" I wish I had understood earlier"
I that promise that I will release the chapters first,
always me who takes more than three months
Sorry 😅
Brazil pov
"So you were telling the truth when you told me you could be my friend if I left the bullies?" I said to Argentina hopefully as he climbed up and jumped from stone to stone. "Of course, I never lie." I looked into her eyes and she blushed slightly. "That's true." I giggled and she seemed to be quite annoyed. She knew how to look after herself, she didn't need anyone to be her knight and this thing about her drove me crazy. "Well, the club broke up, it doesn't exist anymore... so now... we can be friends...? ". She got off one of the stones and walked up to me at a quick pace, almost running, grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me close to her. So close... she was staring at me in the eye with a look of someone who didn't trust too much as I looked into her emerald eyes. After a while she loosened her grip on my shirt and stepped back while continuing to look at me. I smiled at her embarrassed and all red, maybe I was a lost case, I was very clumsy and I never did anything good but at least I was determined to being better. She grinned and pulled me back to her but this time our lips touched. I was standing there not having the mental strength to reciprocate as she broke that kiss after a few seconds. I touched my lips hoping it wasn't just one of my usual dreams. I felt it, it absolutely must have happened. Argentina was smiling at me and for the first time I saw the sweetest smile I had ever seen, I thought I had never seen her smile, except for her usual grins, but that was different, she was also very red in the face. I returned the smile, I did not want to ruin that moment of peace. We heard a cry of despair that made us jump instantly. I was stoned, but Argentina did not hesitate to head precisely in that direction and I had no choice but to follow her.
Vietnam pov
"LET HIM GO, NOOOO" I yelled crying as Canada pressed China with his foot against the ground. Why was he doing this? We haven't done nothing to him and he didn't seem to be avenging his brother. Something could be seen in his eyes and that something was pure joy in hurting us, in seeing us suffer. I couldn't accept it, but I couldn't deny that we did it too, we also had fun hurting other countries, maybe we deserve it but I couldn't look at China. A scream of pain emanating from China brought me back to reality and I looked up, if I had known it before I would never have done it. Canada had crushed him into the ground with his elbow, like in wrestling, and Canada was very strong, then he had lifted him and threw him into a trunk. China's screams and my cries of despair echoed throughout the forest around us and I doubted no one was hearing us. Canada punched China in the stomach who no longer had the strength to scream. I wanted to help him but how could I do?!. I was not strong, I was short, thin and weak, all I could do was run as far as possible and go to call someone, but I couldn't leave China there and above all I was too scared to move.
"V-Vietnam...". I looked up and saw China that had been bumped into another tree and was looking at me with eyes swollen with tears and blood pouring from his mouth. He could no longer even stand on his feet from how powerful and painful the blows of Canada had been and he did not seem to stop.
"R-run... f-fast". I looked him straight in the eye, Canada was close to killing him and I wouldn't have allowed it. I flung myself in front of the body of China who had dropped almost lifeless to the ground. I took him and hugged him to my chest as tightly as possible, so that Canada couldn't do anything to him anymore. He looked at me trying to figure out what I was doing, but I answered him before he could ask me.
"Don't worry ... everything will be okay, I won't let him give you more blows. "China shook his head." No... y-you have to go... he will hurt you too... and I don't want... I love you and I want you to get out of this situation unscathed".
I watched him as he cried and more and more blood was pouring from his mouth. I took his head and kissed him on the forehead, tears ready to come out like a swallow river while Canada was now behind me. " I love you too China... I wish I had understood earlier... I didn't want all this to happen"." Little ones, no one would have accepted you here, so if I kill you at least you can be together in the afterlife haha "Canada said laughing like a madman in the last part. I squinted and hugged China to me, ready to take the blow but it didn't come.
Third person pov
Canada was thrown into a tree very violently, banging its head and feeling confused for a few seconds. When he came to his senses, he looked up and his eyes widened in surprise. In front of him was Argentina preparing to hit him again, she wouldn't let him kill anyone, no matter how big Canada was, she was agile, she could have beaten him. Canada lunged at her ready to punch her but she dodged and Canada staggered forward, but did not lose his balance and did not fall to the ground, turned even more angry. It was not from Canada to behave like this, he had always been kind to everyone, he had never taken part or started a fight, it was hard to believe and to see him do such a thing. Who knows if what he had been wearing until now was just a mask, a cover, to hide a monster, or if something had happened and changed him so drastically...
