Chapter 4
"Hello, Vivian. How about we get out of here and I will take you to a real restaurant?" Oliver suggested.
As expected, no response.
After all, he was only talking to himself.
Finally, Oliver decided to stop practicing his plans to approach the mysterious girl. Although she previously revealed her name, Vivian was still a mystery to him.
He stared at her through the café window. Her loose black hair messily covered her face as though she had just gotten out of bed.
Her words from last night echoed through his mind: 'Perhaps next time you'll be the one to approach me, eh?'
Oliver never had the chance to respond, but he knew what she wanted.
Vivian was giving him the chance to make the first move...which is why he found himself preparing to charm the girl.
Pretending to be a charming and confident man was very out-of-character for the awkward teen.
"It's all or nothing," Oliver hyped himself.
He opened the wooden door to the isolated café. Naturally, his legs directed him toward Vivian.
He stood at the table and stared.
Finally, he was able to see her beautiful face up close.
He examined her concentrated eyes, her lips pressed in a thin line. Her shaky hands scribbled across a journal. She was oblivious to him.
However, Oliver could never be oblivious to her. Vivian's presence demanded to be acknowledged.
"You finally got the courage to approach me," he heard. "Oliver has just walked five feet across this shitty café to speak to me. I feel so special," the sarcastic girl smiled.
Vivian smiled.
Not a smirk
But an open-mouthed smile!
Oliver cherished that moment. He would never forget it.
"Now is when you start talking..." Vivian probed.
Right. What was it he planned to say?
She feigned annoyance. "I waited for you all night, yet you don't have the decency to speak?"
Oliver's hazel eyes widened. "You waited for me?"
"Yes, I always wait for you to talk to me."
"You did not wait for me when you disappeared five days ago," he remarked.
"That's because I wanted you to know what it felt like to wait for someone."
He shifted between his bony legs. "I wish you would smile again."
"There's rarely a reason to smile," she responded.
Yet she smiled at him less than a minute ago.
He was her reason to smile.
"Are you just going to stand here, or are you too afraid?" Vivian questioned. "Please be more daring!"
Approaching to her was daring enough. What more could she want?
"You want me to be daring? You're one to talk." Oliver mentally scolded himself at his remark. He worried that his comment offended her.
Vivian lifted an eyebrow. "I am way more daring than you, Oliver."
"If you're so daring, then stop ordering the same beverage all of the time."
"I can say the same to you, Mr. black coffee."
"How do you know I only drink black coffee?"
"You have coffee breath."
Oliver froze. How could he have been so stupid? He drank black coffee for goodness sake! His breath was bound to develop a stench. How could he have forgotten to grab a mint?
"I'm kidding," Vivian interrupted his inner turmoil. "You ordered it yesterday during Twenty-one questions."
"O-oh yes I remember."
"You do kind of smell like coffee though."
She chuckled when the boy covered his mouth. "No need to hide your breath. I've already gotten used to your scent."
He embarrassingly retracted his hand.
Time to change the subject, Oliver.
"Perhaps, we both can get drinks we've never tried before," he nervously suggested. "We can be daring together."
Vivian stared. Her eyes bored into his at the simple suggestion.
Was he being too bold? Did he ask for too much?
Her scruntiny felt like eternity.
Vivian stood to examine the menu pasted on the wall. Oliver trailed behind her.
"Black tea," Vivian blandly told the blonde behind the cash register.
"Oh no Vivian," Oliver interjected. "You always drink black tea. You said so in that ridiculous Twenty-one questions game."
She looked taken aback. "You remembered?"
"I always pay attention to you, Vivian."
Her dark eyes carefully observed every ounce of the boy, making him squeamish.
Oliver wished he could turn away, but the only thing he could do was stare back into those hard-judging midnight eyes.
"Helloooo," a voice interrupted. "Am I interrupting your moment, or are you ready to order?"
The two turned to see an annoyed-looking Miranda.
"Right," Oliver coughed. "We will order a-"
"Don't bother," Miranda interjected. "I heard you two wanted to try something new, so I've saved you the trouble of deciding what to order," she slid a tray of two beverages.
