that quiet, but I had to, nobody knew if I would have another chance. I took a deep breath and tried to compose sentences.
"Listen to me Ame ... there's one thing I should tell you." He tilted his head so he could look me in the eye and I swallowed. "I'm sorry for everything I did to you, I didn't even know what I was doing, the fact is that I was afraid of them, they seemed to know my father and I had afraid that they could tell him that I was your friend ... I know that an apology is not enough but- ". I was interrupted by America's laughter, why is it so damn melodious? How does a single laugh flood me with joy and love? "Russia, you couldn't even be called a bully, you never hit me and your insults were really dumb, and anyway ... I have already forgiven you ... "" Thanks ... there is another thing, I don't know if I will have another chance to tell you, I had to hide these feelings for too long now and I have to get rid of it ... I know that for sure I will face a lot of hatred from others but ... I don't care ". Now America was really attracted to his friend's speech, he got down on his knees and looked at me waiting for the sequel, while without knowing it his cheeks became more and more red and his heart was beating faster and faster.
"With this I want to tell you that ... that I ...".
Why couldn't I tell him?!, It was just to get these three words out of my mouth 'I love you', why?!.
"That you?" pressed America who meanwhile was being eaten by anxiety and curiosity. "That I ... well ... I ...
You know what, forget it, it doesn't matter ... "
America pov
I stood there looking at him, I couldn't understand. When we sat under this pine, I immediately thought about my drawing. I was hoping with all my heart that Russia was going to tell me something like 'I love you', but he didn't. From the way he started talking it looked like he was going to do it. He looked down as I continued to observe him and put together some details that I had noticed looking at him. His cheeks were very red, he kept playing with a hem of his shirt, an action that a person does when anxious or embarrassed, then before, he had tried to talk to me, he had stammered and
hesitated. I put the pieces together and jumped to the conclusion that I could try. If he refused me I didn't care, or rather, I did care but I had to try, after this trip I would go back to my father and I could say goodbye to my time spent with Russia forever. I took courage and took his chin by turning it so that he looked at me. "I have to tell you something Rus ...
I love you"
Russia stared at me in amazement as I grew more and more nervous about the lack of response. Then I sighed, I moved closer to his lips while continuing to look into his eyes to catch any expression that might go against that kiss. He still looked dumbfounded and so I took that signal as a yes. I kept getting closer until our lips touched. Russia jumped and I closed my eyes so as not to see his face of disgust. The kiss lasted a few seconds but for me they were centuries of peace, freedom and joy. When I broke the kiss and opened my eyes, Russia still had the same astonished expression. "So Russia ... feel the same?." Russia came to himself shaking his head and continuing to look at me, what anxiety. He smiled at me though, the sweetest and most sincere smile someone had ever given me, took my head in his hands, and came up to my lips again. I reciprocated by putting my hands around his neck as he moved his to my hips and now kissing more confidently. I couldn't believe it, the two of us, alone, kissing in a forest, just like fairy tales, just like my drawing ...
I was so happy, I wanted that time to last forever, I didn't want to go back to my daily life, I didn't want to go back to the people that the only thing who can do is judge, I wanted to stay all my life sitting under that pine snuggling with Russia. After the kiss we both moved away, continuing to get lost in each other's eyes. "Yes America, I love you too, that was what I was trying to tell you before but I was too scared and anxious ... the fact is that ... I didn't want to lose you, "Russia said, embarrassed as he scratched one hand behind his neck. I smiled and kissed his cheek, then I curled up on his warm chest and he put his arms around my body and hugged me. "But you already knew I was gay." He chuckled and then sighed. "Yes, but I didn't know if you were in love with me or not ... you too had this doubt ... right?". I thought about it and then nodded, he was right, I too had had many doubts.
He caressed my shoulders as I settled on his chest. "So we're officially together?"
Third person pov
Russia thinks about it before smiling and replying: "If you're ready, yes, I'd love to." America laughed and Russia sighed, the first was too happy to think about the consequences of their actions, while Russia was very worried. What would his father think? And the others? Just thinking about others' opinions about their relationship made his head spin. For the moment he preferred not to think about it and enjoy those few quiet moments he could have spent with America.
