Free day...
I hadn't school today because wednesday is work experience and that will begin in two weeks. So I slept until ten, made breakfast and enjoyed my free time. Maria, who is in 5th year (although she has the same age like me), had school today so we picked up her at 12:45. Brenda wanted to show us the way by feet because in a few days we have to walk to school. It isn't a long way. Maybe 20 minutes or something like that...
When we came home, Brenda made a little snack (pizza with sausages and paprika. This combination was like my Rättchenfutter or the Sandwichkollektion :D ). After that, Peter went with us to the bus station and we went to the city center. The other streets. I told you, a few days ago, the Patrick's street (I mean, it's the Patrick's street but I'm not sure). But this wasn't all! I thought that because you can't see the main street when you stay in the Patrick's street. The main street is so much bigger and beautifuler (is that a word?! XD) than the little Patrick's street...
And do you know what? THEY HAVE A PRIMARK! And a library and a lot of book shops and cafés and bakerys and fast food and other clothes shops and and and... Oh, IT'S SO GREAT THERE!!! You can find pictures in facebook ;) But my eyes couldn't see all because it was so amazing and so... Ahhhhh, I was really flashed by that city center.
But my biggest love is the library. Since my first time in a book shop with english books, I really, really love english books. They all have a great cover and they sounds so great when you read them! I think, I will stay here for the rest of my live. Sorry Mum and Dad :P
Moment... F*ck. I forgot the Europapark. Okay, I will correct: I will stay here for the rest of my life when the Europapark moves to Cork ;)
But now back to the city center. I bought a book in one of the book shops. It calls Shiver and I think I read in Germany one time. But only the first chapters because I can't remeber the end :D The shop was a big one. Cork has also these shops which are small and untidy but soooo comfortable. I really love them...
Ah, I forgot one important thing. Cork has also an english market where you can buy food. The only time when the Queen came to Ireland, it was 2011 in Cork for the opening of that english market. But it wasn't so exciting. My new big love is the library. It is a really quiet place with so many english books that you can't stop dreaming. While our trip in the city center I had a new idea for a book because the atmosphere was really inspriationful (that isn't really english, I know, but I'm too lazy at the moment to search for the right word).
It's a big library where you also can borrow music and dvds. I falled in love with that place. But back to our little trip. We also visited the tourist office to get a map of the city center and the other library where I got the school books. I hadn't all yet but now I have all, I think. And the books are pretty expensiv! I mean, I didn't have to pay it but 34 euros for two school books? The irish familys must be rich. I think that will be nearly 100 euro every year only for the books! And then the school uniform, the copy books or the other material what you have to pay for!
But back to Cork. We went back home then. Also with the bus. Line 202. Peter said on the first day: Always remember the line 202. That's the bus to the city center.
The dinner today was like every day. To good for the world :D We had beef stew (Gulasch in german) with potatoes, vegetables (carrots and broccoli) and mushrooms. I love mushrooms... Mushrooms are the best natural food on the whole world (without meerrettich. Yes, meerrettich is the best natural food. But you don't have it in Ireland so it's mushrooms. Wait... What's with mushrooms and meerrettich. Is that a good combination? #Rättchenfuttertime XD... No, I'm NOT tired)
Ok, I will sleep now before I begin to write shit....
Grettings from Cork and all best wishes to Germany and Switzerland (and all the other countrys where you stay at the moment)
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