Friday: Don't call him pig
Russia pov
As soon as I arrived at school I immediately went to my class, luckily they were all there, even America who was talking to Italy. This meant that the bullies hadn't beaten him, better, I didn't want to see another scene. As soon as I sat down America greeted me as usual and I returned, then Canada called him close to him and so America got up. I kept looking at him with my head resting on my elbow while with the other I was twirling a pencil. Canada began to speak to America that returned in his place without speaking, and this made Canada very irritated. I almost wanted to ask him what had happened but I wasn't his friend or at least not yet, then someone could have seen me so I just watched him while he was scribbling on a piece of paper until the prof came in.
Time skip to the half of the fifth hour
America pov
What a bore, another five-hour day, at least it's almost over and then we could go home, there are only two days left and then TRIIIP. Obviously I wasn't listening to science class, who's listening to sciences, so I started drawing. Initially I drew planets but then I don't know why I decided to also draw myself and Russia sitting on the stars holding hands. I forgot that Russia was sitting next to me but I think he was sleeping like everyone else, so the professor was explaining stuff that only interested her and so she didn't notice that nobody listened to her.
The bell rang and everyone woke up from their sleep, I took the drawing and put it in a book which I then put in my backpack.
We all came out of the class and I went to my brother, I was happy and I didn't want to ruin my day but as soon as I got close to him I didn't see Italy and Greece and I started to worry.
"Sorry but where are Italy and Greece?"
Russia pov
Strangely, Vietnam and China had decided to take a day off. I was so happy and relaxed, I shouldn't have seen poor America being teased. Indeed it seemed too strange to me that China and Vietnam were not there, so I decided to take a ride to find them. First I made sure that America was safe next to his brother and then I went to look for them.
Italy pov
I was walking with Greece to the exit talking about random things. I loved her voice, it was so melodious and sweet and her smile was simply the most beautiful thing I could wish for. I wanted to ask her to go out Saturday afternoon, obviously as friends, I was too shy to ask for a date. "Listen, Greece, you would like-"
"Look who's walking around the school ~" someone said behind us and there was Germany looking at us with a grin, but his eyes didn't seem to express emotions. Behind him there was Spain and I felt sadness, hatred and disgust every time I saw him. Germany grabbed me by the neck, lifted me and threw me against the wall while Spain was pushing Greece to the ground. My head hurt and my eyes were closed while I massaged myself. When I opened my eyes I saw Germany in front of me laughing and calling us losers and slippery. Turning to look at Greece I saw with horror that Spain was about to punch her, his pupils were dilated and his grin was huge, he looked like a homicidal madman. Without thinking twice, I threw myself in front of Greece and took a straight fist on my cheek. Spain looked at me in shock, stepped back and then ran away, while I looked at him a little astonished and a little disappointed. Strangely, Germany also began to follow Spain but stopped next to me as Greece approached me. Germany turned to me, laughed and then kicked me in the stomach.
"NOOOOO" I heard Greece screaming as I collapsed on the ground curled up. My chest hurt and I couldn't breathe. I felt hands shaking me and I heard Greece calling me crying. After a while I calmed down and managed to breathe normally while Greece kept crying and shaking me. As soon as I sat down she hugged me so hard that I couldn't breathe again and cried, wetting my shirt. It didn't bother me in fact, I liked that she worried about me even though I was sure she only saw me as a friend. "Calm Greece is all right," i said stroking her back to calm her. She took my face to be able to look better at the bruise that had formed on my cheek. "It hurts you real?" "Don't worry, I'm fine." Greece did not seem reassured but she sighed and smiled at me, that smile made me forget some of the pain. "Thank you Italy but you didn't have to protect me." I smiled at her "I don't want anyone to hurt you". She started crying again and hugged me and we stood on the floor for about a minute, then I got up and helped Greece too.
"Let's go to the others," she said, taking my hand and starting to head for the exit. I blushed and thought it was the perfect time to ask her to go out. "Greece, what would you say if we went for a walk in the park on Saturday afternoon?". She immediately smiled and nodded. "I would like very much, at what time?" "At 5:30 in front of the park entrance is it ok for you?" I was really happy that she accepted even though it wasn't a date.
"Of course," she said as we reached the exit where everyone was still there, most of them talking about the trip. We went near America, Canada, Ukraine and Kazakhstan and started going out but we heard someone running towards us and as soon as we turned around ...
Russia pov
I had been walking through the school corridors for five minutes but there was no sign of those two. I was about to turn back when I heard someone speak. As soon as I turned the corner I saw Japan and South Korea with bruises and cuts. I don't know why but I went near them to help them, it was logical that China and Vietnam had struck them and from the cuts they had a scissors or something sharp as a knife. As soon as I was close to them, South Korea, who was standing up, ran over to me and pushed me to the ground making me fall. "DON'T TRY TO CLOSE YOUR VISCID BULLY" shouted South Korea going to Japan and taking her by the hips, he lifted her. They both started for the exit, South Korea had an arm around Japan to keep her close. Tears bathed my face, I watched them go, then Japan stopped to look at me. "I don't understand why America wants to make friends with a lousy person like you." After that the tears flowed like a river in full from my eyes. I started running towards the exit, covering my eyes with my hands so as not to show that I was crying but by doing so I couldn't even see where I was going and so I crashed into someone and that someone was America.