China pov
"Come on Vietnam, trust me," I said as I held out a hand. "O-ok". He took my hand and I helped him climb. We had moved away from everyone else and especially from Canada, as I said, I didn't want him to hurt Vietnam, my precious Vietnam. I had found this little hill where could have been at peace only the two of us. Arrived above you could see more or less all. I sat down and began to gaze at the fantastic landscape below us. A light breeze was blowing in that moment. Vietnam sat next to me to admire the whole forest, but I couldn't understand a thing. Whenever I was with him and looked at him, I felt my heart beat so fast that if he could he would have burst. His smile, and his way of doing things, a mixture between a tsundere with others and between a very sweet boy when it was just the two of us. I felt that it didn't matter anything more when he was close to me, I wouldn't lose him for any reason in the world. I put my hand on his and he turned to look at me in surprise. In response I smiled at him, maybe if I had told him, I would have found that he felt the same too. He smiled at me and moved even closer to me, taking my hand and resting his head on my shoulder. He was so tender and he was much more defenseless than he led others to believe. "Vietnam, I have to confess something." "Mhm?". I swallowed.
"We have been friends for so long and ... I loved the moments we spent together ... I want to have more of that but ... I want them to be more than just moments with my best friend ... what I mean Vietnam is that I want the two of us to be more than best friends, if you want to ... what do you think? ". He looked somewhat shocked and very agitated.
"I don't know China ... I have to think about it ... I don't know if I like girls or boys yet...". My smile went out and I looked down, letting go of his hand. "Okay if you don't feel the same and don't want to offend me, you can reject me" I said trying to stay as sweet and peaceful as possible while inside my heart it shattered and I was barely trying to hold back my tears. "I don't want to offend you China and I just ... I always thought I liked girls but to be honest ... I never felt anything towards one of them .. . actually I've never felt anything for anyone ... ". My soul rejoiced a little by hearing him say those words. I looked beneath us as he tried to find the right words to continue and saw what I never expected until this morning. Russia and America kissing, close to each other, smiling between kisses. I kept looking at them astonished and jealous, they seemed to be so in love with each other. I didn't understand why between those two it could work and between me and Vietnam not?!.
"China the fact is that ... you have given serious problems to my heterosexuality." I jumped and turned to see a very agitated and embarrassed Vietnam. "And from some time, when I am near you, I feel something strange in me ... I turn red and my breath becomes heavier ... ". I couldn't believe it, maybe there was hope then.
"But I want to be sure ... before I say yes to you." I looked back to Russia and America who were now cuddling themselves sitting with their backs against a pine tree, still smiling. I strongly believed that I too was one of the reasons why their love could not blossom sooner, and therefore I wanted to work hard to make up for my mistakes. I let out a laugh mixed with a sigh as I looked Vietnam in the eye.
"I will do my best to make you gay, understood?". He went all red and nodded as I with my arm that was around his body, I stroked his back to comfort him. Our tender moment was interrupted by footsteps on the side of the mound behind us. I left Vietnam and approaching cautiously to a ledge, I looked out and managed to glimpse a hat that I had already seen. "Canada" I thought scared and irritated, why again him?!. He wasn't climbing the mound though, he was going around it and seemed to go right in the direction where Russia and America where. I didn't even want to think about what would have happened if he had caught them hugging, I had to intervene. "Vietnam we have to do something," I said holding out my hand so that he would grab it once again. "I-in what sense ?, if he sees us it will hurt us for sure, and especially if it sees us together. "" Yes but I don't want him to surprise Russia and America, I feel that it is partly my fault if the two of them have never been able to get to know each other, and now that they are doing it I want to prevent any outside distraction from interrupting them. " Vietnam was surprised by my heroic tone (I don't know why but I was about to write erotic), his face was stunned but his expression became determined, he took my hand and we both slipped off the mound. When we got down Canada he had almost turned the hill. "Hey, homophobe look here~" I yelled pointing at our hands that were held tightly in each other. He turned and looked at us first in shock and then little by little his expression turned into one of pure disgust and anger. "I told you not to be seen with him again" he shouted, approaching threateningly. "You can't give me orders" I yelled angrily, but when I saw how much
he was close, I thought of Vietnam, nothing should happen to him. I started running dragging Vietnam who had been petrified watching Canada approach. We were running as fast as we could and I could hear Canada's footsteps getting faster and closer, it was also logical with those legs. Canada was the biggest and tallest of all, perhaps only Russia was a little taller than him or the same, in any case he managed to intimidate anyone. While we were running however Vietnam tripped over a root and we both fell on top of each other. I got up slightly to allow Vietnam to slide and come out from under me, but when I tried to get up Canada put one foot on my back and pressed against the ground.
I heard Vietnam cry and Canada speak.
"Game over, I won".
Sorry again for the wait, I'll try to get the other chapters out soon. I can already spoil you that the remaining chapters will only be three, more or less all between 2500 words and 3500, plus a bonus chapter.
Also let me know if you want some smut, I'll list the possible ships with which to do it to keep the original story intact.
America x Russia (in the hotel room)
China x Vietnam (in the bathroom of the hotel)
Japan x South Korea (in the forest)
You can choose what you want.
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