1 - Late Nights
Eddie POV:
A mistake-
My eyes snap open and I fly straight up, sitting with my hands in my lap. I fidget with my fingers as I try to steady my breathing, something that's always helped me. Especially when I have... dreams. Dreams about my mom. S-She called me things... told me I was- No. It doesn't matter. It was just a dream Eddie, just a dream. You won't remember it in a few seconds, don't linger.
Shutting my eyes, I start silently counting backwards from 5 to 1. But I only make it to 3 before I see my mom yelling at me while I shrink down against the wall, helpless. New plan: keep your eyes open, and don't- what was that?
My breathing hitches as I hear a creek come from the hallway. Someone was out there. Please don't be my mom, please tell me I didn't wake her up, please don't let her catch me up-
"Eddie?" I almost don't hear. I try to focus my eyes on the now-open door in my small shared bedroom.
"Peter? Is that you"? I call out almost quieter than a whisper. I hear more creaking floor boards and then there's a weight shift on my bed. I look over to see Peter sitting down next to me, holding a small first-aid kit in his hands. It's the one we hide under the floorboards in the bathroom, for emergencies. I take it from him and he turns so his right side is facing me. Then I open the kit and pull out a mini flashlight. I switch it on, and examine Peter's wound. And yes, there's always a wound.
Peter almost always came back from somewhere at absurd hours, with either a bullet wound, stab wound, or nasty bruises and smaller cuts. And I never questioned him about it, but I always helped him clean them up. After all, I'm probably the most paranoid person on the planet when it comes to infections, germs, getting hurt, god forbid. getting sick.
-time skip-
After I carefully removed the small bullet from Peter's side with a pair of medical tweezers, then covered said part of his side in gause, and used medical tape to keep it in place. I packed up and closed the kit, leaving the two of us in silence and darkness for a few minutes.
"So... what happened this time?" I asked, still making my voice barely audible.
"I..." Peter hesitates for a second. "There was a guy with a gun-" He pauses and gestures to his side wound. "-obviously," He says and I laugh a little bit, but not too loudly. "And he was assaulting someone walking home... it was late. And, the person I saved... seemed freaked out, like they were new to the city. But the guy dragged them into an alley, though I intervened right before things could have gotten worse." Peter fidgets with a loose string on his sweatshirt. He never quite tells the rest of these stories. How he got hurt that is.
"H-How do you..." I start to ask, thinking about how Peter just... he can just go out every night, and fight crime and stuff. Like some sort of street-vigilante. Not to mention the rate at which he heals at, which is incredible.
"How do I do this every night?" He says for me, and I nod my head. Then I look at him, waiting for a response. "I-I... I dunno. I guess..." He pauses before slowly letting out a sigh. "I guess I've always wanted to set things right. I-I mean... my uncle al-always used to tell m-me..." Peter starts to shut down a little, like he always does when he talks about his family. It was a touchy subject for him, something that I can relate to.
"He... always used to say to me," Peter wipes his nose on his sleeve, but not visibly crying. "'With great power comes great responsibility', a-and I guess..." He stops for a second, but doesn't continue. I take this as a sign that he's too worn out and tired for this right now. And that's okay.
I slowly sling my arm around his shoulder, while he melts into my side. And we stay like that, Peter not bothering to go back to his own bed. Then we both fell asleep.
-time skip-
We both wake up to the sound of my alarm going off. I rush to turn it off before my mom hears, and then me and Peter get ready for the day. Then we head downstairs to make 4 lunches. One for Lucy, one for Jake, one for Amy, and then one for the two of us. We usually share a lunch, because we don't want to waste food, and use too much.
After we make breakfast for the little ones, - jam on toast, - everyone grabs their backpacks that we all packed ahead of time, and headed out.
All and all it's only a 15 minute walk from where we live to the nearest train station. Me and Peter go to the same high school, Lucy and Jake go to the same middle school, and Amy goes to elementary school. But she's too smart for 2nd grade if you ask me.
-time skip and Peter POV-
"Bye guys!" I wave goodbye to Jake, Lucy, and Amy as the doors to the subway close, watching at the twins walk with Amy between them, holding her hands. They take her to school in the mornings, considering that the middle school and elementary school are in the same building. But as for me and Eddie, the high school starts earlier, and is further away. But we always manage to get there more or less on time. That is, Eddie does. Sometimes I get held up as Spider-Man, and it's a miracle m tardy list hasn't affected my grade yet.
"-ete?" "Pete? Hello? Peter are you listening? I snap back to reality with Eddie snapping his fingers in front of my face. Yes ironic I know.
"Huh?" I ask. "Sorry I zoned out for a sec." I say, and adjust my backpack on my back.
"Oh I was just asking about the homework last night. Did we have any in Mr. Marc's class?" Eddie asks me, and I think for a second.
"Uhmm... oh! We had the worksheet at the end of class. That was homework if you didn't finish it." I tell him, and Eddie's eyes go wide.
"SHOOT! I didn't finish it! I had two problems on the back left and I forgot to bring it home! Dang it!" Eddie exclaims. I stop him before he starts rambling.
"It's okay, you can finish it in homeroom. And worst-case scenario I end up giving you the answers." I shrug it off, and Eddie takes a breath.
"Okay, okay thanks, it's just I can't fail his class. Mom would be so disappointed." Eddie goes silent, and a few minutes later the subway pulls into our stop. We both get out, and head up the stairs. From there it's a short two minute walk to get to the next train stop, which will take us straight to school. (Like the one in homecoming)
I adjust my backpack again as we walk inside the front doors of the school. A few days ago I got cut through my suit by a drunk holding a broken beer bottle, and my backpack strap kept putting pressure on it. But I try to ignore it as we walk to our lockers, and then grab our stuff for first period before heading to homeroom.
Me and Eddie don't have homework together, but other classes. We had lunch together too, and gym so that was good. But there's classes that we don't have together but Flash is in. For me that's Science, and for Eddie that's English. He loves to torment us.
"Bye," Eddie says as he makes his way further down the hall to his homeroom.
"Bye dude, see you later." I give him a mock salute which makes him smile. Then I turn and walk into my homeroom.
A few minutes after the first bell rang, the door opened. Everyone turned to see who was coming in. It was a tallish boy with curly hair and freckles all over his face. He looked a little nervous, but also confident.
"Attention class!" My homeroom teacher Mrs. Ellen claps her hands together a few times, and draws the class's attention back to her. "Today, we're getting a new student. Please make him feel welcome." Then she turns to face the new kid. She gestures for him to come in and he walks over to her, in the front of the class. "Go ahead and introduce yourself." She smiles, before going to sit back down behind her desk.
"U-Uhh... hi. I'm Richie..."
Sooooo.... what'ya think?
Also, don't expect frequent updates. I post when I have something written, but I'm currently trying to get out of a writers block for my other story I'm set on finishing so... yeah.
(iTs CalLeD Spidey Son iF yOu WaNtEd To ChEcK iT oUt...)
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