Canada jump to Argentina which dodged once again but this time it didn't work. He grabbed her arm and threw her to the ground with all his strength, so hard that even pieces of earth flew. Argentina screamed in pain and tried to get up as fast as possible but could no longer feel his body so much had been strong the impact. On the other side, Brazil looked at the scene scared and astonished, he did not have the necessary strength, neither mentally nor physically to go there and protect Argentina. He wanted to scream very loud to distract Canada, but his mouth just didn't want to know. Meanwhile Vietnam had brought China close to Brazil, and precisely behind the rock next to him. He still had him in his arms, not wanting to leave him for any reason in the world, he was afraid that if he did, he would leave him. Tears fell from his eyes once again as he stroked China's cheek with one hand, Vietnam's eyes closed. "Hey, thank goodness there was Argentina right?, I would never have had the strength to fight Canada". But no response came from China. "Hey... China... can you hear me...". Vietnam tried to shake and talk to China but nothing, he didn't move an inch. Vietnam was afraid, afraid of having lost him forever, and at the thought he began to shake like a leaf at the mercy of the wind. It was only his fault that China was reduced to that state, if only he had been braver and stronger all this would not have happened and Argentina now would not had to intervene to protect them. "I'm a failure...".
"STOP DODGING" Canada yelled making Vietnam stick out of the rock to analyze the situation. Argentina, failing to get back on its feet, had the idea of rolling away just as Canada jumped on her to hit her like in the fight. But when Argentina had dodged, a very sharp stone came out and Canada, who had already thrown himself, took it in full, causing it to enter his arm.
"AAAAAH" he screamed in pain as Argentina got up and back into position and looked for something to fight him. Meanwhile Canada had removed the stone and now more irritated than before, he approached threateningly to Argentina that looking into his eyes had felt an emotion unknown to her: the fear of her opponent.
"ARGENTINA, RUN" Brazil screamed scared and weeping, if only he could stop him. Argentina tried to escape but stumbled on a rock and fell to the ground, stones entered her skin, making small holes from which a few drops of blood came out. She tried to get up again but Canada grabbed her foot and took her in her arms and looked at her with a grin. "I think I won." Argentina had never felt so much fear in his life. Canada started to laugh and as he took her, he slammed the girl's back against his knee, making Argentina scream in pain. "NO PLEASE LET HER GO" shouted Brazil also trying to take a few steps forward. Canada smiled at him and then slammed Argentina into a tree and started punching her in the stomach. "PLEASE STOP" shouted Vietnam who couldn't stand someone else losing their lives because of him. "STOP" Brazil yelled , but he stood still there, afraid to take a few more steps. Meanwhile Argentina could no longer stand up, blood was coming out of the wounds caused by the stones and from her mouth a mixture of blood and saliva was running down her dress. She suddenly collapsed to the ground and closed her eyes, no longer moving.
"NOOO" shouted Brazil dropping to the ground on his knees, he couldn't believe it and didn't want to, but he had to. Argentina was slumped against the tree, motionless, covered in blood and with her eyes closed. "It's not possible" Vietnam whispered as he began to sob harder and harder. Canada turned and looked at them with a smile as wide as his face and walked over to Brazil who was standing there staring at Argentina's helpless body. "Goodbye," he said as he prepared to punch Brazil. Vietnam had enough and tried to get up, placing China behind the rock and coming out. "Oh look who has finally decided to come out." Vietnam stepped in front of Brazil, staring Canada straight in the eye, trying not to let fears show through his actions.
"Oh well let's get it over with," Canada said, raising his fist to the sky. Vietnam wanted to escape but his legs didn't move. The punch went off and Vietnam narrowed his eyes as before and just as before the blow did not come. There was a loud bang like something slamming and when Vietnam opened his eyes he saw Canada fall forward unconscious. Vietnam then looked up in disbelief and saw the last few people he would expect. Russia and America were right behind Canada, gasping for breath and eyes filled with fear, surprise and dismay. Russia had a very large branch that he had surely found nearby. Vietnam couldn't believe it and he too fell to the ground without strength, why when he decided to sacrifice himself for someone, something else prevented him?...
