79- Jo
"There's something else Jo..." Bob sighed. "All of the patterns in the bible jump off the page at me. I see every connection--it's like a Tetris puzzle and all the pieces are falling into place. I understand it from the inside now. The bible isn't merely words on a page--it's alive and active."
I mumbled, "Sharper than a two edged sword...'
Bob slapped me hard on the back and shouted, "Exactly... the government thinks they won. As it says in, "The Book of Revelation," Satan is pulling out all the stops because he knows his time is short."
"So what do we do Bob? How do we begin to tell the world? No one will believe us."
Bob became the voice of reason. "Jo, do you hear yourself? We have the Spirit of God in us. The same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead! Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world."
I couldn't believe my ears. This former nut-job, sociopath, atheist was giving me a pep talk. I opened my mother's final journal entry. It had only one word: PRAY.
Then I flipped the page and saw mom's drawings. It was a symbol of an all seeing eye with three long lashes protruding from it. (put symbol pic here.)
Bob peered over my shoulder and shouted, "That's it!"
"That's what Bob?"
Bob tooked the book from me and pointed at Mom's drawing. "It's the new regime's symbol. That is on all the Unified Government's flags, uniforms, pamphlets and vehicles."
"But how? My mom drew this symbol many years ago! How could she have known?"
Bob looked at me funny. "How can you teleport? How am I suddenly saying things like, 'Praise the Lord'? Hold on a second... " Bob ran his manicured finger over the symbol. "Six, six, six... The number of the beast!"
I looked at the drawing closely. All I saw was an eye with three long lashes. "I don't see any numbers."
Bob circled the pattern again. "That's because you are looking for them next to each other obviously--if you don't mind me saying. These are on top of one another moving to the right. See how the three sixes overlap each other and fan out?"
Once I saw the overlaid sixes I shuddered. Frantically I searched the few remaining pages of mom's journal. She had written the same thing over and over again:
"Do NOT take the mark. Do NOT take the mark. Do NOT take the mark. DON'T TAKE THE MARK! DON'T TAKE THE MARK!" The entire page was full of the same warning.
"Your mother was a seer I see."
"No way Bob! Mom was vehemently against witchcraft, psychics and all that evil stuff."
"I didn't say she was a psychic, I said seer. A seer is another word for prophet--a person of God who could foretell future events. Samuel in the old testament was called a seer."
"Oh Okay that makes sense... Yeah I suppose my mom was a seer."
Once again Bob looked at me funny. "How's your sister Beth?"
"She's not a seer if that's what you're asking." Suddenly Bob blushed.
"I mean does she ever ask about me?" Bob twisted his apron in his hands.
I couldn't believe this. Here we are on the precipice of an apocalypse and Bob is having romantic notions about Beth. "Are you kidding me Bob? It's the end of the world as we know it and you wanna date my sister?"
Bob looked forlorn. I'd hurt his feelings. Why can't I learn to shut my mouth?
Bob stammered, "I-I... I only asked how Beth is doing. We hit it off is all."
I sighed and relented. "She mentioned enjoying talking to you too. She asked me to ask you if you like her."
Bob's face brightened. "Really?"
I burst out laughing. "No Bob. This isn't the fifth grade."
Bob hung his head. "Oh..."
I could tell Bob had not had much success dating. "However she did tell me to say hello." She hadn't. Why did I lie?
A glimmer of hope. "Really?"
I smiled. "Yes Bob. I think she likes you too." Another lie. Was it though? I'd seen a spark in Beth's eye when she talked about Bob. I'd hurt him enough. Hopefully this little white lie wouldn't come back to bite me in the a-- I mean butt. I couldn't even think of a curse word!
Words floated in front of me us as movie subtitles:
There are no little white lies Jo. There are only lies. Don't you remember what it says in the bible?
Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are the dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Revelation 22:14-15
Bob looked terrified. "Are you seeing this Jo?"
I nodded slowly. A cold wind swept through the apartment sweeping the words away. The only window was closed. We felt a menacing presence with a raspy voice to match.
You are a liar Jo.
New words floated before us:
But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for the murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars, their portion will be in the late take burns with fire and sulfur...
The eerie voice spoke again, "And you Bob are a coward."
Bob clung to me. Then he let go and stuck out his chin as if to show, I aint no coward. Then he did something remarkable. Bob rebuked the devil.
"Listen, you are the Prince of lies! Jo and I are protected by the Lamb which was slain before the foundation of the world. We have humbled ourselves..." Bob looked at me and whispered, "You are humbled right Jo?"
I nodded repeatedly.
Bob continued proving his bravery. "We are submitted to almighty God. Together we resist you Satan. You must flee!"
With that the invisible evil spirit fled. The room warmed up and both of us sighed simultaneously.
"That's from James chapter 4 verse 7."
I was impressed. Not since my mother had I known someone who could quote scripture chapter and verse.
Bob collapsed onto the sofa. I sat close to him. "I did lie. Bethie didn't say 'hello.' She was sleeping when I popped here. But... I do think she likes you... because you Bob are really likable--now." I laughed.
Bob laughed too. He asked, "Would you like a nice cup of tea Jo? I made fresh blueberry scones this morning."
I shook my head in disbelief. "Who are you Bob?"
"I am a new creation in Christ sister Jo." We hugged. The Spirit of Christ flooded the apartment. Bob and I wept as we were bathed in God's love.
Once things settled down Bob looked at me intently. "You're really pretty Jo but I'm in love with Beth."
Wow, had I given Bob mixed signals? Maybe I should just take the compliment. "In love?--"
Soldiers pounded on the apartment door. The leading officer shouted in a deep husky voice, "Open up! Unified Peacekeepers at your door!"
I mouthed to Bob, "Unified Peacekeepers?" Then whispered, "They don't sound very peaceful to me."
Bob crossed to the door and did something very uncowardly. With the security chain still intact he opened it. "How may I assist you?"
My gut told me to follow Bob closely and take hold of his elbow.
As the Unified Peacekeepers burst through the door I transported Bob and myself out of there.
Bob and I plopped into a snowbank near our upstate cabin.
Bob blurted, "What the he--? He corrected himself, "Heidy ho! Where are we Jo?"
I brushed snow off of my jeans. "When will I learn to stick the landing?" I gave myself a 5/10.
Bob looked confused. "Where are we?" Bob wiped his wire rimmed glasses on his apron.
"We are off the grid buddy. Are you ready to see your crush?" I winked at Bob and pulled him toward the looming cabin in the distance..
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