As soon as they stepped out of the building all hell broke loose. Thankfully more men had arrived to keep the paparazzi away. They drove off heading home, happy to have finally put the culprits behind bars.
"How are you feeling love?" Lincoln asked Mel sitting down next to her on the bed.
Ever since he took her home, she had refused to leave the room, paranoia setting in after Chris's last words to her. Lincoln was patient with her knowing what she had gone through when she was young.
"Melinda!" He called out to her pulling her out of her thoughts.
"Hmmm," she answered turning to look at him.
He scooped her up in his arms carrying her towards the bathroom.
"What are you doing Linc?" She asked panicking.
"Bathing you. Then afterwards taking you out. You could use some fresh air."
"That's final, no arguments. Think about our children," he said silencing her with his last statement.
"Thank you," she whispered as they walked into the kitchen until they reached where everyone was enjoying themselves.
"Oh my gosh. She lives!" Ethan gasped dramatically.
This earned him a glare from Linc, wiping off the expression on his face making Mel giggle before breaking into a fit of laughter. Linc looked at her surprised before a smile broke on his face. Greeting everyone warmly she pulled Zach into her lap holding him tightly.
"You know Mel, we missed you," Ethan said softly.
"Geez Ethan, I didn't know you cared. All along I thought you just wanted me around so you could use my son to get dates," Mel said making everyone laugh at his surprised expression.
"Hey, that was a one-time thing!" He said defensively.
"And what about the grocery store?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.
"That never happened," he blushed making everyone laugh.
"It's good to see you alive and kicking dear," Charles finally said after giving the children room to tease each other.
"All thanks to your love and support," she said with a warm smile.
"How is the world taking your return from the dead?"
"I should do this sometime soon. I got to see those who are loyal to me."
"Don't you even dare do such a thing," Rebecca cried out.
"I must agree with mother," Ethan said shocking everyone.
"You never agree with mother," Megan said trying to hide her smirk.
"I wasn't finished," he stated. "Now as I was saying. I agree with mother dearest. I had to miss a couple of meetings because we had to stay under lockdown. And don't get me started on your company, how you manage to still have time for us is a miracle."
"And by meetings you mean?" Lincoln asked him.
"Don't be a wise guy, bro," Ethan said with a cheeky grin.
Enjoying the rest of their day, they relaxed enjoying each other's company.
Mel's stomach growled in protest.
"I'm going to get something to eat," she told him knowing he would start worrying if she just left him unannounced, talk about being overprotective.
"No, I'll get someone to bring you some food," he said stopping her.
"Very well," she said all too sweetly giving him a look that spoke volumes.
His family left after lunch whilst Zach was in the playroom, Linc found Mel back in their room.
"What was that look you gave me at lunch?" He asked her angrily forgetting to not mess with a hormonal woman.
"Don't," she said holding out her hand reining in her anger. "All I wanted was to get something to eat, but you just had to be so controlling. I am not a child who needs to be told what to do especially not in front of your family."
"Mel you are being irrational," he said walking up to her.
"Irrational! You are the one being irrational. Lincoln Shields wipe that smirk off your face," she said furiously.
He reached out for her hand but she stepped away from him.
"What's the real reason you are angry love?"
"Who said I'm angry? Gosh can't you just leave me alone," she yelled trying to get past him. "Stop laughing at me!" She yelled with her lower lip trembling.
"Mel look at me," he said with a sigh gently taking her hands into his glad she allowed him to do so.
Tilting her head up he said, "I know something is bothering you, talk to me."
"I...I just want to have a normal life Linc, till when will I have people waiting on me, if I want food, I want to be the one who goes and gets it. Let me do the simple things for myself for goodness sake."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I only tolerated it because of you," she said looking away from him.
"All you had to do was tell me, not stress yourself. It's not healthy for you or the baby."
"I know. I'm sorry. Can I just get some space to do some things alone?"
"Anything for you love," he said pulling her into his arms for a hug. "Did I ever tell you how adorable you look when you're angry," he murmured making her laugh.
"I'm not angry it's just my darn hormones going haywire."
"Yes let's blame the hormones," he chuckled.
Returning to work was a nightmare as the board members were furious at not being informed ahead of time that their boss had been alive all the while.
"I do not owe any of you an explanation. All you must know is that I was protecting my family. If you have a problem with that, there is the door." He paused for effect as they stared at him. "Now back to business. I know my wife has done an excellent job while I was away. However we will be experiencing a few losses here and there, mostly incompetent workers and associates who tried to sell information to rival associates. Everything should be alright after I am done with these minor issues. Good morning ladies, and gentlemen," he said getting up and leaving the room.
"It feels good to have you back darling," Mel said walking into his office and handing him some files.
"It does feel good, but it just got better," he said pulling her into his arms to kiss her.
Someone clearing their throat interrupted them making Linc growl as he pulled apart from her lips.
"Sire you have a meeting in five minutes," Ken said nervously.
"You interrupted me for..." He was silenced by Melinda as she squeezed his arm. "I'll be out shortly," he grumbled.
"That's much better," Mel said sweetly. "Now come on boss we have a meeting to attend to," Mel said turning to leave his office. He pulled her back into his arms ravishing her lips once more.
"Lincoln we have a meeting to attend."
"They can wait," he said pinning her against the desk.
She left the office to go get some lunch for Linc and herself. Walter had assigned two of his men to chaperone her. As she was walking down the street she couldn't help but feel that someone was following her but let it pass blaming it on her overactive imagination. Sitting in the cafe and waiting for her order to be ready she chose a seat by the window. Looking outside she looked on as people passed by rushing for lunch or heading back to work. Her view was however blocked by a scruffy-looking individual. Upon turning around Mel took a closer look at the man. Her body became rigid in fear as the man gave a smile that sent a chill down her spine. She couldn't react as the man walked away leaving her paralyzed in fear.
"Mam, are you alright?" The guard said.
Looking at his partner for help, they quickly called Walter. A few minutes later Lincoln stormed into the cafe looking both worried and beyond angry.
"What happened?" He asked her security detail.
"We...we don't know sir. She was just sitting down then went into shock after a homeless man smiled at her."
"What homeless man? What did he look like?"
"We..we did not get a good look at him, sir," one of them mumbled.
"Get me the security footage," he said to Walter before turning to Mel.
"Sweetheart, look at me," he said gently crouching down beside her.
He had to force her to face him only to see her lips moving. Leaning towards her so he could make out what she was saying.
"He is supposed to be locked away." She mumbled repeatedly rocking back and forth, clutching herself.
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