Russia pov
As my new boyfriend and I were snuggling against that pine tree trunk, we heard a scream, and it must have been someone who was crying or in pain. I looked America in the eye and he nodded, realizing what I was going to tell him. We got up and both ran to where that scream came from, as fast as we could. When we arrived we were stunned, unable to believe it. Argentina was slumped to a tree covered in blood while Canada was ready to punch Vietnam and Brazil. I looked at America who looked very surprised and scared, we both didn't expect Canada to do such a thing. I looked for anything, any object for stop him and after a while I saw a big branch, I could have stunned Canada with this. I didn't think about it for a second longer, I took the trunk and approached Canada stealthily followed by America even though I would have preferred him to remain hidden. As soon as I was close to him, I lifted the trunk into the air and hit Canada's head hard enough to make him pass out, I didn't mean to send him into a coma, America would be sad and I didn't want to see even a hint of sadness on his little face. Canada fainted and fell forward, I checked I hadn't hurt him while America went to help Vietnam and Brazil. "WHAT HAPPENED ?! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BROTHER?".
Brazil who had remained motionless until now came to his senses and ran as fast as he could towards Argentina, took her body in his arms and hugged her very tightly, crying and whispering. "It was my fault, if only I had helped you Argentina ... you're right I'm a coward and a fool "." No... you are not..."
Vietnam said getting on his knees." It was my fault... if only I were stronger... Argentina and C-China... they shouldn't have risked their lives to protect me. " America looked at him in amazement and fear. "What has Canada done to you and where is China?" he said, looking away from Vietnam to Canada. Vietnam wiped his tears with the sleeve of his sweatshirt and pointed to a stone. "Back there, but be careful, he's hurt and... a-and he's not moving".
America looked at me and I nodded, got up and ran to the stone where I found China motionless. I took and brought him close to the others while in the meantime Vietnam explained what had happened, how Canada had insulted and beat them because they were gay and how Argentina had tried to fight Canada. I watched America's expression as Vietnam told him what had happened. He was visibly worried and even angry, knowing that his brother had gone that far most likely irritated him, as had happened to me and Ukraine when I became a bully. "Canada never behaved like that or am I wrong?" I said out of the blue. America looked down and sighed. "The week before the trip he threatened me to tell my dad I was gay and he also said it was wrong to be it... he'd never done that... I don't know what got into him, I thought my father had brainwashed him but maybe ... something else happened ... ".
" WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS !, WE MUST TAKE THEM TO THE PROFESSORESSES "shouted Brazil running towards us with the body of Argentina in his arms. I nodded. "Vietnam you will bring China while I bring Canada since it is bigger and heavier". He let out a faint "ok" and I passed him China then took Canada off the ground and put it on my shoulders. As we walked briskly towards the hotel, I couldn't help but think that the trip was over now and that they would obviously make us go home. So my time with America was coming to an end, we would no longer be able to see each other, because of his homophobic father, I wanted to spend every second left with him.
Arrived at the hotel we ran to look for the teachers and when they saw the bodies of our friends dirty with earth and blood, they immediately took us to the infirmary while the other wrote to all the students to return immediately to the hotel and pack their bags. Arriving at the infirmary, we put the bodies on the beds while a doctor quickly entered with a bag where inside, I presume, were the objects he needed for the examination. He told us to go out and the teachers sent us out of the room. "I CAN'T, I HAVE TO KNOW HOW ARGENTINA IS". "AND I WANT TO STAY CLOSE TO CHINA". The teachers pushed Vietnam and Brazil out of the way despite their protests.
"We'll tell you later, go pack your bags while I alert everyone's parents." And so we went back to the main room while another teacher was making roll call. "Ah here you are, you are all there, go pack your bags, we will leave as soon as we ascertain the conditions of your companions," she said, heading towards the infirmary. All the others stared at us with a curious look, wanting explanations and we then told them everything. They were all stunned, a bit like us and I think the most incredulous of all was America, not even he imagined that his brother could have this bad side or maybe...
That wasn't him.
Third person pov
All the countries went to their rooms in silence. But there was someone who during the hike in the forest had come up with a plan to get her revenge and would not let this opportunity pass.
Forgive me again for all the time it took, since during the videolessons I am bored I decided to write during these, especially the ones where I have already been questioned, there are just two chapters left and I hope not to take another five months. Since I hadn't drawn an image, I put the last meme I animated with my favorite haikyuu character, Yamaguchi. I know he is a secondary character but i love him sooooo much.
Now a photo of my favorite ship TSUKKIYAMA
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