Third person pov
Before America fell Russia managed to catch him. One hand took America's side while with the other hand he took the lower arm. Everyone was amazed but the two didn't notice, they were focused on looking straight into each other's eyes, as if they were trying to read their minds. America began to approach Russia but Russia returned to himself and turned red as a tomato. He put America back on his feet and seeing that everyone was looking at him shocked and disgusted he ran away, leaving America in disbelief.
Russia pov
I could not believe what had just happened, I had grasped America. At that moment I felt my heart beat at a thousand per hour. When we looked into each other's eyes it was as if the world around us was disappearing. I wanted to stay that way forever, I never had the chance to be so close to him. When I looked around I saw everyone else's expressions, they looked disgusted and shocked. I remembered what Japan had said and started crying again. I put America straight and then ran as fast as I could out of school. After a while I heard someone calling me and turning around, there was Turkey panting.
"R-Russia, we saw the whole scene ... why didn't you let America fall?" I started to sweat and blush. "There were too many people." Turkey rolled its eyes. "Russia everybody knows you're a bully, so why didn't you drop that pig." "Don't call it a pig," I whispered softly, feeling my body full of anger. "What did you say?"" Nothing I have to go home now bye" I said before running quickly home.
America pov
While we were walking home Canada was lecturing me that I didn't send Russia to that country, but how could I? We were so close, I could feel his breath on my face, I even tried to bring my face closer to his to kiss him. I didn't care if everyone was there, in fact I wanted to let everyone know how I felt about him. Unfortunately he had run away.
Portugal pov
I heard someone crying as I walked in the garden at the back of the school and to my surprise I found Spain. He was crying, clinging to his knees, murmuring something incomprehensible and then burst into tears. I loved Spain and spied on him secretly without being seen. I knew how much he cared about Italy, I loved his madness, and I wanted that crazy love to be addressed to me. I wanted to go near him, in the end I'm one of the strongest guys, even the bullies are afraid of me, but I'm shy. I stood there staring at him with dreamy eyes until he got up and left. I followed him home to make sure he was okay and then I returned to my house where I had all the pictures of Spain on the walls that I had secretly taken. Once he had forgotten his scarf on the counter and I had taken it, every night I sleep with that scarf, to smell his perfume.
Russia pov
As soon as I got home I entered without knocking and found my father sleeping on the couch with a blanket on him. As soon as I approached to wake him up I discovered he only had boxers. WHAT THE HELL, WHY MY FATHER IS SLEEPING IN BOXER ON THE SOFA!?. I shook him and he woke up not realizing he was in boxer but as soon as he understood it he blushed a lot and ran to his room. I didn't immediately notice but the room had a strange air and who knows why my father's clothes were scattered on the floor. An idea flashed through my mind but I immediately chased it away. "It is impossible that my father and that Nazi are together, isn't it, my father is not gay right?" While I was thinking about this, my father came back with a shirt and a pair of trousers and told me to go and set the table while he picked up the clothes from the ground. My brothers also arrived and so we sat down to eat while my father took the pasta from the oven (there will only be Italian foods because I don't know other foods from other cultures). As soon as we finished eating, Ukraine called me. "Hey Russia~, look here, I took a picture of you and America~" I almost spit out the water I was drinking and looked at the photo shocked. "RUSSIA! What does this photo mean?" my father asked behind me. I swallowed, first my father looked at the photo unbelieving and then turned threateningly to me. "Russia ... how should I tell you that you absolutely can neither speak nor stay close to that capitalist pig? HE IS YOUR ENEMY!" my father shouted, banging his fists on the table. "It was an accident," I said to justify myself, then added something else softly, "Don't call him pig" "What did you say?" My father asked, "Nothing," I said and ran to my room. I locked the door, threw myself on the bed and began to cry in silence, letting large tears wet my cheeks. Why so many people hated America if he didn't do anything, I'm so sorry for him. After a while I fell asleep.
I opened my eyes and discovered that it was 18:32. I rubbed my eyes and went down into the living room, there was my father who was writing to someone and as soon as he saw me he immediately switched off the phone. My brothers were not there either, or they had left or were in their rooms. I wanted to ask my father a question: why did he hate America so much? I took courage and approached him while he looked at me with a questioning look.
"D-dad I wanted to ask you something," he nodded.
"Why do you hate America so much?", He explained everything to me very angry. "YOU NEVER NEED TO SPEAK TO THOSE CAPITALISTS, THEY ARE THE CHILDREN OF UK AND OUR FAMILY AND THEM ARE NEVER AGREED. AMERICA IS A PIG IN ALL THE SENSES, IT IS VIZED, SCOSTUMED AND EVEN FAT ". They were the same things that China and Vietnam had said but I didn't like that they called America fat, he wasn't anymore. Finally I found the courage to defend America for once. "DON'T CALL HIM PIG, HE IS NOT FAT AND IS NOT VIZED OR SCOSTUMED". My father was initially shocked but then he became more and more angry and with all the strength he had he threw me making my head hit the wall. I felt a very strong pain as my vision grew more and more blurred, I heard my father speak but it was as if he were moving away until I heard and saw nothing more.
I'm sorry if it took me so long, but unexpected things happened, so I didn't feel writing. I hope you like this chapter, for once maybe there's a pretty decent title.
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