Troublesome Talk
Leon stumbles forward. "But how? But why!?" Leon crumbles to the floor, not able to meet his younger brother's eyes.
"Why? How? That's the only thing you ask me!? Not, 'how are you?' or 'did you enjoy Unova?'. That's disappointing." Hop frowns. He walks over to Leon, still with a small smile on his face. Victor stays silent, still not knowing how to react.
"Little brother... I miss you." Leon mutters, trying to appeal to Hop's demands of affection.
"Miss? I'm right here so look at me!" Hop grabs Leon's face, forcing them to link eyes. Terror and despair oozes out from Leon's yellow eyes.
"Brother... Please, stop..." Leon mouths. Victor taps his foot against the floor three times, eyes not moving from the scene.
"No thank you. I- Hey!" On command, Victor's Cinderace yanks Hop away from Leon.
"Don't hurt him!" Leon blurts out, reaching out his arm. Hop struggles slightly to Cinderace's grasp and doesn't react to Leon's comment.
"Cinder, please be a bit more gentle." Victor says in a soft tone. "He's a human so you must hold back against them." Cinderace nods and sits on one of the tables, putting the frustrated Hop onto her lap.
"Thank you." Hop smiles, looking at Victor. Victor nods, making Hop blush.
Leon scoffs, standing up. "Anyways, can you please tell me what that whole performance was for?"
"For you two." Hop keeps smiling, most of the malice seemingly gone.
"We understand that but why did you have to broadcast it to all of Galar?" Victor walks closer to Hop without fear.
"Because I needed both of your attention." Hop lies, sinking into Cinderace's fur.
"Alright. Now you have it. What's your next step?" Leon frowns.
"To be with you two! And make a name for myself here. In Unova I got basically no where besides being a scientist at two different labs. I was just one of the many medical researchers at one of them. The other one I was the main assistant but he didn't like to make his discoveries public though. I did find myself a bit though, I think."
"Then what did you find about yourself?" Leon grabs the plastic chair and sits in front of Hop, still avoiding his eyes.
"Hmm... I'll just tell you two but don't go spreading it!" Leon and Victor nod back. "Ok. I think I found out I need attention."
"Tell us the truth." Leon frowns, seeing through his brother's bullshit.
"Eck! Fine... I think I like not being controlled by oth-"
"HOP! Stop lying to us and tell us what's up with you!" Leon stands up, knocking over the chair. Hop squeeks.
"Leon, please be gentle with Hop." Victor frowns.
"I-I-I... I need to go!" Hop slips his arms out of Cinderace's loose hold. He quickly sends out his Rillaboom and bolts.
"Cinderace, use Pyro Ball please!" Cinderace does so and knock out the Rillaboom in one shot. Victor lets out a sigh, seeing Leon going after his younger brother. "Of course you have to..."
"Hop! Come back here! You know it's rude to run from a conversation!" Leon yells. Hop keeps going, knowing arguing with his older brother will do no good. Hop goes through the crowd in front of the stadium area, causing many noises. He slithers through the crowd, losing his older brother.
"Hop, did it go well?" Asked a young man.
"No... I think I scared Leon..." Hop whimpers.
"Oh well. But did you make enough of a scene?"
"Possibly. I really don't know."
"Alright. Tomorrow we'll have another broadcast. Just say something vague and go with it."
"That will make me a name?"
"If you go out with whatever you say, maybe."
"A-Alright. I'll do it sir!"
"Good. Good..."
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