Vivian peered. "What is it?"
"They are marble mocha macchiatos. It's got three layers: the bottom layer has one type of mocha, the middle layer is milk, all topped with espresso and another type of mocha."
The young barista amusedly stared at the couple's confused expressions. "It's perfect for beginners. Trust me."
Oliver reached for his wallet when he felt a tug at his arm. He froze at the jolt of electricity.
"We don't have to pay, right Miranda?" Vivian hinted.
The blonde girl sarcastically beamed. "Of course I will let you have these drinks for free, on the house! I am willing to lose any money to pay for my college courses so you and your new boy toy can drink and stare into each other's fatigued eyes," seethed Miranda.
"I knew you weren't all that bad. Come on Oliver," Vivian steered him away, beverage tray in hand.
"I was being sarcastic," called Miranda.
Neither Vivian nor Oliver acknowledged the barista. Oliver was on cloud nine with Vivian's arm looped around his own. The love-sick boy did not even realize the two had reached their designated table.
"Are you going to sit or-"
"Y-yes," he pulled out the wooden chair with a loud and obnoxious screech.
"It looks weird," Vivian's nose scrunched as she examined the new beverages.
"Oh just try it," the barista yelled from across the room.
"She's right, Viv," Oliver added.
"Viv..." Vivian repeated. "Nicknames, huh? I think you're getting too comfortable, Olive."
He gave her a nickname out loud? It must have slipped out.
Still, she also gave him a nickname: Olive.
From now on he would respond to Olive.
"Let's make a toast, Olive."
What should they toast about?
'I heard you two wanted to try something new,' Miranda's voice echoed.
"Let's toast to new beginnings," Oliver decided.
"Cheesy," Vivian muttered. "To new beginnings, indeed."
And with that, they drank.
The warm and creamy liquid flowed down their throats. Flavors of hazel, chocolate, and...cinnamon was it?
"That hit the spot," Vivian moaned as she set down her emptied cup.
Unlike Vivian (who always seemed to be in a rush), Oliver liked to savor. He took small sips and valued time to appreciate what he consumed. Although he had not yet finished, he very much enjoyed the drink.
But Vivian didn't need to know that.
He pushed his mug in her direction. "You can have the rest. I forgot I'm lactose intolerant," he lied.
"Thanks a lot," she grabbed the cup, taking one big gulp. "I didn't know you were lactose intolerant."
Truthfully, he was not lactose intolerant.
But he'd do anything to make Vivian happy,
Even if that meant giving up the best drink he's ever had.
"I should go home now. I promised my parents I would help them organize."
Yes, Oliver's parents were night owls and early risers, just like him.
It was a shame. He truly did not want to leave Vivian.
"That's fine, Oliver. I've got to chat with the waitress anyway."
An actual conversation between Vivian and Miranda? Based on their constant bickering, the two girls did not get along well.
"What will you discuss, if you don't mind me asking?" He asked.
"I do mind, actually," Vivian deadpanned.
There he went, messing things up again.
"Hey," she touched a curly tendril on his head, a gesture that put him at ease. "I'll see you tomorrow, yes?"
"Yes," Oliver sighed. The warmth of her hand comforted him. "I suppose I will leave then."
"Mhm. There is no point of staying here without my amazing company," she joked.
"Um, right here Oliver!" Miranda obnoxiously waved from across the café. "Remember me? I'm the nice and caring employee who comforted you when Vivian literally abandoned you a few days ago!"
Vivian rolled her eyes. "I can come up with words other than 'nice' and 'caring' to describe you, Miranda. Annoying, perhaps?" She turned to smirk at the innocent looking boy. "Bye, Olive."
So pretty.
Oliver shook from his trance and stumbled out of the door.
Vivian watched his retreating figure, shaking her head with a subtle grin.
"Such a strange boy."
Author's Note
This chapter feels unnecessary long, but I'm a sucker for detailed dialogue. Please vote and/or comment. Most importantly, take care of yourself x.
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